Using + to check if multiple pointers are all NULL - c

Syntactically it makes sense (Although it looks like some other language, which I don't particularly enjoy), it can save a lot of typing and code space, but how bad is it?
if(p1 + (unsigned)p2 + (unsigned)p3 == NULL)
// all pointers are NULL, exit
Using pointer arithmetic with a pointer rvalue, I don't see how it could give a false result (the entire expression to evaluate to NULL even though not all pointers are NULL), but I don't exactly know how much evilness this potentially hides, so is it bad to do this, not-common way of checking if plenty of pointers are all NULL?

Regarding to the original version of the question, which omitted the casts ...
it can save a lot of typing and code space, but how bad is it?
Very, very bad. Its behavior is altogether undefined, and if your compiler fails to reject it then you should get yourself a better one. Subtraction of one pointer from another is defined under some circumstances (and yields an integer result), but it is never meaningful to add two pointers.
Inasmuch as it shouldn't even compile, every keystroke used to type it instead of something that works is wasted, so no, it doesn't save typing or code space.
I don't see how it could give a false result.
If the compiler actually accepts it, the result can be anything at all. It is undefined.
so is it bad to do this, not-common way of checking if plenty of pointers are all NULL?
Regarding the modified question in which all but one of the pointers are cast to integer:
The casts do not rescue the code -- multiple problems remain.
If the remaining pointer does not point to a valid object, or if the sum of the integers is negative or greater than the number of elements in the array to which the pointer points then the result of the pointer addition is still undefined (where a pointer to a scalar is treated as a pointer to a one-element array). Of course, the integer sum can't be negative in this particular case, but that's of minimal advantage.
C does not guarantee that casting a null pointer to an integer yields the value 0. It is common for it to do so, but the language does not require it.
C does not guarantee that non-null pointers convert to nonzero integers, and with your particular code that's a genuine risk. The type unsigned is not necessarily large enough to afford a distinct value to every distinct pointer.
Even if all of the foregoing were not a problem for some particular implementation -- that is, if you could safely perform arithmetic on a NULL pointer, and NULL pointers reliably converted to integers as zero, and non-NULL pointers reliably converted to nonzero -- the test could still go wrong because two nonzero unsigned integers can sum to zero. That happens where the arithmetic sum of the two is equal to UINT_MAX + 1.

There are multiple reasons why this is not a reliable method.
First, when you add an integer to a pointer, the C standard does not say what happens if the result is outside of the array into which the pointer points. (For these purposes, pointing just one past the last element, the end of the array, counts as inside, not outside. Also, a pointer to a single object counts as an array of one object.) Note that the C standard does not just not say what the result of the addition is; it does not say what the behavior of the entire program is. So, once you execute an addition that goes outside of an array, you cannot predict (from the C standard) what your program will do at all.
One likely result is that the compiler will see pointer + integer + integer and reason (or, more technically, apply transformations as if this reasoning were used) that pointer + integer is valid only if pointer is not NULL, and then the result is never NULL, so the expression pointer + integer is never NULL. Similarly, pointer + integer + integer is never NULL. Therefore pointer + integer + integer == NULL is always false, and we can optimize the program by removing this code completely. Thus, the code to handle the case when all pointers are NULL will be silently removed from your program.
Second, even if the C standard did guarantee a result of the addition, this expression could, hypothetically, evaluate to NULL even if none of the pointers were NULL. For example, consider a 16-bit address space where the first pointer were represented with the address 0x7000, the second were 0x6000, and the third were 0x3000. (I will also suppose these are char * pointers, so one element is one byte.) If we add these, the mathematical result is 0x10000. In 16-bit arithmetic, that wraps, so the computed result is 0x0000. Thus, the expression could evaluate to zero, which is likely used for NULL.
Third, unsigned may be narrower than pointers (for example, it may be 32 bits while pointers are 64), so the cast may lose information—there may be non-zero bits in the bits that were lost during the conversion, so the test will fail to detect them.
There are situations where we want to optimize pointer tests, and there are legitimate but non-standard ways to do it. On some processors, branching can be expensive, so doing some arithmetic with one test and one branch may be faster than doing three tests and three branches. C provides an integer type intended for working with pointer representations: uintptr_t, declared in <stdint.h>. With that, we can write this code:
if (((uintptr_t) p1 | (uintptr_t) p2 | (uintptr_t) p3) == 0) …
What this does is convert each pointer to an unsigned integer of a width suitable for working with pointer representations. The C standard does not say what the result of this conversion is, but it is intended to be unsurprising, and C implementations for flat address spaces may document that the result is the memory address. They may also document that NULL is the zero address. Once we have these integers, we OR them together instead of adding them. The result of an OR has a bit set if either of the corresponding bits in its operands was set. Thus, if any one of the addresses is not zero, then the result will not be zero either. So this code, if executed in a suitable C implementation, will perform the test you desire.
(I have used such tests in special high-performance code to test whether all pointers were aligned as desired, rather than to test for NULL. In that case, I had direct access to the compiler developers and could ensure the compiler would behave as desired. This is not standard C code.)

Using any sort of pointer arithmetic on non-array pointers is undefined behavior in C.


Does pointer equality imply integer equality?

For int *a, int *b, does a == b imply (intptr_t)a == (intptr_t)b? I know that it's true for example on a modern X86 CPU, but does the C standard or POSIX or any other standard give a guarantee for this?
This is not guaranteed by the C standard. (This answer does not address whether POSIX or other standards say about intptr_t.) What the C standard (2011, draft N1570) says about intptr_t is: 1 The following type designates a signed integer type with the property that any valid pointer to void can be converted to this type, then converted back to pointer to void, and the result will compare equal to the original pointer: intptr_t
As a theoretical proof, one counterexample is a system that has 24-bit addresses, where the high eight bits are unused, but the available integer types are 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit. In this case, the C implementation could make intptr_t a 32-bit integer, and it could convert a pointer to intptr_t by copying the 24-bit address into the 32-bit integer and neglecting the high eight bits. Those bits might be left over from whatever was lying around previously. When the intptr_t value is converted back to a pointer, the compiler discards the high eight bits, which results in the original address. In this system, when a == b is evaluated for pointers a and b, the compiler implements this by comparing only the 24 bits of the address. Thus, if a and b point to the same object a == b will be true, but (intptr_t) a == (intptr_t) b may evaluate to false because of the neglected high bits. (Note that, strictly, a and b should be pointers to void or should be converted to pointers to void before being converted to intptr_t.)
Another example would be a system which uses some base and offset addressing. In this system, a pointer might consist of 16 bits that specify some base address and 16 bits that specify an offset. The base might be in multiples of 64 bytes, so the actual address represented by base and offset is base•64 + offset. In this system, if pointer a has base 2 and offset 10, it represents the same address as pointer b with base 1 and offset 74. When comparing pointers, the compiler would evaluate base•64 + offset for each pointer and compare the results, so a == b evaluates to true. However, when converting to intptr_t, the compiler might simply copy the bits, thus producing 131,082 (2•65536 + 10) for (intptr_t) a and 65,610 (1•65536 + 74) for (intptr_t) b. Then (intptr_t) a == (intptr_t) b evaluates to false. But the rule that converting an intptr_t back to a pointer type produces the original pointer still holds, as the compiler will simply copy the bits again.
Rather than trying to specify all the guarantees that should be upheld by quality implementations on commonplace platforms, the Standard instead seeks to avoid mandating any guarantees that might be expensive or problematic on any conceivable platform unless they are so valuable as to justify any possible cost. The authors expected (reasonably at the time) that quality compilers for platforms which could offer stronger guarantees at essentially no cost would do so, and thus saw need to explicitly mandate things compilers were going to do anyway.
If one looks at what the actual guarantee offered by the Standard, it's absurdly wimpy. It specifies that converting a void* to a uintptr_t and then back to a void* will yield a pointer that may be compared to the original, and that the comparison will report that the two pointers are equal. It says nothing about what will happen if code does anything else with round-trip-converted pointer. A conforming implementation could perform integer-to-pointer conversions in a way that ignores the integer value (unless it is a Null Pointer Constant) and yields some arbitrary bit pattern that doesn't match any valid or null pointer, and then have its pointer-equality operators report "equal" whenever either operand holds that special bit pattern. No quality implementation should behave in such a fashion of course, but nothing in the Standard would forbid it.
In the absence of optimizations, it would be reasonable to assume that on any platform which uses "linear" pointers that are the same size as uintptr_t, quality compilers will process conversion of pointers to uintptr_t such that conversion of equal pointers will yield the same numeric value, and that given uintptr_t u;, if u==(uintptr)&someObject, then *(typeOfObject*)u may be used to access someObject, at least between the time the address of someObject was converted to a uintptr_t and the next time someObject is accessed via other means, without regard for how u came to hold its value. Unfortunately, some compilers are too primitive to recognize that conversion of an address to a uintptr_t would suggest that a pointer formed from a uintptr_t might be capable of identifying the same object.

Using bit operations to "turn off" binary digits of a pointer

I was able to use bit operations to "turn off" binary digits of a number.
x = x & ~(1<<0)
x = x & ~(1<<1)
(and repeat until desired number of digits starting from the right are changed to 0)
I would like to apply this technique to a pointer's address.
Unfortunately, the & operator cannot be used with pointers. Using the same lines of code as above, where x is a pointer, the compiler says "invalid operands to binary & (have int and int)."
I tried to typecast the pointers as ints, but that doesn't work as I assume the ints are too small (and I just realized I'm not allowed to cast).
(note: though this is part of a homework problem, I've already reasoned out why I need to turn off some digits after a good couple hours, so I'm fine in that regard. I'm simply trying to see if I can get a clever technique to do what I want to do here).
Restrictions: I cannot use loops, conditionals, any special functions, constants greater than 255, division, mod.
(edit: added restrictions to the bottom)
Use uintptr_t from <stdint.h>. You should always use unsigned types for bit twiddling, and (u)intptr_t is specifically chosen to be able to hold a pointer's value.
Note however that adjusting a pointer manually and dereferencing it is undefined behaviour, so watch your step. You shall be able to recover the exact original value of the pointer (or another valid pointer) before doing so.
Edit : from your comment I understand that you don't plan on dereferencing the twiddled pointer at all, so no undefined behaviour for you. Here is how you can check if your pointers share the same 64-byte block :
uintptr_t p1 = (uintptr_t)yourPointer1;
uintptr_t p2 = (uintptr_t)yourPointer2;
uintptr_t mask = ~(uintptr_t)63u; // Shave off 5 low-order bits
return (p1 & mask) == (p2 & mask);
C language standard library includes the (optional though) type intptr_t, for which there is guarantee that "any valid pointer to void can be converted to this type, then converted back to pointer to void, and the result will compare equal to the original pointer".
Of course if you perform bitwise operation on the integer than the result is undefined behaviour.
How unfortunate haha. I need a function to show two pointers are in
the same 64-byte block of memory. This holds true so long as every
digit but the least significant 6 digits of their binary
representations are equal. By making sure the last 6 digits are all
the same (ex: 0), I can return true if both pointers are equal. Well,
at least I hope so.
You should be able to check if they're in the same 64 block of memory by something like this:
if ((char *)high_pointer - (char *)low_pointer < 64) {
// do stuff
Edit2: This is likely to be undefined behaviour as pointed out by chris.
Original post:
You're probably looking for intptr_t or uintptr_t. The standard says you can cast to and from these types to pointers and have the value equal to the original.
However, despite it being a standard type, it is optional so some library implementations may choose not to implement it. Some architectures might not even represent pointers as integers so such a type wouldn't make sense.
It is still better than casting to and from an int or a long since it is guaranteed to work on implementations that supply it. Otherwise, at least you'll know at compile time that your program will break on a certain implementation/architecture.
(Oh, and as other answers have stated, manually changing the pointer when casted to an integer type and dereferencing it is undefined behaviour)

Is pointer tagging in C undefined according to the standard?

Some dynamically-typed languages use pointer tagging as a quick way to identify or narrow down the runtime type of the value being represented. A classic way to do this is to convert pointers to a suitably sized integer, and add a tag value over the least significant bits which are assumed to be zero for aligned objects. When the object needs to be accessed, the tag bits are masked away, the integer is converted to a pointer, and the pointer is dereferenced as normal.
This by itself is all in order, except it all hinges on one colossal assumption: that the aligned pointer will convert to an integer guaranteed to have zero bits in the right places.
Is it possible to guarantee this according to the letter of the standard?
Although standard section (references are to the C11 draft) says that the result of a conversion from pointer to integer is implementation-defined, what I'm wondering is whether the pointer arithmetic rules in and 6.5.6 effectively constrain the result of pointer->integer conversion to follow the same predictable arithmetic rules that many programs already assume. ( note 67 seemingly suggests that this is the intended spirit of the standard anyway, not that that means much.)
I'm specifically thinking of the case where one might allocate a large array to act as a heap for the dynamic language, and therefore the pointers we're talking about are to elements of this array. I'm assuming that the start of the C-allocated array itself can be placed at an aligned position by some secondary means (by all means discuss this too though). Say we have an array of eight-byte "cons cells"; can we guarantee that the pointer to any given cell will convert to an integer with the lowest three bits free for a tag?
For instance:
typedef Cell ...; // such that sizeof(Cell) == 8
Cell heap[1024]; // such that ((uintptr_t)&heap[0]) & 7 == 0
((char *)&heap[11]) - ((char *)&heap[10]); // == 8
(Cell *)(((char *)&heap[10]) + 8); // == &heap[11]
&(&heap[10])[0]; // == &heap[10]
0[heap]; // == heap[0]
// So...
&((char *)0)[(uintptr_t)&heap[10]]; // == &heap[10] ?
&((char *)0)[(uintptr_t)&heap[10] + 8]; // == &heap[11] ?
// ...implies?
(Cell *)((uintptr_t)&heap[10] + 8); // == &heap[11] ?
(If I understand correctly, if an implementation provides uintptr_t then the undefined behaviour hinted at in paragraph 6 is irrelevant, right?)
If all of these hold, then I would assume that it means that you can in fact rely on the low bits of any converted pointer to an element of an aligned Cell array to be free for tagging. Do they && does it?
(As far as I'm aware this question is hypothetical since the normal assumption holds for common platforms anyway, and if you found one where it didn't, you probably wouldn't want to look to the C standard for guidance rather than the platform docs; but that's beside the point.)
This by itself is all in order, except it all hinges on one colossal
assumption: that the aligned pointer will convert to an integer
guaranteed to have zero bits in the right places.
Is it possible to guarantee this according to the letter of the
It's possible for an implementation to guarantee this. The result of converting a pointer to an integer is implementation-defined, and an implementation can define it any way it likes, as long as it meets the standard's requirements.
The standard absolutely does not guarantee this in general.
A concrete example: I've worked on a Cray T90 system, which had a C compiler running under a UNIX-like operating system. In the hardware, an address is a 64-bit word containing the address of a 64-bit word; there were no hardware byte addresses. Byte pointers (void*, char*) were implemented in software by storing a 3-bit offset in the otherwise unused high-order 3 bits of a 64-bit word pointer.
All pointer-to-pointer, pointer-to-integer, and integer-to-pointer conversions simply copied the representation.
Which means that a pointer to an 8-byte aligned object, when converted to an integer, could have any bit pattern in its low-order 3 bits.
Nothing in the standard forbids this.
The bottom line: A scheme like the one you describe, that plays games with pointer representations, can work if you make certain assumptions about how the current system represents pointers -- as long as those assumptions happen to be valid for the current system.
But no such assumptions can be 100% reliable, because the standard says nothing about how pointers are represented (other than that they're of a fixed size for each pointer type, and that the representation can be viewed as an array of unsigned char).
(The standard doesn't even guarantee that all pointers are the same size.)
You're right about the relevant parts of the standard. For reference:
An integer may be converted to any pointer type. Except as previously specified, the result is implementation-defined, might not be correctly aligned, might not point to an entity of the referenced type, and might be a trap representation.
Any pointer type may be converted to an integer type. Except as previously specified, the result is implementation-defined. If the result cannot be represented in the integer type, the behavior is undefined. The result need not be in the range of values of any integer type.
Since the conversions are implementation defined (except when the integer type is too small, in which case it's undefined), there's nothing the standard is going to tell you about this behaviour. If your implementation makes the guarantees you want, you're set. Otherwise, too bad.
I guess the answer to your explicit question:
Is it possible to guarantee this according to the letter of the standard?
Is "yes", since the standard punts on this behaviour and says the implementation has to define it. Arguably, "no" is just as good an answer for the same reason.

How is {int i=999; char c=i;} different from {char c=999;}?

My friend says he read it on some page on SO that they are different,but how could the two be possibly different?
Case 1
int i=999;
char c=i;
Case 2
char c=999;
In first case,we are initializing the integer i to 999,then initializing c with i,which is in fact 999.In the second case, we initialize c directly with 999.The truncation and loss of information aside, how on earth are these two cases different?
Here's the link that I was talking of
why no overflow warning when converting int to char
One member commenting there says --It's not the same thing. The first is an assignment, the second is an initialization
So isn't it a lot more than only a question of optimization by the compiler?
They have the same semantics.
The constant 999 is of type int.
int i=999;
char c=i;
i created as an object of type int and initialized with the int value 999, with the obvious semantics.
c is created as an object of type char, and initialized with the value of i, which happens to be 999. That value is implicitly converted from int to char.
The signedness of plain char is implementation-defined.
If plain char is an unsigned type, the result of the conversion is well defined. The value is reduced modulo CHAR_MAX+1. For a typical implementation with 8-bit bytes (CHAR_BIT==8), CHAR_MAX+1 will be 256, and the value stored will be 999 % 256, or 231.
If plain char is a signed type, and 999 exceeds CHAR_MAX, the conversion yields an implementation-defined result (or, starting with C99, raises an implementation-defined signal, but I know of no implementations that do that). Typically, for a 2's-complement system with CHAR_BIT==8, the result will be -25.
char c=999;
c is created as an object of type char. Its initial value is the int value 999 converted to char -- by exactly the same rules I described above.
If CHAR_MAX >= 999 (which can happen only if CHAR_BIT, the number of bits in a byte, is at least 10), then the conversion is trivial. There are C implementations for DSPs (digital signal processors) with CHAR_BIT set to, for example, 32. It's not something you're likely to run across on most systems.
You may be more likely to get a warning in the second case, since it's converting a constant expression; in the first case, the compiler might not keep track of the expected value of i. But a sufficiently clever compiler could warn about both, and a sufficiently naive (but still fully conforming) compiler could warn about neither.
As I said above, the result of converting a value to a signed type, when the source value doesn't fit in the target type, is implementation-defined. I suppose it's conceivable that an implementation could define different rules for constant and non-constant expressions. That would be a perverse choice, though; I'm not sure even the DS9K does that.
As for the referenced comment "The first is an assignment, the second is an initialization", that's incorrect. Both are initializations; there is no assignment in either code snippet. There is a difference in that one is an initialization with a constant value, and the other is not. Which implies, incidentally, that the second snippet could appear at file scope, outside any function, while the first could not.
Any optimizing compiler will just make the int i = 999 local variable disappear and assign the truncated value directly to c in both cases. (Assuming that you are not using i anywhere else)
It depends on your compiler and optimization settings. Take a look at the actual assembly listing to see how different they are. For GCC and reasonable optimizations, the two blocks of code are probably equivalent.
Aside from the fact that the first also defines an object iof type int, the semantics are identical.
i,which is in fact 999
No, i is a variable. Semantically, it doesn't have a value at the point of the initialization of c ... the value won't be known until runtime (even though we can clearly see what it will be, and so can an optimizing compiler). But in case 2 you're assigning 999 to a char, which doesn't fit, so the compiler issues a warning.

On a platform where NULL is represented as 0, has a compiler ever generated unexpected code for NULL <= p

In C99, equality == does not seem ever to be undefined. It can produce 1 by accident if you apply it to invalid addresses (for instance &x + 1 == &y may be true by accident). It does not produce undefined behavior. Many, but not all, invalid addresses are undefined to compute/use according to the standard, so that in p == &x with p a dangling pointer, or in &x + 2 == &y, the invalid address causes the undefined behavior, not ==.
On the other hand, >= and other comparisons are undefined when applied to pointers that do not point within the same object. That includes testing q >= NULL where q is a valid pointer. This test is the subject of my question.
I work on a static analyzer for low-level embedded code. It is normal for this kind of code to do things outside what the standard allows. As an example, an array of pointers may, in this kind of code, be initialized with memset(...,0,...), although the standard does not specify that NULL and 0 must have the same representation. In order to be useful, the analyzer must accept this kind of thing and interpret them the way the programmer expects. Warning the programmer would be perceived as a false positive.
So the analyzer is already assuming that NULL and 0 have the same representation (you are supposed to check your compiler against the analyzer to make sure they agree on this kind of assumptions). I am noticing that some programs compare valid pointers against NULL with >= (this library is an example). This works as intended as long as NULL is represented as 0 and pointer comparison is compiled as an unsigned integer comparison.
I only wish the analyzer to warn about this if, perhaps because of some agressive optimization, it may be compiled into something different from what the programmer meant on conventional platforms. Hence my question: is there any example of a program not evaluating q >= NULL as 1, on a platform where NULL is represented as 0?
NOTE: this question is not about using 0 in a pointer context to get a null pointer. The assumption about the representation of NULL is a real assumption, because there is no conversion in the memset() example.
There are definitely pointers that when you reinterpret them as a signed integer of pointer size will have negative sign.
In particular all kernel memory on Win32, and if you use "large address aware" then even 1GB of userspace since you get 3GB of userspace.
I don't know the details of c pointer arithmetic, but I suspect that these might compare as <0 in some compilers.
