Testing my Google App Engine Flex Locally (without deploying) - google-app-engine

I need to test my wordpress install which I have set up already and deployed. I have to debug, so waiting 10-15 mins for it to deploy to test one thing isn't going to work.
All they mention in their docs: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/php/testing-and-deploying-your-app#running_locally
Running locally
"To test your application's functionality before deploying, run your application in your local environment with the development tools that you usually use."
That's it. How can I actually serve my wordpress application? My tools I "usually use" are xampp...very confused.
Can someone help me run my flex env locally to test it?

You may want to take a look at this for the initial tests for your PHP application. You would have to install composer on your shell for it, if you haven't done it already.
Then, for the WordPress application, follow the steps described here to test the Cloud SQL instance that is associated to the app. There is also the possibility to test all the updates you want to apply to the WordPress side. Skip the deploying part until you confirm all your changes work for you, so that you don't have to wait all that time for a deployment.


Why does google app engine seem to use old code?

I've setup Google App Engine to run my AdonisJS API for my website. I update the code using the CLI for google cloud services ("gcloud app deploy"). I get a success message from the terminal, and I have checked both the cloud build and version number, and both are the most recent deployment. However, when I try to use my website, I get an error due to the API using old code and trying to access table columns from my database that no longer exist. I have downloaded the most recent cloud build file and checked the codebase within it and the updated code is there. I have also tried deploying multiple times, and it still is using the old code. Does anyone know why this is happening and/or how to fix this?
If you need more information, let me know. Thanks
Fixed this a while ago, but wanted to update here just in case others ran into this. I discovered that when deploying to GAE through the command line, my build command wasn't running prior to the deploy since my script had an error, so it was uploading updated code, but not an updated build. So just make sure to run the build command prior to uploading to GAE and everything should work.
In console.cloud.google.com, go to your GAE project and check which version of your project is running I.e. which one is receiving traffic
Clear your cache.

How to deploy a new version of a Google App Engine production server, without stopping old versions?

I'm running a Google App Engine production server, using basic_scaling as the scale type. Whenever I update the code and deploy it - using gcloud app deploy - the old version of the code is shutdown.
According to the documentation, that's expected:
The shutdown process might be triggered by a variety of planned and unplanned events, such as:
You manually stop an instance.
You deploy an updated version to the service.
I understand that it's easier for most developers that way. But in my case, I'd like to keep the old versions running until the idle_timeout limit is reached. Does anyone know if there's a way to avoid the automatic shutdown and let the old versions to shutdown by themselves?
Per Google's documentation, when you deploy your code, the default flag of --stop-previous-version is used. This forces the previous version to be stopped. If you do not want that, you should explicitly use the --no-stop-previous-version in your deploy command (we also have this as a feature on our App, a GUI for GAE; you check or uncheck a checkbox).
Unfortunately, Google does not provide a way for the service to automatically shut down later. You'll have to manually shut it down and start the other version later.

Can You Run WebpackDevServer In The Cloud?

When using a ReactJS application you run it locally with npm start.
This ends up calling react-scripts start, which uses the WebpackDevServer.
The documentation says that you shouldn't use the dev server for production.
The reasons for not running it in production are mostly security, obfuscation, minification, size etc.
However, is there any technology reason that means you can't use it on a server?
i.e. if you ignore all the issues with running the dev server, will it still actually serve the pages and be accessible from a web page?
Sure, you can run it there - you just have to set it up.
You should not, but you can.

Google Cloud App Engine - Edit 1 file

I am new at Google Cloud and I would like to know if there is a way to edit only one file inside of an App Engine application.
This is my problem:
I am migrating from a normal hosting to google cloud and I am having some problems with my PHP code, I am using the same version like locally but I am getting some error in the cloud, so I need to change 1 or 2 files, update them and test the app, so is there any way to change that file directly on the server? To deploy i am using this command:
gcloud app deploy
But it takes about 10 minutes to deploy so is too slow my testing. Any suggestions?
For the standard environment the answer is no, you need to deploy a new version of the app to modify a file. So the advice would be - make the most of testing your app locally. See somehow related Google AppEngine - updating my webapp after deploy
For the flexible environment (possibly your case as you mentioned 10 min deployment time, typical for the flexible env) there might be stuff to try, but tedious, see Google AppEngine - updating my webapp after deploy
There is a way to edit directly into the instance.
ssh into your instance and then start shell on your running docker as guided in this url. https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/python/debugging-an-instance
After login you can see your php source files.
Basically you will not have any editor. So do
$> apt update
$> apt install nano
$> nano index.php // edit your files
you can see something like
There is no way to change 1-2 files on the server so that it would update the app. Deployment is the process of updating the live app. If you want some changes to be made to the app that is already deployed, you will have to redeploy - there is no way around it. This is why it is recommended to test the app locally before (re)deploying so that you are sure everything is working fine.
If locally everything works fine and issues start happening only when the app is deployed, this should be investigated further and I would advise you to open a new question and provide as much details as possible regarding the problems, including full stack trace of the error, related code parts, your app.yaml contents as well.

Google Compute Engine keeps spawning instances, then deploy says no CPU's available

I'm just going through the node.js tutorials with a free trial account, and i'm stuck on the second one where you add a db. I add the mongodb deployment, shows up as a VM instances, fine. And my first deploy worked, but now that i'm trying to edit stuff, my deploy's keep failing.
The error i get is that I've exceeded my CPU quota. Watching the list of VM Instances under Compute Engine, i see it keeps spawning up instances, even though the app isn't being used. Guessing it just spins up 8 instances by default?
But then i guess the build system needs its own VM's, but the CPU capacity is used up, so none available to do subsequent builds?! I feel like i'm missing something...
Also, i see i can explicitly start VM's myself, so what process is creating them form me? And can i turn it off? or set a cap on number of instances it spawns?
Can i tell my project to only use 4
Also, the deploy takes forever, is that normal? Following the tutorials, so far I've only seen this command to deploy:
gcloud preview app deploy app.yaml --set-default
Is there another command that does an incremental deploy or something?
By using gcloud preview app deploy you're actually using Managed VMs which is an App Engine runtime which in turn runs Docker containers on Google Compute Engine, which it creates on its own. In other words, you're not using Google Compute Engine directly.
To get rid of extra VMs, you need to delete old app versions: navigate to Compute > App Engine > Versions and delete the versions you don't want.
See also this answer for more details and suggestions.
