SSIS - SQL Server Integration Services - sql-server

I'm moving an application from an Access database to a SQL Server database.
The current Access database contains 5 'linked' Excel files (reports that come from SAP) which are refreshed daily by overwriting each file with the new SAP report. In this way, through a bunch of transformation/queries, the data ends up in the appropriate table in the way we want to store the data.
Is a setup similar to this possible using SSIS? I've watched tutorials about uploading Excel files into a table, but essentially I need to do this:
SAP Export > Save (overwrite) to Network File > MS Access link exists and new data is transformed through many 'stored procedures (action queries)' > Data moved to appropriate table.
Appreciate any YouTube/Google/Links/Reading about doing this in SSIS. Regards!


Load all CSVs from path on local drive into AzureSQL DB w/Auto Create Tables

I frequently need to validate CSVs submitted from clients to make sure that the headers and values in the file meet our specifications. Typically I do this by using the Import/Export Wizard and have the wizard create the table based on the CSV (file name becomes table name, and the headers become the column names). Then we run a set of stored procedures that checks the information_schema for said table(s) and matches that up with our specs, etc.
Most of the time, this involves loading multiple files at a time for a client, which becomes very time consuming and laborious very quickly when using the import/export wizard. I tried using an xp_cmshell sql script to load everything from a path at once to have the same result, but xp_cmshell is not supported by AzureSQL DB.
The above says that one can load using bcp, but it also requires the table to exist before the import... I need the table structure to mimic the CSV. Any ideas here?
If you want to load the data into your target SQL db, then you can use Azure Data Factory[ADF] to upload your CSV files to Azure Blob Storage, and then use Copy Data Activity to load that data in CSV files into Azure SQL db tables - without creating those tables upfront.
ADF supports 'auto create' of sink tables. See this, and this

Restore data dumped from an Oracle database instance to a SQL Server database instance?

I would like to know the steps on how to restore data dumped from an Oracle database to a SQL Server database?
Our purpose is to get data from an external Oracle database out of our organization. Due to security concern, the team that manages data source refused us to transfer data through ODBC server link. They dumped the selected tables that we need so we can restore the data in our organization. Each table's data files include .sql file to create table and constraints, a ".ctl" file, one or multiple ".ldr" files.
An extra trouble is: one of the tables contains a blob column, which stores a lot of binary data files, such as PDF etc.. This column takes most of the size of our dumped files. Otherwise I could ask them to send us data in excel directly.
Can someone give me a suggestion about what route we should take?
Either get them to export the data in an open format, or load it into an Oracle instance you have full control over. .ctl and .ldr files looks like they used the old SQL*Loader.

Copying on premise SQL server database data to Azure in Parquet format

Architectural/perf question here.
I have a on premise SQL server database which has ~200 tables of ~10TB total.
I need to make this data available in Azure in Parquet format for Data Science analysis via HDInsight Spark.
What is the optimal way to copy/convert this data to Azure (Blob storage or Data Lake) in Parquet format?
Due to manageability aspect of task (since ~200 tables) my best shot was - extract data locally to file share via sqlcmd, compress it as csv.bz2 and use data factory to copy file share (with 'PreserveHierarchy') to Azure. Finally run pyspark to load data and then save it as .parquet.
Given table schema, I can auto-generate SQL data extract and python scripts
from SQL database via T-SQL.
Are there faster and/or more manageable ways to accomplish this?
ADF matches your requirement perfectly with one-time and schedule based data move.
Try copy wizard of ADF. With it, you can directly move on-prem SQL to blob/ADLS in Parquet format with just couple clicks.
Copy Activity Overview

Update SQL Server (2014) table from an Excel email attachment

We track IPs that attack our site. First attack, we temp block them. Tf they ever attack again then we permanently blacklist them. Information for each attack by each IP is stored in perpetuum. Twice daily, reports with an Excel spreadsheet with all pertinent information is emailed to various people, and then the information is manually added to a massive spreadsheet. We've recently spun up a new box with SQL server and I've added all of the existing information to a table in the new database.
As I'm new to this, I would like to know if there is a way to send the daily spreadsheets to this new sql server and have it parse out the excel attachment and update our master tracking table. The spreadsheet will always have the same structure (15 columns and header and footer rows) with varying row quantities, and of course it matches the existing table structure.
I've been googling it and am only able to find queries (ba dum tish) on how to make SQL export to excel and send an email with Database Mail. Can't find anything on sending en email TO sql server and having it process an attachment.
You can make use of the SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS). You can write an SSIS package that import the data from the given Excel spreadsheet to a table and
then from that table you can write insert or update statements to your production table. You can use "Data Flow task" to Import the Data from the excel file and then write an " Execute SQL Task" which will update the values to Production table. Remember that you will have to keep the Excel file in the same folder all time (or else you can use dynamic statements to get the file name dynamically using Variables). Once you have completed the package you can schedule the package as an SQL Server Job which will run periodically and hence the data will be automatically updated.
Please refer this video for a basic idea about SSIS :
Import Data From Excel to SQL Server Using SSIS
Twice daily, reports with an Excel spreadsheet with all pertinent information is emailed to various people,
Try saving the File to a location and then use SSMS Export,Import Wizard ..This package can be saved and set to Run Daily
Here is a step by step tutorial covering the same..

Export excel data to sqlserver

What's the correct way of exporting data from Excel 2013 file to SQL Server database? The data from the Excel file should be transferred into SQL when saving excel file to a database.
I know many answers for this are available but my question is bit different: every time the excel data changes, or the user clicks on save button the data in the database also needs to be updated.
The easiest way to do this is with an SSIS package. SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) is a package built in to SQL which allows transformations between data formats.
You can create a package by right-clicking on your target database in SQL Server Management Studio and selecting Tasks > Import Data. In the wizard that comes up asking for a data source choose "Microsoft Excel" from the top drop-down labelled as Data Source, then follow the wizard through. You'll have the choice of importing the Excel data into a new table or mapping it into an existing table.
If you want do this programmatically, you can save your package at the end of the wizard and then invoke it via code. But that's a different question.
What you want is not possible (as long as I know off). You can use SSIS package to migrate the Excel sheet into SQL Server, but is imposible to determine if someone "click save" or do some changes on the excel file. SSIS package can be programed to run on schedule or by demand. You should investigate SSIS packages. It is not easy to learn, but do what you need.
Maybe you would like to try a tool I have developed? It's an Excel Add-In that exports Excel data to SQL Server.
There is a feature to automatically export the data to SQL Server every time you press the save button in Excel. If you need to update the database every time a cell value change, you will need to add a few lines of VBA-code that will push the data to SQL Server.
To beta testers I currently give away a free license, so if you are interested in testing it out, send me an email:)
