C program getenv() returns null - c

After I call export EXAMPLE="exampleValue" in terminal. I call command printenv I can clearly see my new environment variable.
I compile C program and run it and in code I call getenv("EXAMPLE").
But it returns null every time, unless I call
getenv("PATH") or getenv("HOME") or similar environment variables.
char* env_variable_name;
env_variable_name = getenv("EXAMPLE");
Any explanation why I can't get value of EXAMPLE?


How is it possible that Cygwin seemingly manages to bypass the MS C Runtime library enabling a C program to get its argv like a Linux machine would?

How is it possible that Cygwin seemingly manages to bypass the MS C Runtime library enabling a C program to get its argv like a Linux machine would?
I'll explain what I mean.
On Windows I understand that a C program has the choice of calling GetCommandLine() or of using argv.
And I understand that a windows implementation of C compiler would make C programs implicitly call the MS C Runtime Library, which will take the command line (perhaps outputted by GetCommandLine()), that isn't separated into arguments, and it'll take that as input and parse it, putting it into argv. This link mentions about that https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-language/parsing-c-command-line-arguments?view=msvc-170
And from what I understand, on Linux, what's written after the command at the command line, goes straight from the shell to argv. No external library doing the parsing. The shell calls a POSIX function called execv and figures out what the arguments are and passes them to execv which passes them to the program's argv.
I use these programs for some tests
C:\blah>type w.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
return 0;
C:\blah>w.exe "asdf" erw
w.exe "asdf" erw
C:\blah>type w2.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i = 0;
while (argv[i]) {
printf("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
return 0;
C:\blah>w2 abc "def"
argv[0] = w2
argv[1] = abc
argv[2] = def
And w2.c can be run from linux too
root#ubuntu:~# ./w2 abc "def"
argv[0] = ./w2
argv[1] = abc
argv[2] = def
I notice that there are some cases where the MS C Runtime gives a different parsing, to Linux. (Linux of course wouldn't be using the MS C Runtime)
For example, this link https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-language/parsing-c-command-line-arguments?view=msvc-170 mentions this command line input a\\\b d"e f"g h and expected outputs.
C:\blah>w2 a\\\b d"e f"g h
argv[0] = w2
argv[1] = a\\\b
argv[2] = de fg
argv[3] = h
Whereas on Linux, one gets
root#ubuntu:~# ./w2 a\\\b d"e f"g h
argv[0] = ./w2
argv[1] = a\b
argv[2] = de fg
argv[3] = h
So now the interesting test was, what would Cygwin do
user#comp /cygdrive/c/blah
$ ./w2 a\\\b d"e f"g h
argv[0] = C:\blah\w2.exe
argv[1] = a\b
argv[2] = de fg
argv[3] = h
Cygwin manages to get the result that a linux machine would give.
But it's running an EXE file that was compiled on Windows and that i'd have thought must be using the MS C Runtime library. And when running the EXE file from CMD outside cygwin, then it does look like it's using the MS C Runtime Library. So how is Cygwin seemingly managing to bypass that to lead the program to give the result that a linux machine would give.
How is this possible?! What is going on?!
I conversed with somebody that knows about cygwin.. They said that cygwin can detect whether an executable is a windows executable, or a cygwin executable. And the ldd command can do so. And a cygwin executable will be linked to cygwin1.dll. A program like sysinternals process explorer can show what DLLs are linked to a running process e.g. it shows that bash.exe is linked to cygwin1.dll. But the ldd command is more useful here as it shows also for commands that aren't kept open. $ ldd /bin/bash.exe showed some NT related DLLs, but also cygwin1.dll. Whereas $ldd ./w.exe showed just NT related Dlls, no cygwin1.dll.
And they said that this file winsup/cygwin/winf.cc is very relevant to that. I have it on my system https://gist.github.com/gartha1/4a2871b7f22ef85b5c8c0b08674b6f57 I see it has stuff about argv
Some comments and C guys I conversed with have indicated to me, and from my understanding of what they said, that Linux has some compiler specific C runtime libraries. And when people say C runtime libraries, they tend to mean to include also POSIX functions like execv, that is technically not part of the C standard, but part of the POSIX standard. And the runtime libraries apply before main starts and after end finishes.
I was looking at it from the point of view is, this is the command line, i've typed, and what is then sent to argv, and how. But another perspective is, looking at what's sent to argv, and taking a step back and what's the value at GetCommandLine() that'd produce that. And also I think, looking at the command line typed, and seeing what it sends or would send to GetCommandLine().
The MS C Runtime, starts with GetCommandLine() then calls GetCommandLineToArgs() https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/processenv/nf-processenv-getcommandlinea "GetCommandLine as an alias which automatically selects the ANSI or Unicode version of this function" and "To convert the command line to an argv style array of strings, pass the result from GetCommandLineA to CommandLineToArgW." What is the difference between the `A` and `W` functions in the Win32 API? "The A functions use Ansi (not ASCII) strings as input and output, and the W functions use Unicode string instead .."
So, what MS C Runtime sees when it does GetCommandLine() is very significant. And I think Cygwin's linux shell e.g. bash , does its parsing.. which is described by info bash and includes "word splitting"(separating arguments), and quote removal.
calc.exe is useful because it stays open so I can look at the command line with WMIC. That's clearer than using w.exe(from cmd), to determine what the command line is.
To use some simple examples with calc.exe trying calling it with command line of
calc "abc"
calc a\a
In the case of calc "abc", what gets into argv in Cygwin and plain cmd is the same. And what gets seen by GetCommandLine() won't really need any adjustment, though cygwin sanitises what it makes available to GetCommandLine() a bit.
Looking with CMD, we see
C:\>w calc abc
w calc abc
C:\>w calc "abc"
w calc "abc"
C:\>w2 calc abc
argv[0] = w2
argv[1] = calc
argv[2] = abc
C:\>w2 calc "abc"
argv[0] = w2
argv[1] = calc
argv[2] = abc
So a value from GetCommandLine() of calc "abc" or calc abc are equivalent
I'm using wmiccalc.exe which runs the line wmic process where caption="calc.exe" get commandline | calc "abc"
C:\>calc "abc" <ENTER>
calc "abc"
Now see what happens if I run calc from cygwin, what the command line is
$ calc "abc" &
$ ./wmiccalc.bat
C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe abc
It is using a slightly sanitised command line that won't change anything in terms of what is sent to argv(what it gives the runtime to send to argv), relative to what the pure cmd call of calc.exe will end up (via the runtime), sending through to argv.
In both cases it'd be the MS C Runtime. That gets run.
What Cygwin did was it took the "abc" and said, well, bash will want abc in argv, so it constructed a command line that (when sent through the MS C Runtime), would/will send abc to argv.
Now let's look at this example
2. calc a\a
This is slightly different to the first example. 'cos not just what is sent (via the MS C runtime), to argv in the cygwin case and the cmd case are different..
What is produced by the MS C Runtime, is different.
Cygwin sends what it wants to send, to produce the output that bash wants produced.
C:\>calc a\a
calc a\a
From Windows, that's the command line
And from that command line, The MS C Runtime will send the following to argv
>w2 a\a
argv[0] = w2
argv[1] = a\a
If though an executable in linux gets a command line like a\a , it treats the backslash as an escape character.. so it wouldn't have a\a going to an argv.
$ echo a\a
So if I do
$ calc a\a &
$ ./wmiccalc.bat
C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe aa
So cygwin will use a very different command line.. a command line of aa not a\a
$ ./w2 a\a
argv[0] = ......\w2.exe
argv[1] = aa
And that makes sense, because if we look at CMD, a command line a\a gets what we'd want if having that command line on windows.
>w2 a\a
argv[0] = w2
argv[1] = a\a
Whereas a command line of aa i.e. the MS C Runtime seeing a GetCommandLine() result of aa, gets what we'd want in argv if running it from linux or bash
>w2 aa
argv[0] = w2
argv[1] = aa
So, if you run the executable on windows plain CMD not cygwin, you get what it should show for Windows.
And if you run the executable from Cygwin, cygwin's shell e.g. bash shell, parses it constructs the windows call to the program so that it gives MS C Runtime the command line so that Ms C Runtime will put the right things into argv to give what a linux machine would show. So it's not bypassing MS C Runtime. It's using it cleverly. It's saying "Having parsed the output given to me by the linux shell e.g. bash, I know what argv values I want, so i'll put together a command line that takes into account how MS C Runtime parses things, so as to get the argv values I want"
By the way
One of the comments corrects one of the things I wrote in my question.. I wrote
And from what I understand, on Linux, what's written after the command
at the command line, goes straight from the shell to argv. No external
library doing the parsing. The shell calls a POSIX function called
execv and figures out what the arguments are and passes them to execv
which passes them to the program's argv.
But actually, there's a C Runtime used by compilers on linux.. The POSIX function execv would be considered to be part of that. If somebody didn't want to call it C Runtime, they could call it C/POSIX runtime.
Also some comments to the question helped correct some misconceptions in areas of lack of clarity in the question e.g.
To the question of "And am I correct in thinking that the shell passes the command line or some function of it, to the Runtime, which puts the command line into argv?"
this comment explained how what the shell wants the arguments to be, will eventually get to main(And thus argv). Never going straight there, and not even from the shell straight to the runtime.. From shell to OS to runtime.
#barlop: The shell passes the command line to the operating system, probably by calling CreateProcess (one of arguments of that function is the command line). The operating sytem then creates a new process, which causes the C run-time library to take control. The run-time library will probably call the Windows API function GetCommandLine and will use the returned information to set argc and argv, before it calls main. –
Andreas Wenzel"
Consider that the shell (bash?) in Cygwin does its own parsing of the command line before any Windows function is called to launch the application. Since this shell is more compatible to a Linux shell, I'd expect the same outcome, in contrast to the parsing of CMD. –
the busybee
Anyhow, I think this addresses what is happening.. How the command line typed into cygwin is transformed to a string seen by GetCommandLine() and gets the result using the MS C Runtime library.
I used two simple examples but they would explain it for the case given in the question too.

Why is this C program doing nothing in Ubuntu?

My very simple C program just hangs and I don’t know why.
I am trying to make a simple executable to handle multiple monotonous actions for me every time I start a new programming session.
So I decided with something simple (below) yet every time I run it, the app just hangs, never returns. So I have to Ctrl-C out of it. I have added printf commands to see if it goes anywhere, but those never appear.
My build command returns no error messages:
gcc -o tail tail.c
Just curious what I am missing.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main() {
return 0;
There are at least two problems with the source code:
It is unlikely that you have a sub-directory called \var\www in your current directory — Ubuntu uses / and not \ for path separators.
Even if there was a sub-directory with the right name, your program would change directory to it but that wouldn't affect the calling program.
You should check the return value from chdir() — at minimum:
if (chdir("/var/www") != 0)
And, as Max pointed out, calling your program by the name of a well-known utility such as tail is likely to lead to confusion. Use a different name.
Incidentally, don't use test as a program name either. That, too, will lead to confusion as it is a shell built-in as well as an executable in either /bin or /usr/bin. There is also a program /bin/cd or /usr/bin/cd on your machine — it will check that it can change directory, but won't affect the current directory of your shell. You have to invoke it explicitly by the full pathname to get it to run at all because cd is another shell built-in.
Two things:
First, that's not what Linux paths look like
Second, check the return value from chdir()
if (chdir("/var/www") != 0)
printf("failed to change directory");
Finally, the effect of chdir() lasts for the duration of the program. It will not change the current directory of your shell once this program finishes.
The other answers adequately cover the issues in your C code. However, the reason you are seeing it hang is because you chose the name tail for your program.
In Linux, tail is a command in /usr/bin in most setups, and if you just type tail at the command line, the shell searches the $PATH first, and runs this. Without any parameters, it waits for input on its stdin. You can end it by pressing control-d to mark the end of file.
You can bypass the $PATH lookup by typing ./tail instead.
$ tail
[system tail]
$ ./tail
[tail in your current directory]
It is a good idea to use ./ as a habit, but you can also avoid confusion by not naming your program the same as common commands. Another name to avoid is test which is a shell built-in for testing various aspects of files, but appears to do nothing as it reports results in its system return code.

Accessing user defined environment variables in C program in linux?

I am new in linux.I have problem in accessing my defined environment varibales in C program.
I have defined one variable in linux command terminal as follows:
$ ExampleVar="Hi"
And in C program I am trying to access it using
But it is null every time. When I try to access other environment variables like USER, getenv gives correct results. I have also tried extern collection of unistd.h
It is not showing ExampleVar too.
Please help me.
It depends upon your shell. If you use bash -see bash(1) for more- type
export EXAMPLEVAR="Hi"
in the shell (e.g. in the terminal before running your program), then use getenv("EXAMPLEVAR") in your C program. See getenv(3)
If you don't export a bash variable foo, you still can use $foo in your bash commands, but getenv("foo") would fail and return NULL from inside compiled C programs.
Conventionally, environment variables have full capital names. See environ(7)
See also env(1) command.

Apache APR function apr_procattr_cmdtype_set confusion

I've been following tutorials online on C coding, and the code is using the Apache APR library.
It uses the apr_proc_t structure to execute an external app.
I'm confused about this function, could someone explain what this function means:
apr_status_t apr_procattr_cmdtype_set ( apr_procattr_t * attr,
apr_cmdtype_e cmd
Set what type of command the child process will call.
attr The procattr we care about.
cmd The type of command. One of:
APR_SHELLCMD -- Anything that the shell can handle
APR_PROGRAM -- Executable program (default)
APR_PROGRAM_ENV -- Executable program, copy environment
APR_PROGRAM_PATH -- Executable program on PATH, copy env
The apr_procattr_cmdtype_set function is used to tell APR how you want to execute the external command, it probably just sets an internal flag and does a bit of bookkeeping.
Let us look at the enum apr_cmdtype_e:
use the shell to invoke the program
invoke the program directly, no copied env
invoke the program, replicating our environment
find program on PATH, use our environment
use the shell to invoke the program, replicating our environment
The first and last options (APR_SHELLCMD and APR_SHELLCMD_ENV) pretty much say "use a portable version of system" (with or without copying the current environment variables to the new process). The others are just variations on the Unix fork/exec pair with the flag choosing which of the exec family of functions to use.

understanding requirements for execve and setting environment vars

We are having a lot of trouble interpreting our teacher. We asked for clarification and got the following back from him
For execve, send it a environment you setup with your exported variables and create a builtin command to spawn a subshell of /bin/bash, that way you can see your exported variables using env.
(He is talking about creating our own environment vars here.)
Yes create your own. You can start by copying environ when your shell starts and add only exported variables
This is related to the following post on Stack Overflow by me (reading this other post will help you understand what I am trying to do):
using a new path with execve to run ls command
We are just very confused about this. One more time I will explain what we are trying to do now. Similar to how your Linux shell does this, we need to write our own program that can set environment variables like PATH and USER and whatever other vars the user wants to define.
An example of how you would call this would be (inside your program at its prompt):
mysetenv dog spike
which would create an environment variable looking like "dog=spike"
More importantly, we need to be able to set our own PATH variable and send it to an exec command. This is the confusing part because, based on all of our questions, we don't understand what we are supposed to do.
It is actually very simple. You already know that your arguments are a list of char *, terminated by a NULL pointer. Similarly, the environment is simply a list of char *, terminated by a NULL pointer. Conventionally, the values in the list take the form VARNAME=var-value, though you can pass other formats if you wish.
So, to take a simple case:
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
char *argv[] = { "/bin/sh", "-c", "env", 0 };
char *envp[] =
execve(argv[0], &argv[0], envp);
fprintf(stderr, "Oops!\n");
return -1;
In this example, the program will run /bin/sh with arguments -c and env, which means that the shell will run the env program found on its current PATH. The environment here is set to contain 5 values in the orthodox format. If you change env to date (or env; date), you will see the effect of the TZ setting, for example. When I run that on my MacOS X machine, the output is:
The shell has added environment variables SHLVL, _ and PWD to the ones I set explicitly in the execve() call.
You can also do fancier things, such as copy in some of the other environment variables from your genuine environment where they do not conflict with the ones you want to set explicitly. You can also play games like having two values for a single variable in the environment - which one takes effect? And you can play games with variable names that contain spaces (the shell doesn't like that much), or entries that do not match the 'varname=value' notation at all (no equals sign).
I'm a little late to the party here, but if you want to preserve the old environment variables as well as creating your own, use setenv, and then pass environ to execve().
setenv("dog", "spike", 1);
extern char** environ;
execve(argv[0], argv, environ);
environ is a variable declared in unistd.h, and it keeps track of the environment variables during this running process.
setenv() and putenv() modify environ, so when you pass it over execve(), the environment variables will be just as you'd expect.
The code from Jonathan Leffler works great, except if you want to change the PWD (working directory) variable.
What I did, in order to change the working directory, was to put a chdir(..) before execve(..) and call:
execve(argv[0], &argv[0], envp);
