openLDAP: login with userPrincipalName - active-directory

I have set up an openLdap server instance.
Login for the time being requires providing as username the user's dn, e.g.
How is it possible to enable login with userPrincipalName in the form of ?
edit: it seems that userPrincipalName is an attribute of user objectClass, available to Active Directory but not available out of the box to the default schema used by openLDAP.
So the question more or less becomes:
how to use (import) an AD-compliant schema by (to) openLDAP AND enable login with userPrincipalName as username

As far as I know using just the attribute value of userPrincipalName in a simple bind request only works for Microsoft-ActiveDirectory.
Other LDAP servers need the full-DN or a short DN if they are capable of bind-DN rewriting, like OpenLDAP's slapd with slapo-rwm.


user principal name issues and LDAP

So... this question is maybe not solely a programming question but I hope one of you can shed some light on my issue:
The base need we have in our software is to query the groups a user is associated too with
LDAP. For this task we actually use parts of LDAP Admin to query the user. Actually we want to query for the UserPrincipalName which at least to my knowledge is the most common way right?
So.. our problem is that the AD is setup such that the user has an UPN like foo#HUS
but the user actually is bound to the domain (aka LDAP base: dc=HUS,dc=adomain,dc=com) and searching using an UPN like does not work - only foo#HUS works. So... the question is:
Is this common?
And is there a name/resource for that?
(sorry I'm quite new to that all...)
The goal would be to use as less parameters in the administration tool as possible
aka only the base (and form from the base the UPN username).
Update: I found at least one resource (in German) that states that this is possible but not recommended by Microsoft for Azure AD. (aka having a different mail address than UPN )
When you initiate a LDAP search using a UPN like it wont work because this value is not present in the userPrincipalName value. When you search for a user by building its UPN using all the domain suffix available in the forest, then you would not consider searching the userPrincipalName attribute.
It is very difficult to build every constructed attribute from base for querying because every Active directory environment would be different. As you have mentioned that you would like to build the attribute from base, it may work if this is the only AD infra that you are targeting. Every AD infra would have its own ways in which it will be setup.
However if you would want your tool to work in any AD environment you would have to consider some other parameters.
UPN is a editable attribute . An organization can set it up or can create a user without a UPN value. Below is example of user created programmatically by using old ADSI libraries. You can repro the same by removing any users userprincipalName attribute value and the user logon account name as shown in the pictures below.
UPN is an optional attribute and a user account can be present in AD without it as well. Coming back to your specific environment in this environment only foo#HUS works because "HUS" might be setup as a valid domain suffix within the Active directory. You can check this by opening the domain.msc console on any domain controller or a machine with Remote Server Administration Tools installed. You would find the UPN suffix as shown below . I changed it in my environment as shown below.
The value you will add will now show up in the . If you remove HUS from here for example any existing user who have user#HUS userPrincipalName populated will get removed because this is a optional constructed attribute in AD. And you will have to setup this for all the users in the environment . For example check below after I changed the username to dh # HUS .
The userprincipalName value also got populated with the same.
Hope this helps clarify your query and understand more on how to use the native Active directory tools to understand more while you develop your custom LDAP search functionality/tool.

LDAP get Users DN by Username and Domainname

I have some understanding problems of LDAP.
When i use an Active Directory Server i can bind with username#domain and a password.
When i use ApacheDS i must give it the full DN of the user and a password.
So i have the folowing Questions:
How do i find out the full dn of a User on a ApacheDS Server with
anonymous privilegs and only the knowledge of username, domain (and
Is this evenposible? Is the ApacheDS Server even made to be an
alternative to Active Directory?
Generally, LDAP authentication is done in two steps:
Map a given unique user identifier (uid) to its distinguished name using a search operation with a filter like (&(objectClass=user)(uid=%s))
Use a bind operation with that dn to authenticate against your LDAP server.
Active Directory comes with a convenience feature: You can bind using a couple of supported identifiers and AD will do the mapping internally for you.
ApacheDS isn't a plug-and-play substitute for AD, but it's extensible. A Java developer can easily write an authentication interceptor providing the same internal mapping as AD.
As marabu said you can simulate the authentication using a search on the directory before doing the bind.
You can also look for SASL authentication which provides other ways to authenticate.
Here are a list of ApacheDS supported SASL mechanism :

Apache2: HTTP Basic Authentication against Active Directory without an additional user to search the Directory

I'm currently using mod_authnz_ldap to enable HTTP Basic Authentication against Active Directory for a VirtualHost. Based on the documentation it is recommended to set a user and password to enable the resolving of user DNs for the bind.
However AD offers methods to bind users without using a separate account for searching the directory in front. E.g. you can suffix a username with the Domain like that: username#domain and AD resolves the DN behind the scenes.
As I don't want to create accounts for my web servers I'm curious if there is a way to configure Apache2 using mod_authnz_ldap or another module to bind against AD without using an search account.
You can take advantage of the supported Active Directory object name forms for a simple bind, and skip the search for a user's DN by using directive AuthLDAPInitialBindAsUser with module mod_authnz_ldap.

Why is full name used for DN in Active Directory?

[Rewriting my question based on comments]
My DN in Active Directory is "CN=Jesse Barnum,cn=users,dc=360works,dc=com".
I'm writing a web application which attempts to bind to the LDAP server, using the username and password of the active user. When doing the bind, I use the format "CN=$loginName$,cn=users,dc=360works,dc=com". Therefore, my users need to type in their full name (ie. 'Jesse Barnum'), rather than their shorter UID ('jbarnum').
Since users logging in typically expect to type a short name (like 'jbarnum', rather than 'Jesse Barnum'), I'd like for my DN to use my short name, like this: "CN=jbarnum,cn=users,dc=360works,dc=com". Doesn't it seem like that should be the default behavior (Windows Server 2012)?
So my question is: Can I change how the DN is constructed in Active Directory to use the short name instead of the full name?
You can change that behaviour but why should you? As you want to create a login there are much more elegant and more flexible solutions available.
When creating an LDAP based login I'm always doing the following:
bind to the server with a special account that can search the LDAP. Often that can also be done with a so called "anonymous bind".
search the LDAP for the given username in any attribute you like. A filter of (|(uid=username)(mail=username)(cn=username)) would allow your user to either use the uid, mail or cn to log in.
get the dn from the retrieved result and use that DN whic should be the DN of the users record) for a second bind - this time with the provided Password
That way the DN is completely irrellevant for your login as i is retrieved using the provided information based on attributes.
For an example in PHP have a look at
The CN can be based on anything, really. It comes down to how you provision your users in the directory. If you use the out-of-box AD Users and Computers or AD Administrative Center tools to create users, they default to the full name format. You can change the CN after the fact, or if you are using something programmatic to create users, then you can create them however you like initially.

LDAP Authentication with Active Directory and SunOne

I know how to authenticate username and password using LDAP after reviewing this site and others. But my question is our client does not give permission to any username or password to bind itself to active directory. I mean there is admin kind of uname and password which is used to bind first and then you have to provide your actual username and password. Could anyone please let me know how could I accomplish this?
Typically you find some manner of binding, that allows you to search for the full DN of your target user, based on whatever information you got out of them. For example, you might ask for a username and password to log in with, and that username might be their sAMAccountName is AD. Or perhaps their email address in AD.
Then you would query either mail or sAMAccountname via a bind as an Admin user or as an anonymous bind, or something else they allow to find the full DN of that user.
Finally you would perhaps do a password compare to test the DN's password against the value they entered on the login page.
