Store Laravel 5.6 Query log in database table - database

I want to store Database query logs belongs to Laravel 5.6 application inside a database table. Is there any possible way to do it?


Symfony existing table error when updating database

I have the database entities in my Symfony application, I have created another table in the database and I want to download it as an entity in my program. When I execute the following line I get that there are tables that already exist.
php bin/console make:migration
How can I update the entities and create only the ones that are not there?

Migrate database without alembic_version table in python flask

I like to migrate my database but I don't want alembic_version table in my database. It is possible without this alembic_version table. Is there any other solution or it is possible or not.

Strategy to migrate data from Oracle Database to MongoDB

I have an existing Oracle database with production data. I am planning to move to MongoDB, so I want to migrate my existing data in Oracle database to MongoDB. The Data Model of data stored in Oracle database and MongoDB will be different.
I am planning to get all the data from Oracle database as json using Once I will have the json file with all the data I will import that in the MongoDB. In case the data extracted from Oracle database is not per my required I will create a utility to convert the data to multiple json file for each collection.
I need to some suggestions if there are better ways to this and is my solution right approach for the problem?

dart flutter Database Storing/updating

Is it possible to have a choice to store Database at different locations"?
eg. on Dropbox/Google-Drive or other place and update it in real time
Can a database be selected from a list of Databases to use?
Can MongoDB be stored locally or on a server elsewhere?

SQL Master Data Services 2016 Excel Publish

I'm testing Master Data Services on SQL 2016 CTP 3.3 (azure VM). I've got a MDS model up and running. I can browse the model in Excel 2016 with the Master Data Services add-in.
If I create a new entity (table), it creates the new table and I can go into SQL server management studio to see the stg.NewTable with the column names I set.
When I add rows, and hit the publish button, I don't see the rows being added to the stage table for me to see in the database. Am I missing something ?
Thanks !
I'm an idiot.. MDS puts many many tables in by default, I wasn't looking in the obscurely named tables at the top. Just need to stop and look at the database structure!
When you load the data in MDS using Excel Add-in, the data is directly loaded into the entity table and not in the staging table. You can either extract the data using subscription view created on your entity or you can get the name of the entity table from mdm.tblEntity table and execute a select query on that table.
When you enter any data from MDS UI it gets stored in the mdm tables in MDM database. To get the data, you need Subscription Views and ETL(SSIS or any other tool)
