What's the fastest client-side method to determine if an Azure mobile service table is empty? - sql-server

I'm working on a UWP app that needs to check to see if a mobile service table has any records.
I realize I could do something like this and check to see if any records are returned:
records = await MyTable.Select(x => x).ToCollectionAsync();
However, is there a way to do this that won't attempt to download every record into a collection? What would be great is if something like this were allowed, but it isn't:
setupOfferors = await setupOfferorsTable.Select(so => so).FirstOrDefault();

There's no built-in method for you to check if the Azure mobile service table is empty. But you could try to apply the specified take clause to the source query and execute this query to see if it will return data.
For example:
await setupOfferorsTable.Select(so => so).Take(1).ToCollectionAsync();


react-paypal-button-v2 returning the wrong order id

I was trying to debug a problem related to refunding Paypal orders (in a sandbox environment) using order IDs (which were stored previously). Every time I tried to perform a refund, the Paypal API would return an INVALID_RESOURCE_ID error, meaning that no such order existed. After much debugging, I have made a revelation with the initial process when I stored said order ID. The following method is how I am retrieving and storing said order id:
const onApprove = (data, actions) => {
// Redux method of saving checkout in backend with order ID via using data.orderID
return actions.order.capture();
currency= "AUD"
createOrder={(data, actions) => createOrder(data, actions)}
onApprove={(data, actions) => onApprove(data, actions)}
clientId: "<placeholder>",
currency: "AUD"
I am using the recommended data.orderID from the docs and yet, upon inspecting the network tab, the following is shown:
{"id":"5RJ421191B663801G","intent":"CAPTURE","status":"COMPLETED","purchase_units":[{"reference_id":"default","amount":{"currency_code":"AUD","value":"24.00"},"payee":{"email_address":"sb-sg4zd7438633#business.example.com","merchant_id":"EJ7NSJGC6SRXQ"},"shipping":{"name":{"full_name":"John Doe"},"address":{"address_line_1":"1 Cheeseman Ave Brighton East","admin_area_2":"Melbourne","admin_area_1":"Victoria","postal_code":"3001","country_code":"AU"}},"payments":{"captures":[{"id":"7A2856455D561633D","status":"COMPLETED","amount":{"currency_code":"AUD","value":"24.00"},"final_capture":true,"seller_protection":{"status":"ELIGIBLE","dispute_categories":["ITEM_NOT_RECEIVED","UNAUTHORIZED_TRANSACTION"]},"create_time":"2021-10-11T00:40:58Z","update_time":"2021-10-11T00:40:58Z"}]}}],"payer":{"name":{"given_name":"John","surname":"Doe"},"email_address":"sb-432azn7439880#personal.example.com","payer_id":"KMEQSKCLCLUZ4","address":{"country_code":"AU"}},"create_time":"2021-10-11T00:40:48Z","update_time":"2021-10-11T00:40:58Z","links":[{"href":"https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/checkout/orders/5RJ421191B663801G","rel":"self","method":"GET"}]}
The id saved by onApprove is 5RJ421191B663801G but there is another ID under captures and id which is 7A2856455D561633D. This is the actual order id I need to save in order to make the refund later on. However, I am struggling as to how I can retrieve this value as that id value seems to be only visible via the network. The objects returned via the onApprove and action.order.get() methods only return the first "false" id. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
These are two separate types of IDs, the order ID (used only during buyer checkout approval), and the payment/transaction ID (which only exists after an order is captured, and is the one needed for any later refund or accounting purposes)
Since you are capturing on the client side with actions.order.capture(), this is where you would need to add a .then(function(data){ ... }) to do something with the capture data (particularly data.purchase_units[0].payments.captures[0].id). That is the id you would use for a refund.
In actual best practice, if anything important needs to be done with the capture id -- such as storing it in a database for reference -- you should not be creating and capturing orders on the client side, and instead calling a server-side integration where that database write will be performed.
Follow the Set up standard payments guide and make 2 routes on your server, one for 'Create Order' and one for 'Capture Order', documented here. Both routes should return only JSON data (no HTML or text). Inside the 2nd route, when the capture API is successful you should store its resulting payment details in your database (particularly the aforementioned purchase_units[0].payments.captures[0].id, which is the PayPal transaction ID) and perform any necessary business logic (such as sending confirmation emails or reserving product) immediately before forwarding your return JSON to the frontend caller.
Pair those 2 routes with the frontend approval flow: https://developer.paypal.com/demo/checkout/#/pattern/server
Or for react, use the official react-paypal-js

Azure Search RetryPolicy

We are using azure search and need to implement a retry stratgey as well as storing the Ids of failed documents as described.
Is there any documentation/samples on how to implement a RetryPolicy strategy in Azure Search.
This is what I used:
private async Task<DocumentIndexResult> IndexWithExponentialBackoffAsync(IndexBatch<IndexModel> indexBatch)
return await Policy
.WaitAndRetryAsync(5, retryAttempt => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, retryAttempt)), (ex, span) =>
indexBatch = ((IndexBatchException)ex).FindFailedActionsToRetry(indexBatch, x => x.Id);
.ExecuteAsync(async () => await _searchClient.IndexAsync(indexBatch));
It uses the Polly library to handle exponential backoff. In this case I use a model IndexModel that has a id field named Id.
If you like to log or store the ids of the failed attempts you can do that in the WaitAndRetryAsync function like
((IndexBatchException)ex)ex.IndexingResults.Where(r => !r.Succeeded).Select(r => r.Key).<Do something here>
There is currently no sample showing how to properly retry on IndexBatchException. However, there is a method you can use to make it easier to implement: IndexBatchException.FindFailedActionsToRetry. This method extracts the IDs of failed documents from the IndexBatchException, correlates them with the actions in a given batch, and returns a new batch containing only the failed actions that need to be retried.
Regarding the rest of the retry logic, you might find this code in the ClientRuntime library useful. You will need to tweak the parameters based on the characteristics of your load. The important thing to remember is that you should use exponential backoff before retrying to help your service recover, since otherwise your requests may be throttled.

Updating user info in liferay database

I need to update info of an existing user in my database programmaticaly
I need to update user name birth date values in user_ table in Liferay database
basically I need to run an update query.
It is not recommended to update the liferay database directly, you should use Liferay API instead to do these things. As per this liferay forum post:
The Liferay database is not published for a reason. The reason is the API does significantly more stuff than just simple SQL insert statements. There are internally managed foreign keys, there are things which are updated not just in the database but also in the indices, in jackrabbit, etc.
Since all of this is managed by the code and not by the database, any updates to the code will change how and when the database is updated. Even if it did work for you in a 6.1 GA1 version, GA2 is coming out in a couple of weeks and the database/code may change again.
Sticking with the API is the only way to insure the changes are done correctly.
Ok enough preaching and back to your problem, here are some ways you can do these:
you can either build a custom portlet and use liferay's services and update the username, birthdate etc using UserLocalServiceUtil.updateUser() method.
Or you can build a web-service client based on SOAP or JSON to update the details which would call the same method
Or you can use Liferay's Beanshell tool to do this from the control panel, following is some code to update the user (created just for you ASAP):
import com.liferay.portal.model.Company;
import com.liferay.portal.model.Contact;
import com.liferay.portal.model.ContactConstants;
import com.liferay.portal.model.User;
import com.liferay.portal.service.CompanyLocalServiceUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.service.ContactLocalServiceUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalServiceUtil;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
long companyId = 10135; // this would be different for you
User user = UserLocalServiceUtil.getUserByEmailAddress(companyId, "test#liferay.com");
// Updating User's details
user.setFirstName("First Test");
user.setLastName("Last Test");
UserLocalServiceUtil.updateUser(user, false);
// Updating User's Birthday
// December 12, 1912
int birthdayMonth = 11;
int birthdayDay = 12;
int birthdayYear = 1912;
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
cal.set(birthdayYear, birthdayMonth, birthdayDay, 0, 0, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
Date birthday = cal.getTime();
System.out.println("Updated User: " + user + "\nBirthdate to be updated: " + birthday);
long contactId = user.getContactId();
Contact contact = ContactLocalServiceUtil.getContact(contactId);
if(contact == null) {
contact = ContactLocalServiceUtil.createContact(contactId);
Company company = CompanyLocalServiceUtil.getCompany(user.getCompanyId());
contact.setCreateDate(new Date());
contact.setModifiedDate(new Date());
ContactLocalServiceUtil.updateContact(contact, false);
System.out.println("Users birthdate updated successfully");
The contact code is built with the help of Liferay's source code for UserLocalServiceImpl#updateUser method
In case you are wondering what is bean-shell and where to put this code, here is where you can find it in Liferay Control Panel Control Panel --> Server --> Server Administration --> Script
It depends on whether you have to do this in a portlet code or by sending a direct query to db.
Liferay basically caches everything, so if you update a record in the Liferay database while the portal is running, most likely that record is already in cache, and so the new column values won't be read at all. You will have to clear the database cache by going to Control Panel -> Server Administration.
On the contrary, if you have to do such a thing in a portlet code, you should call one of the methods of the Liferay services. You're trying to update a User, so you should call the method UserLocalServiceUtil.updateUser (or UserServiceUtil.updateUser if you also want to check permissions).
You can see there are some different updateUser methods, one of them has a lot of parameters and another has only the bean as a parameter. While the first one contains all the business logic (validation, reindexing, update of related entities, etc.), the second one was just autogenerated and should not be used (except when you absolutely know what you're doing). So, use the method with a lot of parameters, simply passing user.getCOLUMN() (eg. user.getFacebookId()) if you don't want to change the value of that column.
Hope it helps, and sorry for my bad English...
update user_ set firstName="New First Name", lastName="New Last Name" where emailAddress="test#test.com";
update contact_ set birthday="date string" where contactId in(select contactId from user_ where emailAddress="test#test.com");
By first update query you can change firstName, lastName of user and by second query you can change birthdate of user.
Hope its clear!
Try this code..
Here i am updating only user First name(rest you can do by your own way)
userId = you can get this using theme display
User user = UserLocalServiceUtil.getUser(userId);
user.setFirstName("new name");
Hope this will help you !!!

Generating a key from ancestor path in Google App Engine

I have a model called Request. A request is created with a parent User like so:
request = Request(parentUserKey)
Now, the key_name for a User is that user's email, so when I create a new user, I do:
user = User(key_name = 'abc#gmail.com')
So what I want to do now is to create a key using Key.from_path for a Request, so I try:
requestKey = Key.from_path('User', 'abc#gmail.com', 'Request', 1)
I put 1 because I will use this key to fetch all Requests with ID higher than 1 (or any other arbitrary int) via the following:
requestQuery.filter("__key__ >", requestKey)
Then for testing purposes, I try to convert the key to a string via keyString = str(requestKey), but I get the following error:
Cannot string encode an incomplete key
What am I doing wrong?
To elaborate on what Guido wrote, doing all of this work to manually create a key probably isn't the best approach to solve your problem. Rather, if you store all of User's Request entities in User's entity group, you can simply and straight-forwardly retrieve them with an ancestor query.
First, to make all of the Request entities children of User, we're going to slightly change the way that you instantiate a Request object:
request = Request(parent=parentUser) # Where parentuser is a User already in the datastore
# Do whatever else you need to do to initialize this entity
Now, to get all of the Request objects that belong to User, you just:
requests = Request.all().ancestor(parentUser).fetch(1000)
# Obviously, you want to intelligently manage the condition of having
# more that 1000 Requests using cursors if need be.
Having the ability to manually create Keys using all of the path info is great, but it is also often more work than is necessary.
Does this solve your use-case?
A key with a 0 id is not valid. Instead of that filter, use an ancestor query.

DotNetNuke Retrieving UserInfo for the given UserID

Is there somthing in the dotnetnuke framework which will allow me to pass it a userId and it would return the UserInfo object filled with details of that userId.
If not what would be the normal way of doing this?
Try this (in DNN 5.x with C#)
private UserInfo _currentUser =
Then use the UserInfo later...
int UserID = _currentUser.UserID
I used the way posted by bdukes with one modification: PortalId can be get from PortalSettings:
DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserInfo user = DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController.GetUser(PortalSettings.PortalId, user_id, true);
To get the current user, as of version 7.3 all of the above have been deprecated. Now you need to use access the user info via the Instance property and the GetCurrentUserInfo() method, i.e.:
Hence you could get the UserId as so:
So, given a user id, you could get the user's info like this:
Note that PortalId is a property provided by the DNN context, so you can simply type it as above.
I hope this helps.
I believe that DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController has a method (GetUser) that will do that, if you also have a portal ID. Users can be shared across portals, so it's (apparently) necessary to know the portal for which you're requesting the user information before they can properly fill the UserInfo object.
If you only have a user ID and no portal ID, I'd first suggest that you see if you can get a portal ID, too. If not, you'll need to go to the database to get what you need. Ideally, you'll be in there as little as you can be (since the database isn't a guaranteed API). So, if you just do a quick query to get a portal ID for the user:
SELECT PortalID From {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}UserPortals WHERE UserID = #userId
You can then use UserController.GetUser to retrieve what you need.
It's not return User ID what is the problem
Dim nowUser As UserInfo = DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController.GetCurrentUserInfo
If you need to get the current user it's simpler:
Dim nowUser As UserInfo = DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController.GetCurrentUserInfo
Just a note.
