Unable to retrieve data area value using QXXRTVDA and brace-initialized values - c

I was trying to do simple data area value retrieval using C source from here:
And... the code failed to do certain retrieval.
Here is the code:
typedef struct _DTAA_NAME_T {
char dtaa_name[10]; /* name of data area */
char dtaa_lib[10]; /* library that contains data area */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <xxdtaa.h>
#define START 6
#define LENGTH 7
int main(void)
char uda_area[DATA_AREA_LENGTH];
/* Retrieve data from user-defined data area currently in MYLIB */
_DTAA_NAME_T dtaname = {"USRDDA ", "MYLIB "};
/* Use the function to retrieve some data into uda_area. */
/* Print the contents of the retrieved subset. */
printf("uda_area contains %7.7s\n",uda_area);
There are several problems in this brace-intialized values:
_DTAA_NAME_T dtaname = {"USRDDA ", "MYLIB "};
Values can not get initialized with 10 characters value - only 9 chars + null byte.
Initializing values with 10 characters will lead to compilation error.
Initializing it with anything less than 10 characters will lead to null byte appending thus the QXXRTVDA will not find any values as soon as there's no such library with null byte ending.

The workaround I've found is to avoid brace-initialization and initialize values with direct bytes copying:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <xxdtaa.h>
#define START 6
#define LENGTH 7
int main(void)
char uda_area[DATA_AREA_LENGTH];
_DTAA_NAME_T dtaara;
memset( &dtaara, ' ', sizeof(dtaara));
cpybla( dtaara.dtaa_name, "USRDDA", 6);
cpybla( dtaara.dtaa_lib, "MYLIB", 5);
/* Use the function to retrieve some data into uda_area. */
/* Print the contents of the retrieved subset. */
printf("uda_area contains %7.7s\n",uda_area);
Hope this helps somebody not to waste time on such a basic thing.

The null-termation byte is only used to initialize the array if there is room for it.
#include <xxdtaa.h>
In debug:
EVAL dtaara:x 20
00010 D8D9E2E3 ........ ........ ........ - QRST............


What is the correct way to access a large fits grid in C with CFITSIO

I have two fits grid which I am accessing with CFITSIO (https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/fitsio/c). Now, the first grid is 1071 (row) x 3 (cols) and of the float data type. I can access this fine and print the output of each entry. When I repeat this code for my second grid (a large grid (1.1 Gb) which is 1071 x 262144 and also of the float data type, I get a Segmentation fault. Before I carry on, here's the code:
#FILE Cspec.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "fitsio.h"
#include "load_data.h"
#include "general_functions.h"
#define MAX_ROW 230746
#define N 131072
#define WAVEMIN 450.0
#define WAVEMAX 650.0
void printerror( int status)
/* Print out cfitsio error messages and exit program */
if (status)
fits_report_error(stderr, status); /* print error report */
exit( status );
int main()
{ /*----------------------------
Now load the table
printf("\n\n--------------------\nLoading the models..\n--------------------");
// Imports and definitions
fitsfile *fptr; /* pointer to the FITS file, defined in fitsio.h */
int status, anynull;
long naxes[2], fpixel, nbuffer, npixels, ii;
char filename[] = "models.fits"; /* name of existing FITS file */
status = 0;
// Open the file and kick off if its not there
if ( fits_open_file(&fptr, filename, READONLY, &status) )
printerror( status );
/* read the NAXIS1 and NAXIS2 keyword to get image size */
//if ( fits_read_keys_lng(fptr, "NAXIS", 1, 2, naxes, &nfound, &status) )
// printerror( status );
// Define the rows and columns of fits image and thus the buffer size
naxes[0] = 1017;
naxes[1] = 262144;
size_t buffsize = ((size_t) (naxes[1] * naxes[0]) + (naxes[1] * sizeof(float)));
float nullval, buffer[buffsize];
npixels = naxes[0] * naxes[1]; /* number of pixels in the image */
fpixel = 1;
nullval = 0; /* don't check for null values in the image */
while (npixels > 0)
nbuffer = npixels;
if (npixels > buffsize)
nbuffer = buffsize; /* read as many pixels as will fit in buffer */
if ( fits_read_img(fptr, TFLOAT, fpixel, nbuffer, &nullval,
buffer, &anynull, &status) )
printerror( status );
for (ii = 0; ii < nbuffer; ii++)
// Output the value
printf("%f\t", buffer[ii]);
npixels -= nbuffer; /* increment remaining number of pixels */
fpixel += nbuffer; /* next pixel to be read in image */
if ( fits_close_file(fptr, &status) )
printerror( status );
return 0;
I compile using:
nvcc Cspec2.c general_functions.c load_data.c -I/iraf/iraf/vendor/cfitsio /iraf/iraf/vendor/cfitsio/libcfitsio.a -lm -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64
The other c files (general_functions.c and load_data.c) are not relevant. The reason for the last two flags comes from https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/fitsio/c/f_user/node13.html which describe the size limits when working with fits files. One thing this says (para 4):
"If CFITSIO is compiled with the -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE and -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 flags on a platform that supports large files, then it can read and write FITS files that contain up to 2**31 2880-byte FITS records, or approximately 6 terabytes in size. It is still required that the value of the NAXISn and PCOUNT keywords in each extension be within the range of a signed 4-byte integer (max value = 2,147,483,648). Thus, each dimension of an image (given by the NAXISn keywords), the total width of a table (NAXIS1 keyword), the number of rows in a table (NAXIS2 keyword), and the total size of the variable-length array heap in binary tables (PCOUNT keyword) must be less than this limit."
I assumed that adding these flags would sort this out since 1071*262,144 = 280,756,224 which is below the range of a signed 4-byte integer (max value = 2,147,483,648). There is also more information here ( https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/fitsio/c/c_user/node32.html ). Where am I going wrong? Why does this cause a seg fault? This code works fine with the smaller grid (1071*3). I assume I have to add some extra compiler flags or change something in my code? Could the problem lie in the fact I am using cfitsio from an IRAF distribution?
One thing I found from de-bugging is that I could not output the "buffsize" variable - this on it's own lead to a seg fault.
I am running 64 bit Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and I am using the nvcc compiler as I plan to offload some later work to the GPU. I'm still relatively new to C (from python).

strstr() function returns the address 0x0000

I'm trying to check whether (and where) a substring ("DATA") is located in a big string (located in a buffer - linearBuffer) by strstr() function, but it doesn't seem to work and I don't know why eventhough my source string (located in the linearBuffer) in null terminated.
What really happended is that a ringbuffer (buf) fills with characters for every USART interrupt. Then, in some point of the code its content copied into a linear buffer (through ringBuff_to_linearBuff()) and I apply the strstr() function on it in order to find a wanted substring. The value that I get when the function strstr() returns is the value 244 and not the location of the substring eventhough I know its there from setting a breakpoint
** Note that my code is spread on many files so I tried to gather all question related code together.
#include <string.h>
#define BUFFER_SIZE 400
typedef RingBuff_Data_t uint8_t;
typedef struct
RingBuff_Data_t Buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; /**< Internal ring buffer data, referenced by the buffer pointers. */
RingBuff_Data_t* In; /**< Current storage location in the circular buffer */
RingBuff_Data_t* Out; /**< Current retrieval location in the circular buffer */
} RingBuff_t;
volatile RingBuff_t buf;
uint8_t linearBuffer[LINEAR_BUFFER_SIZE]="";
static inline void RingBuffer_Insert(RingBuff_t* const Buffer, const RingBuff_Data_t Data)
*Buffer->In = Data;
if (++Buffer->In == &Buffer->Buffer[BUFFER_SIZE])
Buffer->In = Buffer->Buffer;
//code to be executed when the rx pin of the USART receives a char
uint8_t c = UDR_N;
if (c != '\n')
void ringBuff_to_linearBuff(uint8_t linearBuffer[])
RingBuff_Data_t* tempIn = buf.In;
if (buf.Out < tempIn){
memcpy(linearBuffer, buf.Out, tempIn - buf.Out);
else if (buf.Out > tempIn){
size_t s1 = buf.Buffer + BUFFER_SIZE - buf.Out;
size_t s2 = buf.In - buf.Buffer;
memcpy(linearBuffer, buf.Out, s1);
memcpy(linearBuffer + s1, buf.Buffer, s2);
void main ()
uint8_t* linearBufferp;
while (1)
if (buf.Out != buf.In)
linearBufferp = strstr(linearBuffer, WIFI_CMD_DATA); // Checking if a new DATA msg from a client had arrived
if (linearBufferp != NULL)
//do something
When strstr returns NULL it means that it didn't find the substring (and when that happens, the value it points to have no meaning at all, so forget about the 224).
So your question should be:
Why doesn't strstr find my substring?
When looking at the debug picture you posted, your linearBuffercontains:
68 <---- This is what you want to find
However, there are multiple strings in your buffer:
13 <----- Start of first string
0 <----- End of first string
13 <----- Start of second string
0 <----- End of second string
43 <----- Start of thrid string
68 <---- This is what you want to find
strstr will only search the first string. When strstr sees the first 0 (index [1]), it returns NULL because it didn't find what it was looking for.
In other words - strstr never looks at the part of the buffer where the match is. It returns long before that.
So what's wrong with your code?
It is hard to say since you haven't posted a complete code base. So this is a guess. I think you receive a number of "newlines" in the form:
13 10 13 10
before the message. So you receive:
13 10 13 10 43 ...... 68 65 .....
Your ISR turns the 10 into 0 so the buffer becomes
13 0 13 0 43 ...... 68 65 .....
which is 3 strings instead of 1 string.
What to do?
Well, there could be several different solutions. The correct depends on your system requirements. A simple solution would be to skip the extra 13 0 before calling strstr. Something like:
// Skip "13 0"
while (*linearBuffer == 13 && *(linearBuffer+1) == 0)
linearBuffer += 2;
linearBufferp = strstr(linearBuffer, WIFI_CMD_DATA);
Note: You should add some range check also so that linearBuffer isn't incremented so much that you read out of bounds

C Collect2 Multiple Definition Error [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 6 years ago.
Improve this question
I am writing a driver for FRAM for a robot, and all of a sudden I started getting this error:
C:\Users\james\AppData\Local\Temp\cciezvMm.o: In function `_FRAM_driver_setup':
(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `_FRAM_driver_setup'
cmm/FRAM_driver.o:(.text+0x0): first defined here
C:\Users\james\AppData\Local\Temp\cciezvMm.o: In function `_FRAM_log_data':
(.text+0xf): multiple definition of `_FRAM_log_data'
cmm/FRAM_driver.o:(.text+0xf): first defined here
C:\Users\james\AppData\Local\Temp\cciezvMm.o: In function `_FRAM_read_data':
(.text+0x7a): multiple definition of `_FRAM_read_data'
cmm/FRAM_driver.o:(.text+0x7a): first defined here
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Done. Build Failed!
I am not sure what brought this about, but I have not been able to find multiple definitions in my code. Here is the header file:
#ifndef FRAM_DRIVER_H_
#define FRAM_DRIVER_H_
#include "simpletools.h"
typedef struct FRAM_driver_type {
i2c* busID;
} FRAM_driver_type;
void FRAM_driver_setup(FRAM_driver_type* ptr, int sclPin, int sdaPin,
int sclDrive);
void FRAM_log_data(unsigned char* string, FRAM_driver_type* ptr);
void FRAM_read(FRAM_driver_type* ptr);
Here is the c file:
#include "FRAM_driver.h"
#define FRAM_DEFAULT_ADDR (0x50)
#define FRAM_MAX_MEM_ADDRESS (0x00)
#define FRAM_FIRST_MEM_ADDR (0x01)
#define FRAM_ADDR_SIZE ( 2 )
#define FRAM_DATA_SIZE ( 1 )
#define INT_SIZE ( 1 )
void FRAM_driver_setup(FRAM_driver_type* ptr, int sclPin, int sdaPin,
int sclDrive){
ptr->busID = i2c_newbus(sclPin, sdaPin, sclDrive);
void FRAM_log_data(unsigned char* data, FRAM_driver_type* ptr){
// Create a static integer initialized to the first memory address of the
// FRAM. It is 0x01 instead of 0x00 because 0x00 is going to be used to
// store the last memory adress being used. Also, create the int data_Size
// and set it equal to the length of the string plus one.
static int mem_Addr = FRAM_FIRST_MEM_ADDR;
int data_Size = strlen(data) + 1;
// Send the size of the data being sent to the next available memory
// address. This allows the FRAM_read_data funtion to know what size of
// data to read. Then increment up by one memory address.
i2c_out(ptr->busID, FRAM_DEFAULT_ADDR, mem_Addr, FRAM_ADDR_SIZE, data_Size,
while(i2c_busy(ptr->busID, FRAM_DEFAULT_ADDR));
mem_Addr += 0x01;
// Write data to the next address when the FRAM is not busy, then increment
// the memory address by one again.
i2c_out(ptr->busID, FRAM_DEFAULT_ADDR, mem_Addr, FRAM_ADDR_SIZE, data,
while(i2c_busy(ptr->busID, FRAM_DEFAULT_ADDR));
mem_Addr += 0x01;
// Write the last memory address used to the first memory address of the
// FRAM. Then wait for the FRAM to not be busy.
mem_Addr, INT_SIZE);
while(i2c_busy(ptr->busID, FRAM_DEFAULT_ADDR));
void FRAM_read_data(FRAM_driver_type* ptr){
// Initialize unsigned characters to receive data from i2c_in.
unsigned char logged_Data = 1;
unsigned char logged_Data_Size;
unsigned char last_Memory_Address;
// Get the last memory address written to from FRAM_MAX_MEM_ADDRESS and
// store it in last_Memory_Address.
&last_Memory_Address, INT_SIZE);
while(i2c_busy(ptr->busID, FRAM_DEFAULT_ADDR));
// Loop through all of the filled memory addresses in the FRAM and print
// the logged data in each address.
for (int i = FRAM_FIRST_MEM_ADDR; i <= last_Memory_Address; i+=2){
// Get the data_Size from the odd memory address and store it in
// logged_Data_Size. Then wait until the FRAM isn't busy.
i2c_in(ptr->busID, i, FRAM_FIRST_MEM_ADDR,
FRAM_ADDR_SIZE, &logged_Data_Size, INT_SIZE);
while(i2c_busy(ptr->busID, FRAM_DEFAULT_ADDR));
// Use logged_Data_Size to store the data to logged_Data and then print
// the data. Wait until the FRAM isn't busy.
i2c_in(ptr->busID, i++, FRAM_FIRST_MEM_ADDR,
FRAM_ADDR_SIZE, &logged_Data, logged_Data_Size);
print("Log: %d \n", logged_Data);
while(i2c_busy(ptr->busID, FRAM_DEFAULT_ADDR));
Lastly, here is the testbench file:
#include "FRAM_driver.h"
#define FRAM_SCL_PIN 28
#define FRAM_SDA_PIN 29
static FRAM_driver_type fram_obj;
int main() {
const unsigned char* data = 2;
FRAM_driver_setup(&fram_obj, FRAM_SCL_PIN, FRAM_SDA_PIN, 0);
FRAM_log_data(data , &fram_obj);
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, I am using simpleIDE and the simpletools library for a Propeller microcontroller.
C:\Users\james\AppData\Local\Temp\cciezvMm.o: In function '_FRAM_driver_setup:
(.text+0x0): multiple definition of '_FRAM_driver_setup'
cmm/FRAM_driver.o:(.text+0x0): first defined here
This error means that your link line is referencing FRAM_driver.c twice, and looks something like this:
gcc ... cmm/FRAM_driver.o ... cmm/FRAM_driver.c ...
Don't do that -- it obviously can't work.
SimpleIDE was including a backup of a file that was not included in the project directories. Actually, I couldn't find it anywhere. It was as if it was creating the backup copy of the code I was working on and then storing it in a temporary location whenever I ran the code. The file was removed from the SimpleIDE project files and then it worked.

How to store keys of associative array in C implemented via hcreate/hsearch by value (not by reference)?

Using associative arrays implented via the POSIX hcreate/hsearch functions (as described here, I struggled some unexpected behaviour finding keys I've never entered or the other way around.
I tracked it down to some instance of store-by-reference-instead-of-value.
This was surprising to me, since in the example uses string literals as keys:
store("red", 0xff0000);
store("orange", 0x123456); /* Insert wrong value! */
store("green", 0x008000);
store("blue", 0x0000ff);
store("white", 0xffffff);
store("black", 0x000000);
store("orange", 0xffa500); /* Replace with correct value. */
Here is an MWE that shows my problem:
#include <inttypes.h> /* intptr_t */
#include <search.h> /* hcreate(), hsearch() */
#include <stdio.h> /* perror() */
#include <stdlib.h> /* exit() */
#include <string.h> /* strcpy() */
void exit_with_error(const char* error_message){
int fetch(const char* key, intptr_t* value){
ENTRY e,*p;
p=hsearch(e, FIND);
if(!p) return 0;
return 1;
void store(const char *key, intptr_t value){
ENTRY e,*p;
p = hsearch(e, ENTER);
if(!p) exit_with_error("hash full");
p->data = (void *)value;
void main(){
char a[4]="foo";
char b[4]="bar";
char c[4]="";
intptr_t x=NULL;
if(!hcreate(50)) exit_with_error("no hash");
store(a,1); /* a --> 1 */
strcpy(c,a); /* remember a */
strcpy(a,b); /* set a to b */
store(a,-1); /* b --> -1 */
strcpy(a,c); /* reset a */
if(fetch(a,&x)&&x==1) puts("a is here.");
if(!fetch(b,&x)) puts("b is not.");
strcpy(a,b); printf("But if we adjust a to match b");
if(fetch(a,&x)&&x==-1&&fetch(b,&x)&&x==-1) puts(", we find both.");
Compiling and executing above C code results in the following output:
a is here.
b is not.
But if we adjust a to match b, we find both.
I will need to read a file and store a a large number of string:int pairs and then I will need to read a second file to check an even larger number of strings for previously stored values.
I don't see how this would be possible if keys are compared by reference.
How can I change my associative array implementation to store keys by value?
And if that's not possible, how can I work around that problem given the above use case?
This question just deals with keys entered but not found.
The opposite problem also appears and is described in detail in this question.
It turned out that store() needs to strdup() key to fix this and another problem.
I found out that by using the same variable for storage & lookup, I can actually retrieve all the values in the array:
void main(){
char a[4]="foo";
char b[4]="bar";
char c[4]="baz";
char t[4]="";
intptr_t x=NULL;
if(!hcreate(50)) exit_with_error("no hash");
strcpy(t,a); store(t, 1); /* a --> 1 */
strcpy(t,b); store(t,-1); /* b --> -1 */
strcpy(t,c); store(t, 0); /* c --> 0 */
if(!fetch(a,&x)) puts("a is not here.");
if(!fetch(b,&x)) puts("Neither is b.");
if( fetch(c,&x)) puts("c is in (and equal to t).");
strcpy(t,a); if(fetch(t,&x)&&x== 1) puts("t can retrieve a.");
strcpy(t,b); if(fetch(t,&x)&&x==-1) puts("It also finds b.");
strcpy(t,c); if(fetch(t,&x)&&x== 0) puts("And as expected c.");
This results in the following output:
a is not here.
Neither is b.
c is in (and equal to t).
t can retrieve a.
It also finds b.
And as expected c.
However, I still don't understand why this is happening.
Somehow it seems the key needs to be at the same location (reference) and contain the same content (value) to be found.

Computing websocket Sec-WebSocket-Accept value using libtomcrypt

RFC6455 specifies a method of computing the Sec-WebSocket-Accept response header from the value of the Sec-WebSocket-Key header. This method is based on SHA-1 hashing and Base64-encoding the result.
How can I implement this method in plain C using libtomcrypt for SHA-1 and Base64?
Note: This question intentionally does not show any effort because I immediately answered it myself. See below for my effort.
Here's a full compilable example that uses only libtomcrypt without any dynamic memory allocation and successfully computes the reference example from RFC6455:
//This file is licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal (public domain)
//Compile like this: gcc -o wsencodetest wsencodetest.c -ltomcrypt
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <tomcrypt.h>
#define SHA1_HASHSIZE 20
//Magic GUID as defined in RFC6455 section 1.3
static const char magicGUID[] = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11";
* Compute the value of the Sec-WebSocket-Accept response header
* from the value of the Sec-WebSocket-Key header.
* #param key The whitespace or NUL terminated Sec-WebSocket-Key value
* #param out Where to store the base64-encoded output. Must provide 29 bytes of memory.
* The 29 bytes starting at out contain the resulting value (plus a terminating NUL byte)
void computeWebsocketSecAccept(const char* key, char* dst) {
* Determine start & length of key minus leading/trailing whitespace
* See RFC6455 section 1.3
//Skip leading whitespace
while(isspace(*key)) {
//Determine key size.
size_t keySize = 0;
while(!isspace(key[keySize]) && key[keySize] != 0) {
//Compute SHA1 hash. See RFC6455 section 1.3
char hashOut[SHA1_HASHSIZE];
hash_state md;
sha1_desc.process(&md, key, keySize);
sha1_desc.process(&md, magicGUID, sizeof(magicGUID));
sha1_desc.done(&md, hashOut);
//Encode hash to output buffer
size_t outlen = 29; //We know the output is 28 in size
base64_encode(hashOut, SHA1_HASHSIZE, dst, &outlen);
* Usage example
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
//Whitespace needs to be removed according to RFC6455
//Example from RFC6455
const char* key = " dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ== ";
char buf[29];
//Perform computation
computeWebsocketSecAccept(key, buf);
//Should print s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo=
printf("%s\n", buf);
