How can I make functions available to ClojureScript's eval? - eval

In this blog post by Dmitri Sotnikov a function eval-str is provided for running a string containing ClojureScript:
(defn eval-str [s]
(eval (empty-state)
(read-string s)
{:eval js-eval
:source-map true
:context :expr}
(fn [result] result)))
If I have some function x that I want to be able to call from inside the eval string, how can I do that?

There are two parts to the answer, assuming x is a var associated with a ClojureScript function:
The compiler analysis metadata for x needs to be present in the state passed as the first argument to cljs.js/eval. This is so that, during compilation, things like the arity of x is known, for example.
The JavaScript implementation of the function associated with x needs to be present in the JavaScript runtime. (This is especially true if the function is actually called during the cljs.js/eval call, and not just referenced.)
If x is a core function (say the var #'cljs.core/map for example), then both of these conditions is automatically satisfied. In particular, the metadata will be produced when cljs.js/empty-state is called (assuming :dump-core is true), and the implementation of the core functions will have already been loaded into the JavaScript runtime.
But, let's say x is a wholly new function that you wish to have compiled in the self-hosted environment. The “trick” is to set up and reuse compiler state: For example put the result of (cljs.js.empty-state) into a var, and pass it to every cljs.js/eval call. If you do that, and one of the cljs.js/eval calls involves compiling a defn for x, then the compiler state will be modified (it is actually an atom), with the result being that the compiler metadata for x will be put in the state, along with, of course, the JavaScript implementation for x being set within the JavaScript environment (by virtue of evaluating the JavaScript produced for the defn).
If, on the other hand, x is a function that is part of your “ambient” ClojureScript environment (say, pre-compiled via the JVM ClojureScript compiler, but nevertheless available in the JavaScript runtime), then it will be up to you to somehow to arrange to get the compiler analysis metadata for x into the state passed to cljs.js/eval. If you look at the output of the JVM-based compiler, you will see <ns-name>.cache.json files containing such metadata. Take a look at the data that is in these files and you can ascertain its structure; with that you can see how to swap the needed information into the compiler state under [:cljs.analyzer/namespaces <ns-name>]. The cljs.js/load-analysis-cache! function exists as a helper for this use case, and a self-contained example is at


LLVM Loop Simplify Pass

I am probably misunderstanding some basic concept how LLVM & passes work, anyhow here is my question:
I am currently working on a pass where I extend the runOnModule ( function. I would like to run LoopSimplify first on the IR, but I do not seem to understand how to do that. There is a run(Function &F, FunctionAnalysisManager &AM) function as described on and as far as I understand it I can call it on every function in my module. But for that I need a member of that class (LoopSimplify) to call it on which I do not know where to get from and also some FunctionAnalysisManager. What are they for and how do they need to look like? It is not like I can just feed it some empty constructs right?
I want to do this for the following guarantee:
"Loop pre-header insertion guarantees that there is a single, non-critical
entry edge from outside of the loop to the loop header. This simplifies a
number of analyses and transformations, such as LICM." as described in
While I support the directions to integrate your pass into using the pass manager, nonetheless, there is a way to force LoopSimplify to run by making your pass require it. This is also used in many of the LLVM provided passes, such as Scalar/LoopVersioningLICM.cpp
// This header includes LoopSimplifyID as an extern
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils.h"
void YourPass::getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage& AU) const {
Doing so will force the pass to be run prior to your pass, no need to invoke it. However, if you need interface with this or another pass, you can request its analysis:
getAnalysis<LoopSimplifyPass>(F); // Where F is a function&

How can I parametrize a callback function that I submit to an external library

Say I have an external library that computes the optima, say minima, of a given function. Say its headers give me a function
double[] minimizer(ObjFun f)
where the headers define
typedef double (*ObjFun)(double x[])
and "minimizer" returns the minima of the function f of, say, a two dimensional vector x.
Now, I want to use this to minimize a parameterized function. I don't know how to express this in code exactly, but say if I am minimizing quadratic forms (just a silly example, I know these have closed form minima)
double quadraticForm(double x[]) {
return x[0]*x[0]*q11 + 2*x[0]*x[1]*q12 + x[1]*x[1]*q22
which is parameterized by the constants (q11, q12, q22). I want to write code where the user can input (q11, q12, q22) at runtime, I can generate a function to give to the library as a callback, and return the optima.
What is the recommended way to do this in C?
I am rusty with C, so asking about both feasibility and best practices. Really I am trying to solve this using C/Cython code. I was using python bindings to the library so far and using "inner functions" it was really obvious how to do this in python:
def getFunction(q11, q12, q22):
def f(x):
return x[0]*x[0]*q11 + 2*x[0]*x[1]*q12 + x[1]*x[1]*q22
return f
// now submit getFunction(/*user params*/) to the library
I am trying to figure out the C construct so that I can be better informed in creating a Cython equivalent.
The header defines the prototype of a function which can be used as a callback. I am assuming that you can't/won't change that header.
If your function has more parameters, they cannot be filled by the call.
Your function therefor cannot be called as callback, to avoid undefined behaviour or bogus values in parameters.
The function therefor cannot be given as callback; not with additional parameters.
Above means you need to drop the idea of "parameterizing" your function.
Your actual goal is to somehow allow the constants/coefficients to be changed during runtime.
Find a different way of doing that. Think of "dynamic configuration" instead of "parameterizing".
I.e. the function does not always expect those values at each call. It just has access to them.
(This suggests the configuration values are less often changed than the function is called, but does not require it.)
I only can think of one simple way and it is pretty ugly and vulnerable (e.g. due to racing conditions, concurrent access, reentrance; you name it, it will hurt you ...):
Introduce a set of global variables, or better one struct-variable, for readability. (See recommendation below for "file-global" instead of "global".)
Set them at runtime to the desired values, using a separate function.
Initialise them to meaningful defaults, in case they never get written.
Read them at the start of the minimizing callback function.
Recommendation: Have everything (the minimizing function, the configuration variable and the function which sets the configuration at runtime) in one code file and make the configuration variable(s) static (i.e. restricts access to it this code file).
The answer is only the analysis that and why you should not try paraemeters.
The proposed method is not considered part of the answer; it is more simple than good.
I invite more holistic answers, which propose safer implementation.

How to work around array of components with fixed size error?

I have a class with a port of dimensions [x,y] which is connected to another class having a matching port. Now I want to provide value to these variables [x,y] through external function call in which I basically read a .xml file and obtain values for x and y. But Dymola gives an error for this since during compilation it comes out as a non fixed size array.
Screenshot of error is attached.
The array sizes are structural parameters and they usually cannot depend on external function calls because they should be known at compile time. This is however supported in for example OpenModelica where a dll of the external function is built and called and the results are fetched during model compilation.
The only way to support this in all tools is to generate the model using an external tool which reads the xml and changes the .mo file with the values read.
You could probably have something like
package Parameters
constant Integer nTube = <EXTERN_NTUBE>;
constant Integer nSeg = <EXTERN_NSEG>;
end Parameters;
and your external tool will read the XML and bind and in which you can then use in your models via Parameters.nTube and Parameters.nSeg. Maybe it would be good to give some defaults so that it works to use this file directly:
package Parameters
constant Integer nTube = 1;
constant Integer nSeg = 2;
end Parameters;
and then your external tool will replace 1 and 2 with the needed values before compilation.
This should be improved in Dymola 2017 (without the need for modifying the Modelica code). In earlier versions of Dymola it should work if the you translate the C-functions called to compute nTube and nSeg.
If that does not help your complete code would be needed to analyze the problem.

Using C variable inside Lua alongside nested functions

This is a sort of followup to my previous question about nested registered C functions found here:
Trying to call a function in Lua with nested tables
The previous question gave me the answer to adding a nested function like this:
I also would like to have variables at that level like:
I want this string and number to be allocated in C and accessible by Lua. So, in C code, the variables might be defined as:
int microchipIDNumber;
char dogname[500];
The C variables need to be updated by assignments in Lua and its value needs to be retrieved by Lua when it is on the right of the equal sign. I have tried the __index and __newindex metamethod concept but everything I try seems to break down when I have 2 dots in the Lua path to the variable. I know I am probably making it more complicated with the 2 dots, but it makes the organization much easier to read in the Lua code. I also need to get an event for the assignment because I need to spin up some hardware when the microchipIDNumber value changes. I assume I can do this through the __newindex while I am setting the value.
Any ideas on how you would code the metatables and methods to accomplish the nesting? Could it be because my previous function declarations are confusing Lua?
The colon operator (:) in Lua is used only for functions. Consider the following example:
meta = {}
meta["__index"] = function(n,m) print(n) print(m) return m end
object = {}
The index function will simply print the two arguments it is passed and return the second one (which we will also print, because just doing is a syntax error). The output is going to be table: 0x153e6d0 foo foo with new lines. So __index gets the object in which we're looking up the variable and it's name. Now, if we replace with object:foo we get this:
input:5: function arguments expected near ')'
This is the because : in object:foo is syntactic sugar for, so Lua expects that you will provide arguments for a function call. If we did provide arguments (object:foo("bar")) we get this:
table: 0x222b3b0
input:5: attempt to call method 'foo' (a string value)
So our __index function still gets called, but it is not passed the argument - Lua simply attemps to call the return value. So don't use : for members.
With that out of the way, let's look at how you can sync variables between Lua and C. This is actually quite involved and there are different ways to do it. One solution would be to use a combination of __index and __newindex. If you have a beagle structure in C, I'd recommend making these C functions and pushing them into the metatable of a Lua table as C-closures with a pointer to your C struct as an upvalue. Look at this for some info on lua_pushcclosure and this on closures in Lua in general.
If you don't have a single structure you can reference, it gets a lot more complicated, since you'll have to somehow store pairs variableName-variableLocation on the C side and know what type each is. You could maintain such a list in the actual Lua table, so dog.beagle would be a map of variable name to one or two something's. There a couple of options for this 'something'. First - one light user data (ie - a C pointer), but then you'll have the issue of figuring out what that is pointing to, so that you know what Lua type to push in for __index and what to pop out for __newindex . The other option is to push two functions/closures. You can make a C function for each type you'll have to handle (number, string, table, etc) and push the appropriate one for each variable, or make a uber-closure that takes a parameter what type it's being given and then just vary the up-values you push it with. In this case the __index and __newindex functions will simply lookup the appropriate function for a given variable name and call it, so it would be probably easiest to implement it in Lua.
In the case of two functions your dog.beagle might look something like this (not actual Lua syntax):
dog.beagle = {
__metatable = {
__index = function(table,key)
local getFunc = rawget(table,key).get
return getFunc(table,key)
__newindex = function(table,key,value)
local setFunc = rawget(table,key).set
"color" = {
"set" = *C function for setting color or closure with an upvalue to tell it's given a color*,
"get" = *C function for getting color or closure with an upvalue to tell it to return a color*
Notes about the above: 1.Don't set an object's __metatable field directly - it's used to hide the real metatable. Use setmetatable(object,metatable). 2. Notice the usage of rawget. We need it because otherwise trying to get a field of the object from within __index would be an infinite recursion. 3. You'll have to do a bit more error checking in the event rawget(table,key) returns nil, or if what it returns does not have get/set members.

TCL/C - when is setFromAnyProc() called

I am creating a new TCL_ObjType and so I need to define the 4 functions, setFromAnyProc, updateStringProc, dupIntRepProc and freeIntRepProc. When it comes to test my code, I see something interesting/mystery.
In my testing code, when I do the following:
updateStringProc() for the new TCL object is called, I can see it in gdb, this is expected.
The weird thing is when I do the following testing code:
Tcl_SetStringObj(p_New_Tcl_obj, p_str, strlen(p_str));
I expect setFromAnyProc() is called, but it is not!
I am confused. Why it is not called?
The setFromAnyProc is not nearly as useful as you might think. It's role is to convert a value[*] from something with a populated bytes field into something with a populated bytes field and a valid internalRep and typePtr. It's called when something wants a generic conversion to a particular format, and is in particular the core of the Tcl_ConvertToType function. You probably won't have used that; Tcl itself certainly doesn't!
This is because it turns out that the point when you want to do the conversion is in a type-specific accessor or manipulator function (examples from Tcl's API include Tcl_GetIntFromObj and Tcl_ListObjAppendElement, which are respectively an accessor for the int type[**] and a manipulator for the list type). At that point, you're in code that has to know the full details of the internals of that specific type, so using a generic conversion is not really all that useful: you can do the conversion directly if necessary (or factor that out to a conversion function).
Tcl_SetStringObj works by throwing away the internal representation of your object (with the freeIntRepProc callback), disposing of the old bytes string representation (through Tcl_InvalidateStringRep, or rather its internal analog) and then installing the new bytes you've supplied.
I find that I can leave the setFromAnyProc field of a Tcl_ObjType set to NULL with no problems.
[*] The Tcl_Obj type is mis-named for historic reasons. It's a value. Tcl_Value was taken for something else that's now obsolete and virtually unused.
[**] Integers are actually represented by a cluster of internal types, depending on the number of bits required. You don't need to know the details if you're just using them, as the accessor functions completely hide the complexity.
