Accessibility issue radio buttons - angularjs

I'm using AngularJS and have a custom directive for radio buttons so they can be placed anywhere on the site. I'm doing some accessibility work as some of the radio buttons when using JAWS screen reader. The issue I'm having is this: When you tab to a certain radio button groups the radio button does show focus and the screen reader reads the radio button label. However in certain radio button groups the screen reader doesn't read "do not prompt user to "to change the selection press the up or down arrow" as it should. Other radio buttons on my site using this directive do not have this issue. In the instances where this issue occurs you cannot use the arrow keys to change the radio buttons as you can in the fully functioning radio button groups sharing the same directive. However, when you tab past these buggy radio button groups and then do a backwards tab (shift + tab) back the radio button group it functions as it should. It receives focus and the screen reader reads everything out as it should.


ExtJS - RadioGroup shows two selected items except one

I have implemented a pop-up window to be shown by clicking a trigger-button of a textbox, and it has a radioGroup in it. in some cases I have to check the radio based on user input.
The problem is that if I try to invoke radioGroup.setValue() before opening the popup once, I face with two selected items in radioGroup. The issue doesn't occur if open-close the popup before trying to set the checked radio.
Is it a rendering issue or something like that?!

How to allow some keyboard events on menu items that are by default stopping the event?

I am trying to have a small form in my menu item. I have split button that has one item. In that item I have form: datefield, textfield, button, etc...
The issue is connected with some keystrokes such as left arrow, right arrow. This key events are supposed to hide menu item by default. Now I need to disable them since every time an arrow button is used in my textfield, it hides the menu.
I am using beforehide event, but cannot find a way to achieve to my goal. I could not find any events similar to keydown to handle this case.
One more key backspace is also used for editing the textfield, but this one redirects the browser.
IN SHORT: I want to be able to freely use the keyboard in my menu item's textfield without hiding it. Is this possible?
Just use enableKeyNav: false in the menu configuration. From the doc:
enableKeyNav : Boolean
True to enable keyboard navigation for
controlling the menu. This option should generally be disabled when
form fields are being used inside the menu.
Defaults to: true

WinForms: can a menu click handler determine which edit control on the form had focus immediately preceding the click?

Let's say we have a grid on the form with some cell editors (checkboxes, radio button groups). The form has a file menu. File -> Save. User visits a few cells in the grid, and clicks a checkbox in a cell, and, without touching anything else with the mouse and without touching the Tab key, clicks on the File menu and then clicks Save.
Inside the Save menuitem click handler, is it possible to determine which checkbox in the grid had focus immediately prior? That checkbox won't have lostfocus yet because a menu choice doesn't cause its lostfocus event to fire.

WPF + PRISM - show modal popup window with controls in it?

I am following the 'Stock Trader RI' example by the Prism team,
but it does not address this exactly :
I have a Shell with a Main Region in it.
In this shell I have some filter fields and a grid.
When I press on a button - I would like to load a screen that allows me to change the filters,
and then press 'Save'. This would then call a service to update the fields, and close the pop-up.
Here is an illustration of the 'Shell' before pressing the button (left) and after (right) :
Problems are :
The 'Stock Trader RI' sample app only uses a modaless dialog popup. I need a MODAL pop-up (background will continue to refresh, but user will not have access to it as long as pop-up is active).
Need to have Silverlight-like effect when pop-up shows, meaning - 'Shell' needs to appear 'disabled' (like a gray mask over it).
Pop-up window should have no 'X' button and no 'minimize' or 'maximize' buttons. The pop-up window should be simply a rectangle with curved-corners.
I don't think I can use a 'Notification Window' or a 'Confirmation Window' because I cannot put inside them whatever I want. This is an example with 2 fields, but the pop-up might be much more complex with tabs, and a lot of information shown to the user.
So how do I show a modal pop-up from my "WPF+PRISM" Shell-View-Model once the 'Edit' button is pressed ? (Meaning, once the 'EditCommand' is executed...)
I have found a solution here.
Basically it uses InteractionRequest and it allows me to open a window (that I can style however I want, without the 'Maximize' 'Minimize buttons), and also - I can choose for it to be Modal.
Great thing about this solution is - that I can use custom pop-ups and not only Notification or Confirmation pop-ups.
Also - I can pass information back to the class the invoked the 'InteractionRequest'.
Only thing that it doesn't solve - is that I cannot make the calling view look disabled by adding a gray semi-transparent over it ... haven't figured out yet how to do that...

Disabled button behaving differently in windows Form

I have two button on form as:
Now when hover the portion common to both button the enabled button shows the mouse hover effect as:
I am not sure why this is done in windows form.
I have checked the same thing in WPF sample it works just fine, There it does not show any effect when we are on disabled button.
If we click on the portion which is common for both button the click for Enabled button is fired.
I want to know why controls have this behavior?
Try putting the disabled button in a panel or a group. Controls aren't really meant to overlap like that, so I expect that the event handler just passes the click through to the enabled button.
