Automation script for website in loop - selenium-webdriver

Below is the screenshot of the web pages, I need to write a script that add the product automatically, suppose 15 times.
I achieved this for one single entry but i need to write it in a loop.
Challenge here is that i need to select different categories based on which there are different sub-categories and based on sub-categories there are different sub-sub-category so can anyone suggest how to achieve this.

If the fields and dropdown itself don't change you can create some kind of collection for each of the category options and sub options. Then with some mapping from one category to other you can achieve this.
Eg. CategoryArray will have [Item1, Item2, Item2] selection of this choice will guide which subcategory array you will access like Item1SubCategoryArray then so on and so forth.


How can I sort and map my SQL query in Ionic?

I have a database running in the background, the aim of the whole thing should be that I have categories as buttons and that categories should be created under elements. I separated the whole thing in the database (i.e. in two tables), i.e. in categories and in the sub-elements. I get everything correctly selected but just don't know how to assign or build it. Does anyone have any ideas or examples to look at?
I've already tried Ionic's list system. Just like ion-record.

Automatic Grouping/Sorting of Nested-Lists?

I am currently trying to implement a web tool with a capable web developer, but we are stuck on one functionality.
It's about draggable nested lists, which should be grouped and sorted automatically according to different attributes.
The "draggable" is not the problem but the automatic creation of parent & child nested lists and the automatic distribution of the products into the corresponding lists.
For a better understanding I have made a
Figma-Prototype, maybe you will understand what I mean.
I have a database of products with attributes like "producer", "product category", "sub-category", "country" and "region". (However the example is just a table, in reality we made the DB in MongoDB)
I want the user to be able to change the order (drag&drop) and also create new lists(Nested-List Parents & Childrens). However, I would like to spare the Users from having to start at 0 and create and fill all lists manually, for example, when it its just about grouping and sorting "only" by product category.
Is this even Possible? We are working with React (MERT-stack).
Thank you!!
We havent an idea where to start, tbh.

Joomla URL parameters

I would like to get your opinions and solutions on how can I solve this problem.
I have a website that displays restaurants, events and attractions in multiple cities and countries.
Right now I implemented the following structure:
Country A
--City A-1
--City A-2
Country B
--City B-1
--City B-2
There is so much redundancy, specially when it comes to modules that display content from specific categories.
What I thought would be a good solution, is to only create categories for Restaurants, Events and attractions, and figure out a way to specify which country and city by adding parameters to the URLS.
I would appreciate any thoughts and suggestions.
Thank you
You can't avoid creating the full menu in the menu manager.
As for modules you could add a textfield inside the module with an array like: 1,7:2,8... = menu_id_1,content_of_city_7:menu_id_2,content_of_city_8...
You will have just one module for each type (restaurant, event, attraction) connected to all menus you want to be displayed and you will check the content of it matching the menu id from url with your array.

drupal views display needs multiple sort order for exposed filter

I have a 4 quicktabbed views blocks on a page and rightnow. All blocks show lists that can be sorted by "Title" with an exposed filter and a sort order dropdown button for options "A-Z" and "Z-A". So the user can view the list either way. I need to add another exposed filter option for posted date. I see how to do that and it's now an option in the pulldown button that shows "Title" but I can't see how to add option for "most recent" and "oldest" either in the sort order dropdown button or anywhere. Can this be done in the views UI or is this going to involve some php coding? If php, where do I start, given I'm a php newbie?
I don't know if you've figured it out yet, I had to do something similar recently.
this answer helped me [Drupal 7: Exposed filter on a post date just to set up a created date filter.
As for the newest/oldest sort, you add Content: Post date to your Sort criteria, the you could maybe check the Advanced sort options in BEF Settings for your view. There you can combine 'sort order with sort by' like the following current_value|replacement_value pair:
Publication date Asc|Oldest
Publication date Desc|Newest
Let me know if that was helpful in any way or if you need a more detailed answer

Dataview List and items

I am looking at a different way of doing my application.
Actually It's kind of static. My Projects have Categories. Each Category has Subcategories. Categories are containers and Subcategories are element which have values that can be edited.
After analysis of the data , we saw that it was not enough general for it. We are now looking at a Tree Structure. Doing so, we would have Projects filled with Folders/Categories) and those Folders would be filled with other Category/Folders or with SubCategories/Items/Files. That way we can go has deep has we want in complexity.
That is doable, I know it. What I need to know is how hard it will be to implement it in the app.views...
Is it possible to have a single Ext.DataView.dataview display different Ext.DataView.component.DataItem side by side.
Exemple : Having a row in my List that shows a slider and update itself according to it, but that on the 2nd row it is an arrow that on click would open the next level of my Tree.
Small Car---------------------------Label------------------------SLIDER
Fuel----------------------------------Label------------------------------ >
Small Car and SUV are leaves with different template and Fuel is a category/folder that need to open on click.
So I already have 3 differents templates that would need to show in the same dataview list.
How should I proceed to achieve such results? Is Dataview List the way to good or should I implement my own kind of list inside a container?
If you want to present different kinds of data inside one list or dataview - you can achieve by following strategy:
You still need to use one store to keep it all
In the model class include something like 'record_type' field indicating what kind of data you have
Combine all data you need into one model
Create a template that based on the 'record_type' would render different content
Here is how your template would look like:
<tpl switch="record_type">
<tpl case="car">
<div>CAR + SLIDER</div>
<tpl case="fuel">
<div>FUEL + LABEL</div>
<tpl default">
This is screenshot from my list which contains multiple record types and uses this approach:
