How to migrate data from SQL Server to Oracle database 10G? - sql-server

I have a problem: I have a SQL Server database, and another in Oracle; these databases have the same structure, DDL, same table, same indexes and so on.
The tables in the Oracle database are empty and I need to migrate just the data stored in SQL Server to the Oracle database.
Is there a tool in SQL Server or in Oracle that will help me do that? Or a someway to do it ?
Can you please help me?

Have a tool in SQL Developer called "Migrate to Oracle" where by it To migrate data from SQL Server to Oracle


How can I transfer only data from mysql table to a SQL Server table?

Currently I am trying to migrate from mysql to Microsoft SQL Server. For this I have transferred the entire database from mysql to SQL Server and did some modification in the SQL Server database structure. Now I want to transfer only data from my mysql database to the SQL Server database.
I am using SQL Server 2019. Do you have any solution for this?
Thanks in advance.
I have tried to find a solution for this but didn't find any to transfer only data.

Synch the multiple databases data into one database

We have databases like oracle, sql server, postgres and looking to synch the data like full/delta load into one database. Can you suggest some tool to do this.
Yes, SSMA can do that.
Migration Sources allowed are:
SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access
SQL Server Migration Assistant for DB2
SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL
SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle
SQL Server Migration Assistant for SAP ASE
But the destination will always be SQL Server.
Once your databases are all SQL Server I suggest you to merge them all together dividing them by schema.
Is a very primitive way to work but is the only I know.

Ability to query SQL Server with Oracle SQL Developer

I use Oracle SQL Developer to query Oracle databases. I now need to connect to a SQL Server database in order to query the data. I was told I needed a JAR file. I'm not very technical, if anyone can help I would really appreciate it.

Replicate Changes from oracle to Sql Server

I have Oracle database 11 g in which I have many tables. I want to replicate few of these tables in SQL server so whenever a new record is inserted in oracle table I also want to update in SQL server table. I have created linked server but don't know what to do next. Kindly guide me how can I replicate changes on SQL server side.
Use Goldengate (An Oracle tool) that can do bi-directional replication from Oracle to Sql Server. See this:

How can I move data from SQL Server to Oracle?

I have created my database and tables in a SQL Server Express database. And now I migrated the database tables to Oracle with Entity Framework. But my tables are empty in Oracle. How can I move my data to Oracle?
Use SSIS interface from MS-SQL (Sql Server Integration Service).
I have used to move content from MSSQL to MySQL you should use the correct odbc driver.
For express edition, You can use Linked Servers to establish connection between SQL Server and Oracle. In this way, you should insert the records by creating queries for per table.
