Maven project is not working fine , POM xml is incorrect & Cucumber is not recognised - maven-plugin

My maven project was working fine , after adding few plugins for Jar files
MAven Project errors . JDK version is not identified
Cucumber feature file displays error as "mismatched input '\n' expecting 'Feature:'"
Maven Project displays some black * symbol on src, test, folders
Maven project Folder error
Cucumber Feature Error
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Black icon is just symbol to tell that you have some changes in your branch which are either staged or partially staged. Nothing for you to worry about.
staged: Any tracked file with changes that are already included in the index.
partially-staged: Any tracked file with changes, where some changes are already included in the index, and others that are not yet added.
Cucumber error can't be solved unless you show us the full feature file.
I think it's a spacing issue.
It happens to me sometimes if I do something like
Feature : instead of Feature:
Regarding run failure or project build failure, cannot comment unless you show me the full pom file.


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/PropertyException

I'm getting a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/PropertyException exception when trying to open an allure report.
I got as far as generating the allure-results folder in my target class, where my surefire reports are also being generated.
When I try allure serve projectpath\target\ or allure serve projectpath\target\surefire-reports I get the following exception -
Generating report to temp directory...
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/PropertyException
at io.qameta.allure.allure1.Allure1Plugin.xmlFiles(
at io.qameta.allure.allure1.Allure1Plugin.getStreamOfAllure1Results(
My pom file looks like this. The reason I am using some old versions of these is because those are the versions that exist in our artifactory. They will all be updated to current versions soon.
-Dcucumber.options="--plugin io.qameta.allure.cucumber5jvm.AllureCucumber5Jvm"
Figured it out!
I was using Java 11, but Allure needs to be compiled using Java 8.

Unable to attach screen shot to cucumber JVM report

I am using the cucumber version 4 in my project I am using the following dependencies in my project.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Plugin For Reporting -->
<!-- optional, per documentation set this to "true" to bypass generation of Cucumber Reports entirely, defaults to false if not specified -->
<!-- output directory for the generated report -->
<!-- optional, defaults to outputDirectory if not specified -->
<!-- supports wildcard or name pattern -->
<!-- optional, defaults to outputDirectory if not specified -->
<!-- supports wildcard or name pattern -->
<!-- optional, set true to group features by its Ids -->
<!-- optional, set true to get a final report with latest results of the same test from different test runs -->
<!-- optional, set true to fail build on test failures -->
Using above dependencies I am able to generate the 'Cucumber jvm report'.
Also I have written the code in java, for attaching the screen shot to report, I am taking screenshot only when the scenario get fail.
public void CloseBrowser(Scenario scenario) {
if (scenario.isFailed()) {
System.out.println("Scenario is Failled Taking ScreenShot...!!!");
TakesScreenshot ts = (TakesScreenshot) driver;
byte[] screenshot = ts.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES);
scenario.embed(screenshot, "image/png");
I am not sure is there anything I am missing, but screen shot is not attaching to the report.
The default html report which is generated by cucumber is displaying the screen shot.
can some one please help me on this.
Can you check the screenshot are embedded on the After Hooks steps on the html report?, This 5.3.0 version is attaching the screenshot at Hooks step as we have our logic in #After hooks. I also first struggled and later noticed this.

Unable to create test Runner class in Cucumber Framework due to Error in resolving Cucumber Options

I am working on creating a Cucumber Framework for Test Automation. Issue I am facing is I am not able to resolve the imports for CucumberOptions in the Test Runner class
Initially I tried to use the Suggestion of importing cucumber.api which is now deprecated. Then I went to the official Cucumber site to find the imports but they are not solving the problem as well.
Deprecated Import :
import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
Import from Cucumber Official Site :
import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;
After adding the above import I am facing the error :
The import io.cucumber.junit cannot be resolved
Below is the code in the Test Runner class :
#CucumberOptions(features = {"Features"}, glue= {"stepDefinitions"}, dryRun=true)
public class TestRunner {
Below is the POM Structure with all the dependencies :
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
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I would like to know if there are any new dependencies that need to be added. I remember working on cucumber earlier before cucumber.api was deprecated and it used to work fine.
Well, you can try mvn clean and then mvn install -U on the terminal, at this time you don't use the IDE to make sure the problem isn't in the IDE, use the terminal.
Example pom.xml:
Import: cucumber-java, cucumber-junit, cucumber-spring

Intellij IDEA – Auto reload a web application

I'm developing an AngularJS and Spring boot application using IntelliJ IDEA 15 and tomcat, whenever I make changes to my static content I've always to restart my application to see those changes.
I looked for a similar problem and I have found this :
Enable IntelliJ hotswap of html and javascript files
But I cant find Update resources option anywhere :
Edit :
This is my project structure :
And this is my pom file :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<!-- spring security dependency -->
<!-- end spring security dependency -->
In Spring Boot application if you include spring-boot-devtools module as one of your dependency, it can give you additional feature like automatically restart the application whenever files change on classpath.
Add the following dependencies
if using Gradle
dependencies {
Since you are using IntelliJ to trigger automatic restart you need to Make Project ( Build -> Make Project ) (Ctrl + F9 on Windows)
For more information visit here
More information regarding where to add the static content -> here
I would suggest you to use Spring BOOT's Developer Tools library (LiveReload feature). This gives you the ability to restart a project automatically whenever something changes on a classpath
Documentation -->

logback-access configuration

I am trying to configure logback-access for spring based tomcat application. Have added following lines in my pom.xml file:
I have also added this in tomcat plugin configuration of the pom file.
I have put resource files at following location:
But while the logback.xml works, tomcat is not able to pick up the logback-access.xml file. How do i attach the access xml file with my tomcat6 plugin?
I was also trying the same but I discovered that tomcat6/7-maven-plugin's do not have the capability to run these configuration because this has to be configured at the container level
You can use "cargo-maven2-plugin" to run the application in existing container and configure that container for the logback-access
Configure Cargo Something like this
I used cargo plugin version 1.3.3
then execute cargo:deployer-deploy
and cargo:run or cargo:start
