Which filter to use to fetch precipitation data from nomad website? - weather

I want to fetch precipitation data from nomad Website but I don't know which grib filter to use to fetch only preicipation data, can someone tell me which filters to use.

Try to download only 'PRATE' variable for only 'surface' level. Here is the url:
I get a grib file of 274kb.
Hope this helps


Using Matomo API to get top 10 visited pages starting with a certain URL

For a weblog I am trying to get the top 10 popular posts from for example the last month. I figured I'd get the data out of Matomo, as that's already tracking visits and has an API. I've never used this API before though, so I've been reading the documentation and trying out some things. I am able to get data from the API using the Actions.getPageUrls method. However, when I try to filter using segment=^http://example.org/post I still get data from other URL's. It looks like it filters on session and gives back all data from the sessions that have at least 1 page that conforms to the filter.
The full URL I'm using is: http://example.org/matomo/index.php?&module=API&token_auth=12345&method=Actions.getPageUrls&format=json&idSite=1&period=month&date=today&expanded=1&segment=pageUrl%3D%5Ehttp%253A%252F%252Fexample.org%252Fpost. I've also tried with less and no URL encoding for the segment, but that doesn't seem to make a difference. If I use a URL that doesn't exist I get an empty array returned.
Am I doing something wrong? Is there a different way to only get the top pages with a URL starting with http://example.org/post? Or do I have to sift through the data myself to only get the pages I want?
I am using Matomo version 3.13.5.
I figured it out. There is no need to use segment. This can be achieved using the flat, filter_column and filter_pattern parameters.
Setting flat=1 will make it so all pages are returned in a single array, instead of hierarchically.
With filter_column and filter_pattern I can filter the results.
The URL I use now is: http://example.org/matomo/index.php?&module=API&token_auth=12345&method=Actions.getPageUrls&format=json&idSite=1&period=month&date=today&flat=1&filter_column=label&filter_pattern=%5E%2Fpost%2F. This does exactly what I want.
The unencoded pattern is ^/post/, so this will filter out any page that does not start with /post/.

Use query string in URL or use multiple URL?

If I want to display many posts in my web application but every post have its own type and I want to display each type in single page so, What's the best method to do that? Is put all all posts in one url and use query string to filter the posts upon the type and display it in the page?
For example : axios.get('/posts?type =sport')
Or I have to put every single type in separate Url
For example: axios.get('/posts/sport')
Also one more question please?
use one reducer to manage every posts or create one reducer for each post type?
you can add a dynamic route to every new type.
'/transaction' -> component-1
'/transaction/:type' -> component-any (multiple)
welcome to Stackoverflow!
I can imagine you have a web API of some sort serving a URL /posts. You want to consume that endpoint from your web application, and you are using axios to do that. I can assume you are using JSON to return that data. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Now that the basic information is "clear", what data you serve from the endpoint, and how it is requested from the client is up to you. Do you want to ask the server what types are there first, and then do one AJAX request per type? Ok. Do you want to serve all posts independent of their type? Ok. Do you want to accept POST data in your controller so you can filter the results before returning a response? Ok.
If you are looking for a more specific answer, you must give more details, or specify more. But I hope I could be of help.
Edit: complete answer.
If you want to filter the results, you have to send some additional data in your POST request, in this case, your post type. In axios, this could be done like this:
axios.post('https://example.com/posts', {
type: 'sports'
}).then((data) => {
You can obviously get the "type" value from a select input, other variable, even the current router page. I don't know your exact setup, but you can always come back and ask ;)
THEN, in your API controller you have to get that POST parameter type, and use it to filter the results. Again, I don't know your exact setup, but for MySQL if would be a WHERE statement in your query, or similar.

Pull data into filter or new field

I need to keep updating a filter by adding landing page URLs to it - but those URLs already exist in Google Sheets (and are updated there first).
Is there a way to make the filter pull directly from the sheet?
How about using the sheet as a halfway house for your main data source, and using formulas to filter the data there before it even reaches GDS?

Manipulating Soundcloud Stream with Chrome Extension Content Script

I am writing a Chrome extension using AngularJS to add functionality to the Soundcloud stream page. I want to allow the user to create groups of artists so that they may only see a stream with tracks/shares/playlists from that group of artists.
For example, I follow 500 artists, but I want to quickly see a stream from my favorite 10 artists or from the artists I follow that are on the same label.
I am looking for advice on how I could go about making this as seamless as possible. As of right now, my approach involves getting the tracks with the Soundcloud API and using angular's ng-repeat to display the tracks in a view injected into where the stream normally goes. I realized using the Soundcloud widget was too slow and can't be customized to resemble the native stream items, so I copy/pasted the HTML that an actual stream item uses, but obviously the waveform/comment canvas and button functionality don't work.
What are my options as far as how I can approach this? Am I going to need to write my own players that look like the native Soundcloud ones? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
You should use the SoundCloud API which is very well documented.
If you have already the id's of the tracks / artist, you just have to request the url
to get all the informations you need about this track, like the waveform_url, and for the comments you was talking about :
To reproduce the behaviour of the comments :
POST http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/ID_OF_TRACK/comments.json?client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID
(with a body param which represents the text and a timestamp in ms since the beginnin of the song, note that you must be connected)
If you don't have the id of the track, you could also use the resolve which give you all the info about a ressource if you have only the URL :

Pyrocms Getting Values at front end

I am new to pyrocms.
How can I get database values on pages of pyrocms. In website of pyrocms I had created a listing page now I want to display database values from pyro database table.
I got your question, you want to create a listing on your front-end page for some database table values which you want to access through your custom module controller. there are many ways to get these values but the simplest way is to use ajax. you already have Jquery added in pyrocms so you can simply make a call to your controller method in ajax and get your required output as HTML and display it in the div element on your page.
In your controller create a method which get data from database and print it using echo create some listing table etc what you want.
i think you will get my point. if confuse then get back to me
You need to be more specific as PyroCMS has lots of components and each module (blogs, variables, widgets, file uploads etc.) uses specific tags you insert into the page. You may come across references to 'Lex' - that's the name of the parser used to display them.
Tags documentation
PyroCMS (the Professional edition) also has a feature called "Streams" which allows you to build custom databases and this in turn has it's own series of tags.
