Manipulating Big Numbers as strings - c

I have a problem that goes:
Create a C program that inputs large integers as strings.
Then every character is converted into the corresponding digit.
After that I have to create a function addBigNumbers() that has 3 matrices.
addBigNumbers(char *a1, char *a2, char *res)
a1 and a2 will contain the 2 large numbers that I want to add,res will contain the sum of those as a number sequence. We want the function that we created to check if the strings contains numbers only.
If it contains only numbers then res equals 1 and it prints the sum of those numbers else res is equal to 0 (max number length is 1000)
After that first function we want to create a function for subtraction.
So far I haven't gotten to subtraction since I stuck in the first one and I need your help.
This is the code that I have so far:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define N 1000
/* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */
int addHugeNumbers(char *a1, char *a2, char *res){
int y=0, u=0, h=0;
printf("%d", h);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char res[N];
char a1[N/2];
char a2[N/2];
scanf("%s", &a1);
scanf("%s", &a2);
addHugeNumbers(a1, a2, res);
return 0;
The problem I have is that if I input ex. 23 23 it outputs 2346 which is obviously wrong but it got 46 correct, when I input 1234 123 it outputs 1234246 which is all wrong.
Where it gets weird is if i input something like 1234r 123 or anything else that has a character in it, it outputs the exact sum.

The problem is res=strcat(a1,a2), which does something very different than that what you think: it appends a2 to a1, and it does not "create" a new string. See, for example strcat-definition at
char *strcat( char *dest, const char *src )
Appends a copy of the null-terminated byte string pointed to by src
to the end of the null-terminated byte string pointed to by dest. The
character src[0] replaces the null terminator at the end of dest. The
resulting byte string is null-terminated.
So you are manipulating your input before calculating something, and that's what you will observe then when using a debugger.
Further, scanf("%s", &a1) looks suspicious; it should be scanf("%s", a1);. Your compiler should have warned you.
You'd probably rethink addBigNumbers, probably adding the digits in a loop rather than converting them to (somehow always) limited integral data types in between. This task is actually nothing for beginners in C; take the following fragment to study:
#define N 1000
int addHugeNumbers(char *a1, char *a2, char *res){
char resultBuffer[N];
int i1 = (int)strlen(a1);
int i2 = (int)strlen(a2);
int carryOver = 0;
int ri = 0;
while (i1 > 0 || i2 > 0) { // until both inputs have been read to their beginning
// read single digits and consider that a string might have already
// been read to its beginning
int d1 = i1 >= 0 ? a1[i1] - '0' : 0;
int d2 = i2 >= 0 ? a2[i2] - '0' : 0;
// check for invalid input
if (d1 < 0 || d1 > 9 || d2 < 0 || d2 > 9) {
return 0;
// calculate result digit, taking previous carryOver into account
int digitSum = d1 + d2 + carryOver;
carryOver = digitSum / 10;
digitSum %= 10;
resultBuffer[ri++] = digitSum + '0';
// write the last carryOver, if any
if (carryOver > 0) {
resultBuffer[ri++] = carryOver + '0';
// copy resultBuffer into res in reverse order:
while(ri--) {
*res++ = resultBuffer[ri];
// terminate res-string
*res = '\0';
return 1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char res[N];
char a1[N/2] = "123412341234";
char a2[N/2] = "1231";
if (addHugeNumbers(a1, a2, res)) {
printf("result: %s\n", res);
} else {
printf("invalid number.\n");
return 0;


Calculating hamming distance by appending '0' to lesser length string

I have to find the hamming distance between two codes.
For example if I input:
a= 10
b= 1010
Automatically a should be made equal to the length of the string b by appending 0's.
So the input should become:
But I'm getting instead:
a = 001010
b = 1010
Here is my code:
void main()
char a[20],b[20],len1,len2,i,diff,count=0,j;
printf("Enter the first binary string\n");
printf("Enter the second binary string\n");
len1 = strlen(a);
len2 = strlen(b);
diff = len1-len2;
diff = len2-len1;
printf("\nCodes are\n");
printf("hammung distance between two code word is %d\n",count);
Can anyone help me to fix this issue?
In your two for loop where you are moving the content of your old tab to the right to insert the zeros, you inverted the lengths.
First loop should be:
And second:
After trying it:
Codes are
hammung distance between two code word is 1
Also, the main function should return an int, not void. As stated in the comments, you should also change the type of your len1, len2, i, diff, count and j because you use them as number values, not as characters. You can for instance either use the int or size_t types for that.
int main()
char a[20],b[20];
int len1, len2, i, diff, count=0, j;
// Rest of your code
Here is a method that does not prepend zeros to the shortest binary string, and avoids the limitations of strtol() by comparing the elements of the string directly, starting with the last characters. The intricacies of using strtol() are traded for more complexity in handling the array indices. Note that care must be taken to avoid counting down to a negative value since size_t types are used. This method is not limited by the capacity of long types, but rather by size_t.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
char a[20], b[20];
printf("Enter first binary string: ");
scanf("%19s", a);
printf("Enter second binary string: ");
scanf("%19s", b);
size_t a_len = strlen(a);
size_t b_len = strlen(b);
size_t max_len = a_len > b_len ? a_len : b_len;
size_t hamming_dist = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < max_len; i++) {
if (a_len - i > 0 && b_len - i > 0) {
if (a[a_len - i - 1] == b[b_len - i - 1]) {
if ((a_len - i > 0 && a[a_len - i - 1] == '1') ||
(b_len - i > 0 && b[b_len - i - 1] == '1')) {
printf("bstring_1: %s\n", a);
printf("bstring_2: %s\n", b);
printf("Hamming distance: %zu\n", hamming_dist);
return 0;
A way that doesn't need to pad one of the parameters with zeroes:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main ()
char *a = "1010";
char *b = "10";
long unsigned int xorab;
unsigned int hammingDistance = 0;
xorab = strtoul(a, NULL, 2) ^ strtoul(b, NULL, 2);
while (xorab) {
hammingDistance += xorab & 1;
xorab >>= 1;
printf("%u\n", hammingDistance);
It uses strtoul to convert the binary strings to unsigned long int using a base 2, then you only have to use bitwise operators (xor, and, shift) to calculate the Hamming distance without to take care of the size difference.
Obviously, this way stops to work if you want to test binary strings with values greater than an unsigned long int.

Algorithm to parse an int from a string in one pass

I'm trying to write a function that parses an integer from a string representation.
My problem is that I don't know how to do this with one pass through the string. If I knew ahead of time that the input contained only characters in the range '0', '1', ..., '9' and that the string was of length n, I could of course calculate
character_1 * 10^(n-1) + character_2 * 10^(n-2) + .... + character_n * 10^0
but I want to deal with the general scenario as I've presented it.
I'm not looking for a library function, but an algorithm to achieve this in "pure C".
Here's the code I started from:
int parse_int (const char * c1, const char * c2, int * i)
[c1, c2]: Range of characters in the string
i: Integer whose string representnation will be converted
Returns the number of characters parsed.
Exs. "2342kjsd32" returns 4, since the first 4 characters were parsed.
"hhsd3b23" returns 0
int n = 0;
*i = 0;
while (c1!= c2)
char c = *c1;
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
return n;
Just as some of the comments and answers suggested, maybe a bit clearer: You have to "shift" the result "left" by multiplying it by 10 in every iteration before the addition of the new digit.
Indeed, this should remind us of Horner's method. As you have recognized, the result can be written like a polynomial:
result = c1 * 10^(n-1) + c2 * 10^(n-2) + ... + cn * 10^0
And this equation can be rewritten as this:
result = cn + 10*(... + 10*(c2 + 10*c1))
Which is the form this approach is based on. From the formula you can already see, that you don't need to know the power of 10 the first digit is to be multiplied by, directly from the start.
Here's an example:
#include <stdio.h>
int parse_int(const char * begin, const char * end, int * result) {
int d = 0;
for (*result = 0; begin != end; d++, begin++) {
int digit = *begin - '0';
if (digit >= 0 && digit < 10) {
*result *= 10;
*result += digit;
else break;
return d;
int main() {
char arr[] = "2342kjsd32";
int result;
int ndigits = parse_int(arr, arr+sizeof(arr), &result);
printf("%d digits parsed, got: %d\n", ndigits, result);
return 0;
The same can be achieved using sscanf(), for everyone that is fine with using the C standard library (can also handle negative numbers):
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
char arr[] = "2342kjsd32";
int result, ndigits;
sscanf(arr, "%d%n", &result, &ndigits);
printf("%d digits parsed, got: %d\n", ndigits, result);
return 0;
The output is (both implementations):
$ gcc test.c && ./a.out
4 digits parsed, got: 2342
I think this is good solution to count parse character
int parse(char *str)
int k = 0;
if((*str >= '0') & (*str <= '9'))
return k;
Here's a working version:
#include <stdio.h>
int parse_int (const char * c1, const char * c2, int * i)
[c1, c2]: Range of characters in the string
i: Integer whose string representnation will be converted
Returns the number of characters parsed.
Exs. "2342kjsd32" returns 4, since the first 4 characters were parsed.
"hhsd3b23" returns 0
int n = 0;
*i = 0;
for (; c1 != c2; c1++)
char c = *c1;
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
*i = *i * 10 + c - '0';
return n;
int main()
int i;
char const* c1 = "2342kjsd32";
int n = parse_int(c1, c1+10, &i);
printf("n: %d, i: %d\n", n, i);
return 0;
n: 4, i: 2342

C convert section of char array to double

I want to convert a section of a char array to a double. For example I have:
char in_string[] = "4014.84954";
Say I want to convert the first 40 to a double with value 40.0. My code so far:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int arg) {
char in_string[] = "4014.84954";
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i <= sizeof(in_string); i++) {
printf("%c\n", in_string[i]);
printf("%f\n", atof(&in_string[i]));
In each loop atof it converts the char array from the starting pointer I supply all the way to the end of the array. The output is:
84954.000000 etc...
How can I convert just a portion of a char array to a double? This must by modular because my real input_string is much more complicated, but I will ensure that the char is a number 0-9.
The following should work assuming:
I will ensure that the char is a number 0-9.
double toDouble(const char* s, int start, int stop) {
unsigned long long int m = 1;
double ret = 0;
for (int i = stop; i >= start; i--) {
ret += (s[i] - '0') * m;
m *= 10;
return ret;
For example for the string 23487 the function will do this calculations:
ret = 0
ret += 7 * 1
ret += 8 * 10
ret += 4 * 100
ret += 3 * 1000
ret += 2 * 10000
ret = 23487
You can copy the desired amount of the string you want to another char array, null terminate it, and then convert it to a double. EG, if you want 2 digits, copy the 2 digits you want into a char array of length 3, ensuring the 3rd character is the null terminator.
Or if you don't want to make another char array, you can back up the (n+1)th char of the char array, replace it with a null terminator (ie 0x00), call atof, and then replace the null terminator with the backed up value. This will make atof stop parsing where you placed your null terminator.
Just use sscanf. Use the format "ld" and check for return value is one.
What about that, insert NULL at the right position and then revert it back to the original letter? This means you will manipulate the char array but you will revert it back to the original at the end.
You can create a function that will make the work in a temporary string (on the stack) and return the resulting double:
double atofn (char *src, int n) {
char tmp[50]; // big enough to fit any double
strncpy (tmp, src, n);
tmp[n] = 0;
return atof(tmp);
How much simpler could it get than sscanf?
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
double foo;
assert(sscanf("4014.84954", "%02lf", &foo) == 1);
printf("Processed the first two bytes of input and got: %lf\n", foo);
assert(sscanf("4014.84954" + 2, "%05lf", &foo) == 1);
printf("Processed the next five bytes of input and got: %lf\n", foo);
assert(sscanf("4014.84954" + 7, "%lf", &foo) == 1);
printf("Processed the rest of the input and got: %lf\n", foo);
return 0;

how to add char type integer in c

This is the sample code of my program, in which i've to add two string type integer (ex: "23568" and "23674"). So, i was trying with single char addition.
char first ='2';
char second ='1';
i was trying like this..
and i'm getting output 99, because, it's adding the ASCII value of both. Anyone please suggest me, what should be the approach to add the char type number in C.
Since your example has two single chars being added together, you can be confident knowing two things
The total will never be more than 18.
You can avoid any conversions via library calls entirely. The standard requires that '0' through '9' be sequential (in fact it is the only character sequence that is mandated by the standard).
char a = '2';
char b = '3';
int i = (int)(a-'0') + (int)(b-'0');
will always work. Even in EBCDIC (and if you don't know what that is, consider yourself lucky).
If your intention is to actually add two numbers of multiple digits each currently in string form ("12345", "54321") then strtol() is your best alternative.
No need for casting char to int.
if you want to add the number reprensations of the characters, I would use "(first - '0') + (second - '0');"
The question seemed interesting, I though it would be easier than it is, adding "String numbers" is a little bit tricky (even more with the ugly approach I used).
This code will add two strings of any length, they doesn't need to be of the same length as the adding begins from the back. Your provide both strings, a buffer of enough length and you ensure the strings only contains digits:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char * add_string_numbers(char * first, char * second, char * dest, int dest_len)
char * res = dest + dest_len - 1;
*res = 0;
if ( ! *first && ! *second )
puts("Those numbers are less than nothing");
return 0;
int first_len = strlen(first);
int second_len = strlen(second);
if ( ((first_len+2) > dest_len) || ((second_len+2) > dest_len) )
puts("Possibly not enough space on destination buffer");
return 0;
char *first_back = first+first_len;
char *second_back = second+second_len;
char sum;
char carry = 0;
while ( (first_back > first) || (second_back > second) )
sum = ((first_back > first) ? *(--first_back) : '0')
+ ((second_back > second) ? *(--second_back) : '0')
+ carry - '0';
carry = sum > '9';
if ( carry )
sum -= 10;
if ( sum > '9' )
sum = '0';
carry = 1;
*(--res) = sum;
if ( carry )
*(--res) = '1';
return res;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
char * a = "555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555";
char * b = "9999999999999666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666";
char r[100] = {0};
char * res = add_string_numbers(a,b,r,sizeof(r));
printf("%s + %s = %s", a, b, res);
return (0);
Well... you are already adding char types, as you noted that's 4910 and 5010 which should give you 9910
If you're asking how to add the reperserented value of two characters i.e. '1' + '2' == 3 you can subtract the base '0':
printf("%d",('2'-'0') + ('1'-'0'));
This gives 3 as an int because:
'0' = ASCII 48<sub>10</sub>
'1' = ASCII 49<sub>10</sub>
'2' = ASCII 50<sub>10</sub>
So you're doing:
printf("%d",(50-48) + (49-48));
If you want to do a longer number, you can use atoi(), but you have to use strings at that point:
int * first = "123";
int * second = "100";
printf("%d", atoi(first) + atoi(second));
>> 223
In fact, you don't need to even type cast the chars for doing this with a single char:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
char f1 = '9';
char f2 = '7';
int v = (f1 - '0') - (f2 - '0');
printf("%d\n", v);
return 0;
Will print 2
But beware, it won't work for hexadecimal chars
This will add the corresponding characters of any two given number strings using the ASCII codes.
Given two number strings 'a' and 'b', we can compute the sum of a and b using their ASCII values without type casting or trying to convert them to int data type before addition.
char *a = "13784", *b = "94325";
int max_len, carry = 0, i, j; /*( Note: max_len is the length of the longest string)*/
char sum, *result;
Adding corresponding digits in a and b.
sum = a[i] + (b[i] - 48) + carry; /*(Because 0 starts from 48 in ASCII) */
if (sum >= 57)
result[max_len - j] = sum - 10;
carry = 1;
result[max_len - j] = sum;
carry = 0;
/* where (0 < i <= max_len and 0 <= j <= max_len) */
The above solution only takes account of single character addition starting from the right and moving leftward.
if you want to scan number by number, simple atoi function will do it
you can use
atoi() function
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main(){
char f[] = {"1"};
char s[] = {"2"};
int i, k;
i = atoi(f);
k = atoi(s);
printf("%d", i + k);
Hope I answered you question

Get to number from an array and assign to one int

I'm working on my homework and trying to get two characters which are numbers from an array for example ABC10DEF
I want to get 10 and store it in an int type.
number_holder_1 = back[3] - '0';
number_holder_2 = back[4] - '0';
number = number_holder_1 * 10 + number_holder_2;
This doesn't work I don't know why.
When I print out the value of number_holder_1 it does display 1 and when I display number_holder_2 it display 0 but when I print number it just display 0
I don't know how.
The number, number_holder_1 and number_holder_2 are define as int type.
the array called back that holding ABC10DEF is passing from the main.
It appears to be an implementation mistake, because using what you have given, with some better variable names, it does work.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int letter2int(char c) {
int n;
if (isdigit(c)) {
n = c - '0';
} else {
n = -1; /* error */
/* for debugging */
printf("For character '%c' we get number '%d'.\n", c, n);
return n;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
const char str[] = "ABC10DEF";
int tens, ones;
int result;
tens = letter2int(str[3]);
ones = letter2int(str[4]);
result = tens * 10 + ones;
printf("Result: %d\n", result);
return 0;
This can be generalized to either form a atoi function (ASCII to integer) or extract the first number that occurs in a string (terminated by any non-digit character) by using a loop and a char pointer to index over the string str.
Using i as the zero-based index, result += number * (int)pow(10, i);.
