Kubernetes and AAD authentication - azure-active-directory

On configured AKS there is docker container with application that is using AAD authentication.
Based on this article there is also configured ingress. API is working well.
When I add to Azure Active Directory application registration reply URL with https prefix I receive error "The reply url specified in the request does not match the reply urls configured for the application". And I see that in browser address line redirect_uri is starting with http.
When I add reply URL that is starting with http, then I receive "Exception: Correlation failed".
What I have tried: Add to ingress.yaml setting ingress.kubernetes.io/force-ssl-redirect: "true"
May be there is some way to force ingress run https instead of http, or there might be some AAD redirect configuration? Any ideas?
UPDATE 2: Probably http redirect is because of ADAL.
PS: Was able to find similar topic without an answer
I have decided not to use nginx as ingress. Instead I am using now Load balancer. Soon it would be possible to use Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller

Have you tried this?
By default the controller redirects HTTP clients to the HTTPS port 443 using a 308 Permanent Redirect response if TLS is enabled for that Ingress.
This can be disabled globally using ssl-redirect: "false" in the NGINX config map, or per-Ingress with the nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "false" annotation in the particular resource.
More information on this on the Ingress documentation link.

You have to make a decision whether to use HTTPS or not. If this is just the start of a development cycle, start without it and get auth to work - but implement HTTPS as soon as possible.
AAD supports both http and https, but of course, the reply urls must be added to the application registration respectively.
As #mihail-stancescu says, ssl-redirect must be set to false, if you choose not to use HTTPS. In addition to this, you also have to ensure that your app does not make the redirect from HTTP to HTTPS.
Using curl with -L -k and -v options will give you a lot of information on what is actually happening with your requests.
When the http/https thing is solved, you have to remove any rewrite annotations you have in your ingress. (e.g. ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: / should be removed).
Now, if your ingress path to the service in question is e.g. /myservice, then the reply-url should also have that part of the path added ([host]/myservice/signin-oidc) - both in the AAD application registration and in the configuration of your app. (The path in the config should not contain the host)
If you are using https, then you must also have a proper certificate. You can use the free LetsEncrypt (https://letsencrypt.org/) in conjunction with KubeLego (https://github.com/jetstack/kube-lego), where you can find some nice examples on how to implement it.


Redirect URL changes from https to http after users authenticated with azure active directory in azure aks

I've been struggling to find a solution for this issue. Basically I have web application that allows users to sign in with their azure active directory using OpenIdConnect. Everything works perfectly fine on my local. However, when deployed to azure aks, somehow the redirect url changes from https to http when user is authenticated. This causes an exception in azure ad:
AADSTS50011: The redirect URI 'http://example.abc.com/signin-oidc' specified in the request does not match the redirect URIs configured for the application 'c853f6fe-5f4a-436e-b329-ff6da9ab89ab'. Make sure the redirect URI sent in the request matches one added to your application in the Azure portal. Navigate to https://aka.ms/redirectUriMismatchError to learn more about how to fix this.
I defined the redirect URI in the application as https://example.abc.com/signin-oidc and no wonder that it does not match. However, I'm struggling to find out why it's happening and how I can resolve it. I'm using .NET 6 and AKS client version 1.22.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
AADSTS50011: The redirect URI 'http://example.abc.com/signin-oidc' specified in the request does not match the redirect URIs configured for the application 'c853f6fe-5f4a-436e-b329-ff6da9ab89ab'. Make sure the redirect URI sent in the request matches one added to your application in the Azure portal. Navigate to https://aka.ms/redirectUriMismatchError to learn more about how to fix this.
The above error occurs usually when redirect Url in the authentication are not configured in Azure AD like.
Accessing Website from a different address than what you have defined for your application causes an error.
please check if you have made a mistake in the configuration itself.
From your case :
Please make sure you set ssl redirects url to True
By default controller redirects HTTP clients to 443 port -https ,if it has TLS is enabled
In ingress routing yaml file if it is set to false, try to set it or modify it to true
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "true"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/use-regex: "true"
Also as you said you are using .net make sure you have set headers to true.
Please check that header size in 32k in annotations.
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-buffer-size: "32k"
Error AADSTS50011 - The reply URL specified in the request does not match the reply URLs configured for the application . - Active Directory | Microsoft Docs
I finally figured out the solution for myself. Thanks to the answer in other SOF
Since I'm using .NET 6, all I have to do is
Add these two lines suggested from #Venkatesan to my ingress yml
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "true"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/use-regex: "true"
Everything works perfectly after that.
Thank you everyone.

How to properly enable HTTPS on App Engine flex environment and Go?

I am trying to enable HTTPS on my Go App deployed to GAE flex environment. I have my custom domain successfully mapped, and am using Google-managed SSL certificates. I have app.yaml configured to redirect HTTP to HTTPS as follows:
- url: /.*
script: _go_app
secure: always
Now there are two problems that I haven't been able to resolve so far.
First, the above configuration is supposed to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS, but apparently it is not happening.
Second, when I add https:// in the url box, I see three different behavior on Firefox, Chrome, and Edge. Edge identifies the website as secure, Firefox marks the website as secure connection, but says that it "has blocked parts of this page that are not secure", and surprisingly Chrome marks the website as Not secure (though it says certificate is valid!).
With these symptoms I was wondering if I should take additional steps to make redirecting and SSL work for my website? Specifically, I would like to know with App Engine, and managed SSL enabled:
Should I continue serving pages on HTTP using http.ListenAndServe(..), or need to switch to http.ListenAndServeTLS(..)?
In my Go app should I redirect HTTP to HTTPS? or the above setting is expected to work just fine?
Thanks in advance for your help and advice.
Trying out with different suggestions, I added Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains to handlers' response. Does not seem if this helped with redirection either.
According to this documentation, under Authentication changes, the secure and login handlers are deprecated. The documentation suggests using Strict-Transport-Security or X-Forwarded-Proto instead.
I am using Strict-Transport-Security on the server side to enrich my response header:
func (h *STLHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
w.Header().Add("Strict-Transport-Security", "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains")
h.nextHandler.ServeHTTP(w, req)
I was wondering if I am using this header in the right place?
For the second set of my problems I realized I have mixed content on my page. My mixed content was a http link to a set of fonts. When I fixed the mixed content, i.e. changed http to https, both Chrome and Firefox security warnings disappeared. You may also find this page Avoiding the Not Secure Warning in Chrome useful on this matter.
You need to check your app using:
Or if you nedd HTTPS:
If you want your own certificate you will need to upload it and then be available to use: https://your-domain.tld
From the docs:
For APIs that will be hosted on App Engine flexible environment, you must use the appspot.com domain, and the service name must be in the following format:
When you deploy your API to App Engine, a DNS entry with a name in the format YOUR_PROJECT_ID.appspot.com is created automatically.
For APIs that will be hosted on Compute Engine, Kubernetes Engine, or Kubernetes, you must use the cloud.goog domain, and the service name must be in the following format:
Or you could just put a CDN in front like Cloudflare which will do all the SSL termination for you and if required redirect all HTTP to HTTPS

angular OPTIONS http preflight on "Same Domain"?

I am currently confused about how angular's (jquery) preflight OPTIONS call is "selected" or chosen to perform before a request.
I have a normal RESTful api call (api.domain.co)
I have created a host entry local.domain.co in my hosts file /etc/hosts.
I've created self-signed certificate:
I've configured the certs in my mac as trusted:
I've configured my Yosemite Port Forwarding Rules:
I understand that from the browser's perspective (Chrome):
I have an angular app being loaded from https://local.domain.co with a trusted certificate that has a call to https://api.domain.co/user everything looks green with the cert, and I still get a preflight OPTIONS call to my api.domain.co server which is a node resitfy server with CORS support
Everything is Working... BUT
I want to get rid of the OPTIONS preflight Any pointers?
unfortunately subdomain still affected by preflight rule so if you want to remove OPTIONS you can either using jsonp or have the same subdomain for both the site & api.
You can't use localhost. I had to create an entry in my host file to associate to an arbitrary name like mackbook. Then it should work for you.

Opensso with SSL Configuration issue in F5 Load Balancers

We are having a web application architecture where our application EAR is deployed in appServer configured with non-ssl Http Port Listener. Every request is routing via F5 Load Balancer-> Web Server-> App Server.
In Load Balancer, we have set an iRule where every Http Request is forwarded to Https set on port 443 and our application is working fine. Now we are trying to implement a SSO using OpenSSO federation solution and SAML Technology. we have deployed the opensso with the non-ssl http listener configuration in our app server.
now when we try to access the opensso using the url xhttp://domain_name/opensso(dummy protocol), it is redirected as per iRule set on the Load Balancer as xhttps://domain_name/opensso. But in the appearing configuration page of opensso, the server URL is populated as xhttp://domain_name only instead of xhttps://domain_name. Likewise, the same approach is followed to populate all the URL properties throughout the opensso configuration. So when I tried to generate the metadata using ssoadm GUI, In the form action attribute the url is formed as 'http' and the request method is passed as 'POST' only as per Opensso convention. But when it is redirected to 'https' as per the Load Balancer Rule the Request method is passed as 'GET' instead of post and the opensso validation fails and throwing the error as 'HTTP Post Protocol is required.
So the issue here is, By default the opensso URL properties should be populated with "https" instead of "http". I would like to know what is the wrong configuration done here. how we could resolve this issue? Thanks.
I think that you will find that the answer actually lies within your application server, not the application itself. You need to indicate to the servlet that it is being proxied, and that it is responsible for creating URLs with the HTTPS scheme, not HTTP.
If you're using Tomcat or a derivative, you can modify the server.xml to include the following:
You can configure the load balancer to redirect to https with a 307 http status code which informs the client to use the original request method. If POST was the original request method then following the redirect the client will continue to use POST instead of a GET.
HTTP::respond 307 Location "https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]"

URL fetch service - is https secure or not?

I'd like to use the URL fetch service for app engine (java). I'm just sending a POST to one of my own servers from a servlet.
AppEngine -> post-to: https://www.myotherserver.com/scripts/log.php
I'm reading the url fetch doc:
Secure Connections and HTTPS
An app can fetch a URL with the HTTPS method to connect to secure servers. Request and response data are transmitted over the network in encrypted form.
The proxy the URL Fetch service uses cannot authenticate the host it is contacting. Because there is no certificate trust chain, the proxy accepts all certificates, including self-signed certificates. The proxy server cannot detect "man in the middle" attacks between App Engine and the remote host when using HTTPS.
I don't understand - the first paragraph makesit sound like everything that goes from the servlet on app engine, to my php script is going to be secure if I use https. The second paragraph makes it sound like the opposite, that it won't actually be secure. Which is it?
There are two things HTTPS does for you. One is to encrypt your data so that as it travels over the internet, through various routers and switches, no one can peek at it. The second thing HTTPS does is authenticate that you are actually talking to a certain server. This is the part App Engine can't do. If you were trying to connect to www.myotherserver.com, it is possible that some bad guy named bob could intercept your connection, and pretend to be www.myotherserver.com. Everything you sent to bob would be encrypted on it's way to bob, but bob himself would be able to get the unencrypted data.
In your case, it sounds like you control both the sending server and the destination server, so you could encrypt your data with a shared secret to protect against this possibility.
The UrlFetch through https has been fixed allowing certificate server validation.
A value of True instructs the application to send a request to the
server only if the certificate is
valid and signed by a trusted CA, and
also includes a hostname that matches
the certificate. A value of False
instructs the application to perform
no certificate validation. A value of
None defaults to the underlying
implementation of URL Fetch. The
underlying implementation currently
defaults to False, but will default to
True in the near future.
