Power BI SFDC Object Connection - Task - Navigation Query Error - salesforce

I am hoping to get some help with the following error when I try to connect to the Task object in Salesforce. It is showing at the Navigation query (Task1 below) and I am unclear as to the nature of the error or resolution.
DataSource.Error: exceeded 100000 distinct who/what's
Source = Salesforce.Data(),
Task1 = Source{[Name="Task"]}[Data]
The task volume in our SFDC instance is excessive, though I have previously been applying a date filter after the Navigation query (Task1 above) which is where I am currently experiencing the error, thus precluding me from using a date filter as I had been with other objects.

It is a permission problem/limitation. You can find the solution here.


using servicestack ormlite, is there a way to get an execution plan?

Using servicestack ormlite 6,4 and azure SQL server - using SQLServerDialect2012, we have an issue with an enums causing excessive stalling and timeouts.
If we just convert it to a string its quick as it should be.
var results = db.Select(q => q.SomeColumn == enum.value); -> 3,5 seconds
var results2 = db.Select(q => q.SomeColumn.tostring() == enum.value.tostring()); -> 0,08
we are using default settings so the enum in the db is defined as a varchar(255)
both queries give the same result.
to track the issue we wanted to see what its actually firing, but all we get is a query with some #1 #2 etc with no indication of what parameters where used or how they are defined.
All our attempts to get a 1:1 SQL string we can use to manually test the query and see the results have failed... mini profiler was the closest as it shows the parameter values...
but it does not contain the details necessary to recreate the used query and recreate the issue we have. (manually recreating the query gives 80ms as above)
Trying to get the execution plan with the query also fail.
var results = db.Select(q => q.SomeColumn == enum.value);
only returns data, not any extra info i was hoping for.
I have not been able to find any sites or threads that explain how others get any kind of debug info.
What is the correct next step here?
OrmLite's Logging & Introspection page shows how you can view the SQL generated by OrmLite.
E.g. Configuring a debug logger should log the generated SQL and params:
LogManager.LogFactory = new ConsoleLogFactory(debugEnabled:true);


Error detected during debug:
Create one OpportunityLineItem record where
OpportunityId = {!$Record.ConvertedOpportunityId} (null)
Product2Id = {!get_related_Product.Id} (01t5j000000I80nAAC)
Quantity = {!DefaulQuantityOfProduct} (1)
TotalPrice = {!TotalPriceDefaultForNewOpp} ($637.54)
Failed to create record.
Error Occurred:
This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY: insufficient access rights on cross-reference id. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide.
Manually or using Apex, I can add a record. The fields that I add (opportunityid,Quantity,TotalPrice,Product2id) are not read-only. I need a detailed answer. Am I missing some permission?
1 flow schema
2 trigger condition
3 get related record
4 create new record
OpportunityId = {!$Record.ConvertedOpportunityId} (null)
This looks like the opportunity doesn't exist yet (got any errors? Do you create them always or only when certain condition is met? Did it fail?). Or it exists but it just has been inserted, SF didn't manage to update the Lead with the Id yet? Maybe add entry criteria that check if the field is populated.
Lead conversion is bit nasty topic, see https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/3956/lead-conversion-trigger-order-of-execution
Actually you might be better of on SF stackexchange, more admins over there and flows are no-code solution so not a good fit for stackoverflow?

Lightning Experience Specialist - Step 6 - Unable to complete

I am stucked in this challenge and not sure why is it not completing. Please have a look at below details.
Error Message -
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: The Fulfillment Cancellation Automation process does not appear to be working properly. Make sure that a cancelled Fulfillment updates the Adventure Package correctly.
My Process builder is as follows:
Object: Fulfillment
Entry Criteria: [Fulfillment__c].Status__c = Cancelled AND [Fulfillment__c].Schedule_Date__c > TODAY()
Immediate Actions:
Based on [Fulfillment__c].Opportunity.OpportunityLineItems
Field Update Filter condition :
Line Item ID equals Formula [FullFillment__c].AdventurePackageId__c
Field to Update :
Sales Price equal to [Fulfillment__c].Deposit__c
I did some finding on web and have changed the below things as well but not working for me.
The Explorer__c field was set to "Required" and "What to do if the lookup record is deleted?" was set to "Don't allow deletion of the lookup record that's part of a lookup relationship.".
I updated the "Required" to false and changed "What to do if the lookup record is deleted?" to "Clear the value of this field. You can't choose this option if you make this field required."
I have unrequired the Explorer__c field on the layout too.
After all the above changes, I am still not able to complete the challenge.
Any help will be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I'm getting this as well, and I think there may well be a bug in their test.
I've manually tested the processes, and it works as described. The Sales Price on the Adventure Package gets updated to the Fulfillment's Deposit amount.
Looking in the debug logs, the query clearly selects 1 record (which is what we'd expect) into a List called fullfillmentList before the code immediately fails an assertion with the message Fulfillment list is empty.
this error is showing because, you might have deactivated the previous process flow i.e Fulfillment Creation, which also should be active for completion of this step in the superbadge

Apex Trigger in Salesforce using 2 objects

I am new to Salesforce, project requests I keep track of last_id used.
I created 2 SF objects, one holds the last_id other holds total number of ids to assign. I would like user to enter a number and the number will be added to the last_id. Result will be stored in the tracking object.
tracking_next_id__c[] btnext = [SELECT last_end_id__c FROM tracking_next_id__c];
for (tracking__c updatedAccount : Trigger.new) 
updatedAccount.next_id__c = btnext[0].last_end_id__c + updatedAccount.total_account__c;
When I run the trigger; I get error Error:
Invalid Data.
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger getNextId caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: getNextId: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.FinalException: Record is read-only: Trigger.getNextId: line 11, column 1
After much research, found if I changed my trigger to before update instead of after update, it worked.
Right, you cannot edit a record in after insert trigger.

SOQL - Convert Date To Owner Locale

We use the DBAmp for integrating Salesforce.com with SQL Server (which basically adds a linked server), and are running queries against our SF data using OPENQUERY.
I'm trying to do some reporting against opportunities and want to return the created date of the opportunity in the opportunity owners local date time (i.e. the date time the user will see in salesforce).
Our dbamp configuration forces the dates to be UTC.
I stumbled across a date function (in the Salesforce documentation) that I thought might be some help, but I get an error when I try an use it so can't prove it, below is the example useage for the convertTimezone function:
SELECT HOUR_IN_DAY(convertTimezone(CreatedDate)), SUM(Amount)
FROM Opportunity
GROUP BY HOUR_IN_DAY(convertTimezone(CreatedDate))
Below is the error returned:
OLE DB provider "DBAmp.DBAmp" for linked server "SALESFORCE" returned message "Error 13005 : Error translating SQL statement: line 1:37: expecting "from", found '('".
Msg 7350, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot get the column information from OLE DB provider "DBAmp.DBAmp" for linked server "SALESFORCE".
Can you not use SOQL functions in OPENQUERY as below?
SELECT HOUR_IN_DAY(convertTimezone(CreatedDate)), SUM(Amount)
FROM Opportunity
GROUP BY HOUR_IN_DAY(convertTimezone(CreatedDate))')
I've just had some correspondence with Bill Emerson (I believe he is the creator of the DBAmp Integration Tool):
You should be able to use SOQL functions so I am not sure why you are
getting the parsing failure. I'll setup a test case and report back.
I'll update the post again when I hear back. Thanks
A new version of DBAmp (2.14.4) has just been released that fixes the issue with using ConvertTimezone in openquery.
Version 2.14.4
Code modified for better memory utilization
Added support for API 24.0 (SPRING 12)
Fixed issue with embedded question marks in string literals
Fixed issue with using ConvertTimezone in openquery
Fixed issue with "Invalid Numeric" when using aggregate functions in openquery
I'm fairly sure that because DBAmp uses SQL and not SOQL, SOQL functions would not be available, sorry.
You would need to expose this data some other way. Perhaps it's possible with a Salesforce report, web-service, or compiling the data through the program you are using to access the (DBAmp) SQL Server.
If you were to create a Salesforce web service, the following example might be helpful.
global class MyWebService
webservice static AggregateResult MyWebServiceMethod()
AggregateResult ar = [
HOUR_IN_DAY(convertTimezone(CreatedDate)) Hour,
SUM(Amount) Amount
FROM Opportunity
GROUP BY HOUR_IN_DAY(convertTimezone(CreatedDate))];
return ar;
