How to keep React new Context API state when routing between Components? - reactjs

1) Do you know how to keep the state of a Context Provider present when it is mounted/unmounted through routing?
2) Or do you know a well maintained Flux implementation that supports multiple separated stores?
In detail:
Besides React components own state I've been using mostly redux so far. Besides not loving the idea of having every state managed globally, even though it might only be relevant for a subtree, it also becomes an issue for my new project.
We want to dynamically load components and add them via routing to the app. To be able to have components ready for plug and play, we want them to take care of their own state (store it, request it from the server, provide a strategy to modify it).
I read about how to dynamically add reducers to the global store with redux, but I actually find the approach of Reacts Context API much nicer where I can encapsulate some state in a Provider and can consume it wherever I need it.
The only issue I have is, that a Provider and a Consumer are React components, so if they are part of a component, that is mounted and unmounted through routing, the state that might have been created or fetched once, is gone.
It seems to me that there is no way to solve that, besides temporarily storing the state in the localstorage or on the server. If there is, please let me know!!!
If there shouldn't be a better solution:
I also thought about a more original Flux implementation that would allow multiple stores, which could be encapsulated with the relavant component subtree. But I haven't really found any well maintained Flux implementation besides Redux. Mobx being the exception, but I really prefer the reducer solution of Redux over the observable solution of Mobx. So again, if you know a multi store Flux implementation that is well maintained, please let me know!!!
I would be really happy about some feedback and hope you can point me into a direction that is more satisfiying than dynamic reducer Redux or temporarily persisted Context state.
Thanks a lot in advance!

Sorry that it's quite a late answer
Are you using React Router?
The state should be persisted and it shouldn't clear if you are navigating correctly. There should be no page reload as this will cause the state to clear.
Here is an example:
import { Router as RootRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import Router from './routes/Router';
const App = () => {
return (
<MyContext value={useReducer(myReducer, initialState)}>
<RootRouter history={browserHistory}>
<Router />
import About from '../components/About';
const Router = () => {
return (
<Route exact path='/about' component={About}></Route>
On your main home component, you have to use a Link or Navlink to "switch" between components. Therefore, you'll have something like...
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
<Link to="/about">About</Link>
This will navigate you to the about page in which you can still access the context stage where nothing is cleared.

So I figured out a way to work around the problem with Context (first question): I store the state of the Provider component in a variable. That way, when that component is mounted again, it uses the "persisted" state as the initial value for it's state.
let persistedState = {};
const Context = React.createContext();
export class Provider extends React.PureComponent {
state = { ...persistedState };
updateState = (nextState) => this.setState(nextState, () => {
persistedState = {...this.state};
render() {
return (
<Context.Provider value={this.state}>


Updating React Context Issue

I am use Suspense to lazy load my page components in my app.
const Page = lazy(() => import('./Page'));
I am also using Context for state management thorough-out the app. Inside of my MyContext, I have:
const [pageId, setPageId] = useState();
<MyContext.Provider value={{pageId, setPageId}}>
In my page component, I want to set pageId in MyContext to the id that was passed in the URL, but I am receiving an error: Cannot update a component (MyContextProvider) while rendering a different component
const { id } = useParams();
const { pageId, setPageId } = useContext(MyContext)
Does setPageId need to be in a useEffect? If so, why?
Yes, you'll need to wrap the set call in a useEffect, React added the warning you are seeing in version 16. As a rule of thumb it is recommended to avoid side effects while rendering, there is a GitHub issue where why this warning was added is discussed at great length, where Dan Abramov explains it as:
... The answer to “why” isn’t any more complex than “if one component triggers updates on other components during rendering, it becomes very hard to trace the data flow of your app because it no longer goes from top down”. So if you do that you’re kind of throwing away the benefits of React.
Source: Dan's comment on the React Issue

Should we change class component to functional component when we put state into Redux?

I was learning React and created two class components having respective states. Then, I learned about Redux and decided to transfer states into redux store. The question is "Is it best practice to change class componenents into functional components since we get state via props from redux store?"
Functional components with react hooks is the new standard of coding on React. For store management(f.e. redux) you may use as classes as functional components, but most of the libs moved to functional components and you may not use all benefits of last versions of them.
Why I prefer functional components and hooks over classes:
Cleaner render tree. No wrapper components
More flexible code. You
can use useEffect on different state changes, in classes you have
only componentDidUpdate for ANY state/props change
You can define your custom hooks to keep your code clean and shiny
IMHO, yes, I suggest that you should switch from class-based component to functional component as soon as possible.You might not want to know how the class-based components have bugged me so hurt before I decided to go with Hooks. The number of components in my large project is now over 400 (including both smart and dumb components) and keep increasing. Hooks keep my life easier to continue developing and maintaining.
Have a look at this useful article:
Basically, this is how we manage state with class-based:
It can be simplified to half the lines of code, achieving the same results with functional component and useState, useEffect:
Please also take a look at this super useful site:
There are many useful custom hooks from the community that you can utilize. Below are the ones that I have been using all the time:
useRouter: Make your life easier with react-router. For example:
import { useRouter } from "./myCustomHooks";
const ShowMeTheLocation = () => {
const router = useRouter();
return <div>Show me my param: {router.match.params.myDesiredParam}</div>;
useEventListener: simplify your event handler without using componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount to subscribe/unsubscribe. For example, I have a button that needs to bind a keypress event:
import { useEventListener } from "./myCustomHooks";
const FunctionButton = () => {
const keydownHandler = event => { // handle some keydown actions };
const keyupHandler = event => { // handle some keyup actions };
// just simple like this
useEventListener("keydown", keydownHandler);
useEventListener("keyup", keyupHandler);
useAuth: authenticate your user.
import { useAuth } from "./use-auth.js";
const Navbar = (props) => {
// Get auth state and re-render anytime it changes
const auth = useAuth();
// if user is authenticated, then show user email, else show Login
return <div>{auth.user? "Login"}</div>;
useRequireAuth: handle redirect your user if they are signed out and trying to view a page that should require them to be authenticated. This is composed by useRouter and useAuth above.
import { useRequireAuth } from "./myCustomHooks";
// Dashboard is a page that need authentication to view
const Dashboard = () => {
const isAuth = useRequireAuth();
// If isAuth is null (still fetching data)
// or false (logged out, above hook will redirect)
// then show loading indicator.
if (isAuth) {
return <div>Fetching data, please wait!</div>
// {...{ isAuth }} is similar to:
// isAuth={isAuth}
return <Dashboard {...{ isAuth }} />
Hope this helps!
First of All, States can be used only in Class Component. In React's latest version there's a huge update that allows functional components to declare and use state using React-Hooks. So, the best practice I would personally suggest you is to use Class Component when you use the Redux Store. As you're a beginner, Please use a functional component where you don't use any state or props and just render DOM elements (Note: Functional components can accept props). Once you learn the differences properly, go with React-Hooks.
I hope it helps!! Happy Coding!!

React Router v4 lifecycle events

Upgrading my application to React Router v4 I'm struggling to find a clean way to implement the old onUpdate logic which I previously used the hide a popup menu on navigation.
The only way I can see in the documentation is to take advantage of the route render method but it seems much more complicated than before - any easier solutions?
const HidePopupThenRoute = ({ component: Component, }) => (
<Route {} render={matchProps => {
return <Component {...matchProps}/>
<HidePopupThenRoute path="/" component={MyComponent}/>
I wouldn't consider that too complicated, but I can understand it not looking right to make imperative calls inside of a render function.
One alternative would be to create an OnUpdate component that listens for location changes and calls some function when the happen.
You can see the source code for an implementation of this that I wrote. You can either use that or replicate your own component with similar functionality. Basically, all that it does is subscribe to the history object and calls whatever function you pass to it when the location changes.
const MyComponent = () => (
<OnUpdate call={hideProps} />
<h1>My Component</h1>
A relatively clean solution was suggested on GitHub. What it comes down to is that you read the Router's history from React's Context API, where it gets populated by React Router. You can do so by defining the contextTypes property in your component:
static contextTypes = {
router: PropTypes.object
That will make sure that the Router is attached to that component. You can then use that the access the router and its history from the context, and add a callback that gets executed on history changes:
You'll probably want to do that in componentDidMount.

Limit Redux to update only components affected by the change

trying to understand React-Redux, i find it unusual that all my components get new props when ever any slice of the state get changed. so is this by design or i'm doing something wrong ?
example App
class App extends React.Component {
render(){return (
<Navbar data={this.props.navbar} />
<Content data={this.props.content} />
select (state) => ({ navbar:state.navbar, content:state.content});
export default connect(select)(App);
export const NavbarForm = props => {
console.log('RENDERING with props--->',props);
return (<h1>NAV {}</h1>);
export const ContentForm = props => {
console.log('RENDERING CONTENT with props--->',props);
return (<h1>CONTENT {}</h1>);
const placeholderReducer = (state={val:0},action)=>{
//will update val to current time if action start with test/;
if(action.type.indexOf('TEST/') === 0)return {;}
return state;
export const rootReducer = combineReducers({
content: (state,action)=>(state || {}), //**this will never do a thing.. so content should never updates right !!**
const store = createStore(rootReducer, {}, applyMiddleware(thunk));
render( <Provider store={store}> <App /></Provider>, document.getElementById('app')
setInterval(()=>{ store.dispatch(()=>{type:'TEST/BOOM'}) },3000);
okay in this app, what i expect is that Navbar component will get updated every 3000ms while content component will never updates because its reducer will always return the same state.
yet i find it really strange that both components does reRender every time an action is fired.
is this by design ? should i worry about performance if my app has 100+ component ?
This is entirely by design. React assumes that your entire app will be re-rendered from the top down by default, or at least a given subtree will be re-rendered if a certain component does a setState or something similar.
Because you only have the very top component in your app connected, everything from there on down is React's standard behavior. A parent component re-renders, causing all of its children to re-render, causing all of their children to re-render, and so on down.
The core approach to improving UI performance in React is to use the shouldComponentUpdate lifecycle method to check incoming props and return false if the component does not need to re-render. This will cause React to skip re-rendering that component and all of its descendants. Comparisons in shouldComponentUpdate are generally done using shallow reference equality, which is where the "same object references means don't update" thing becomes useful.
When using Redux and connect, you will almost always find yourself using connect on many different components in your UI. This provides a number of benefits. Components can individually extract the pieces of the store state that they need, rather than having to hand them all down from the root component. In addition, connect implements a default shouldComponentUpdate for you, and does a similar check on the values you return from your mapStateToProps function. So, in a sense, using connect on multiple components tends to give you a "free win" in regards to performance.
Further reading on the topic:
Redux FAQ: Connecting multiple components
React/Redux Links: Performance articles
Yes this is by design. Action is dispatched. Reducers run. Store subscribers get notified "the store has changed". Connected components are store subscribers.
Typically you just don't worry about it until you can actually measure a performance problem that you can attribute to this - don't prematurely optimize.
If you find out that it is a problem, then you can do one of the following:
Add a shouldComponentUpdate method to your components so they can see that the props they received aren't different and do not need to render (there are lots of Pure Render mixins & high order components available to make this easy)
Instead of connecting the top-level app, connect the Navbar and Content components directly. The App will never rerender, but the children will if the store changes. And react-redux automatically uses shouldComponentUpdate to only re-render the connected components that actually have new props.

Where and How to request data asynchronously to be passed down as props with React Router (v 1)

After reading many questions regarding this topic I am still unsure as to which is the best way to asynchronously fetch data which later will be passed down as props to the child routes with React Router v1.0.0 and up.
My route config looks something like this:
import { render } from 'react-dom';
// more imports ...
<Route path="/" component={App} />
<IndexRoute component={Dashboard}/>
<Route path="userpanel" component={UserPanel}/>
In my App component I have code which asynchronously fetches data from the backend and will incorporate it into its state, if fetching was successful. I use componentDidMount for this within App.
The state of App will look like this contrived example:
user: {
name: 'Mike Smith',
email: ''
I would want to pass the user part of state as props to my IndexRoute and the userpanel route. However I am not sure how I should do this.
A few questions come to mind:
Should I place the async data request somewhere else within my code?
Should I use the React Router api (like onEnter) instead of React lifecycle methods for the data fetching?
How can I pass the state (user) of App to the Dashboard and UserPanel components as props?
I am unsure how to do this with React.cloneElement as seen in other answers.
Thanks for the help in advance.
What you are asking for is persistent data between routes and that's not the job of the router.
You should create a store (in flux terms), or a model/collection (in MVC terms) - the usual approach with react is something flux-like. I recommend redux.
In the redux docs it has an example of fetching a reddit user:
componentDidMount() {
const { dispatch, selectedReddit } = this.props
Personally I don't think flux/redux is the easiest approach to implement, but it scales well. The essential concept is even if you decide to use something else:
You are correct, as Facebook suggests, async fetching goes best in componentDidMount.
If you want to integrate with other JavaScript frameworks, set timers using setTimeout or setInterval, or send AJAX requests, perform those operations in this method.
Next you need to set this data in a store/model which can be accessed from other components.
The nice thing about redux (with react-redux) is that for each component you can say "Here are the actions this component is interested in" and then that component can simply call the action like UserActions.fetchUserIfNeeded() and the action will figure out whether it already has the user or if it should be fetched, and afterwards it will re-render and the prop will be available.
Answer to Q4: What are you trying to clone and why? If it's a child see this answer.
You can do one thing when your application start at that time you will call the API and fetch the data and register your Route like
my index.js is entry file then
here I have used React-Router 0.13.3 you can change the syntax as per new Router
var TaskData=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(items.json.Tasks));
var Data=[];
if(TaskData[task].PageName !=='' && TaskData[task].PageUrl !=='')
var routes=require('./routes')(Data);
React.render(<Handler />,document.getElementById('root'));
React.render(<UserRoles />, document.getElementById("userrole"));
I have pass the data to routes.js file like var routes=require('./routes')(Data); and my routes.js file look like
export default (data =>
<Route name="App" path="/" handler={App}>
<NotFoundRoute handler={require('./pages/PageNotFound')} />
<Route handler={TaskList} data={data} >
{ =>
<Route name={task.PageName} path={task.path} handler={require(task.PageUrl)}>
) }
I am not entirely sure I understand the question, but I just recently passed properties to the children of my routes as well. Pardon me if this is not the best way of doing it, but you'll have to clone your children and edit them and then pass down the copies not the children. I'm not sure why react and the react router make you do this, but try this:
let children (or whatever you want to name it) =, (child) => {
return React.cloneElement(child, {name of property: property value});
Afterwards, you should be able to access those properties in this.props in the sub routes. Please ask if you have any questions because this is pretty confusing.
