How to differentiate between two Date Time in C language -Loadrunner Web? - c

I am trying to find differentiation between two date(i.e. 14:49:41 and 15:50:42) using below code:
struct tm {
int tm_sec;
int tm_min;
int tm_hour;
int rc; // return code
struct tm date1;
struct tm date2;
long time_difference; // the number of time ticks (seconds) that separate date1 and date2.
int hours, minutes, seconds;
// Save example dates to a parameter.
// capture these values using web_reg_save_param or similar.
// date format: hh:mm:ss
lr_save_string("14:49:41", "Param_Date1");
lr_save_string("15:50:42", "Param_Date2");
// Read the values from the string into the date variables
rc = sscanf(lr_eval_string("{Param_Date1}"), "%d:%d:%d",&date1.tm_hour, &date1.tm_min, &date1.tm_sec);
// Repeat the above steps for Date2
rc = sscanf(lr_eval_string("{Param_Date2}"), "%d:%d:%d", &date2.tm_hour, &date2.tm_min, &date2.tm_sec);
time_difference = mktime(&date2) - mktime(&date1);
lr_output_message("Total number of seconds difference: %d", time_difference);
// Calculate time difference in hours, minutes and seconds.
hours = time_difference/3600;
time_difference = time_difference - (hours * 3600);
minutes = time_difference/60;
time_difference = time_difference - (minutes * 60);
seconds = time_difference;
lr_output_message("Hours: %d, Minutes: %d, Seconds: %d", hours, minutes, seconds);
return 0;
Actual output should return : Hours: 1, Minutes: 1, Seconds: 1
But output returns : Hours: 0, Minutes: 0, Seconds: 0
Please help me fix this problem. Or Else any other alternative achieve it?

hours, minutes and seconds should not be declared as Integers as you are dividing the value by 3600. If you declare them as floating point numbers it may work. Other than that everything looks good

The difference between two times in seconds is easy to compute:
int secs1 = ((time1.hour * 60) + time1.min) * 60 + time1.sec;
int secs1 = ((time2.hour * 60) + time2.min) * 60 + time2.sec;
int sec_dif = secs1 - secs2;
Or this way:
int sec_dif =
((time1.hour - time2.hour) * 60 + (time1.min - time2.min)) * 60 + (time1.min - time2.min);
int min_dif = sec_dif / 60;
int hour_dif = sec_dif / (60 * 60);
No need to bother with converting the times into time_t types.


How do I properly compute and convert the starting time and ending time of the call in minutes?

The start and end time are based on a 24 hour clock format. The task is that we will input the start and the end time then we will compute the length of the call and convert the result in minutes.
Sample output:
Start time: 1810
End time: 2000
Length of call: 110 minutes
Here's what I did try doing. First, I tried to minus the start and end time and automatically turn the answer into positive. Now if the total result(resultMain) is greater than 120, it will multiply the result to (.60). Else if the result is greater than 60 and less than 120, then it will just get minus 40 instead of it getting multiplied by (.60). My problem is that my result is inconsistent, sometimes the answer is correct but sometimes it is wrong.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
int startTime, endTime, result1, result2;
double totalTime1, totalTime2, resultMain;
printf("\nPLDT Telephone Call Charge\n");
printf("\nStart time\t: ");
scanf("%d", &startTime);
printf("End time\t: ");
scanf("%d", &endTime);
totalTime1 = startTime - endTime;
resultMain = fabs(totalTime1);
if(resultMain >= 120){
totalTime2 = resultMain * .60;
result1 = ceil(totalTime2);
result2 = fabs(result1);
printf("Length of call\t: %d minutes\n", result2);
}else if(resultMain >= 60 && resultMain < 120){
totalTime2 = resultMain - 40;
result1 = ceil(totalTime2);
result2 = fabs(result1);
printf("Length of call\t: %d minutes\n", result2);
totalTime2 = resultMain;
result1 = ceil(totalTime2);
result2 = fabs(result1);
printf("Length of call\t: %d minutes\n", result2);
return 0;
Example of correct answer:
Start time: 0123
End time: 0224
Length of call: 61 minutes
Example of wrong answer:
Start time: 0852
End time: 0906
Length of call: 54 minutes
Example of wrong answer:
Start time: 0805
End time: 1210
Length of call: 243 minutes
No need for any floating point math
Before subtracting, break time into hours and minutes
int startTime_hours = startTime/100;
int startTime_mins = startTime%100;
startTime_mins += startTime_hours*60; // startTime_mins is now the total minutes.
The difference is the end minus the start
int diff = endTime_mins - startTime_mins;
When difference is negative, add a day worth of time
Example: start time just before midnight and the end time after midnight.
if (diff < 0) {
diff += 24*60;
Only 1 case needed for printing
printf("Length of call\t: %d minutes\n", diff);
You can use this algorithm to calculate the difference in minutes between two times:
const MINS_PER_HR = 60, MINS_PER_DAY = 1440
startx = starthour * MINS_PER_HR + startminute
endx = endhour * MINS_PER_HR + endminute
duration = endx - startx
if duration < 0:
duration = duration + MINS_PER_DAY
See: Algorithm needed to calculate difference between two times
This code will implement it for you:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int startTime, endTime, startHour, startMin, endHour, endMin, duration;
printf("\nPLDT Telephone Call Charge\n");
printf("\nStart time\t: ");
scanf("%04d", &startTime);
printf("End time\t: ");
scanf("%04d", &endTime);
startHour = startTime / 100;
startMin = startTime % 100;
endHour = endTime / 100;
endMin = endTime % 100;
duration = (endHour * 60 + endMin) - (startHour * 60 + startMin);
if (duration < 0)
duration += 60 * 24;
printf("Length of call\t: %d minutes\n", duration);
return 0;

calculate how many days before a unix process time overflows

I'm working through an example for Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment and the following questions was asked:
If the process time is stored as a 32bit signed integer, and the system counts 100 ticks per second, after how many days will the value overflow?
void proc_ovf()
int sec = 60;
int min = 60;
int hour = 24;
int tick = 100;
int epoch_time = (((INT_MAX / (sec * tick)) / min) / hour);
struct tm * timeinfo;
time_t epoch_time_as_proc_t = epoch_time;
timeinfo = localtime(&epoch_time_as_proc_t);
printf("3] overflow date of proc: %s", asctime(timeinfo));
Is the following solution a reasonable calculation for how many days before overflow?
(((INT_MAX / (sec * tick)) / min) / hour)
This calculation yielded 248 days.
248 days looks good.
But your code doesn't. Your variables have the wrong names. They should be:
int ticks_per_second = 100;
int seconds_per_minute = 60;
int minutes_per_hour = 60;
int hours_per_day = 24;
int ticks = INT_MAX;
int seconds = ticks / ticks_per_second;
int minutes = seconds / seconds_per_minute;
int hours = minutes / minutes_per_hour;
int days = hours / hours_per_day;
printf("overflow after %d days\n", days);
The above code takes care of mentioning the measurement units. Can you see how nicely the measurement units cancel out in each line of the second part of the code?

Calculate datetime difference in C

I need a function that can calculate the difference between two datetime (year, month, day, hours, minute, seconds). and then return the difference in the same format.
int main (){
struct datetime dt_from;
init_datetime(&dt_from, 1995, 9, 15, 10, 40, 15);
struct datetime dt_to;
init_datetime(&dt_to, 2004, 6, 15, 10, 40, 20);
struct datetime dt_res;
datetime_diff(&dt_from, &dt_to, &dt_res);
return 0;
void datetime_diff(struct datetime *dt_from, struct datetime *dt_to
, struct datetime *dt_res) {
//What can I do here to calculate the difference, and get it in the dt_res?
Please have a look and try this example which uses time.h and should be portable. It calculates the difference in days between the dates in your question. You can change the program a little so that it works the way you want.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
int main() {
time_t start_daylight, start_standard, end_daylight, end_standard;;
struct tm start_date = {0};
struct tm end_date = {0};
double diff;
printf("Start date: ");
scanf("%d %d %d", &start_date.tm_mday, &start_date.tm_mon, &start_date.tm_year);
printf("End date: ");
scanf("%d %d %d", &end_date.tm_mday, &end_date.tm_mon, &end_date.tm_year);
/* first with standard time */
start_date.tm_isdst = 0;
end_date.tm_isdst = 0;
start_standard = mktime(&start_date);
end_standard = mktime(&end_date);
diff = difftime(end_standard, start_standard);
printf("%.0f days difference\n", round(diff / (60.0 * 60 * 24)));
/* now with daylight time */
start_date.tm_isdst = 1;
end_date.tm_isdst = 1;
start_daylight = mktime(&start_date);
end_daylight = mktime(&end_date);
diff = difftime(end_daylight, start_daylight);
printf("%.0f days difference\n", round(diff / (60.0 * 60 * 24)));
return 0;
Start date: 15 9 1995
End date: 15 6 2004
3195 days difference
Or even simpler for non-interactive code and with standard or daylight savings time:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
time_t start_daylight, start_standard, end_daylight, end_standard;;
struct tm start_date = {0};
struct tm end_date = {0};
double diff;
start_date.tm_year = 1995;
start_date.tm_mon = 9;
start_date.tm_mday = 15;
start_date.tm_hour = 10;
start_date.tm_min = 40;
start_date.tm_sec = 15;
end_date.tm_mday = 15;
end_date.tm_mon = 6;
end_date.tm_year = 2004;
end_date.tm_hour = 10;
end_date.tm_min = 40;
end_date.tm_sec = 20;
/* first with standard time */
start_date.tm_isdst = 0;
end_date.tm_isdst = 0;
start_standard = mktime(&start_date);
end_standard = mktime(&end_date);
diff = difftime(end_standard, start_standard);
printf("%.0f days difference\n", round(diff / (60.0 * 60 * 24)));
/* now with daylight time */
start_date.tm_isdst = 1;
end_date.tm_isdst = 1;
start_daylight = mktime(&start_date);
end_daylight = mktime(&end_date);
diff = difftime(end_daylight, start_daylight);
printf("%.0f days difference\n", round(diff / (60.0 * 60 * 24)));
return 0;
Here is the basic idea:
Convert your datetime into an integral type (preferable long long or unsigned long long) which represents your datetime value as it's smallest unit (second in your case). How to achieve that? Easy transform the single values into seconds and add everything together. (seconds + minutes * 60 + hours * 3600 ...)
Do this for both values and then subtract the integer values.
Now convert the single integer value, the time difference, back to a datetime. How? Start with the biggest unit (years) and divide the difference by the amount of seconds within one year (60 * 60 * 24 * 365). Now you know how many years are in between your two datetimes. Take the rest and divide it by the amount of seconds per month, and so on...
(Obviously I ignored everything rather complicated, like daylight saving time for example)
However I would highly recommend using struct tm from time.h as mentioned in the comments. It is portable and you can use difftime.

Elapsed Time C Program using struct

//import library
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//declare variable structure
struct time{
int hour;
int min;
int sec;
}startTime, endTime, different, elapsed;
//mould struct and compute elapsedTime
struct time elapsedTime(struct time start, struct time end){
int secondStart, secondEnd, secondDif;
secondEnd = end.hour * 60 * 60 + end.min * 60 + end.sec;
secondStart = start.hour * 60 * 60 + start.min * 60 + start.sec;
if (secondEnd>secondStart)
secondDif = secondEnd - secondStart;
secondDif = secondStart - secondEnd;
different.hour = secondDif / 60 / 60;
different.min = secondDif / 60;
return different;
//main function
void main(){
printf("Enter start time (Hour Minute Second) using 24 hours system : ");
scanf("%d %d %d", startTime.hour, startTime.min, startTime.sec);
printf("Enter end time (Hour Minute Second) using 24 hours system : ");
scanf("%d %d %d", endTime.hour, endTime.min, endTime.sec);
elapsed = elapsedTime(startTime, endTime);
Can someone help me check and run the code to check whether it is working or not?
You have a mistakes in main function, you should use in scanf int * instead of int so you must add &, you can see below:
//main function
void main(){
printf("Enter start time (Hour Minute Second) using 24 hours system : ");
scanf("%d %d %d", &startTime.hour, &startTime.min, &startTime.sec);
printf("Enter end time (Hour Minute Second) using 24 hours system : ");
scanf("%d %d %d", &endTime.hour, &endTime.min, &endTime.sec);
elapsed = elapsedTime(startTime, endTime);
I assume you would want to calculate different.sec so I think the correct calculation of the different time is:
secPerHr = 60 * 60;
secPerMin = 60;
if (secondDif >= secPerHr) {
different.hour = secondDif / secPerHr;
secondDif -= different.hour * secPerHr;
if (secondDif >= secPerMin) {
different.min = secondDif / secPerMin;
secondDif -= different.min * secPerMin;
different.sec = secondDif;
Also, for testing purposes you would probably want to display the result in your main function.

Calculate the difference between two times on two different days

I am trying to determine the time difference between two times, which i represent as unsigned integers (in a sturct) as follows:
unsigned int day;
unsigned int month;
unsigned int year;
unsigned int hour;
unsigned int mins;
unsigned int seconds;
i can work out the time difference in minutes between two times that occur on the same day easily enough using: This isn't my exact code, this is just the logic behind it.
time1 = hours*3600 + mins*60 + seconds;
time1 = hours2*3600 + mins2*60 + seconds2;
//time2 will always be less than time1
time_diff_secs = time1_secs - time2_secs;
time_diff_mins = time_diff_secs / 60;
time_diff_secs = time_diff_secs % 60;
this produces this output:
Time mayday was issued: 13 Hours 4 Mins 0 Seconds
Time mayday was recieved: 13 Hours 10 Mins 0 Seconds
Time between sending and receiving: 6.00Mins
which is correct, but when I have two times that are on different days I get this as the result:
Time mayday was issued: 23 Hours 0 Mins 0 Seconds
Time mayday was recieved: 0 Hours 39 Mins 38 Seconds
Time between sending and receiving: 71581448.00Mins
This is obviously incorrect, I am not sure how to progress from here, the actual result should be 40mins, not 71.5million.
Another way to do it using the standard C library, the only advantage of this is you do not have to worry about your dates overlapping years, or problems with overlapping month boundaries + leap year nonsense:
unsigned int day;
unsigned int month;
unsigned int year;
unsigned int hour;
unsigned int mins;
unsigned int seconds;
time_t conv(void)
time_t retval=0;
struct tm tm;
tm.tm_mon=month -1;
tm.tm_year=year - 1900;
return retval;
int main()
time_t start=0;
time_t end=0;
time_t diff=0;
// assign day, month, year ... for date1
// assign day, month, year ... for date2
diff=start - end;
diff=end - start;
printf("seconds difference = %ld\n", diff);
return 0;
You are getting an underflow. Try this (works regardless of whether the variables are signed or unsigned):
if (time1_secs < time2_secs) {
// New day. Add 24 hours:
time_diff_secs = 24*60*60 + time1_secs - time2_secs;
} else {
time_diff_secs = time1_secs - time2_secs;
time_diff_mins = time_diff_secs / 60;
time_diff_secs = time_diff_secs % 60;
time_diff_secs = time1_secs - time2_secs;
time_diff_secs = abs(time1_secs - time2_secs) % 86400;
This will force it to be the minimum time difference between both times and will work even if you add days, months, etcetera to the time_diff_secs calculation.
