OneDrive file picker doesn't show picker - angularjs

I am trying to integrate the OneDrive file picker Javascript v 7.2 SDK into my Angular JS 1.6 web app. When I click on the "Open OneDrive", it opens up a pop-up window and shows the login screen. However, after logging in, I get redirected back to my web app in the popup window instead of showing the file picker. This happens randomly and sometimes it works showing me the files in the file picker.
I have followed the exact same steps mentioned in their documentation here
I have a large application and since the issue is random, I am unable to reproduce this on a standalone app. Any inputs are much appreciated.


how can i change the language in messages in input tag

i'm building a web app with capacitor js and react js.
i'm creating a button to when i click the button to upload image file.
in android it works well, but in ios when i click the button it prints three options like above picture.
i want to make those options to korean.
i knew the language of the messages are depends on system language.
so i already checked the system language setting by window.navigator.language
it already setted in korean.
and then i dont know reason why, it prints in korean when i open a app in native safari browser.
this problem only occurs when i open the web in the app i built by capacitor
someone please give me some hints .
You can set the development region in your ios/App/App/Info.plist file:


I've checked similar issues, but none of the provided solutions seem to work in this case. My assumption is that this has something to do with pdf document itself, appreciate if anyone could take a look.
Steps to reproduce
Here is the sandbox with the example
Expected behavior
Links are clickable. Please see the online demo
Actual behavior
Links are not clickable
Interesting fact, that google viewer does not open the links either (pages 4, 5), but if you download the document, links are working. I'm using default previewer on MacOS
React-PDF version: 5.7.2, same behaviour on 4.1.0
React version: 18.0.0, same on 16.4.0
Also, I used iframe and embed, and really it make link clickable but its not display pdf on safari IOS
The problem is you are using a "virtual PDF reader" (GoogleDocs/Mozilla PDF.js) which produces images and searchable text as separate layers, the link is there but it is the highlighted yellow zone not the blue underline text. also due to browser security I have to right click to open at my choice in new tab or new window (my choice would be save link as PDF for offline viewing).
In a true PDF viewer like Chrome embedded PDF Plugin or the users iFrame / offline viewer, the links would work perfectly. Again whichever way the user decides.

React service worker not working?

Hello Guys !
Today I deployed an app online to test it but didn't understood very well why it didn't work.
What I did :
I've created a sample react app using bootstrap and used firebase to deploy it. Here is the link.
What was expected ?
I wanted the app to be able to be downloaded on the phone as is.
Reality :
Nothing special. It's in fact registered in service worker and very fast to load and download, but nothing more.
Problem now :
I've done it today two times but wasn't able to use it as well as the image of service workers I had.
What should I do ?
You need a a 144px square PNG icon to be defined in your manifest.json to enable the web app install banner.
You can validate whether your application can be added to your homescreen from Chrome on a desktop computer.
To do so, open the Chrome developer tools on your website, open the 'Application' tab, click 'Manifest' in the left navigation and then click 'Add to homescreen'.
If there's a problem adding to homescreen an error will appear in the console, when trying it on the website you mentioned I received the error 'Site cannot be installed: a 144px square PNG icon is required, but no supplied icon meets this requirement'.
You can read more about the requirements for web app install banners here

Issue with UIDocumentInteractionController iOS11 beta 4

I have a set of apps (e.g AppA and AppB). Lets say AppA programmatically sends a zip file to another app. On AppA UIDocumentInteractionController popover is displayed with Copy to AppB icon.
Once I choose AppB it sends the zip file to AppB. The file gets copied in required folder of tht AppB and the control navigates back to AppA.
So this functionality works perfectly fine on iOS 10.3.3.
However, on iOS 11 beta 2 and now on beta 4 too, this feature does not work. The document controller popover opens and then it says unable to load on the top. Even if I click the Copy to AppB icon to copy, it does not do anything. In previous versions I was not getting this Unable to load message on the UIDocumentInteractionController popover on top as highlighted in the image below
Doc controller image.
I have checked that the plist of both apps has the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes
Update 1:
While debugging all the delegate methods do get called viz., willBeginSendingToApplication and didEndSendingToApplication. When I sending this file to another application, I dismiss thedocContoller. So even the documentInteractionControllerDidDismissOpenInMenu also gets called.
So still the docController dismisses and activity indicator Sending load to application is displayed and remains there forever. The AppB is not launched.
New findings on iOS 11 beta 5
The Unable to Load message on the UIDocumentInteractionController is no more present. However, on click of the icon AppB the problem remains.
I've seen this problem occur where the file to be copied is in the app bundle. With iOS 10 it worked just fine direct from the bundle.
In iOS 11 a file located in the app bundle will copy fine to Apple's own apps but not to third party apps. Copying the file from the bundle to the tmp folder, then using that file and everything works.

Angular FullStack Two instances same project

I use the angular-fullstack/generator-angular-fullstack for my project and for testing purpose I would like to run my project on two different browser windows.
The problem is that I got the same input for each text field on both browsers simultaneously.
For example:
On the login page, if I type my email address on one browser it will appear on the login email field in the other browser.
Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong?
Your project uses browserSync.
When your project is opened using localhost:3000, you should browse to localhost:3001 that will give you a BrowserSync configuration page.
Under Sync Options on that page you can disbable what to sync.
