Cant seem to wrap my head round this problem.
I have two tables one which has the following sample values:
Second table had the following values:
What i am trying to achieve is like the following:
So you can see the first table has the modules, what year and what term.
Based on these there is a start week and and end week.
The lookup table for the start and the finish unfortunatley is in a week basis and i need the begin week to match the second tables weekNo based on the season i guess and taking the start date being Sdate from that table to match what i am looking for and then the same applies to the end date.
Match the season and the endweek with the second tables WeekNo and Edate and only bring that date in.
Hope i made a bit of sense but i am hoping the third image shows what i am look for.
I've tried CTE, Group by, Partition by, order by, min, max and got nowhere :(
Dont really want to hard code anything, so was hoping you wonderful peps can help me out !!
Many thanks in advance :)
I suspect you are trying to achieve this by using one a single join between the tables - whereas what you actually need is two separate joins:
SELECT table1.module as mod_code,
table1.season as psl_code,
table2.Sdate as ypd_sdate,
table3.Edate as ypd_edate
FROM t1 as table1
JOIN t2 as table2 ON table2.yr = table1.year AND table2.season = table1.season AND table2.weekNo = table1.BeginWeek
JOIN t2 as table3 ON table3.yr = table1.year AND table3.season = table1.season AND table3.weekNo = table1.EndWeek
This is my first Stackflow question, I hope someone can help me out with this. I I am completely lost and a newbie at SQL.
I have two tables (which I overly simplified for this question), the first one has the customer info and the car tire that they need. The second one is simply filled with a tire id, and all of the information for the tires. I am trying to input only the customer ID and return the one closest tire that matches the input along with the values of both the selected tire and the customer's tire. The matches also need to be prioritized in that order (size most important, width next most important, ratio is least important). Any suggestions on how to do this or where to start? Is there anything I can look at to help me solve this problem? I have been trying many different procedures, and some nested selects, but nothing is getting me close. Thank you.
customertable (custno, custsize, custwidth, custratio)
tirecollection (tireid, tiresize, tirewidth, tireratio)
This is not a 100% complete solution, but may work towards coming up with a solution. The approach here is combining the tyre dimensions into one value and then ranking them within a tyre size partition. You could then pass in the customer tyre dimensions to get the closest match.
with CTE
select *, TyreSize + TyreWidth as [TyreDimensions]
from tblTyres
select TC.CustId, C.TyreId, C.TyreSize, C.TyreWidth, C.[TyreDimensions],
rank() over(partition by C.TyreSize order by C.[TyreDimensions]) as [RNK]
from tblTyreCustomer as TC
join CTE as C
on TC.CustTyreSize = C.TyreSize
Assuming you're running SQL Server 2008 or later, this should work (this assumes you want to get a result for a single customer on a case-by-case basis):
CREATE FUNCTION udf.GetClosestTireMatch
#CustomerNo int
SELECT custno, tireid, tiresize, tirewidth, tireratio
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY sizediff, widthdiff, ratiodiff) AS rownum
, c.custno, c.custsize, c.custwidth, c.custratio, t.tireid, t.tiresize, t.tirewidth, t.tireratio
, ABS(c.custsize-t.tiresize) AS sizediff, ABS(c.custwidth-t.tirewidth) AS widthdiff, ABS(c.custratio-t.tireratio) AS ratiodiff
FROM (SELECT * FROM customertable WHERE custno = #CustomerNo) c
CROSS JOIN tirecollection
) sub
WHERE rownum = 1
Then you run the function with:
SELECT * FROM udf.GetClosestTireMatch(5)
(where 5=the customernumber you're querying).
I have 3 tables that I'm joining and 2 variables that I'm using in one of the joins.
What I'm trying to do is figure out how to join based on either of the statements but not both.
Here's the current query:
CAL.Id as 'CalendarId',
T.[First Of Month],
T.[Last of Month],
WR.cd_Manager as [Manager], --Added to search by the Manager--
WR.[Shift] as 'ShiftId'
INTO #Workers
RIGHT JOIN [dbo].[Calendar] CAL
ON CAL.StartDate <= T.[Last of Month]
AND CAL.EndDate >= T.[First of Month]
--This is the problem join
RIGHT JOIN [dbo].[Worker_Filtered]WR
ON WR.Supervisor IN (SELECT Id FROM [dbo].[User] WHERE FullName IN(#Supervisors))
or (WR.Supervisor IN (SELECT Id FROM [dbo].[User] WHERE FullName IN(#Supervisors))
AND WR.cd_Manager IN(SELECT Id FROM [dbo].[User] WHERE FullNameIN(#Manager))) --Added to search by the Manager--
AND WR.[Type] = '333E7907-EB80-4021-8CDB-5380F0EC89FF' --internal
WHERE CAL.Id = WR.Calendar
What I want to do is either have the result based on the Worker_Filtered table matching the #Supervisor or (but not both) have it matching both the #Supervisor and #Manager.
The way it is now if it matches either condition it will be returned. This should be limiting the returned results to Workers that have both the Supervisor and Manager which would be a smaller data set than if they only match the Supervisor.
The query that I have above is part of a greater whole that pulls data for a supervisor's workers.
I want to also limit it to managers that are under a particular supervisor.
For example, if #Supervisor = John Doe and #Manager = Jane Doe and John has 9 workers 8 of which are under Jane's management then I would expect the end result to show that there are only 8 workers for each month. With the current query, it is still showing all 9 for each month.
If I change part of the RIGHT JOIN to:
WR.Supervisor IN (SELECT Id FROM [dbo].[User] WHERE FullName IN (#Supervisors))
AND WR.cd_Manager IN(SELECT Id FROM [dbo].[User] WHERE FullName IN(#Manager))
Then it just returns 12 rows of NULL.
Sorry, this has taken so long to get a sample up. I could not get SQL Fiddle to work for SQL Server 2008/2014 so I am using rextester instead:
This shows the results as 108 lines. But what I want to show is just the first 96 lines.
I have made a slight update to the Sample. this does get the results that I want. I can set #Manager to NULL and it will pull all 108 records, or I can have the correct Manager name in there and it'll only pull those that match both Supervisor and Manager.
However, I'm doing this with an IF ELSE and I was hoping to avoid doing that as it duplicates code for the insert into the Worker table.
The description of expected results in update 3 makes it all clear now, thanks. Your 'problem' join needs to be:
RIGHT JOIN Worker_Filtered wr on (wr.Supervisor in(#Supervisors)
and case when #Manager is null then 1
else case when wr.Manager in(#Manager) then 1 else 0 end
end = 1)
By the way, I don't know what you are expecting the in(#Supervisors) to achieve, but if you're hoping to supply a comma separated list of supervisors as a single string and have wr.Supervisor match any one of them then you're going to be disappointed. This query works exactly the same if you have = #Supervisors instead.
I have come up a situation which is not easy to explain in sentence so i will go ahead and give the complete scenario here.
I have one result set like the below :-
It shows header_equipment_id(s) in a group of jil_equipment_id,relationship_name,cell_group.. For example 3159398,4622903 lies in one group.
The other result set is given below, This is the table where i want to update 3 columns namely Is_Applicable_Price,prc_content_rid,prc_type_name
If you notice clearly, You will find the same header_equipment_id column here. If you group it with the result found above, You will find 3 different groups for. But out of those 3 groups, one group is red, It is red because they belong to different cell_group/relationship_name.
Yellow and green are passed scenario and Red, Blue are fail.
I want to update the columns Is_Applicable_Price,prc_content_rid,prc_type_name if the Group of header_equipment_id(s) fall under the same cell_group and relationship_name.
So the final result set would look something like below -
Please help me with any inputs if possible. It's a situation where i know one single query won't work. But i will need to have multiple Temp tables for the transformation. But this is the shortest i have came across.
I am using Microsoft sql server 2012.
Please help. Even a small hint would be of great help to me. Thanks in advance.
It seems that the only thing the 2 tables have in common is that a cell_group can have a one or more rows of header_equipment_id. If we can generate a unique value based on header_equipment_id then we can join the 2 tables on this value. Note I have used a simple division , you may wish to check that this method is unique enough for your purposes.
/*create table a
(jil_equimentid int,relationship_name varchar(20),header_equipment_id int,
smart_equipment_id int,cell_group int,new_price_flag int,is_applicable_price int,prc_content_rid int,prc_type_name varchar(20))
truncate table a
insert into a values
(1282977,'default',3159398,1282977,3,1,1,106347924,'New Price'),
(1282977,'default',4622903,1262578,3,1,1,106347924,'New Price'),
(1282977,'default',1659861,1282977,6,1,1,106347925,'New Price'),
(1282977,'default',4622904,1282977,6,1,1,106347925,'New Price')
drop table t
create table t
(jil_equimentid int,relationship_name varchar(20),header_equipment_id int,
smart_equipment_id int,cell_group int,new_price_flag int,is_applicable_price int,prc_content_rid int,prc_type_name varchar(20))
truncate table t
insert into t values
(1282977,'128297711111 default',4622903,1282977,1,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'128297711211 default',3159398,1262578,2,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'128297712111 default',4622904,1282977,4,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'128297712211 default',1659861,1282977,5,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'128297711101 default',3159398,1262578,1,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'128297711101 default',4622903,1282977,1,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'default' ,3159398,1262578,2,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'default' ,4622903,1282977,2,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'128297711101 default',1659861,1262577,3,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'128297711101 default',4622904,1282977,3,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'default' ,1659861,1262577,4,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'default' ,4622904,1262577,4,1,null,null,null)
(SELECT a.cell_group,
sum(a.header_equipment_id / 10000000.0000) uniqueval
from a
group by a.cell_group
SELECT t.relationship_name,t.cell_group,
sum(t.header_equipment_id / 10000000.0000) uniqueval
from t
group by t.relationship_name,t.cell_group having count(*) > 1
join #tempa ta on ta.uniqueval = cte.uniqueval
What's the best way to 'SELECT' a 'DISTINCT' list of a field from a table / view (with 'WHERE' criteria) and alongside that count the number of times that that field content repeats in the table / view?
In other words, I have an initial view that looks a bit like this:
I'd like a single SQL query to filter it (SELECT...WHERE...) so that we are only considering records where [ORDER COMPLETE] = False and [PERSONAL] = Null...
...and then create a distinct list of names with counts of the number of times each name appears in the previous table:
*Displaying the [ORDER COMPLETE] and [PERSONAL] fields is redundant by this point and could be dropped to simplify.
I can do the steps individually as above, but struggling to get a single query to do it all... any help appreciated!
Thanks in advance,
This should just be the following
SELECT dbo.tblPerson.Person,
COUNT(dbo.tblPerson.Person) AS Count
FROM dbo.tblPerson
INNER JOIN dbo.tblNotifications ON dbo.tblPerson.PersonID = dbo.tblNotifications.AddresseeID
WHERE dbo.tblNotifications.Complete = 'False'
AND dbo.tblNotifications.Personal IS NULL
GROUP BY dbo.tblPerson.Person
ORDER BY COUNT(dbo.tblPerson.Person) DESC
You don't need your DISTINCT or TOP 100 PERCENT,
Here is a simplified fiddle
Well I got downvoted into oblivion (probably for displaying the full extent of my own ignorance!), but just in case someone from the future experiences the same problem as me and stumbles across this question while Googling (or whatever verb you use for "searching all digitised human knowledge" in the distant future), here's some sanitised code of the query I managed to get to work in the end - thanks to Mark Sinkinson's snippet for helping me realise the obvious...
SELECT DISTINCT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.tblPerson.Person, COUNT(dbo.tblPerson.Person) AS CountPerson
FROM dbo.tblPerson INNER JOIN
dbo.tblNotifications ON dbo.tblPerson.PersonID = dbo.tblNotifications.AddresseeID
WHERE (dbo.tblNotifications.Complete = 'False') AND (dbo.tblNotifications.Personal IS NULL)
GROUP BY dbo.tblPerson.Person