Is it possible to use AAD delegated permissions without physical user login? - azure-active-directory

I would like an AAD app to act on behalf of a user, without requiring the user to login to authenticate himself. E.g., I would like an app to be able to send an email from a user's account on the user's behalf programmatically using Graph API, but based on an event, and without user sign in each time to authenticate. Is this something that is possible using AAD delegated permissions?
I cannot use the client credentials flow using application permissions, because my admin will not grant access to my app, so I am looking for a viable workaround.
Thanks in advance!

You will need the user to consent your app using his/her e-mail address. Or an admin consenting the app to use everyones e-mail address. No other way.
Check out this article which describes dealing with long term access to APIs without presence of the user. And this here, describing the offline_access scope.
But, without someone letting you use their e-mail, you cannot use it. Period.


Microsoft Graph API provide user consent without UI flow

I have a Azure Active Directory application and I have provided some of the user delegated permissions for accessing Graph APIs. For example '' and '' etc.
To provide User Consent for the Graph APIs which have Delegated permission. I need to login using my credentials to the test application (I developed) and then there will be a Popup displayed on the Web UI with title "Permissions requested" to grand the consent. I need to select Accept button to grand the consent.
My questions:
Is there a way we can preauthorize the user consent without following Web UI flow?
Just like the admin consent in Active Directory, is there a way to grant user consent?
Yes, it is possible through MS Graph API.
When you grant user consent, an OAuth2PermissionGrant object is created.
Admin consent also creates one but in that one the principal is set to be "all users".
You can also create these programmatically.
You can see the docs for the API endpoint here.
It is created under the service principal of your app and you specify consentType as "Principal" and principalId as the user's objectId.
I think you may try to hit this url and signed in with the admin account, then you may consent on behalf of your organization. This url is used to get auth code for using auth code flow(generate access token)

Is it possible to check whether Azure Active Directory user is allowed to authorize my application?

Our application allows users to authenticate via Azure Active Directory using OpenID Connect.
However, some organizations do not allow users to approve applications, and require administrators to approve the application first.
Right now, this means that if a user wants to connect using their work account, we have to first send them to Azure, where they then enter their password, and then are told that our application requires administrator approval. Not a great experience.
Ideally, I would like to give only users whose tenants allow them to approve new applications (or those that already have) the option of logging in via AAD. Is this possible to do through an API call?
Microsoft does not provide such an API for this purpose.
As a workaround, you can quickly check it using auth code flow: Request an authorization code.
Enter their password is necessary. Sign in to this url with customer's credential:{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?
Then they can see if they need admin consent or not.
The essence is the same as the steps you described. But it can save a lot of time.

How to restrict mailbox access in azure active directory application

I am able to read other users email using microft.graph api. Need guidance as how to restrict mailbox access so that users can view its email alone.
I created an azure admin and added 3 users. I registered an app and granted Mail.ReadWrite api permission. I generated a token and was able to read others users email. Need guidance as how mailbox access can be restricted to specific user and particular user can access their own email
Need guidance as how to restrict the users from accessing other users email
Client credential allows the app to read all the information that it have access to without a user. It means that anyone who opens the app can see the information. See Get access without a user.
What you need is Get access on behalf of a user.
To get an access token, the user is redirected to the Microsoft identity platform /authorize endpoint. In the authorization code grant flow, after consent is obtained, Azure AD will return an authorization_code to your app that it can redeem at the Microsoft identity platform /token endpoint for an access token.
At last, use this access token to access the emails of the logged in user. You won't see other users' emails.
I was able to restrict my app to access specific user email by creating an application policy. This link helped me to achieve this Now I am using client credential to generate app level token and access specific users email.

How do I invite only work accounts to my azure active directory?

I have a B2B AAD tenant I am using for authentication for my app, and inviting users to it using Microsoft graph invitation API. Unfortunately some users have either both a work and personal account, or just a personal account linked to the email, and there doesn't seem to be any way I can restrict the invitation to their work account (or in the case of just a personal account, force the creation of a shadow tenant).
Is it possible to only invite work accounts? Or force users to sign in with a work account?
As far as I know, there is no way to specify this requirement when sending an invite.
Would be a good parameter to have though.
When signing in, you can force the user to use a work/school account by adding msa_fed=0 to the URL.
If you are using the v2.0 endpoint, you can use the organizations endpoint instead of common.
Note that both of these rely on setting a URL parameter which the user could easily manipulate.
So you would probably want to also check on the app side that the tenant id is not the MS account tenant id. (9188040d-6c67-4c5b-b112-36a304b66dad)

Appengine application as OpenId provider. Is it possible?

I have an application hosted on Google AppEngine. This app requires users authentication. I know that users can be authenticaded through OpenId, Google Accounts and so on. However, some user don't have any of these accounts. Thus, i have to suggest that they create an OpenId or a Google Account before they can be able to access my application.
I was wondering if it's possible to host an OpenId provider inside AppEngine, this way, instead of suggesting user to go away, create an OpenId and later get back, i could simply display a simple form. In this form, that user could create they new account and, at same time, create an OpenId, since the application would also be an OpenId Provider.
I'm not sure if i could host and OpenId provider inside appengine . Would I?
Thanks a lot contains a sample OpenID provider application. It uses Google accounts to authenticate, but it shouldn't be too difficult to use it to create your own accounts.
Of course, it's a bit bizarre that you want to create accounts on your service for the users but then use openID to authenticate them from that service to itself; why not just have a non-OpenID login in addition to OpenID if you want to manage some users' accounts yourself?
