React updating state for child components - reactjs

My app is structured as follows:
<Tab> <Window1> </Tab>
<Tab> <Window2> </Tab>
The App has a state element called allItems, and SelectItems is used to narrow this down to App.state.selectedItems. The tabs work in a way that only one of the tabs shows at a given time, it's a component from React-Bootstrap.
The Window1 and Window2 display data that depend on the selectedItems, the data (let's call it data1 and data2) is obtained via a computationally intensive api call. Here's the problem. The cleanest way to do this while thinking in React is to "pull the state up", so that data1 and data2 are updated from App whenever the selectedItems change, and the data is then stored in the state of App and passed down to the tabs. This however is inefficient, because only one Window is showing at a given time, so I'm wasting time updating data that I'm never showing. In my actual app I've got many tabs, so it's a real problem.
What's a way of fixing this? I want the Windows to update whenever the App.state.selection changes, and I looked at static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) but it looks like (but I'm not sure) that this function won't work because the state updating would be asynchronous, as it requires an API call.
Are there general strategies one can use in this situation?

You have a couple of options, the first one is the one most people would recommend (because it is a popular option) and that is to use Redux to manage your application state.
Redux will allow you to keep all your data in a separate "store". Then from your components you can connect to the store and access the data which is relevant to them. Those components should only update when the data they are interested in is changed, any other changes to the store will be ignored.
There are a lot of good tutorials on using Redux and React together which you can find online - apparently the ones on egghead are pretty good, you can maybe try this one to get started.
Your other option might be to use a PureComponent so that you can limit when your component will re-render to only when it's props or state change rather than if the parent re-renders. You can read about this here. It's actually similar to the previous solution are the connect function provided by the react-redux library to connect to the Redux store wraps your component in a PureComponent.


Redux/MobX - Do I need to pass data in child components via props in React?

I know It may sound like a dumb question, But I am not able to get this solved in my head. Please bear with me.
In case when we use a state management system in React like Redux / Mob X, I guess the main purpose of these state management techniques is to provide a single source of Data and a more structured approach of updating it.
Say, I am Using a state management library(MobX) for React, And suppose I have a parent component which makes an http API call and updates the MobX store with the API response. Now I need that data in one of child/nested components.
My Question is, Should I pass that data as a prop to child component or should I enable child component to connect with Central Store and directly get that data ?
by connecting the child to store, I am turning the Child into a class component, which is making it more heavy and React optimisations may not apply. I am defeating the whole purpose of a functional component.
Awaiting replies.
Best Regards,
This completely depends on the situation. I would suggest splitting your components up in 2 parts:
Components that could be re-used in other projects
(Higher level) Components that are so specific to this project that they probably never will be re-used.
For components of category 1, I would suggest not using mobx store directly, but instead make pure react components. (eg think of a dropdown, or an ajax dropdown component).
For second part components (think of, header, footer, section components specific for your website). just make them directly interact with the Mobx store, so that you can way quicker code what you need (instead of constantly having to prop everything).
For components of category 1 you can always wrap them with the #inject() method. This way for example you could turn a dropdown component into a UserDropdown component that uses the mobx store for its state. (The inject method injects mobx state as props in the component).
const UserDropDownComponent = mobx.inject(stores => ({users: stores.userStore.users}))(DropDownComponent);
// usage:
<UserDropDownComponent />
For pure components wont always see changes of mobx state. To Fix this you need to wrap the component in an #observe annotation. Or you have to inject the props by wrapping it into: mobx.toJS(yourMobxStateProperty)

state vs props for scenario with separate view and data model

I'm building an application where I would like to provide separate views for same data.
In my current implementation, data is obtained by web service call and persisted in state of App component in App.js. App component hosts (renders) another component called StackEditor, which acts as a view for this.state.components in App component.
UI elements rendered by StackEditor can be moved around, and to synchronize state of App I do it as below:
onLocationChanged={this.handleLocationChanged} />
In handleLocationChanged I update the state:
handleLocationChanged(e, data) {
this.setState(prevState => {
// event data copied to state here
return {components: prevState.components};
As state is now updated, this forces StackEditor to be rendered again, as its property components is bound to state as components={this.state.components} (see in the code snippet above).
This all works, but now I started questioning if I'm doing it right.
Q1: Should I be using state instead of props?
It seems that location of component is mutated in principle, although from StackEditor point of view, it is immutable (I can decide that change is invalid and not to update the state in event listener).
Q2: Is it possible to share part of the state between 2 components in React?
If I somehow convert StackEditor from getting components from state instead of props, will I get notification on state changed by child component (StackEditor) in my parent component (App)?
Q3: Also, are props more convenient to use than state in general?
When I created another component following HOC guidelines ( I discovered that props are easily forwarded to "wrapped" component, but not state. If I provide a function to call back via property (as I did above), "wrapped" component can easily call it, without even noticing that it's "wrapped". I don't see how I can easily notify "wrapped" component about state change in "wrapper", without writing some extra code.
If you imagine your application to be a tree of components in a well designed app it's usually like this:
the leafs are stateless components . They decide how data is rendered.
the nodes are stateful components. They decide which components and data to render.
Q1: Should I be using state instead of props?
It depends on which category of components you have (node or leaf).
Q2: Is it possible to share part of the state between 2 components in
If you feel that your app has a lot of state that mutates and needs to be used by several components spread over your tree you usually start to introduce an external state management library (e.g. redux). Components can subscribe to your store and become stateless as your store now handles the state.
Q3: Also, are props more convenient to use than state in general?
They solve different problems so you can't really say that. A stateless component is usually easier to understand but has no capabilities to control anything.
Also read Identify where your state should live and When to use redux.
All that is only a rule of thumb. A lot of the time you will have components that have both state and props because they control parts of your app but delegate other parts to their children.
This all works, but now I started questioning if I'm doing it right.
As far as I can see from the code you provided this looks pretty much as it has to.

Is it possible to access the state of a child component in React?

I'm working in a project to to replace a large Silverlight application with a web application using react (and redux). There's multiple tabs and subtabs that the user can jump between.
We are using redux to save tab/subtab-state. The current solution uses cloneElement to inject previous state and a function (onSaveState) that all components needs to call in order to save state.
Is there a way to avoid having the save/load boilerplate code in all pages on the tabs+subtabs, for example by getting the state of a child component?
An ugly solution is to save the entire component (including the state) but this introduce a lot of overhead + having the react virtual DOM handle something that is not actually rendered may lead to several other problems.
Note: We are not allowed to change the overall UX.
Update: What we want to accomplish is to make save and load of state as simple as possible when the user jump between open tabs. A user can open several tabs of the same type. Most tabs have undo-functionality. It's a large application with 150+ views (not counting all smaller dialogs). To make the save/load of state from the redux store as seamless as possible it would have been nice to inspect the state(readonly) of a component (from a parent) just to save it. We have an ok solution today as I mentioned where we get the previousState as a prop and we call onSaveState on componentWillUnmount with the current state. I don't need an explanation of how redux works, I'm simply interested if it's possible to inspect the state of component from the outside (for example from a parent component) in a way that is not to hacky?
If you have complicated save/load code, don't put it all in the parent component and inject it into the children. Move it into shared files that the children can consume on their own.
Put loading code in a reducer file. Put saving code in an action file. Then let the tab components each require the new files so they can connect to the reducer and dispatch the action.
See Redux Basics for a thorough example.

React state vs. Redux state (real usecase)

I have read multiple tutorials how to make CRUD in React with Redux bot none of the authors explained why they are using Redux. (Like they are only using it for fancyness or because all other are using it.)
Citate from here:
People often choose Redux before they need it.
Through further researching i learned that Redux is good for:
Share state between components
Let some data be accessable in the entire application
It does not exist a wrong or right. But only the do what makes sense.
My usecase
I have a component that uses a shared component:
¦-- domains/FooManagement/Components/Editor.jsx <-- Most-parent of the editor
¦-- domains/FooManagement/Components/..the children of Editor.jsx
¦-- shared/Components/Tabs/Tabs.jsx <-- Most-parent of the tabs
¦-- shared/Components/Tabs/..the children of Tabs.jsx
Tabs.jsx is used in Editor.jsx.
Which is the right approach?
Approach 1: React state (I think its the right one)
Every dynamic rendering that can happen is stored in the state of Editor.jsx.
onClick on a tab (nested shared component) calls a callback written in Editor.jsx that updates the state in Editor.jsx. This state change then rerenders the new active tab
That means that on every other component like Editor.jsx that uses the same nested Tabs.jsx, the changes for the tabs must be handled in the editor.
Code example:
* domains/FooManagement/Components/Editor.jsx
* or
* domains/BarManagement/Components/Editor.jsx
onTabChange(activeTab) {
this.state.activeTab = activeTab;
I think this is the right approach because:
I dont need the state of the editor or the tabs component in the entire application. But only on this view one time. Like the short term duration definition.
Approach 2: Redux state
Editor.jsx has its own state
Tabs.jsx has its own state
States are stored in Redux
Editor.jsx dont passes data down to Tabs.jsx because Tabs.jsx takes the data from the Redux store
The code example above must not be in Editor.jsx because its not the editor's interests how the tabs component behaves. (Or should the editor interests?)
I think this is bad because
Its too much magic in here. Immagine there comes more components in the editor like sortables, tables, etc. In the Editor.jsx you will not see what can render your view. It is hidden in the other components.
But if its all handled in Editor.jsx, you have the overview and the control of all what must be rendered on any change.
What is the right approach for you?
speaking of real usecases, I'm working on an everyday growing project, at first, pure React state management seemed like a very convenient way to develop, and it was working just fine when the components structures were still somehow flattened, but as we go along it, the project gets more complicated and by complicated I mean, more component become nested, and one parent has a serie of nested children, so we have to pass props all the way from the parent to the most furthest child, and whenever we need to rerender the parent, all the children have to go through this cycle also, as for your case, if you know that your project won't get way more complicated, and Tabs.jsx won't have maybe something like form that contains further nested subForm that contains a Grid maybe, you surely don't need to complicate your life with Redux, but as I stated earlier, for us we started to notice that at this stage, integrating Redux would be considerable

Reactjs - How to make components aware of the current view state?

Tools I'm Using: Reactjs 0.14.7, react-router 2.0.0 (Flux Pattern)
Note: I tagged Redux, just cause I got a hunch(I haven't used it) that what I'm experiencing might be one of the reasons people rave about it.
I understand that react-router already manages which parts of the
component tree are currently in view and renders the components based on the state of the current view tree.
But what if, based on the components in view, one component needs to know what other components are also in view and behave differently depending on what other components are in view(the view state)? What strategy would you suggest to allow components to be aware of the other components in view?
My Current Solution:
I currently am trying to use the URL to infer this global state, and even parsing it and putting it into a store in order for components to be aware of the view state by listening to changes from that store.
My Issue With This Solution:
In a nutshell managing that view state with a store becomes a highly entangled process with extra actions sprinkled all over the code.
1) Actions must be called for any user event that change the route.
2) Action need to be fired when navigating outside of components(I think its much cleaner to keep action firing in components(feel free to debate that one).
3) You must also consider the back button(currently using react-router onEnterHooks to catch when that happens).
Yet I really like the concept of encapsulating the view state because I can imagine that it creates a nice mental model and also smarter components, but just parsing the current URL and using a utility file to determine the current view state when needed, seems like a much easier/cleaner solution to manage then a store that contains the current view state.
Components should never need to know what other components are being rendered, that's one of the fundamental concepts of React. You're trying to extract the "view state" from your component tree, when your component tree should be determined by your state. If you're already using Flux, you need to keep that information in the store, where it will be made accessible to any component that subscribes.
Flux isn't about making development easier or faster for an individual, it's about enabling practices that make it easier to keep a mental model of what an application is doing. This might come at the expense of some simplicity.
Redux is a refinement of Flux that combines the multiple stores that can be subscribed to individually with a single large state tree, with different parts of the tree created by different "reducers" -- functions that take a state and an action and return a new state. It is exactly "a store that contains the current view state." What you describe is also a pretty good description of the type of development common in hacked together jQuery applications, the type of development React seeks to avoid.
I think the core of your misunderstanding falls into how React component's should be layered. It's a tricky topic, and re-aligning your thought process to accurately understand what is a state vs. prop in your model, is a unique challenge.
But the solution to this problem you are facing is simply to order your components more 'correctly'.
At a high level, each component should only care about the props that are passed to it, and not about anything else whatsoever. However, which props are passed are determined by it's parent Component. As a result, that parent can make those decisions, which then have an end result in the child.
As a simple but practical example;
var Parent = React.createClass({
funcA: function(){
this.setState({propB: 'something new!'});
render: function(){
return (
<ChildA propA={this.state.propA} funcA={this.funcA} />
<ChildB propB={this.state.propB} />
With this layout of concerns, ChildA is capable of handling user input, passing it to funcA which then impacts ChildB. But all of this happens without the Child components knowing anything about one another whatsoever.
