Google API Request stopped working - google-app-engine

I have an API that I use to get the events from multiple accounts. Recently the API stopped working and I am not able to figure out why.
Here is an example of my request:
The call returns a Google_Service_Exception - (400) Bad Request

From you question, I take it that you are managing authentication for calling APIs. Based on the information provided by Michael, I think you will find this GCP documentation for using API keys helpful:

The answer to this question (is|was) to validate the error response message from the API and read it carefully. I also recommend rechecking API settings(Console), the API call and to check every single step if its use in any kind of framework. (Test against the API)
Google_Service_Exception - (400) Bad Request
seems to be invalid API credentials (API key)
Update after creating new API key:
"(403) The request did not specify any referer.
Please ensure that the client is sending referer
or use the API Console to remove the referer restrictions."
That means you have to specify a referer in your API call or go to your API console (where you created the new KEY) and remove the "referer restriction"


IdentityServer API unauthorized if hosted in IIS

I added additional API to the Duende IdentityServer 6.2 as described here. Then I tried to access it from a sample App, using typed httpClient using their own library called AccessTokenManagement (aka Identity.Model) pretty much following their simple example. I use Authorization Code flow, everything pretty much simple and default.
It works well until both server and client are on the same dev machine under localhost. As soon as I publish IdentityServer to IIS, the API stops to work, while the rest still works well (I can be authenticated, and I see in the Fiddler that token exchanges work normally).
The call to API consists from two calls:
Calling to /connect/token using refresh token. Server returns access token.
Calling my endpoint using this new access token.
The flow fails on the step 1. Call to /connect/token is already unauthorized and I can't understand why. The "good" and "bad" calls looks the same, I cannot see any differences. Previous call moment ago to /connect/userinfo consists of the same two steps and it works. Logs on both server and client give no clues.
No reverse proxies, just good plain simple URI. Automatic key management is enabled and the keys are in the SQL table, common for dev and published server. Asp.Net Core Data Protection is enabled and keys are also common.
Relevant parts of logs are below. I noticed that "No endpoint entry found for request path" is specific to IdentityServer and it doesn't actually mean that endpoint was not found. It was found but not processed. I also noticed reacher response headers from bad request and log entry about "Cookie signed-in" in good request but not sure what does it mean and whether it's relevant.
I'm running out of ideas.
Bad response from IIS while trying to get new Access Token:
Proper response while developing:
///////Relevant part of log for BAD request
|Duende.AccessTokenManagement.OpenIdConnect.UserAccessAccessTokenManagementService|Token for user needs refreshing.
|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies.CookieAuthenticationHandler|AuthenticationScheme: cookie was successfully authenticated.
|Duende.AccessTokenManagement.OpenIdConnect.UserTokenEndpointService|refresh token request to:
|Duende.AccessTokenManagement.OpenIdConnect.UserAccessAccessTokenManagementService|Error refreshing access token. Error = Unauthorized
|System.Net.Http.HttpClient.IdsService.ClientHandler|Sending HTTP request POST
|System.Net.Http.HttpClient.IdsService.ClientHandler|Received HTTP response headers after 117.7278ms - 401
///////Same part of GOOD request
|Duende.AccessTokenManagement.OpenIdConnect.UserAccessAccessTokenManagementService|Token for user needs refreshing.
|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies.CookieAuthenticationHandler|AuthenticationScheme: Cookies was successfully authenticated.
|Duende.AccessTokenManagement.OpenIdConnect.UserTokenEndpointService|refresh token request to: https://localhost:5001/connect/token
|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies.CookieAuthenticationHandler|AuthenticationScheme: Cookies signed in.
|System.Net.Http.HttpClient.IdsService.ClientHandler|Sending HTTP request POST https://localhost:5001/mycontroller/myaction
|System.Net.Http.HttpClient.IdsService.ClientHandler|Received HTTP response headers after 1994.9611ms - 200
///////Server log during BAD request
Duende.IdentityServer.Hosting.EndpointRouter No endpoint entry found for request path: "/mycontroller/myaction"
Duende.IdentityServer.Hosting.LocalApiAuthentication.LocalApiAuthenticationHandler HandleAuthenticateAsync called
Duende.IdentityServer.Hosting.LocalApiAuthentication.LocalApiAuthenticationHandler AuthenticationScheme: "IdentityServerAccessToken" was not authenticated.
Duende.IdentityServer.Hosting.LocalApiAuthentication.LocalApiAuthenticationHandler AuthenticationScheme: "IdentityServerAccessToken" was challenged.
Okay, found it. Thankfully, looked at Fiddler's WebView and had seen familiar picture!
Then, found this topic. The solution was disabling Basic authentication in IIS settings. Access token request has basic authentication header and it seems like IIS intercepts it. Still a bit unclear why other parts of flow worked.

Amazon SP API getting internal server error

I am trying to get access token from api
POST /auth/o2/token HTTP/l.l
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8
But after POST request I get 500 server error.
Is it because my app is in draft status? or I am missing something while making request?
If it because of draft status then when the status will get change? any thoughts on this.
Thank you for your help in advance.
The documentation is wrong. I was getting the same exact error and came across this comment on a github issue which mentioned that the data has to be passed into the body of the request, not as query string parameters. Sure enough, this worked for me and I was able to get an access token. So just to clarify: grant_type, refresh_token, client_id, and client_secret should be passed into the body of the POST request to and NOT as query string parameters.
Draft status will not keep you from requesting and receiving the access token.
Here are a few things to check as not much can be derived from the example post request from the documentation:
Did you configure AWS IAM role / policy / user properly
Did you use the correct IAM ARN when registering the application
Are you using the correct LWA credentials (I am assuming you're not passing foodev and Y76SDl2F as those are example parameters)
Have you self authorized the application (are you using the refresh token generated
for the authorized application)
Are you 'assuming the role' before the token exchange -- this is a very important step
and is very different in comparison to how access was handled with MWS -- if
you have not, the server will reject the token exchange regardless if the refresh
token is correct. More on that here
This is a non-exhaustive list, just some common issues I have seen other developers have with getting the access token during development, if these don't work you'll need to work with support as they can see the requests hitting the token endpoint.

OKTA Delete user session API is failing in angularjs

I am using OKTA default APIs( /api/v1/users/${userId}/sessions) for closing session across all the devices. The functionality is working as expected but the status is showing the API call is failed.
And also when we validate through Postman the 204 response code is returning but in angularjs the API call is failing.
Below is the API reference page which I have used in my application
Please find the attached screenshot for your reference
Postman Response
There are few OKTA APIs which will support backend only for security reasons. So I have added client.endAllUserSessions(" method in my backend to remove user session across all devices. It is working fine for me.
(/api/v1/users/${userId}/sessions) API is failed in front end So we should call the "client.endAllUserSessions(" method in backend(Node JS) to clear user session.
For older okta-sdk-nodejs versions We Should call "client.endAllUserSessions(" method. For latest okta-sdk-nodejs versions We Should call "client.clearUserSessions(" method.

App Engine different response on browser vs postman

I have a nodejs express server running on app engine.
If i make a GET request to in the browser it works fine to say unauthorized (401).
If I do the same GET request in postman it returns 400 bad request.
Is there any obvious reason why this is occurring?
This is a known issue with postman. This tool sends certain headers by default that you cannot remove. App Engine does not like them for some reason. I had to use the Insomnia tool instead which does not include default headers.
The first thing that I can think about is that, in order to do an API call, you need to use an API key in your request. You should create one, after that you need to obtain an access token. Your requests should be send to an address like and include in your request a header to contain the access token. Something like this : --header 'authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'.
In order to do that I do not think you need to change manually each request, but you need to change some POSTMAN settings. You can find here a guide with exactly what setting should be changed for this use case.
You can see more details about this topic and a more detailed guide for doing an API calls here.
In case this was not the issue, could you please provide me your POSTMAN settings? I am pretty sure this is about the way POSTMAN does the requests anyway.

working with $ function

I want to save data using AngularJS and RestApi. I am sending an object in data parameter.
I tried both $ direct method and $http() method , but non of these are working.
Always the error coming is "Method not allowed-405"
I am running on local machine.
Eventually by doing some modifications like I specified "localhost:xxx" before the 'api/abc', now I am getting the error as "The requested resource does not support the http method 'POST'".
The reason is that the API you're using does not support POST requests to the URL you're trying to POST to
More info from below
All Web servers can be configured to allow or disallow any method. For example if a Web server is 'read-only' (no client can modify URL resources on the Web server), then it could be set up to disallow the PUT and DELETE methods. Similarly if there is no user input (all the Web pages are static), then the POST method could be disallowed. So 405 errors can arise because the Web server is not configured to take data from the client at all.
