Updating cumulative data per time unit via trigger or via schedule - sql-server

I have 100K records table that record activities of users.
I want to show some charts base on that data value per time unit. So I've created a chart base table.
Except time unit key column (1,2,3,4...) there are two more columns in the chart base table:
Absolute - example: 1, 2, 7, 20 ...
Accumulated and growing - example: 1, 3, 10 , 30 ...
Which is better?
Update Trigger (when status change) - CPU work light only on specific record on every change to the table. Accumulative value will be pass to the next time unit by internal select.
Aggregation Updating each time unit (by schedule) - CPU work hard on all records. Accumulative value will be calculated on all records till current time unit.


Anylogic: How to create plot from database table?

In my Anylogic model I succesfully create plots of datasets that count the number of trucks arriving from terminals each hour in my simulation. Now, I want to add the actual/"observed" number of trucks arriving at a terminal, to compare my simulation to these numbers. I added these numbers in a database table (see picture below). Is there a simple way of adding this data to the plot?
I tried it by creating a variable that reads the database table for every hour and adding that to a dataset (like can be seen in the pictures below), but this did not work unfortunately (the plot was empty).
Maybe simply delete the variable and fill the dataset at the start of the model by looping through the dbase table data. Use the dbase query wizard to create a for-loop. Something like this should work:
int numEntries = (int) selectFrom(observed_arrivals).count();
DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet(numEntries);
List<Tuple> rows = selectFrom(observed_arrivals).list();
for (Tuple
row : rows) {
myDataSet.add(row.get( observed_arrivals.hour ), row.get( observed_arrivals.terminal_a ));
You don't explain why it "didn't work" (what errors/problems did you get?), nor where you defined these elements.
(1) Since you want both observed (empirical) and simulated arrivals per terminal, datasets for each should be in the Terminal agent. And then the replicated plot (in Main) can have two data entries referring to data sets terminals(index).observedArrivals and terminals(index).simulatedArrivals or whatever you name them.
(2) Using getHourOfDay to add to the observed dataset is wrong because that just returns 0-23 (i.e., the hour in the current day for the current model date). Your database table looks like it has hours since model start, so you just want time(HOUR) to get the model time in elapsed hours (irrespective of what the model time unit is). Or possibly time(HOUR) - 1 if you only want to update the empirical arrivals for the hour at the end of that hour (i.e., at the same time that you updated the simulated arrivals).
(3) Using a Variable to get the database value each hour doesn't work because a variable's initial value is only evaluated once at model initialisation. You want an hourly cyclic Event in Terminal instead which adds the relevant row's value. (You need to use the Insert Database Query wizard to generate the relevant Java code for the query you need in the event's action.)
(4) Because you have a database table with specifically-named columns for each terminal (columns terminal_a and presumably terminal_b etc.) that makes it slightly more awkward. (This isn't proper relational table design where, instead of 4 columns for the 4 terminals, you'd instead have two columns for terminal_id and observed_value with a row for each time period and terminal combination.)
So your database query expression (in your Terminal agents) will need to use the SQL format (not the QueryDSL format) so that you can 'stitch in' the correct column name into the SQL.

Take UNIQUE rows value under conditions

I have a G-spreadsheet where I applied an API connector, that takes data (invoices data) from an external DB; every day the G-sheet receives the last 250 rows Data from the external DB, so some rows are news and others are repeated and added again below in the list.
Usually, I have 2-3 times repeated rows with the same information and sometimes I can have repeated value like: invoiceID - invoice number - ecc., but with a different amount (because the administration system sometimes has to correct the invoices).
My question is How can I create a formula in a new sheet collecting the UNIQUE newest values of the repeated rows?
As you can see the Fetch date is the API connector that for 3 days repeated the value, and on 29 it gots a different amount after correction of the invoice from the admin department.
try SORTN with the 3rd parameter set to 2:
=SORTN(SORT(B2:G; 1; 0); 99^99; 2; 5; 0)

InfluxDB "GROUP BY time" shifts time

I'm having a problem thats limiting me quite a bit. We are trying to sample our data by grouping time. We have millions of points and want to fetch every Nth point in a given interval. We have implemented a solution that calculates the time difference in this interval and then groups by it to receive the correct amount of points.
SELECT last(value) as value FROM measurement WHERE time >= '...' AND time <= '...' GROUP BY time(calculated_time) fill(none)
The amount of points returned seems to be correct, but the dates are not.
See the results below:
Without sampling
> SELECT value FROM "measurement" WHERE time >= '2016-01-01T00:00:00Z' AND time <= '2017-01-01T00:00:00Z' LIMIT 5;
name: measurement
time value
---- -----
2016-01-01T00:00:00Z 61.111
2016-01-01T01:00:00Z 183.673
2016-01-01T02:00:00Z 200
2016-01-01T03:00:00Z 66.667
2016-01-01T04:00:00Z 97.959
With Sampling
> SELECT last(value) as value FROM "measurement" WHERE time >= '2016-01-01T00:00:00Z' AND time <= '2017-01-01T00:00:00Z' GROUP BY time(23m) fill(none) LIMIT 5;
name: measurement
time value
---- -----
2015-12-31T23:44:00Z 61.111
2016-01-01T00:53:00Z 183.673
2016-01-01T01:39:00Z 200
2016-01-01T02:48:00Z 66.667
2016-01-01T03:57:00Z 97.959
I expect the data to be returned to have the correct timestamp as in the database, regardless of the time used in the aggregation function. Instead, the time returned seems to be a multiple of the aggregated time. That is, if my aggregation is GROUP BY time(7m) then the points seem to a multiple of 7 apart.
If there is no solution to my problem with influx, is there an alternative database I can use where I can accomplish this? The data in this example is uniform and evenly distributed, but this is not always the case. More often than not it will be randomly distributed (spans of seconds to minutes).

Dataset from a Dataset in SSRS

I laid out the report, and I do a query that returns 30+ rows for a given period of time. One for each workflow. Now, I want to take that dataset (so the query only runs once) and define 6 datasets from it that filter it based on a single selected row. I will populate 8 boxes on the form for each of those datasets.
It appears that when you create a new dataset, it wants to go back to the datasource and ask you about all the data from that one again.
I was able to create a dataset that is a filtered view of the query and figured I could live with creating 6 datasets that ran the query each time filtering it differently each time. So, I need to do a 'copy' on the dataset and 'paste' it back in as a new dataset that is the same as the other one except with a new name.
I also need to set the default values for the Start/End date to be the 1st of last quarter, and the first day of this quarter. Is there a way to create calculated default values or do I need to do a query to return that?
if you are using table objects to create your report. you could use just 1 data set and add your filters to the table accordingly. just go to tablix properties>> filters tab.
for default values you can create expressions like for the first day of the current quarter:
=switch(DatePart(DateInterval.Quarter,today()) = 1, cstr(year(today))+"-01-01",
DatePart(DateInterval.Quarter,today()) = 2, cstr(year(today))+"-04-01",
DatePart(DateInterval.Quarter,today()) = 3, cstr(year(today))+"-07-01",
DatePart(DateInterval.Quarter,today()) = 4, cstr(year(today))+"-10-01")

Creating custom rollups with SSAS

I am currently working on a requirement as follows and would appreciate some help in figuring out a way to configure the aggregation of my measure:
I have a fact table that contains the following Item ID, DateID,StoreID, ReceivedComments. The way received comments work is that on a daily basis a new record is created that adds to the value of received comments (for example if Item 5 in Store 5 on 1 Jan had 23 Received Comments and it received 5 comments the following day, the row for Jan 2 would be Item 5, Store 5, Jan 2, 28)
We created a measure using MAX and it works fine whenever Item ID is used in the query. When we start moving to a higher level the max produces wrong results. Our requirement is to setup the measure to be as follows:
If the member selected is on the Item Level then MAX, if it's on any other level (Date or Store) then the measure should aggregate the Max of all Items under this date or store.
Due to the business rules and structure of the database Store and Item are different dimensions so I can not include them in 1 Hierarchy.
We have been playing around with Custom RollUps but so far haven't been able to get it to work.
I would solve this by using a more traditional approach to your fact table. Instead of keeping a cumulative count in the ReceivedComments column, I would keep only the number of comments received THAT DAY.
That way, instead of using MAX, you can create your measure using SUM, and it will automatically rollup when you go to higher levels.
The only disadvantage I can see to this approach is that you will need to use a range of dates, instead of only the most recent date, to get a full total of all the comments for a given item/store/date. But that's a very small change to your MDX.
Someone suggested using ISLEAF to determine the level, Instead of using ISLeaf i went with AS CASE WHEN [Item].[ItemID].CURRENTMEMBER.LEVEL IS [Item].[ItemID].[(All)] so I don't have to account for other dimensions such as Date, Store, etc as I have several other dimensions that all behave the same way.
And then I went with this formula to determine the Sum of the Max of the items in a particular store like this:
SUM({[Item].[Item ID].children},[Measures].[ReceivedComments]), Now I expect some performance issues with this measure but we are currently running some tests to see if it's gonna be reliable to work with it on actual data.
