Administering Users in DNN 9.2 - dotnetnuke

I run a DNN site where we have used a 3rd party module for several years to let our client administer their own users. Now that we are upgrading to DNN 9.2, that module no longer works, probably because of all the deprecated code.
I created a blank page, and added module "Users and Roles" to it.
Problem 1: It is not visible on the page, probably because it behaves more as a popup in the "admin" menu.
Problem 2: When I attempt to change that modules setting, I get an Exception:
ModuleLoadException: The file '/DesktopModules/Admin/Security/UserSettings.ascx' does not exist' Indeed, when I look for the file UserSettings.ascx it is nowhere to be found.
I need to give our client a way to edit their own users, without giving them Administrators privilege. How can I fix these problems?


DNN 9 restrict a logged in user to a single session at any one time

I want to be able to make it so a registered user can only be logged into the DNN site from one device/browser at any one time.
I understand that the DNN core doesn't support sessions but does have a a users online table which is checked by the scheduler, however i have been unable to find anything available to use this method.
The main purpose is to stop a paid user from sharing their login details with multiple people and thereby diluting the potential revenue to the site. I would think this was not a unique use case and someone must have dealt with this previously.
Open to any and all ideas including commercial modules.
I suppose that you could create a custom login module, and reject logins from a user who appear as active in the UsersOnline table.
I haven't looked around to see what methods are available, but the old usersonline module should provide some hints.

Login fails for local copy of DNN site

I've been tasked with maintaining a DNN site that has been running for a while, so I copied it to my local development environment to get up to speed on the setup. I have the site up and running locally, and I can browse all (I think) of the pages. It seems to display correctly and yesterday, the DNN login worked correctly. However, today, when I try to login to manage changes, I enter my username and password on the login page, but it does not actually log in. On screen, all that seems to happen is that the password field clears. No error message displays. In my Firebug console, the only error message that appears is "Password fields present in a form with an insecure (http://) form action. This is a security risk that allows user login credentials to be stolen." Again, yesterday, I was able to log in and get to all of the DNN management features -- I changed skins, modified CSS, changed code, etc. I've tried multiple logins (host, superuser, and regular user) -- all have the same result.
I don't see anything in the database EventLog, except for a startup record.
I saw a couple of other SO posts tangentially related to failed DNN logins on development environment, and checked that Form Authentication is Enabled in IIS and the security for the site folders are set correctly and the folder is not read-only.
I generally use Firefox for development, but I also tried IE. I'm certain I'm missing sometime obvious, but it has me stumped. Ideas? I'm new to DNN, so I'm not up to speed yet on the best practices for debugging. Any other suggestions would be welcome.
Some details: Live site is SQL Server 2008; Dev is SQL Server 2012. Both sites use IIS 7. Dev is DNN 7.2.2. Locally, I'm using VS 2010 for development.
Couple of things to check.
1) Check to make sure your database connection strings (2 of them) in the web.config are both pointing to your local database.
2) Check to make sure the MachineKey values in the web.config still match the values in the production web.config
3) You might turn off SSL on the site, though you'll have to do that in the database as you can't get logged in. I believe you can likely just set Secure to 0 on all of the Tabs table records, but you might need to track down a HOST setting as well to make this work (hostsettings table)
An update. I was able to get this to work by using a different user account. I'm still not sure what the root of the problem was, but I believe it was related to specific settings on my particular user account. I used a generic 'admin' account, and was able to make it work.
Im experiencing the same issue, I think its something to do with the the .dotnetnuke cookie

400 - Exception of type 'DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.SecurityException' was thrown

I create a role named as XYZ_Role. Then i create a user abc, Edit the user, then I click on Manage Roles for this User, Then i add XYZ_Role role to this user. Now on page there is edit for this role. \
Now i open this page, then go to module setting, then give edit right to this Role XYZ_Role.
Now i sign out from administrator user. Then i login as "abc" . Now i open this page. I found View/ Edit option (No design option here.). I choose Edit option, now i change the content, and click on save icon but it shows me error as given below :
400 - Exception of type 'DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.SecurityException' was thrown.
I am using DNN 4.09.05/ Windows XP Version 2002, Service Pack 3/ IIS V5.1
But if i give right to this page from admin --> Pages to XYZ_Role role, then we have to click on Edit Text which work fine.
Please suggest.
Vineet Yadav
I would suggest upgrading to a newer version of DNN. 4.9.5 is many years old and there are hundreds of bugs, including security bugs, that have been fixed. Error for system administrator

I am trying to edit site in my org, Through i am system administrator it gives me access level error shown below:
'you do not have the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested. Please contact the owner of the record or your administrator if access is necessary.'
Any suggestion??
Check the security tips from and
If you're sure the security of the Site is fine - try to debug the site (because you might be getting an Apex error that's not being displayed on your VF page).
Did the site used to work or is it new? If it's new I'm betting on permissions (first 2 links), Guest User profile should be examined if he has access to the objects you're using...
Last but not least: there's a bug they've fixed 5 days ago: Maybe you need to use this workaround, maybe you simply can clone the site and it'll work fine...
you have to check your profile, and i guess that there is someone who have created the profile for you and delegate you to be an administrator, if this is not your problem, you have to go to your personnal informations and click edit and you may find a checkbox which concerns "Site Publisher" you have to check it to be able to create and publish your site :)

Dot Net Nuke Multiple Sites

There is a current install of DNN on one of my local webservers - this was installed before I took over this position. I am trying to add a second site, but the instructions I am following appear to be for attaching an existing site. Do I simply run the installer to create a new site in addition to the current? I've never used DNN before, so I am going at this blind.
All information I am finding is referencing the same as the instructions link I provided. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
To add a little bit more information, here is another area where I am confused. Referencing the link, it states #2 to add a binding to my site, then #3 is to add the new portal. What I am trying to do is create a new DNN site - one does not yet exist, so I cannot do step 2 until a new portal is created. As said, I've never used DNN. I was tasked today to have this done by July 4th (nice, huh) so today is the first I am looking at DNN ever.
What I have done is added a new portal and I assumed it would create a new bare-bones site for me, but that is not what happened (obviously). So, instead of just adding an existing site for DNN, how do I add a new one (that is why I asked if I needed to reinstall)? From what I understand, there was an initial website setup with the installation of DNN. That basic site served what they needed - I need to do the same thing again, but, as can be seen, I've no clue how to do so.
No, you don't run the installer again. Remember DotNetNuke is PORTAL Hosting software, meaning with just 1 install you can run ~unlimited websites (of course there's always limits, depending on the hardware you're running on).
For instance if you're DNN install is running on, and you want to add a site for, you simply point your DNS entry for to the IP of your DNN install, should be the same IP as
You then log into your DNN install as a HOST (superuser) user. You can't do this from using the Admin Login for, that admin won't have the permissions to add a portal. When you do login as Host, you'll see two more menu items appear, 'Admin' and 'Host'. Admin pertains to functions you want to accomplish ONLY on, the Host menu applies to the ENTIRE DNN install, including ALL portals you've setup.
Depending on your version number, you probably will see either 'Portals' or 'Site Management' (if it's a newer install, like 6.0+), once you click on or drop the HOST menu.
From there you fill out the specifics regarding your new website, including the url and any aliases you want. Once you do that and the DNS propegates, you'll then be able to go to and login and set that site up.
Step #2 is talking about adding a binding in IIS, not doing anything in DNN. You need to tell IIS about, so that it will send requests for that URL to your DNN site.
So, the process looks like this:
Make sure that the DNS record for points to your web server's IP address.
In IIS, update the host header bindings for the current application to include
a. If you only have one portal in your DNN installation, at this point, trying to navigate to will automatically add it as a portal alias for that one portal.
b. If you have multiple portals in your DNN installation, at this point, trying to navigate to will show an error message about that URL not corresponding to an existing site.
In DotNetNuke, you need to go to the Site Management page in the Host menu (previously called Portals), and use the Manage/Action menu to add a new site. In the form that comes up, use as the alias (keep it marked as a parent portal), and fill in the rest of the details. If you want a blank site, make sure that you pick the Blank Website template (otherwise you'll need to delete a bunch of pages and modules you don't need).
This should be all that you need to do. If you navigate to and you see the original site, then has been added as a portal alias for that site, and you'll need to remove it (in Site Settings under the Admin menu).
