Google Data Studio MySql data source connection does not exist Error - google-data-studio

Platform: Google Data Studio
Data Source: MySQL
Connection was working before,
meaning no issues with credentials.
All of a sudden, getting the below error:
All IPs have been whitelisted from the google data studio list of ips.
The only thing that comes to mind is a limitation of GDS to process data.
The data source table has around 200K+ rows.
Not sure what is the limitation for GDS with MySQL.
There's no indication anywhere.
Anyone out there can help to solve this or maybe provide some info would be appreciated.

If you use a firewall, be sure to double check the Google ip adresses. They may have added new ips (in my case, the last one was missing).
Check them here !
After doing so, I had to change the Host name of the connection to the database for a url alias ( <- url pointing on your server), and change it back to the IP to make it work.

Sounds like a the connector cannot establish a new connection.
Cloud SQL Connector:
At the time of writing this, the connector seems unable to establish a new connection once the existing one has timed out and modifying the JDBC url to include query parameters gives you an error when authenticating.
This is probably due to the connector appending it's own parameters.
(Seems to be a possible bug here when a connection no longer exists)
MySQL Connector (with IP Address):
This connector allows you to add query parameters to the JDBC url. Enable SSL and append useSSL=true to the url.
This worked as expected and establishes new connections when required.
Example Source Setup

Suffering from this issue too, my experience is that using the MySQL connector instead of the Cloud SQL Connector provides better stability in combination with setting wait_timeout to a value above 12 hours.
This issue has been reported on the official Google Data Studio bug tracker. Please vote them up if you are also suffering from this !
🐛 130205306 MySQL connection does not exist Apr 9, 2019 04:36PM
🐛 118470083 Data source password not stored for MySQL sources. Oct 26, 2018 01:24PM


MediaWiki installation issue - port problems

I am trying to install MediaWiki version 1.31 localy and I have run into some issues that I cant get past by. Mainly when I input datatabe connection (I am trying to connect to PostgreSQL database) information it returns this error.
Thing is the port I am trying to connect is 5433 not 5432, also the names "template1" and "postgres" are not included in my input trough the dialogue screen - I dont know where they came from. "test1" is the name of the database I am trying to connect to.
Any help or advice how to get trough this error would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
That the port you specify is not used while setting up the database schema in the first place is a long-standing known bug. One workaround is to run your database on the default port until you have wiki set up, then change it back to the port you want.
In order to create a new database, you need to connect to an existing database in the same cluster. 'template1' and 'postgres' are pre-existing databases (usually created at the time the cluster was created) commonly used to connect to in order to create a new database. These names are "well-known", you don't need to specify them.

Excel connection to database, problem when shared in One Drive

Not sure if this is the correct forum but here goes. Very new to databases so apologies ahead of time if I don't provide enough info.
I have a Microsoft SQL Server Database created with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18, I connected Excel to it to analyse the data and saved that workbook in a shared One Drive folder. Works fine on my computer but the other users cannot refresh the data from the database. I've exhausted all my online search options to figure out how to fix this. I don't know if the database is on a cloud server or if that matters.
Error message is; [Datasource.Error] Microsoft SQL: A network related or instance specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider; SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
The database does allow for remote connections, I checked that.
I'm comfortable with Excel but I'm new to databases, only worked with Access in the past. Anyone know of the "best" way to have a database we can all (4 users currently) connect to while also connecting Excel to it.
I don't understand the pricing plans for Azure, AWS etc. plus they seem to be way more than what I need.
Doesn't have to be a free option but a set monthly fee with no surprises would work if a server is the issue. It's a relatively small amount of data, currently maybe 100 rows, 24 columns.
The option I last came across was Godaddy web hosting had a database option, don't if this is a good option or not. I signed up for Elephantsql but I haven't figured out how to use that to host the database, creating one in elephant itself seems to use only code rather than the way I created the database in Microsoft.
Thanks in advance for any help, going to go close my 25 google search tabs now.....
do you realy need an SQL-Server for dataset auf 100 rows and 24 columns?
I would try do store the date in a shared Excel-File in Onedrive an connect to this.
Best regards
If you want to connect to Private-OneDrive File you should use a WEB-Connector instead of a "File"-Connector.
Your Source should be like this:
=Excel.Workbook(Web.Contents(""), null, true)
You have to replace the AAAXXXXAAAA; BBBXXXXBBB and CCCXXXXCCC with informations from the embedded-link of your XLSX-File:
1) open OneDrive in WEB
2) Select you file and right-click
3) click "embedded"
4) in the right pane you find the embedded-link
5) find there the resid; authkey and em
OneDrive GetEmbeddedLink

Azure Function Database Connection

I have a Python package that I am able to run successfully on an Azure Data Science Virtual Machine. However, when I push it to Azure as a Function, I cannot successfully make a database connection. I was getting an error that the ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server was not supported, so I changed the driver to ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server and now I am NOT getting an error, but no data is being returned for a query that I know should return data.
Is there any other reason that data would not be returned? Firewall issues? do I need to add a binding? Do I need to separate out the connection string to feed each part (e.g., Driver, UID, PWD) into pyodbc.connect() separately? Right now I am feeding it in like this:
setting = os.environ("CONNECTIONSTRING")
conn = pyodbc.connect(setting)
This query works fine returning data when I run it on the VM using this code, just not as a Function.
(Note, this is different from my previous post regarding reading the Azure App Setting. That problem has been solved).
There are many parts where this could be breaking.
I'd suggest start by having a Profiler or Extended Events trace on your SQL Server to verify whether a connection is even being established. If not then you need to work through the the various points of connectivity to find out where it breaks. The identity, firewall, NSGs etc might all come into play here.
Once you see a connection then you can play with permissions to ensure that your query then returns your data.
Without a full picture of your infrastructure and settings it is hard to pin it down further.
Turns out it was not a database connectivity issue like I thought it was; it was a code error.

Azure Serverless SQL Serverless Database

I Created SQL Server Database in Azure which is serverless and tried to access it using my SQL Server Management Studio in my local but I couldn't get it work.
It always gives me this message:
I tried to whitelist also my IP in Azure but still I get the same result.
Is there a possible way to make it connect?
Is the database currently online or paused?
I'll repeat the text from #David Browne's link:
If a serverless database is paused, then the first login will resume the database and return an error stating that the database is unavailable with error code 40613. Once the database is resumed, the login must be retried to establish connectivity. Database clients with connection retry logic should not need to be modified.
Assuming the database is paused, this is normal operation
Please read docs
You need to retry after the database starts OR manually pre-start it using the Powershell provided in the link below
And yes, you also need to whitelist your IP address as you have already done.
Obviously this flavour of SQL is unsuitable for some types of applications - there is more information in the link - I suggest you read the whole thing.

Reasons for "The network path was not found" in ASP.NET MVC

I made ASP.NET MVC web application, uploaded the files, also the database, but I get the following error when browsing it.
The network path was not found
I'm using Entity Framework and this is the connection string in my web.config file
<add name="[mydatabase]Entities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/Models.Model1.csdl|res://*/Models.Model1.ssdl|res://*/Models.Model1.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="data source=sql.[somedomain].net;initial catalog=[mydatabase name];User ID=[myUsername];Password=[myPassword];MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework"" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
I've uploaded many websites using IP Address eg. as data source, but this is the first time to use server name eg. sql.[somedomain].net -I cannot get the server ip-, so I'm not sure if this caused the error, or if I should make something special to make it work.
So, I'm asking if there is something I should do to use server name as data source, if not then what else may cause this error.
This answer doesn't really help.
Thanks in advance.
If I ping the server sql.[somedomain].net, I get this result
Ping request could not find host sql.[somedomain].net. Please check the name and try again.
And if I nslookup it, I get this result
*** Unknown can't find sql.[somedomain].net: Non-existent domain
So does that mean -for sure- that the server is not accessible. And is there anything I can do beside contacting the hosting technical support?
It was the Hosting Provider error/misconfiguration. After 3 days of searching and contacting the customer support, they realized it was their issue. I'm leaving this question to tell future viewers to Host Only with reliable/well-known Hosting Providers no matter what.
The info you got from tech support seems fairly contradictory. It's common to disable remote access for database servers, but if that's the case, then using the domain to connect doesn't really help you.
If you're trying to connect to this database from a published MVC project, residing with the same provider as supplies your database, then you should have no issues connecting as you're no longer "remote". However, unless your DNS is also hosted at the same provider, using the domain may make the connection appear remote, as it's going outside to come back in. The safest bet is to simply use the IP address of the database server in the connection string.
Also, pay attention to the IP address you have for the database server. If it's in the 10.* or 172.* range, it's a local IP, but if it's something else, it's most likely an outside IP address. Trying to connect to such an address, may also make the connection appear remote as you're going outside the network to come back in. Also, while disallowing remote access to a database server is a good idea, you can generally safely allow remote access to certain IPs. You most likely don't have control over that directly, but you can check with your provider to see if they can add an explicit rule for your web server's IP so that even if the connection is coming through as remote, it'll still work.
As far as working locally in development, you'll just have to use a local database. You may already have that covered, but your question wasn't entirely clear on that aspect.
I also faced the same issue. I used the forward slash instead of back slash for instance name (clustername\instancename). Once I changed it to back slash. It worked fine.
