Plotly fx.hover fails for mobile - reactjs

I keep receiving this warning when trying to click anywhere on my graph with Chrome's mobile helper turned on. Couldn't find much on Plotly's documentation for their hover events, and the I couldn't get much from the stack trace either. Any suggestions? I'm trying to be able to click on a certain data point and view its data just like you can when hovering on desktop (screenshots attached).

This looks like a bug in Plotly, the latest version that worked for me was 1.28.0. You can retrieve a specific version from the CDN:
<script src=""></script>


How to get new (2020) React Developer Tools to show elements as old version did?

I'm working through a React video from 2019 and their React Developer Tools extension (in Safari) looks like this:
However, my React Developer Tools in both Firefox and Chrome extensions look like this:
One can see here that the presenter in the video is getting much more information about the React component than I am getting:
Is there a way to see the elements as in the old version of the extension? Or does one have to use React Developer Tools in a different way now?
Inline props in tree have been removed for better performances, however, you can still get an element's details by selecting it:
Also, for a more detailed DOM tree view, it can be displayed by clicking on the eye icon on the top-right which says "Inspect the matching DOM element".
Another thing I noticed is that selecting a component automatically make the $r variable refers to it.

How Can I Hide the PDF Viewer Toolbar in CefSharp?

When loading a PDF document into browser, is there a way to hide the toolbar (zoom, save, print, etc.)? I've spent some time searching and even some time experimenting, but with no success.
It seems if I load a PDF into Chrome and use the developer tools, I can inspect the element and then set display: none. That does the trick there, but when I try to execute some javascript via CefSharp, it doesn't seem to have any effect.
From poking at some view source information, it looks like Chrome (the official Google version) is somehow intercepting the PDF view request and displaying the PDF in a container or frame or something of that sort that I can't directly access from operating on the main CEF frame.
Any ideas? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

drupal overlay not closing, Edit link not loading overlay

I'm having an odd issue after having migrated my drupal project to a client's server.
After configuring the apache http.conf to accept clean urls, I'm now finding that the administrative overlay does not always respond.
-The Find content shortcut doesn't respond, but the Content link on the overlay does.
-The Edit link when on a node's detail page makes the site darken like it does when the overlay is being loaded, but the Edit window for the node never appears.
-The X (close) on an overlay page (like when using Content to see the list of all nodes, but then want to quit out of it and go back to the site) fails to close the overlay and a strange, second vertical scrollbar appears on the right of the browser screen.
I have had a similar problem before, but chalked it up to javascript on the page interfering with the overlay's own javascript. Now I'm not so sure.
If anyone else has had this problem, or can surmise what the issue might be, then I would appreciate any and all help given.
My thanks,
It looks as if you are using a jQuery version that is incompatible with the overlay module. It's probably because $.browser is deprecated in jQuery 1.9, see the following issue:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'msie' of undefined - jQuery tools
To fix this issue, you'll need to install the latest jQuery Update module and select something below jQuery 1.9 for the admin interface. This should clear up your problems in IE.

IBM worklight and Dojo mobile

I am new to IBM worklight.I have created a application using Dojo mobile,Dragged and dropped the widgets into Rich Page Editor but when I run the app or check the result in preview,the widgets are not getting displayed
Technically it shouldn't create any issue unless until something goes wrong, try to open the browser console, there must be something fishy which creating the issue.
If possible share the code to debug the issue otherwise it's tough to provide any pointers without having use case.
Open your mobile app in a JavaScript Debug Environment (Firebug) and look for errors!!!
It could also be possible that the dojo.parser is not running. You can trigger that manually by doing the following:
Configure your application that dojo-parser wont get invoked automatically.
<script type="text/javascript" src="dojo/dojo.js"
data-dojo-config="parseOnLoad: false">
Trigger parser after dom-ready event got fired.
require(["dojo/parser", "dojo/ready"], function(parser, ready){
In dojo, it won't render in the preview (not correctly if it does). Try to download the Android SDK and run it on the emulator. I have had the same issue with the browser simulator and Dojo mobile in a few apps. I don't use it often, but I haven seen the issue.

Silverlight Notification API in-browser

I'd like to use the Notification API to create toast notifications for a Silverlight app designed to run both in and out of the browser, but the NotificationWindow class is only available OOB.
Does there exist anything that can replicate the behaviour inside the app? My idea is to have a container in the bottom right of the screen overlaying all other content. Then, create a wrapper which detects OOB-mode, passing params to the Notification API if possible, or populating and showing my own container if not. Is there anything that does this available?
It seems strange that MS chose not to implement something like this, as has been pointed out before.
Displaying a notification in browser is simple. You just need to use a popup and make it appear in the right place. See the following post as an example.
Now the difference with that approach is that the notification will show inside the browser. In OOB it shows outside the window and it's visible even if the windows is minimized. Due to security reasons it's not possible to directly do this.
Out of interest, Chrome Applications like Tweetdeck and Gmail, are able to display notifications outside of the browser. I think this might be a possiblity, but not exactly a Silverlight and cross browser solution.
