Modify C array in external assembler routine - c

Summary: We have an int variable and 4 double arrays in C, 2 of which hold input data and 2 of which we want to write output data to. We pass the variable and arrays to a function in an external .asm file, where the input data is used to determine output data and the output data is written to the output arrays.
Our problem is, that the output arrays remain seemingly untouched after the assembly routine finishes its work. We don't even know, if the routine reads the correct input data. Where did we go wrong?
We compile with the following commands
nasm -f elf32 -o calculation.o calculation.asm
gcc -m32 -o programm main.c calculation.o
If you need any more information, feel free to ask.
C code:
// before int main()
extern void calculate(int32_t counter, double radius[], double distance[], double paper[], double china[]) asm("calculate");
// in int main()
double radius[counter];
double distance[counter];
// [..] Write Input Data to radius & distance [...]
double paper[counter];
double china[counter];
for(int i = 0; i < counter; i++) {
paper[i] = 0;
china[i] = 0;
calculate(counter, radius, distance, paper, china);
// here we expect paper[] and china[] to contain output data
Our Assembly code currently only takes in the values, puts them into the FPU, then places them into the output array.
x86 Assembly (Intel Syntax) (I know, this code looks horrible, but we're beginners, so bear with us, please; Also I can't get syntax highlighting to work correctly for this one):
GLOBAL calculate
; declare all variables
pRadius: DD 0
pDistance: DD 0
pPaper: DD 0
pChina: DD 0
numItems: DD 0
counter: DD 0
; populate them
POP DWORD [numItems]
POP DWORD [pRadius]
POP DWORD [pDistance]
POP DWORD [pPaper]
POP DWORD [pChina]
PUSH EBX ; because of cdecl calling convention
JMP calcLoopCond
; get input array element
MOV EBX, [counter]
MOV EAX, [pDistance]
; move it into fpu, then move it to output
MOV EAX, [pPaper]
; same for the second one
MOV EAX, [pRadius]
MOV EAX, [pChina]
MOV [counter], EBX
MOV EAX, [counter]
MOV EBX, [numItems]
JNZ calcLoop

There are a couple of problems in the assembler routine. The POP instructions are emitted into the .bss section, so they are never executed. In the sequence of POPs, the return address (pushed by the caller) is not accounted for. Depending on the ABI, you must leave the arguments on the stack anyway. Because the POPs are never executed, the loop exit condition always happens to be true.
And you really should not use global variables this way. Instead, create a stack frame and use that.

Thanks to all your answers and comments and some heavy research, we managed to finally produce functioning code, which now properly uses stack frames and fulfills the cdecl calling convention:
GLOBAL calculate
electricFieldConstant DQ 8.85e-12
permittivityPaper DQ 3.7
permittivityChina DQ 7.0
MOV ECX, 0 ; counter for loop
JMP calcLoopCond
MOV EAX, [EBP + 12]
MOV EAX, [EBP + 20]
MOV EAX, [EBP + 16]
MOV EAX, [EBP + 24]
ADD ECX, 1 ; increase loop counter
MOV EDX, [EBP + 8]
JNZ calcLoop


Traversing a 2-d array

I'm having trouble understanding how to traverse a 2-d array in x86 assembly language. I am missing a bit of understanding. This is what I have so far.
The issue is the lines with //offset and //moving through array
For the //offset line the error I am getting is "non constant expression in second operand"
and also
"ebx: illegal register in second operand"
For the next line I get the error
"edx: illegal register in second operand"
mov esi, dim
mul esi
mov eax, 0 // row index
mov ebx, 0 // column index
mov ecx, dim
cmp ecx, esi
jge EndFor
lea edi, image;
mov edx, [eax *dim + ebx] // offset
mov dl, byte ptr [edi + esi*edx] // moving through array
mov edx, edi
and edx, 0x80
cmp edx, 0x00
jne OverThreshold
mov edx, 0xFF
mov edx, 0x0
See x86 tag wiki, including the list of addressing modes.
You can scale an index register by a constant, but you can't multiply two registers in an addressing mode. You'll have to do that yourself (e.g. with imul edx, esi, if the number of columns isn't a compile time constant. If it's a power-of-2 constant, you can shift, or even use a scaled addressing mode like [reg + reg*8]).
re: edit: *dim should work if dim is defined with something like dim equ 8. If it's a memory location holding a value, then of course it's not going to work. The scale factor can be 1, 2, 4, or 8. (The machine code format has room for a 2-bit shift count, which is why the options are limited.)
I'd also recommend loading with movzx to zero-extend a byte into edx, instead of only writing dl (the low byte). Actually nvm, your code doesn't need that. In fact, you overwrite the value you loaded with edi. I assume that's a bug.
You can replace
imul edx, esi
mov dl, byte ptr [edi + edx] ; note the different addressing mode
mov edx, edi ; bug? throw away the value you just loaded
and edx, 0x80 ; AND already sets flags according to the result
cmp edx, 0x00 ; so this is redundant
jne OverThreshold
imul edx, esi
test 0x80, byte ptr [edi + edx] ; AND, discard the result and set flags.
Of course, instead of multiplying inside the inner loop, you can just add the columns in the outer loop. This is called Strength Reduction. So you do p+=1 along each row, and p+=cols to go from row to row. Or if you don't need to care about rows and columns, you can just iterate over the flat memory of the 2D array.
A 2-dimensional array is just an interpretation of a sequence of bytes. You'll have to choose in which order to store the items. For example, you might choose "row-major order".
I've written a demo where a buffer is filled with a sequence of numbers. Then the sequence is interpreted as single- and two-dimensional array.
%define ITEM_SIZE 4
extern printf
section .bss
cols: equ 3
rows: equ 4
buf: resd cols * rows
c: resd 1
r: resd 1
section .data
fmt: db "%-4d", 0 ; fmt string, '0'
fmt_nl: db 10, 0 ; "\n", '0'
section .text ; Code section.
global main
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
; fill buf
mov ecx, cols * rows - 1
mov [buf + ITEM_SIZE], ecx
mov [buf + ecx * ITEM_SIZE], ecx
dec ecx
jnz .fill_buf
; buf as 1-dimensional array
; buf[c] = [buf + c * ITEM_SIZE]
xor ecx, ecx
mov [c], ecx
mov ecx, [c]
push dword [buf + ecx * ITEM_SIZE]
push dword fmt
call printf
mov ecx, [c]
inc ecx
mov [c], ecx
cmp ecx, cols * rows
jl .lp1d
; print new line
push dword fmt_nl
call printf
; buf as 2-dimensional array
; buf[r][c] = [buf + (r * cols + c) * ITEM_SIZE]
xor ecx, ecx
mov [r], ecx
xor ecx, ecx
mov [c], ecx
; calculate address
mov eax, [r]
mov edx, cols
mul edx ; eax = r * cols
add eax, [c] ; eax = r * cols + c
; print buf[r][c]
push dword [buf + eax * ITEM_SIZE]
push dword fmt
call printf
; next column
mov ecx, [c]
inc ecx
mov [c], ecx
cmp ecx, cols
jl .lp2
; print new line
push dword fmt_nl
call printf
; next row
mov ecx, [r]
inc ecx
mov [r], ecx
cmp ecx, rows
jl .lp1
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp ; restore stack
xor eax, eax ; normal exit code
Buidling(on Linux)
nasm -f elf32 -l tx86.lst tx86.s
gcc -Wall -g -O0 -m32 -o tx86 tx86.o
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
9 10 11

ASM, declaring float variables

I'm trying to store four 32-bit float variables into a 128-bit float variable, here is the asm code:
; function signature is:
; int findMin()
section .data
fa: dd 10.0
fb: dd 20.0
fc: dd 12.0
fd: dd 9.0
section .bss
fl_var: reso 1
section .text
global findMin
; -------------------------------------------
; Entrace sequence
; -------------------------------------------
push ebp ; save base pointer
mov ebp, esp ; point to current stack frame
push ebx ; save general registers
push ecx
push edx
push esi
push edi
fld dword [fa]
fstp dword [fl_var]
fld dword [fb]
fstp dword [fl_var + 4]
fld dword [fc]
fstp dword [fl_var + 8]
fld dword [fd]
fstp dword [fl_var + 12]
mov eax, 0
; ------------------------------------------
; Exit sequence
; ------------------------------------------
pop edi
pop esi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
For each fn float variable, I use the st0 register to move it into the fl_var, usign a proper offset.
The code doesn't work, and the problem is in the declaration of the fn float variables. If I try to print them using the gdb I get this:
f/fh &fa //print a 32-bit float
0x804a020 <fa>: 0
The same happen for the others fn variables.
If write:
f/fw &fa //print a 64-bit float
0x804a020 <fa>: 10
It print the right value! The same happen for the others fn variables.
So, even if I declare fa to be a dd (4 bytes), it creates a dq (8 bytes). There is a way to declare a 32-bit float in asm?
I've found the type real4, but the compiler complains.
Another question regarding the gdb and the way it prints variables. Look at this code:
;int findMin(float a, float b, float c, float d)
section .bss
int_var: reso 2
section .text
global findMin
fld qword [ebp + 8]
fstp qword [int_var]
fld qword [ebp + 16]
fstp qword [int_var + 8]
fld qword [ebp + 24]
fstp qword [int_var + 16]
fld qword [ebp + 32]
fstp qword [int_var + 24]
I call it from a C piece of code, because of the C calling conventions, float are passed as 64-bit values. So I take each argument moving 8 bytes each time from the stack.
When I enter the gdb and print the value of int_var, I get the correct result using:
x/4fw &int_var
If I write
x/4fg &int_var
I don't get the numbers passed to the function, but inconsistent values.
Why it is printing correctly using the w letter (32-bit)?

Assembly language Array traversal

I'm new to assembly language and I'm having trouble with some basic programming problems and I was wondering if you guys could point me in the right direction.
I'm trying to write a function that traverses through an array and sums up the values of its elements. Given given a pointer int *array and some length x.
What I've been able to do so far is write the initial data and place the initial pointer which isn't much but its a start. How would I use a loop in assembly to traverse through the array?
MOV EBX, array
mov eax, 2;
mov ebx, array;
lea edx, [ebx+eax*4];
You do not need to save all of those registers. If your function uses esi, edi, ebx, ebp, then you must save them in the prologue and restore them in the epilogue. MASM can do that for you with the keyword uses
SomeProcedure proc uses esi, edi, ebx Val1:DWORD, Val2:DWORD
SomeProcedure endp
Here is one way you can do it:
.model flat, stdcall
option casemap :none
includelib kernel32.lib
Array dd 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Array_Size equ ($ - Array) / 4
push Array_Size - 1
push offset Array
call SumArray
; eax contains sum of array
; print it out here.
push 0
call ExitProcess
push esi ; need to preserve esi
mov esi, [esp + 8] ; address of array
mov ecx, [esp + 12] ; size of array - 1
xor eax, eax ; holds sum
xor edx, edx ; index
add eax, [esi + edx * 4]
inc edx
dec ecx
jns AddIt ; is ecx ! neg repeat loop
pop esi
end start

I am dealing with a possible array in assembly, but I cannot figure out what the starter value is

Size contains the number 86.
var_10= dword ptr -10h
var_C= dword ptr -0Ch
size= dword ptr 8
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 28h
mov eax, [ebp+size]
mov [esp], eax ; size
call _malloc
mov ds:x, eax
mov [ebp+var_C], 0
jmp short loc_804889E
loc_804889E: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
mov eax, [ebp+size]
sub eax, 1
cmp eax, [ebp+var_C]
jg short loc_8048887
loc_8048887: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
mov edx, ds:x
mov eax, [ebp+var_C]
add edx, eax
mov eax, [ebp+var_C]
add eax, 16h
mov [edx], al
add [ebp+var_C], 1
I am having difficulties reversing this portion of a project I am working on. There's a portion of the code where ds:x is moved into edx and is added with var_c and I am unsure where to go with that.
To me the program looks like it calls malloc and then moves that into ds:x and then moves 0 to var_c.
After that it simply subtracts 1 from the size of my pointer array and compares that number to 0, then jumps to a portion where it adds ds:x into edx so it can add eax to edx.
Am I dealing with some sort of array here? What is the first value that's going to go into edx in loc_8048887? Another way this could help would be to see a C equivalent of it... But that would be what I am trying to accomplish and would rather learn the solution through a different means.
Thank you!
In x86 assembly there's no strict distinction between a variable stored in memory and an array in memory. It only depends on how you access the memory region. All you have is code and data. Anyway, I'd say that ds:x is an array as because of this code here:
mov edx, ds:x ; edx = [x]
mov eax, [ebp+var_C] ; eax = something
add edx, eax ; edx = [x] + something
mov eax, [ebp+var_C] ; eax = something
add eax, 16h ; eax = something + 0x16
mov [edx], al ; [[x] + something ] = al . Yes, ds:x is an array!
What is the value of edx in loc_8048887? To find it out you only need some very basic debugging skills. I assume you have gdb at hand, if not, get it ASAP. Then compile the code with debug symbols and link it, then run gdb with the executable, set a code breakpoint at loc_8048887, run the program with r, and finally check the value of edx.
These are the commands you need:
gdb myexecutable
(gdb) b loc_8048887
(gdb) r
(gdb) info registers edx

declaring a string in assembly

I have this assembly code that computes some prime numbers:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
char format[] = "%d\t";
mov ebx, 1000
mov ecx, 1
jmp start_while1
add ecx, 1
cmp ecx, ebx
jge end_while1
mov edi, 2
mov esi, 0
jmp start_while2
add edi, 1
cmp edi, ecx
jge end_while2
mov eax, ecx
xor edx, edx
div edi
test edx, edx
jnz incrementare2
mov esi, 1
test esi, esi
jnz incrementare1
push ecx
lea ecx, format
push ecx
call printf
pop ecx
pop ecx
jmp incrementare1
return 0;
It works fine but I would like to also declare the 'format' string in asm, not in C code. I have tried adding something like format db "%d\t", 0 but it didn't work.
If all else fails there's always the ugly way:
mov ecx,0x00096425 ; '%', 'd', '\t', '\0' in little-endian format
lea ecx,format_minus_1 + 1 ; skip past the "mov ecx" opcode
push ecx
call printf
You cannot define objects inside the _asm block with those directives. The C declaration is allocating space on the stack for you so if you want to do something like that inside the _asm block you need to manipulate the stack pointer and initialize the memory yourself:
sub esp, 4
mov [esp], '%'
mov [esp + 1], 'd'
mov [esp + 2], '\t'
mov [esp + 3], '\0'
push ecx
push esp + 4
call printf
Note this is one way. Not necessarily the best way. The best way being let C do your memory management for you.
