Using C Libraries like OpenGL and LibCurl [duplicate] - c

This question already has an answer here:
How to Include external C library on windows
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I've seen plenty of online tutorials explaining how to use GLFW and libcurl, but where do I actually place the files I downloaded?
For example I downloaded this file for GLFW -
And these are the contents The C+ file wasn't in there I put that there :p
So how would I add the library to any of my .c files?
I've looked everywhere, I might just not be using the right keywords.
And second, how can I have multiple libraries at the same time?
And lastly, what do I put in the <> in the include?
I'm using windows 10 and am using GCC as my compiler. I really should get the Intel one shoudn't I?
This is what the SRC looks like.

In C, a library comes in two parts:
One (or more) header files
The actual library implementation, under Linux either a shared object (.so) or a static library (.a), under Windows I guess it would be a DLL file
You need to include the header file in each C source file of yours where you want to use functionality from the library:
In your source, add a line
#include <library-header.h>
for each header you want to include.
for all header files the library is delivered with.
You will have to tell your compiler where to find the header files. For gcc, you would have to enter something like that on the command line.
gcc -I /path/to/library/directory/include -c my_source.c -o my_source.o
Then, you need to link your program with the actual library. This again, depends on your tool chain, e.g. the compiler you use. For gcc again, the command line would look something like
gcc -lname_of_the_libray -L/path/to/library/directory/ my_source.o -o my_exe
However, libraries are often distributed in source code, which means you would have to compile the library beforehand.


GCC - Adding Libraries

I want to use functions in the header files gmp.h and mpfr.h, which are in the file /opt/local/include.
But when I run gcc with -v, all of the search paths are something like /Application/
I have tried adding LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/local/include" to .bash_profile but it doesn't work. The compiler either tells me that 'gmp.h' file not found, or Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64.
What should I do?
Converting comments into an answer.
You need to add -I/opt/local/include to compile commands (to specify where the headers are) and -L/opt/local/lib and -lgmp and -lmpfr (possibly in the reverse order — MPFR before GMP) to link commands.
That works! Would you mind explaining a little bit the logic behind this? For example if I had another header file header.h I need, how should I include it?
You include it with #include "header.h". You compile the code with -I/directory/containing/header to find the header. You specify where the library (libheader.a or libheader.dylib, since you seem to be on macOS) is too, with -L/directory/containing/lib and -lheader — or whatever is appropriate.
The -I tells the preprocessor to look in the named directory for header files, so it looks for /directory/containing/header/header.h, for example.
The -L tells the linker where to find libraries (so it looks for /directory/containing/lib/libheader.dylib etc).
The -lheader tells the linker to look for libheader.a or libheader.dylib (or local equivalents) for the libraries.
Except for the use of .dylib vs .so vs .dll vs … (and .a vs .lib vs …), the same principles apply to other systems too.
This is probably a duplicate.

NASM: How to resolve these unresolved externals?

I'm trying to get started learning basic assembly with Paul A. Carter's book "PC Assembly Language." However I'm unable to run the first example Carter provides, so I'm kind of stuck until I figure this out.
I assembled the example "first.asm" without any problem, but I can't figure out how to link these files: first.obj, driver.c, asm_io.obj into an executable. In the comment section of first.asm Carter gives these instructions for creating an executable (I'm using Windows 10, VS community 2015 developer command prompt):
; Using MS C/C++
; nasm -f win32 first.asm
; cl first.obj driver.c asm_io.obj
I'm doing exactly that but I'm getting a fatal error 2 unresolved externals, _printf and _scanf. I have every necessary file that I can think of in the same directory, and I'm compiling in that directory.
Driver.c calls the function defined in and it uses a header file called "CDECL.h"; I have this file in my directory, but I don't understand much about this header file. I wonder if the problem is here. I haven't altered it or anything. I assembled asm_io.asm according to Dr. Carter's instructions.
Not too far into asm_io.asm is see this:
extern _scanf, _printf, _getchar, _putchar, _fputs
So here are the unresolved externals. Shouldn't they be defined in stdio.h? Driver.c includes stdio.h, shouldn't the linker be able to resolve these symbols be looking at stdio.h? What might I be missing?
ps. I'm new to programming in general, and this is my first stack overflow question. I'm open to any and all criticism/feedback. I'll provide more information if you need it, I just didn't want to post a massive wall of text and code if not necessary.
Welcome to SO. You need to understand:-
The difference between a header file, e.g.
foo.h // C or maybe C++ header file)
and a library, e.g.
foo.lib foo.dll // Windows
libfoo.a, // Unix/Linux
that implements the calling interface that is (merely) described in a header file.
The difference between compiling or assembling a source file, e.g.
bar.c // C source file
bar.asm // Assembly source, Windows
bar.s // Assembly source, Unix/Linux
to make an object file. e.g.
bar.obj // Windows
bar.o // Unix/Linux
and linking object files and libraries together make a complete executable.
Linking can succeed only if the linker is supplied with (or knows by default)
the names and locations of object files and/or libraries that provide
implementations of all the functions that are called in the program - including
functions whose calling interfaces are described in header files. Otherwise
unresolved symbol errors ensue.
Research these points and you'll quickly get yourself unstuck. See this
pretty good introductory tutorial, which although it is about getting
started with the GNU Compiler Collection rather
than with assembly language programming, will clarify the principles
and distinctions you need to grasp.

gcc object file linking

I'm learning C by rehashing some Project Euler problems, as I did for Python. In Python, I created a file of general mathematical utilities such as prime number checking, which I pulled functions out of as and when I needed them. I was wondering if there was a way to simply do a similar thing with C, other than compiling alongside the utilities file each time?
I'm running Linux and using gcc as my compiler, if that helps.
It looks like you need some basic knowledge about separate compilation and libraries(archives and shared libraries). You can read about it in chapter "2.3 Writing and Using Libraries" of
Advanced Linux Programming, 1st Edition by CodeSourcery LLC, Mark L. Mitchell, Alex Samuel, Jeffrey Oldham.
This book is also available as a PDF from (although the site is down at the moment). Perhaps you can search for other places to legally download the PDF.
A crash course:
You create a number of object (*.o) files via
gcc name.c -o name.o
Each file has a header that declares the functions in the source file. You might have several source files using a single header if the functions are related. The source files such as name.c include that header. Your code that uses those functions also includes that header.
You create a static library (archive) with ar
ar ruv libXYZ.a name1.o name2.o ... nameN.o
The prefix lib is important.
You link to the library with
gcc prog.o -lXYZ -o prog
This command will create an executable named prog from the object file prog.o and from object files, extracted from libXYZ.a, which are required to satisfy symbol references from prog.o.

Statically linking libclang in C code

I'm trying to write a simple syntax checker for C code using the frontend available in libclang. Due to deployment concerns, I need to be able to statically link all the libraries in libclang, and not pass around the .so file that has all the libraries.
I'm building clang/llvm from source, and in llvm/Release+Asserts/lib I have a bunch of .a files that I think I should be able to use, but it never seems to work (the linker spews out thousands of errors about missing symbols). However, when I compile it using the also present in that directory as follows:
clang main.c -o bin/dlc -I../llvm/tools/clang/include -L../llvm/Release+Asserts/lib/ -lclang
Everything seems to work well.
What is the minimum set of .a files I need to include to make this work? I've tried including absolutely all of the .a files in the build output directory, with them provided to clang/gcc in different orders, without any success. I only need the functions mentioned in libclang's Index.h, but there don't seem to be any resources or documentation on what the various libclang*.a files are for. It would be very helpful to know which files pulls in.
The following is supposed to work, as long the whole project has all static libraries (I counted 116 in my Release/lib directory).
clang main.c -o bin/dlc -I../llvm/tools/clang/include ../llvm/Release/lib/*.a
[edit: clang main.c -o bin/dlc -I../llvm/tools/clang/include ../llvm/Release/lib/libclang.a ../llvm/Release/lib/*.a]
Note that the output binary is not static, so you don't need any -static flag for gcc or ld, if you're using this syntax.
If that doesn't work you might need to list the libraries in order: if some library requires a function available in another library, then it may be necessary to list it first in the command line. See comments about link order at:

How does my C program know where to find my binary library? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to use dylib in Mac OS X (C++)
I have the following files:
I am struggling with the concept of how my C program knows where my lost.dylib file lives? At the top of my file I do an include #include "lost.h" but how does my program know about my lost.dylib?
At link time it uses a combination of standard directories and user specified directories
Linker options has more information. Basically using -L option you can specify more directories to search for dylib that you are interested in.
If you are using Xcode, this link has more details
As far as runtime finding of the dynamic library is concerned. OS X does it a little bit different that other platforms. OS X embeds an "install name" inside each dynamic library. You can use otool -L to find the details
When linking, you should specify with the linker options (-L for directories, -l for libs). Your library should be named liblost.dylib, and the linker option should be -llost. (strip the 'lib' preffix and the .dylib extension).
Also, when the binary is compiled, you can use the otool command if you want to find out where your executable is searching for the dylib.
And if you want to change that directory, you can use install_name_tool.
