Should time complexity of Juggling algorithm be O(n)? - arrays

Time Complexity of Juggling algorithm for array rotation(Suppose array is rotated for 'd' times) is computed as O(n), where 'n' is the size of the array. But, for any number of rotation(i.e. for any value of 'd'), the algorithm runs exactly for n times. So, shouldn't the time complexity of the algorithm be "Theta(n)" instead of O(n) ? It always loops for n times in any case.If not, can anyone provide a test case where it doesn't run for exactly 'n' times?

Saying that f is in Θ(n) is the same thing as saying that it's in both O(n) and Ω(n). Colloquially, O(·) is often used when Θ(·) would be more precise. But a function in Θ(n) is definitely also in O(n).


How to rotate the arrays within O(logN) time

When I studied the algorithm course in class, the professor came up with the question that how to rotate the n length arrays. For example, for the arrays {1,2,3,4,5,6}, n=6. Let k=3, after rotating the arrays, it will change to {4,5,6,1,2,3}. I could only get the algorithm O(n) time that using the % operation. But my professor told me that there exists a O(logN) algorithm. So I wonder how it achieves it and prove of it.

Is O(cn) at least as fast as O(n) in a non asymptotically way?

So first of all let me talk about the motivation for this question. Let's supose you have to find the minimum and the maximum values in an array. In this case, you wave two ways of doing so.
The first one consists in iterating over the array and finding the maximum value, then doing the same thing to find the minimum value. This solution is O(2n).
The second one consists in iterating over the array just one time and finding both the minimum and maximum value at the same time. This solution is O(n).
Even though the time complexity has been halved, for each iteration of the O(n) solution you now have twice as many instructions (ignoring how the compiler can possibly optmize these instructions) so I believe they should take the same amount of time to execute.
Let me give you a second example. Now you need to reverse an array. Again, you have two ways of doing so.
The first one is to create an empty array, iterate over the data array filling the empty array. This solution is O(n).
The second one is to iterate over the data array, swapping the 0th and n-1th elements, then the 1th and n-2th elements and so on (using this strategy) until you reach the middle of the array. This solution is O((1/2)n).
Again, even though the time complexity has been cutted in half, you have three times more instructions per iteration. You're iterating over (1/2)n elements, but for each iteration you have to perform three XOR instructions. If you were not to use XOR, but an auxiliary variable you would still need 2 more instructions to perform the variable swapping, so now I believe that o((1/2)n) should actually be worse than o(n).
Having said these things, my question is the following:
Ignoring space complexity, garbage collecting and the compiler possible optimizations, can I assume that having O(c1*n) and O(c2*n) algorithms so that c1 > c2, can I be sure that the algorithm that gives me O(c1*n) is as fast or faster than the one that gives me O(c2*n)?
This question is cool because it can make a difference on how I start writing code from here and on. If the "more complex" (c1) way is as fast as the "less complex" (c2) but more readable, i'm sticking with the "more complex" one.
c1 > c2, can I be sure that the algorithm that gives me O(c1n) is as fast or faster than the one that gives me O(c2n)?
The whole issue lies within the words "fast" or "faster". Computational complexity doesn't strictly measure what we intuitively understand as "fast". Without going into mathematical details (although it's a good idea:, it answers the question "how fast it will go slower when my input grows". So if you have O(n^2) complexity you can roughly expect that doubling the size of the input will make your algorithm take 4 times more time. Whereas for linear complexity, 2 times bigger input gives only doubles the time. As you can see, it's relative, so any constants cancel out.
To sum up: from the way you ask your question, it doesn't seem the big-O notation is the correct tool here.
By definition, if c1 and c2 are constants, O(c1*n) === O(c2*c) === O(n). That is, the number of operations per element of your array of length n is completely irrelevant in this kind of complexity analysis.
All that it will tell you is that "it's linear". That is, if you have 1 bazillion operations for an array of length n, then you'll have 2 bazillion operations for an array of length 2*n (plus or minus something that grows slower than linear).
can I assume that having O(c1n) and O(c2n) algorithms so that c1 > c2, can I be sure that the algorithm that gives me O(c1n) is as fast or faster than the one that gives me O(c2n)?
Nope, not at all.
First, because the constants there are meaningless in that analysis. There's no way to put it: it is absolutely irrelevant whatever restrictions you put in c1 and c2 for big-O analysis. The whole idea is that it will discard those restrictions.
Second, because they don't tell you anything that would enable you to compare the two algorithms runtime for a specific value of n.
Such complexity analysis only enables you to compare the asymptotic behavior of algorithms. Real-world problems in general don't care about where the asymptotes are.
Assume that A1(n) is the number of operations Algorithm 1 needs for an input of length n, and A2(n) is the same for Algorithm 2. You could have:
A1(n) = 10n + 900
A2(n) = 100n
The complexity of both is O(A1) = O(A2) = O(n). For small inputs, A2 is faster. For large inputs, A1 is faster. The point where they change is n == 10.
This question is cool because it can make a difference on how I start writing code from here and on. If the "more complex" (c1) way is as fast as the "less complex" (c2) but more readable, i'm sticking with the "more complex" one.
Not only that, but also there's the fact that when you have 2 different algorithms that are really of different complexity classes (e.g., linear vs quadratic), it might still make sense to use the one of higher complexity as it may still be faster.
For example:
A3(n) = n^2
A4(n) = n + 10^20.
E.g., Algorithm 3 is quadratic, while Algorithm 4 is linear but it has a constant huge initialization time.
For inputs of size of up to around n == 10^10, it will be faster to use the quadratic algorithm.
It may very well be the case that all relevant inputs for your specific problem fall within that range, meaning that the quadratic algorithm would be the better, faster choice.
The bottom line is: for analyzing the actual time it will take to run an algorithm on a given input (or a given bounded range of inputs, as nearly all real-world problems are) and compare it with another algorithm, big-O analysis is meaningless.
Another way to put it: you're asking a practical "engineering" question (i.e., which option is better / faster) but trying to answer the question with a tool that's only useful for "theoretical" analysis. That tool is important, yes. But it has no chance of giving you the answer you're looking for, by design.
By definition, time complexity ignores constants. So O((1/2)n) == O(n) == O(2n) == O(cn).
Your example of O((1/2)n) shows why this is the case, because the constants can measure units of anything, so comparing them is meaningless.
You can never tell which algorithm is faster based only on the time complexity. But, you can tell which one would be faster as n approaches infinity. Since constants are removed from the time complexity, they would be considered equal and therefore with O(c1n) and O(c2n) you still would not be able to tell which one is faster even as n approaches infinity.
(my theoretical computer science courses are a couple of decades ago)
O(cn) is O(n).
It's still a linear search over the array.

What is the running time of comb sort?

According to me, Comb sort should also run in sub quadratic time just like shell sort. This is because comb sort is to bubble sort just how shell sort is related to insertion sort. Shell sort sorts the array according to gap sequences applying insertion sort and similarly comb sort sorts the array according to gap sequences applying bubble sort. So what is the the running time of comb sort?
(This question has been unanswered for a while, so I'm converting my comment into an answer.)
Although there are similarities between shell sort and comb sort, the average-case runtime of comb sort is O(n2). Proving this is a bit tricky, and the technique that I've seen used to prove it is the incompressibility method, an information-theoretic technique involving Kolmogorov complexity.
Hope this helps!
With what sequence of increments?
If the increments are chosen to be: the set of all numbers of the form (2^p * 3^q), that are less than N, then, yes, the running time is better than quadratic (it's proportional to N times the square of the logarithm of N). With that set of increments, Combsort performs exactly the same exchanges as a Shellsort using the same increments (the "Pratt sequence"). But that's not what people usually have in mind when they're talking about Combsort.
In theory...
With increments that are decreasing geometrically (e.g. on each pass over the input the increment is, say, about 80% of the previous increment), which is what people usually mean when they talk about Combsort... yes, asymptotically, it is quadratic in both the worst-case and the average case. But...
In practice...
So long as the increments are relatively prime and the ratio between one increment and the next is sensible (80% is fine), n has to astronomically large before the average running time will be much more than n.log(n). I've sorted hundreds of millions of records at a time with Combsort, and I've only ever seen quadratic running times when I've deliberately engineered them by constructing "killer inputs". In practice, with relatively prime increments (and a ratio between adjacent increments of 1.25:1), even for millions of records, Combsort requires on average, about 3 times as many comparisons as a mergesort and typically takes between 2 and 3 times as long to run.

Determine if two arrays are identical up to permutation? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Check if array B is a permutation of A
Is there a way to tell if two arrays of numbers (which can contain positives, negatives or repeats) are permutations of each other in O(n) time complexity and O(1) space complexity? I could not solve it because of tight space constraints.
If the numbers are integers - in-place radix sort can give you O(nlogk) time, where k is the range of the numbers, and n is the number of elements.
Note that the algorithm requires O(logk) space, for the stack trace of recursive calls.
If you can bound k to a constant (2^64 for example) - you get O(n) time with O(1) space.
After sorting - you can simply iterate on both arrays and check if they are identical.
It can be done if you have a hard limit on the range of the numbers themselves.
Say for example you know that you have two arrays A and B and that the numbers are bound between -128 and +127(8bit signed). You simply have an array of 256 locations. Each number n would map to the location n + 128.
You iterate over both arrays, for array A you would increment the corresponding location, for array B you decrement. Then you check if all locations are 0 or not. If they are, the arrays are permutations, if not, they aren't.
The time complexity is O(n+k). The space complexity is O(k) where k is the range of the numbers. Since k is independent of n, so that's O(n) and O(1) as far as n is concerned and as long as you have a bound on k.
Note also that the time complexity can be further reduced to simply O(n) instead of O(n+k). You simply keep a running total of numbers that have non-zero counts. Every time an increment/decrement would push a count from to something else, you increment the running total. Every time it would be pushed to zero, you decrement the total. At the end, if the total is 0, then all counts are 0.
Edit: Amit's answer probably has a better space complexity though :)
PS: However, this algorithm can be applied if the arrays of numbers are streamed in, so they never actually have to be all kept in memory. So it might have a smaller space complexity than outright sorting if the conditions are right

how to sort an array in C in one cycle?

Is there any algorythm to sort an array of float numbers in one cycle?
If you mean one pass, then no. Sorting generally requires either O(N log N). Single-pass implies O(N).
Radix sort takes O(N*k) with average key-length k. Even though it's linear time, it requires multiple passes. It is also not usually suitable for sorting floats.
Take a laptop with a quicksort program on it. Then put the laptop on a unicycle. Tada! Sorting in one cycle.
check Counting sort
it runs in O(N + M) time where N is the input array size and M is the sorting array size
There are some sorting algorithms that are O(n) in the best-case. See here.
No, there is no algorithm that is O(n). Possibly using as many parallel computers as there are elements in your array or using quantum computers, but if you want O(n) now on a regular computer, you can forget about it.
<aside>#codinghorror: why must my post have >= 15 characters?</aside>
Sorting algorithm "in one cycle" - I believe you mean algorithm with linear complexity. In addition to these answers you can also check Bucket Sort Algorithm. It has average performance O(n+k).
