Angular i18n will work on AngularJS 1.5? - angularjs

Does i18n or ngx-translate work on Angular 1.5 (below Angular2)?

For angular 1.x version can use

ngx-translate works with angular2 and above. However you can use
with angular 1.x versions


Can we use es6 with AngularJS

I'm working on an angularJS website and i wanna know if we can code in es6 natively (we use babel now) since the web browsers support es6.
EDIT: i use AngularJS 1.5.8

Angular hybrid: How to upgrade an attribute directive?

I am talking about Angular 1.x directives that do not have a template. Directives with the restrict property set to 'A' (attribute directive).
I can't find any documenten on how to upgrade these directives from Angular 1.x to an Angular 5 directive. Is this at all possible? If so how?
I am using UpgradeModule from '#angular/upgrade/static'. Upgrading and downgrading of regular components and services is working fine.

Does i18next work on cordova?

I am making an app with Angular 1.5.3 and I know that the i18next library works with Angular.
However, does this still apply if my angular app will be run inside of Cordova?
I recommend you to use angular-translate which can be found at this link: Angular Translate . I used it with a lot of Ionic projects. Thats works like a charm

Angular 2 syntax helpers for Angular 1.2

My application is in angular version 1.2. We are planning to make any new changes using typescript and angular 2 syntax helpers (like ng-metadata or angular2-now)
Unfortunately the above syntax helpers only works for angular version 1.4+. Is there any such helpers available for angular 1.2?
try this Angular-Typescript project on github, and my advice is to updated your project to 1.4 or above to make it easier for you!

Any conflicts between UI-Bootstrap and Twitter Bootstrap?

Are there any conflicts between Angular UI-Bootstrap and Twitter Bootstrap?
I am trying to avoid using jQuery-UI with AngularJS if a more Angular-friendly UI package is available. I already started with Twitter Bootstrap, so I do not wish to unload Twitter Bootstrap.
No, there are no conflicts. Especially since ui-bootstrap is dependent on Twitter Bootstrap.
From the linked docs:
This repository contains a set of native AngularJS directives based on Bootstrap's markup and CSS. As a result no dependency on jQuery or Bootstrap's JavaScript is required. The only required dependencies are:
AngularJS (requires AngularJS 1.3.x, tested with 1.3.13). 0.12.0 is the last version of this library that supports AngularJS 1.2.x.
Bootstrap CSS (tested with version 3.1.1). This version of the library (0.13.0) works only with Bootstrap CSS in version 3.x. 0.8.0 is the last version of this library that supports Bootstrap CSS in version 2.3.x.
If you are going all in on Angular then stick with either AngularStrap or Angular UI Bootstrap, do not mix it with Twitter Bootstrap JS library. Both of the Angular projects mentioned utilize the Bootstrap CSS, but they completely replace the Bootstrap JS library, with pretty much all functionality included.
Apart from the unnecessary bloat to load both libraries, you'll end up with issues integrating the Bootstrap JS library with Angular for stuff like model binding.
