Avoid MS Access SQL insert bug - sql-server

I am converting an Access ADP file to ACCDB in preparation for Access 2016.
It's currently Access 2013 while all the functional testing is done before we move that to Access 2016 for compatibility testing.
I have one form where inserting a new record displays #Deleted after the insert.
I have traced through the profiler that it does 2 sp_executesql calls
One does the insert
The second queries for the new identity column value by using all the column values.
Unfortunately, there are several column values that are NULL, and the text shows it is querying for Field = #P6 (where #P6 = NULL) rather than Field IS NULL.
I've checked, and replacing the NULL variable checks with IS NULL does return the correct key value.
Is there a known bug relating to this?
I'm assuming it would be either in Access or ODBC
If so, can someone point me to the appropriate documentation so I can arrange any required upgrades, etc.
ODBC Connection I am using:
ODBC;Driver={SQL Server};APP=TEST;SERVER=TEST_SQL;DATABASE=TestDB;Trusted_Connection=Yes;TABLE=dbo.Inspection


SQL Server: Error converting data type varchar to numeric (Strange Behaviour)

I'm working on a legacy system using SQL Server in 2000 compatibility mode. There's a stored procedure that selects from a query into a virtual table.
When I run the query, I get the following error:
Error converting data type varchar to numeric
which initially tells me that something stringy is trying to make its way into a numeric column.
To debug, I created the virtual table as a physical table and started eliminating each column.
The culprit column is called accnum (which stores a bank account number, which has a source data type of varchar(21)), which I'm trying to insert into a numeric(16,0) column, which obviously could cause issues.
So I made the accnum column varchar(21) as well in the physical table I created and it imports 100%. I also added an additional column called accnum2 and made it numeric(16,0).
After the data is imported, I proceeded to update accnum2 to the value of accnum. Lo and behold, it updates without an error, yet it wouldn't work with an insert into...select query.
I have to work with the data types provided. Any ideas how I can get around this?
Can you try to use conversion in your insert statement like this:
SELECT [accnum] = CASE ISNUMERIC(accnum)
ELSE CAST(accnum AS NUMERIC(16, 0))

SQL Server varchar(MAX) datatype in delphi using RemObjects

Got a request to change comment field max size in application. Before had it set to varchar(500), so after reading documentation i have decided to change data type of the field from varchar(500) to varchar(max). Database accepted changes without any problems (using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2005 and Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2008 for database management).
Then i went on changing the software. Software is written in Delphi with RemObjects to communication with database. So I changed the TDASchema for the server, it mapped my new varchar(max) field as String(65536) data type (got me a little worried there about such an explicit static size, but I went on). Then I Retrieved DataTable Schema for my TDAMemDataTable object, which updated all the fields.
I started the application and decided to see whether my database will accept changes on this specific changed field. I have edited one of the records and clicked the button to synchronize the DataSet with server and got such a fail message:
The data types varchar(max) and text are incompatible in the equal to operator
I interpret it as that my server object (the one that maps database fields with RemObjects objects) have mapped field data types to wrong data types in RemObjects.
How can this be resolved? What are the alternatives?
P.S. In this release Build .1267 logs from RemObjects it clearly states that:
fixed: DataSnap: fails to post updates to MSSQL 2005 VARCHAR(MAX)
I am using build version .1067. Wonder if update will fix the problem
P.P.S. After update to the latest version of RemObjects, the problem persists.
This error message usually happens when trying to compare a varchar(n) and text using an equality operator (usually in a where clause in sql but possible elsewhere). there was an article on MSDN which covered a few points which might relate to this.
when you store data to a VARCHAR(N) column, the values are physically stored in the same way. But when you store it to a VARCHAR(MAX) column, behind the screen the data is handled as a TEXT value. So there is some additional processing needed when dealing with a VARCHAR(MAX) value. (only if the size exceeds 8000)
You mentioned that the TDASchema had mapped your new field as String(65536) which, although never having used RemObjects before, i would assume somewhere in it's own code (or yours) is trying to do a comparison of some kind hence the error message.
Try using VARCHAR(8000) instead of MAX and see if that fixes the issue.
The other option if you can find where in the code it is doing this equality check, is to try doing a cast()
As you suspected, I think the root of your problems is that the fields haven't come into the TDASchema as the correct types. I've just tried it here and varchar(max) and nvarchar(max) fields come through to my schema as Memo and WideMemo respectively, not String(65536).
I'm using Delphi XE6 and SQL Server 2008 R2 via FireDAC.
This suggests an issue retrieving the metadata from the database. What database driver are you using? Can you try FireDAC (if available) or another driver to see if the problem persists?
Resolution for Delphi 7 and MS SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP2)
with TADOStoredProc.Create(Self) do
Connection := AConnection;
ProcedureName := ASPName;
Parameters.ParamByName('#XML').Value := AXML;
MS SQL Server:
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcName
,#idoc INT
-- Prepare XML
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument #idoc OUTPUT, #XML_TEXT
-- Open XML
FROM OPENXML (#idoc, '/ServicesList/ServicesItem', 2)
YourFields AndTypes

Error when adding values to an Access ADP form bound to a SQL stored procedure with a join

I have an Access 2003 ADP project that connects to SQL Server 2008 Express Edition.
When I try adding values to a form that has as it's RecordSource a SQL Strored Procedure that uses a JOIN, I get the following error:
You can't update the record because another user or application deleted it or changed the value of its primary key.
The code for the Stored Procedure is:
SELECT F.Description, T.Quantity, T.Points
RIGHT OUTER JOIN tblCriteriaCategory1 F
ON T.FunctionalityID = F.tblCriteriaCategory1ID
(The values I'm trying to add are those for Quantity and Points to table Test)
I have also created the appropriate ForeignKey relationship on the Test and tblCriteriaCategory1 tables.
Thank you for any assistace with the above
You probably need to make FunctionalityID the primary key for Test.
This knowledge base article show almost the exact same scenario as you are experiencing

Inserting NULL in an nvarchar fails in MSAccess

I'm experiencing something a bit strange.
I have a table on SQL Server 2008, say StockEvent that contains a Description field defined as nVarchar(MAX).
The field is set to be Nullable, has no default value and no index on it.
That table is linked into an Access 2007 application, but if I explicitly insert a NULL into the field, I'm systematically getting:
Run-time Error '3155' ODBC--insert on a linked table 'StockEvent' failed.
So the following bits of code in Access both reproduce the error:
Public Sub testinsertDAO()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("StockEvent", _
dbOpenDynaset, _
dbSeeChanges + dbFailOnError)
rs!Description = Null
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub testinsertSQL()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Set db = CurrentDb
db.Execute "INSERT INTO StockEvent (Description) VALUES (NULL);", _
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
However, if I do the same thing from the SQL Server Management Studio, I get no error and the record is correctly inserted:
INSERT INTO StockEvent (Description) VALUES (NULL);
It doesn't appear to be machine-specific: I tried on 3 different SQL Server installations and 2 different PCs and the results are consistent.
I initially though that the problem may be in my Access application somewhere, but I isolated the code above into its own Access database, with that unique table linked to it and the results are consistent.
So, is there some known issue with Access, or ODBC and inserting NULL values to nvarchar fields?
Thanks for the answers so far.
Still no luck understanding why though ;-(
I tried with an even smaller set of assumptions: I created a new database in SQL Server with a single table StockEvent defined as such:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[StockEvent](
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Description] [nvarchar](max) NULL
Then linked that table though ODBC into the test Access 2007 application.
That application contains no forms, nothing except the exact 2 subroutines above.
If I click on the linked table, I can edit data and add new records in datasheet mode.
Works fine.
If I try any of the 2 subs to insert a record, they fail with the 3155 error message.
(The table is closed and not referenced anywhere else and the edit datasheet is closed.)
If I try the SQL insert query in SQL Server Management Studio, it works fine.
Now for the interesting bit:
It seems that anything as big or bigger than nvarchar(256), including nvarchar(MAX) will fail.
Anything with on or below nvarchar(255) works.
It's like Access was considering nvarchar as a simple string and not a memo if its size is larger than 255.
Even stranger, is that varchar(MAX) (wihout the n) actually works!
What I find annoying is that Microsoft's own converter from Access to SQL Server 2008 converts Memo fields into nvarchar(MAX), so I would expect this to work.
The problem now is that I need nvarchar as I'm dealing with Unicode...
OK, I may have found a related answer: Ms Access linking table with nvarchar(max).
I tried using the standard SQL Server driver instead of the SQL Server Native Client driver and nvarchar(MAX) works as expected with that older driver.
It really annoys me that this seems to be a long-standing, unfixed, bug.
There is no valid reason why nvarchar should be erroneously interpreted as a string by one driver and as a memo when using another.
In both cases, they appear as memo when looking a the datatype under the table design view in Access.
If someone has any more information, please leave it on this page. I'm sure others will be glad to find it.
That should be legal syntax. Is it possible that the field you are try to give a null value is linked to other fields that don't allow null values?
Potential concurrency problem... Is the record open by another instance of Access on the same or a different machine, or does a form bound to the table have the record open in the same instance of Access on the same machine?
Renaud, try putting something in one of the other fields when you do the insert.
Also, try inserting an empty string ("") instead of a null.
Did you try running a SQL Profiler trace? If you look at the Errors and Warnings category it should kick out an error if your insert failed as a result of a SQL Server constraint.
If you don't see any errors, you can safely assume that the problem is in your application.
Also, are you sure you're actually connected to SQL Server? Is CurrentDB not the same variable you're using in your Access test loop?
i got annother issue (here my post: link text
In some very rare cases an error arises when saving a row with a changed memo field - same construct explained in my former post but driving sql2000-servers and it's appropriate odbc-driver (SQL SERVER).
The only weired fix is: to expand the table structure on sql-server with a column of datatype [timestamp] and refresh the odbc-links. That works and releases the show-stopper in this column on this one row ...
Maybe this info can help someone - for me it's history in going further to odbc with sql2008 in changing the datatypes [text] to [varchar(max)].

Oracle considers empty strings to be NULL while SQL Server does not - how is this best handled?

I have to write a component that re-creates SQL Server tables (structure and data) in an Oracle database. This component also has to take new data entered into the Oracle database and copy it back into SQL Server.
Translating the data types from SQL Server to Oracle is not a problem. However, a critical difference between Oracle and SQL Server is causing a major headache. SQL Server considers a blank string ("") to be different from a NULL value, so a char column can be defined as NOT NULL and yet still include blank strings in the data.
Oracle considers a blank string to be the same as a NULL value, so if a char column is defined as NOT NULL, you cannot insert a blank string. This is causing my component to break whenever a NOT NULL char column contains a blank string in the original SQL Server data.
So far my solution has been to not use NOT NULL in any of my mirror Oracle table definitions, but I need a more robust solution. This has to be a code solution, so the answer can't be "use so-and-so's SQL2Oracle product".
How would you solve this problem?
Edit: here is the only solution I've come up with so far, and it may help to illustrate the problem. Because Oracle doesn't allow "" in a NOT NULL column, my component could intercept any such value coming from SQL Server and replace it with "#" (just for example).
When I add a new record to my Oracle table, my code has to write "#" if I really want to insert a "", and when my code copies the new row back to SQL Server, it has to intercept the "#" and instead write "".
I'm hoping there's a more elegant way.
Edit 2: Is it possible that there's a simpler solution, like some setting in Oracle that gets it to treat blank strings the same as all the other major database? And would this setting also be available in Oracle Lite?
I don't see an easy solution for this.
Maybe you can store your values as one or more blanks -> ' ', which aren't NULLS in Oracle, or keep track of this special case through extra fields/tables, and an adapter layer.
My typical solution would be to add a constraint in SQL Server forcing all string values in the affected columns to have a length greater than 0:
CREATE TABLE Example (StringColumn VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL)
ADD CONSTRAINT CK_Example_StringColumn CHECK (LEN(StringColumn) > 0)
However, as you have stated, you have no control over the SQL Database. As such you really have four choices (as I see it):
Treat empty string values as invalid, skip those records, alert an operator and log the records in some manner that makes it easy to manually correct / re-enter.
Convert empty string values to spaces.
Convert empty string values to a code (i.e. "LEGACY" or "EMPTY").
Rollback transfers that encounter empty string values in these columns, then put pressure on the SQL Server database owner to correct their data.
Number four would be my preference, but isn't always possible. The action you take will really depend on what the oracle users need. Ultimately, if nothing can be done about the SQL database, I would explain the issue to the oracle business system owners, explain the options and consequences and make them make the decision :)
NOTE: I believe in this case SQL Server actually exhibits the "correct" behaviour.
Do you have to permit empty strings in the SQL Server system? If you can add a constraint to the SQL Server system that disallows empty strings, that is probably the easiest solution.
Its nasty and could have unexpected side effects.. but you could just insert "chr(0)" rather than ''.
drop table x
drop table x succeeded.
create table x ( id number, my_varchar varchar2(10))
create table succeeded.
insert into x values (1, chr(0))
1 rows inserted
insert into x values (2, null)
1 rows inserted
select id,length(my_varchar) from x
---------------------- ----------------------
1 1
2 rows selected
select * from x where my_varchar is not null
---------------------- ----------
NOT NULL is a database constraint used to stop putting invalid data into your database. This is not serving any purpose in your Oracle database and so I would not have it.
I think you should just continue to allow NULLS in any Oracle column that mirrors a SqlServer column that is known to contain empty strings.
If there is a logical difference in the SqlServer database between NULL and empty string, then you would need something extra to model this difference in Oracle.
I'd go with an additional column on the oracle side. Have your column allow nulls and have a second column that identifies whether the SQL-Server side should get a null-value or empty-string for the row.
For those that think a Null and an empty string should be considered the same. A null has a different meaning from an empty string. It captures the difference between 'undefined' and 'known to be blank'. As an example a record may have been automatically created, but never validated by user input, and thus receive a 'null' in the expectation that when a user validates it, it will be set to be empty. Practically we may not want to trigger logic on a null but may want to on an empty string. This is analogous to the case for a 3 state checkbox of Yes/No/Undefined.
Both SQL and Oracle have not got it entirely correct. A blank should not satisfy a 'not null' constraint, and there is a need for an empty string to be treated differently than a null is treated.
If you are migrating data you might have to substitute a space for an empty string. Not very elegant, but workable. This is a nasty "feature" of Oracle.
I've written an explanation on how Oracle handles null values on my blog a while ago. Check it here: http://www.psinke.nl/blog/hello-world/ and let me know if you have any more questions.
If you have data from a source with empty values and you must convert to an Oracle database where columns are NOT NULL, there are 2 things you can do:
remove the not null constraint from the Oracle column
Check for each individual column if it's acceptable to place a ' ' or 0 or dummy date in the column in order to be able to save your data.
Well, main point I'd consider is absence of tasks when some field can be null, the same field can be empty string and business logic requires to distinguish these values. So I'd make this logic:
check MSSQL if column has NOT NULL constraint
check MSSQL if column has CHECK(column <> '') or similar constraint
If both are true, make Oracle column NOT NULL. If any one is true, make Oracle column NULL. If none is true, raise INVALID DESIGN exception (or maybe ignore it, if it's acceptable by this application).
When sending data from MSSQL to Oracle, just do nothing special, all data would be transferred right. When retrieving data to MSSQL, any not-null data should be sent as is. For null strings you should decide whether it should be inserted as null or as empty string. To do this you should check table design again (or remember previous result) and see if it has NOT NULL constraint. If has - use empty string, if has not - use NULL. Simple and clever.
Sometimes, if you work with unknown and unpredictable application, you cannot check for existence of {not empty string} constraint because of various forms of it. If so, you can either use simplified logic (make Oracle columns always nullable) or check whether you can insert empty string into MSSQL table without error.
Although, for the most part, I agree with most of the other responses (not going to get into an argument about any I disagree with - not the place for that :) )
I do notice that OP mentioned the following:
"Oracle considers a blank string to be the same as a NULL value, so if a char column is defined as NOT NULL, you cannot insert a blank string."
Specifically calling out CHAR, and not VARCHAR2.
Hence, talking about an "empty string" of length 0 (ie '' ) is moot.
If he's declared the CHAR as, for example, CHAR(5), then just add a space to the empty string coming in, Oracle's going to pad it anyway. You'll end up with a 5 space string.
Now, if OP meant VARCHAR2, well yeah, that's a whole other beast, and yeah, the difference between empty string and NULL becomes relevant.
SQL> drop table junk;
Table dropped.
SQL> create table junk ( c1 char(5) not null );
Table created.
SQL> insert into junk values ( 'hi' );
1 row created.
SQL> insert into junk values ( ' ' );
1 row created.
SQL> insert into junk values ( '' );
insert into junk values ( '' )
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("GREGS"."JUNK"."C1")
SQL> insert into junk values ( rpad('', 5, ' ') );
insert into junk values ( rpad('', 5, ' ') )
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("GREGS"."JUNK"."C1")
SQL> declare
2 lv_in varchar2(5) := '';
3 begin
4 insert into junk values ( rpad(lv_in||' ', 5) );
5 end;
6 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
