I have a site in drupal7 and use webform module.
I want to upload multiple file in one go instead of select single image everytime.
These are the modules that doesn't work for me:
Webform Multiple File Upload
Webform Multiple File
Is there a way to allow file uploads in one go for drupal Webform or any custom method ?
I am working on project where I have to store a file/img/pdf for a particular user instance and retrieve the files when the user logged in.
So the theme is, whenever user uploads a file it should be populated in his screen like profile pictures, invoice PDF's etc.,
Moreover, I just want to perform a carousel slideshow of uploaded images by user.
I came through several baked in modules such as ng-file-upload in angular and I was successful in uploading files too but how can I retrieve the particular file from the server and display them to user?
What is the best practice to achieve this?
Thanks in advance!
How can we upload an audio file by using drag and drop method in drupal CMS , I have a input box type="file" and i need to upload an Audio file by using drag and drop function and hook in Drupal CMS.
This module should be helpful for this.
For Drupal 6
Hello, I wonder if there is any way to migrate the records of a Webform (data submissions) of a site in Drupal 7 to a previous copy of the same site.
My form includes text fields, images and files, and am aware that the records of the form are not nodes.
For this reason, modules as 'Node Export' do not work (although I tried anyway).
Could anyone guide me to find the solution?
Or give me a place to start?
Have you given Migrate Webform a try yet?
From the project page
It will migrate all nodes of the webform node type (with the default
D6 fields using migrate_d2d backend), all the configuration* of the
webform's settings, the form components, email destinations,
submissions and associated submission data, in addition to any
validation configuration you have (from webform_validation module). It
grabs the "last downloaded" data too, in case your users were
downloading sequential batches since the last time they were on the
Try Webform Import.
Allows delimited data files to be imported as submission (results)
into webforms.
This is useful for importing submissions from other systems in to
Webform. Can also be used to Edit submissions via Export / Import as
long as the CSV has the SID column filled.
I have used a webform to my drupal 7 website.And now I want to put a webform to another page(two webforms in different web pages).How can i configure webform for it?
Have you used, webform as node, or block? If u have used, webform as block, then u goto admin/block and then configure.
From that page, you can configure, where u want the page to dispaly web form
Create another webform just as u created the previous one.
Log in to your website with admin privileges and click on the Add Content > Webform from the admin menu.
Create a new webform here. After this is saved, you can add the needed form elements.
This new webform is a node and will be listed in the content list page. If you want to render this webform as a block, Go to particular webform, > Edit > Form settings and in the Advanced settings tab, Check the "Available as block" checkbox.
Hope this helps..
hi i m new to drupal i want to know that how could i add my custom page for the display the some information which is come from databases, i have create that page in core php (for example information.php)but i want to add that page in drupal 7 how it is possible
looking for the quick and best reply
The quickest way would be to add a content type "Information" to your drupal site, rename your information.php file to node--information.tpl.php and use the Drupal Database API to get stuff from your database. Finally you'd want to put node--information.tpl.php in your theme/%themename/templates/ folder and add new content with the Content Type "Information".
The best way would be to make a new module. Build your menu structure and add a theming function that calls a template file. When calling the template file using theme(), pass along the data that needs to be displayed.
In addition you might want to check out the Custom Page module: http://drupal.org/project/custompage