Measure time (in clock ticks) with contiki - c

I tried to measure the time of some operations on the telosB platform. For that I wanted to count the clock ticks of the processor with the clock() function from time.h but it does not compile on contiki.
Are there mechanisms to measure passed time, preferably in actual clock ticks, on contiki?

The latest timer documentation is here:
You can use the clock_ticks() function. However, the resolution of those is quite low (1/128 of second). If you want measure shorter time intervals, use rtimers: RTIMER_NOW() returns the time as 16-bit integer, with platform-specific resolution. On most platforms the rtimer clock has 32678 ticks per second, but on CC26xx/CC13xx platforms it has 65536 ticks per second.
See also: Contiki difference between RTIMER_NOW() and clock_time()


Clock, rdtsc and CLOCKS_PER_SEC

I am trying to implement my own version of clock() using asm and rdtsc. However I am quite unsure about its return value. Is it cycles? Oder is it micro seconds?
I am also confused about CLOCKS_PER_SEC. How can this be constant?
Is there any kind of formula which sets these values into relation?
You can find a rdtsc reference implementation here:
TSC counts the number of cycles since reset. If you need a time value unit in seconds, you also need to read the CPU clock frequency and divide TSC value by frequency. However, this may not be accurate if the CPU frequency scaling is enabled. Recent Intel processors include a constant rate TSC (identified by the "constant_tsc" flag in Linux's /proc/cpuinfo). With these processors, the TSC ticks at the processor's nominal frequency, regardless of the actual CPU clock frequency due to turbo or power saving states.

Concept of clock tick and clock cycles

I have written a very small code to measure the time taken by my multiplication algorithm :
clock_t begin, end;
float time_spent;
begin = clock();
a = b*c;
end = clock();
time_spent = (float)(end - begin)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
I am working with mingw under Windows.
I am guessing that end = clock() will give me the clock ticks at that particular moment. Subtracting it from begin will give me clock ticks consumed by multiplication. When I divide with CLOCKS_PER_SEC, I will get the total amount of time.
My first question is: Is there a difference between clock ticks and clock cycle?
My algorithm here is so small that the difference end-begin is 0. Does this mean that my code execution time was less than 1 tick and that's why I am getting zero?
My first question is: Is there a difference between clock ticks and clock cycle?
Yes. A clock tick could be 1 millisecond or microsecond while the clock cycle could be 0.3 nanoseconds. On POSIX systems CLOCKS_PER_SEC must be defined as 1000000 (1 million). Note that if the CPU measurement cannot be obtained with microsecond resolution then the smallest jump in the return value from clock() will be larger than one.
My algorithm here is so small that the difference end-begin is 0. Does this mean that my code execution time was less than 1 tick and that's why I am getting zero?
Yes. To get a better reading I suggest that you loop enough iterations so that you measure over several seconds.
Answering the difference between clock tick and clock cycle from a systems perspective
Every processor is accompanied by a physical clock (usually quartz crystal clock), which oscillates at certain frequency (vibrations/sec). The processor keeps track of time by the help of interrupts generated from the physical clock, which interrupts the processor at every time period T. This interrupt is called a 'clock tick'. CPU counts the number of interrupts it has seen since the system has started, and returns that value when you call clock(). By taking a difference between two clock ticks values (obtained from clock()), you would get how many interrupts that were seen between those two time points.
Most of the modern operating systems program the T value to be 1 microsecond i.e. the physical clock interrupts at every 1 microsecond, this is the lowest clock granularity which is widely supported by most of the physical clocks. With 1 microsecond as T, the clock cycle can be calculated as 1000000 per second. So, with this information, you can calculate the time elapsed from the difference of two clock ticks values i.e. diff between two ticks * tick period
NOTE: clock cycle defined by the OS has to be <= vibrations/sec on the physical clock, otherwise there will be a loss of precision
four your first question: clock ticks refer to the main system clock. It is the smallest unit of time recognized by the device. clock cycle is the time taken for a full processor pulse to complete. this u can recognize by your cpu cpeed given in Hz. a 2GHz processor performs 2,000,000,000 clock cycles per second.
for your second question: probably yes.
A clock cycle is a clock tick.
A clock cycle is the speed of a computer processor, or CPU, and is determined by the amount of time between two pulses of an oscillator. Generally speaking, the higher number of pulses per second, the faster the computer processor will be able to process information.

Execution time and gettimeofday on ubuntu / i7

To measure execution time of a function in C,how accurate is the POSIX function gettimeofday() in Ubuntu 12.04 on an Intel i7 ? And why ? If its hard to say,then how to find out ? I can't find a straight answer on this.
If you are building a stopwatch, you want a consistent clock that does not adjust to any time servers.
#include <time.h>
struct timespec ts;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &ts);
If CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW does not exist, use CLOCK_MONOTONIC instead. If you want time of day, you still should not use gettimeofday.
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
The timer for such clocks is high resolution, but it shifts. The timespec supports resolution as small as nanoseconds, but your computer will likely only be able to measure somewhere in the microseconds.
gettimeofday returns a timeval, which has a resolution in microseconds.
gettimeofday should be accurate enough, at least for comparing relative performance. But, in order to smooth out inaccuracies due to context switching and IO related delays you should run the function, say, at least hundreds of times and get the average.
You can tune the number of times you need to execute the function by making sure you get approximately the same result each time you benchmark the function.
Also see this answer to measure the accuracy of gettimeofday in your system.
You can use gettimeofday() at start and end of code to find the difference between starting time and finishing time of program. like
//start = gettimeofday
//your code here
//end = gettimeofday
Execution time will be difference between the 2
But it depends on how much load is one the machine is at that point. So not a reliable method.
You can also use:
time ./a.out
assuming your program is a.out

Unix(FreeBSD) - how to get real clock per sec

Anybody knows, how to get real value of clock per sec? clock() from time.h returns clocks from start of my process, so it need to be divided by CLOCKS_PER_SEC, but this constant has always value 1000000.
Is there some POSIX standard for this?
That's how it specified in the C specification.
If you want to measure elapsed time, there are other (and better) functions, like gettimeofday for example.

GetLocalTime() API time resolution

I need to find out time taken by a function in my application. Application is a MS VIsual Studio 2005 solution, all C code.
I used thw windows API GetLocalTime(SYSTEMTIME *) to get the current system time before and after the function call which I want to measure time of.
But this has shortcoming that it lowest resolution is only 1msec. Nothing below that. So I cannot get any time granularity in micro seconds.
I know that time() which gives the time elapsed since the epoch time, also has resolution of 1msec (No microseconds)
1.) Is there any other Windows API which gives time in microseconds which I can use to measure the time consumed by my function?
There are some other possibilities.
QueryPerformanceCounter and QueryPerformanceFrequency
QueryPerformanceCounter will return a "performance counter" which is actually a CPU-managed 64-bit counter that increments from 0 starting with the computer power-on. The frequency of this counter is returned by the QueryPerformanceFrequency. To get the time reference in seconds, divide performance counter by performance frequency. In Delphi:
function QueryPerfCounterAsUS: int64;
if QueryPerformanceCounter(Result) and
Result := Round(Result / perfFreq * 1000000);
Result := 0;
On multiprocessor platforms, QueryPerformanceCounter should return consistent results regardless of the CPU the thread is currently running on. There are occasional problems, though, usually caused by bugs in hardware chips or BIOSes. Usually, patches are provided by motherboard manufacturers. Two examples from the MSDN:
Programs that use the QueryPerformanceCounter function may perform poorly in Windows Server 2003 and in Windows XP
Performance counter value may unexpectedly leap forward
Another problem with QueryPerformanceCounter is that it is quite slow.
RDTSC instruction
If you can limit your code to one CPU (SetThreadAffinity), you can use RDTSC assembler instruction to query performance counter directly from the processor.
function CPUGetTick: int64;
dw 310Fh // rdtsc
RDTSC result is incremented with same frequency as QueryPerformanceCounter. Divide it by QueryPerformanceFrequency to get time in seconds.
QueryPerformanceCounter is much slower thatn RDTSC because it must take into account multiple CPUs and CPUs with variable frequency. From Raymon Chen's blog:
(QueryPerformanceCounter) counts elapsed time. It has to, since its value is
governed by the QueryPerformanceFrequency function, which returns a number
specifying the number of units per second, and the frequency is spec'd as not
changing while the system is running.
For CPUs that can run at variable speed, this means that the HAL cannot
use an instruction like RDTSC, since that does not correlate with elapsed time.
TimeGetTime belongs to the Win32 multimedia Win32 functions. It returns time in milliseconds with 1 ms resolution, at least on a modern hardware. It doesn't hurt if you run timeBeginPeriod(1) before you start measuring time and timeEndPeriod(1) when you're done.
GetLocalTime and GetSystemTime
Before Vista, both GetLocalTime and GetSystemTime return current time with millisecond precision, but they are not accurate to a millisecond. Their accuracy is typically in the range of 10 to 55 milliseconds. (Precision is not the same as accuracy)
On Vista, GetLocalTime and GetSystemTime both work with 1 ms resolution.
You can try to use clock() which will provide the number of "ticks" between two points. A "tick" is the smallest unit of time a processor can measure.
As a side note, you can't use clock() to determine the actual time - only the number of ticks between two points in your program.
One caution on multiprocessor systems:
On a multiprocessor computer, it should not matter which processor is called. However, you can get different results on different processors due to bugs in the basic input/output system (BIOS) or the hardware abstraction layer (HAL). To specify processor affinity for a thread, use the SetThreadAffinityMask function.
Al Weiner
On Windows you can use the 'high performance counter API'. Check out: QueryPerformanceCounter and QueryPerformanceCounterFrequency for the details.
