API Management - Single API for multiple Logic Apps - azure-logic-apps

I have 5+ separate logic Apps that are called via HTTP Receive. Examples are:
I would like to expose the Logic Apps via API Management as individual operations on one API. Any samples online to show I can do that? Am I right to assume that I'll need a policy (url-rewrite, control flow)?
Any guidance appreciated.

You can add Logic Apps as operations on an existing API by:
Creating a new operation (by default http post for a Logic App)
Defining the request/response that your Logic App will expect you to pass to it
Go to the 'backend' element in the designer and select the 'forms based editor' from the designer.
In the editor, select 'Azure resource' and then browse to the Logic App you wish to use - the is should be an http request/response based Logic App.
Add other Operations and connect them up for each Logic App you want to use.


Implement PeerToPeer Calls using ms graph API

I am able to create a call through my react application using graph API to a MS-Teams user in organization which is working fine call is being made to the graph API and it's dialing to the user in the organization but I don't think user can interact without any device setup i.e laptop speakers and all in order to listen and speak over the call.
To make a call
To get call summary
I want to know how :
Do I need to create interface in my ReactJs App just in order to provide user all the facilities of calling? Right now I have only provided the Call button.
How can I handle the callback in the development phase and test things in my react app as callback are only sent to the https routes.
Note : I am using NestJs as backend.
Can anyone please provide a demo for this how to handle things properly as its now like a brain twister working with MS Graph APIs. I shall be highly obliged for the same as I am trying this thing first time.
Thanks in Advance.
To Create call You will need to register the calling bot. Which enables your bot to create a new outgoing peer-to-peer or group call, or join an existing meeting. Please go throgh this documentation and samples for more info.

Not able to create events using Microsoft Graph SDK

I am trying to create an Event using Microsoft Graph SDK, as following the document #
1.Created "authProvider"
2.Created GraphClient with above AuthProvider
3.Creating Event using
The event is not creating also no exception/error is throwing, Could any one help me here?
This is happening because this call is being made with same transactionId frequently. It avoids unnecessary retries on the server.
It is an optional parameter , just comment out this property and try again. It should work.
Note : This identifier specified by a client app for the server , to avoid redundant POST operations in case of client retries to create the same event and also useful when low network connectivity causes the client to time out before receiving a response from the server for the client's prior create-event request.
More info is required here, as the reply from Allen Wu stated. without any details I would focus my efforts on the authprovider piece and azure app registration piece. as the rest of the example is just sending a post request to graph api.
but what is recommended really depends on what type of application you are trying to build. eg. is it a service daemon, a web app, mobile app, desktop app, single page app, etc.

Which is the best option to fetch data from Mongodb database?

Sorry for a general question. My situation looks so: i have mongodb database and 2 reactjs pages. In each page i want to fetch a different information from database. Depending by your practice, which is the best way to fetch data from mongodb in a reactjs component?
I would recommend reading up on the MERN stack - tons of guides available online via google and youtube. The gist would be that a typical web application will consist of a few key components. In this case:
1 - (React) The client page rendered to the user
2 - (Node + Express) The server which processes data, allows you to use endpoints to make changes to your application. These endpoints make the necessary database queries. You can use a database client to write these queries as JavaScript within your NodeJS endpoints.
3 - (MongoDB) Your database.
So for instance a typical CRUD app allows you to create, read, update, and delete. Let's say you are looking at making a standard TODO list app.
You would need to make requests to these endpoints to perform these operations.
You could have a POST to /todo which would then insert a new document into your database.
You would need a way to read the information from the page... say a GET request to /todos to read all items. Or also a GET request to /todo/:id to get a specific item.
You would need a way to update an existing item... say a PUT request to /todo/:id with the updates you want to take place.
Finally you would need a way to delete an item... a DELETE request to /todo/:id which would delete the item.
Each of these endpoints would make a request to insert / read / update / delete items from the database, and return content to the client React code --> which then displays it to the user.
Frontend side, in react.js call api data using fetch() method. Pass your Mongodb URI string. If you want data in slot based use limit() and Skip() function for pagination.
Follow MVC pattern where your frontend only calla controller api. And controller calls DAO methods for Mongodb. You can Use Mongodb Stitch for serverless app.sor data leak can be avoided forntend side. Mongodb has connecting pool max.100 so that each time client request Mongodb connection cashed object given from pool to further speed up your connection time.

Custom Connector - OData Queries - Make them pretty?

I'm trying to write a custom connector Swagger file for Logic Apps and am having problems. The API I want to connect to only accepts OData queries so all my parameters are asking for $filter and the user has to type in Name eq 'Name' and Id eq 1. Is there a way to make this prettier and just ask them for the parameters directly?
I tried just adding them in (Name, Id, Active) but it puts them in the url like ?Name=. Not in the OData syntax. Is there any way to do what I want to do?
The custom connectors are designed to work as interfaces to existing REST APIs and the UI is more of a 1-1 mapping of their specification.
AFAIK, there is no way to direct customize how the connectors work but you could achieve it by proxy request through your own service.
You simply need a service which accepts requests the way you want and translate them accordingly for the actual service.
Azure API Management is probably the best candidate for this. As a bonus, once you have the APIs you need designed, you get an OpenAPI spec that you could use for the custom connector.
Depending on your expected load, you might have to use its Consumption Tier but do note that its currently in preview.
The alternatives could be having your own API hosted on Azure App Service or Azure Functions instead (or even Functions Proxies), again depending on your expected load.
PS: The downside of doing this is the obvious maintenance that you would have to uptake in case your requirements change and/or the backend API changes.

Share tweet with image from my web app

When user clicks "Share on Twitter" button on my site, I'd like to prepopulate that tweet with an image (let's assume that image is served from my server).
It would be great if I could do it with Twitter's web intent, but that's apparently not possible: https://twittercommunity.com/t/tweet-intent-with-image/18740
It seems like I could use Twitter's POST media/upload API, but in that case I would have to implement 3-legged oAuth authorization? It also seems that is not possible to do it directly from the client (due to CORS issues and I'd have to expose my app's secret key in JavaScript code).
So I guess for this to work I'd need to have some server as middleman between the client running my API and Twitter's oAuth provider?
Is there any service that you could recommend that takes care of it - I found about oAuth.io, I guess they act as a described middleman?
The third possible approach I found would be via Twitter Cards. Is it possible to make it work since I dynamically generate the content via AJAX calls?
This lit a beam of hope in me, but I'm not totally sure what it means yet: https://twittercommunity.com/t/crawler-ajax-escaped-fragment-support/16129
My actual situation: I'm developing an Angular app that displays Highcharts charts and I'd like my users to be able to share their screenshots.
My current high-level idea is: Highcharts' export feature sends request to their server to generate the image, it creates an image and serves it there for 30 seconds - and I'm given it's link in a callback on client.
Now I can store that image somewhere else (my or Twitter's server?) and then we come to the problem described above.
I'd be grateful on any advice how to do this in a most elegant way that would also be as frictionless as possible for the users. (e.g. oAuth requires that they authorize the app to post on their behalf)
