Spring boot: What is the right way to seed the databse? - database

I have a Spring Boot application and would like to seed the database the first time the application runs, but not every time the application runs, and then only if the data does not already exist.
My application has a data.sql file and I have it inserting the default users:
-- insert the administrator
INSERT INTO users(id, username, password_hash, email, first_name, last_name) VALUES
(1, 'admin', 'comixed', 'email1#domain.com', 'ComixEd', 'Administrator'),
(2, 'user', 'comixeduser', 'email2#domain.com', 'ComixEd', 'User')
-- insert the supported roles
INSERT INTO roles(id, name) VALUES
(1, 'Administrator'),
(2, 'User')
-- set the administrator roles
INSERT INTO users_roles(user_id, role_id) VALUES
(1, 1),
(1, 2),
(2, 2)
But Spring is obviously trying to run this file every time I start the app. And when it does an exception is raised since the users and roles are already in the database.
What's a better way to do this? And, optionally, what's a way to add new seed data if, in future, new features require new roles, etc.?

Flyway is what you are looking for https://flywaydb.org/
It is a database migration tool that can be used to create and modify databases in a project. It creates its own table in your schema and adds the script name and a checksum value into the tables. During application boot it scans the scripts, checks to see if they're in the table and if the checksums match still. This makes sure the files don't change and everything has been migrated.

You have to configure it in the application.properties file.
Add this line and it should work as you wish:
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto = update


IdentityServer4: what is breaking changes from version 2 and/or 3 to version 4?

Where can I find breaking changes list from version 2 and/or 3 to version 4 of IdentityServer4?
I am trying to upgrade a project with IdentityServer4 version 2 to version 4.
I made a migration from 2.2 to 4.1.2 version two years ago and I remember I found some breaking changes. Others were imposed by the upgrade of framework I made (net core 2.1 to 3.1). These are some of the changes related only to IdentityServer4:
Database scheme. If you have data in production you'll need to maintain this data in the migration. Automatic migrations will delete and recreate tables mercilessly. There are table and column renames, new columns, deleted columns, changes in the indexes...
Client Cors Origins validation. There is a new validation to force all Url configured in ClientCorsOrigins to complain with an Origin format. If only one of them does not comply with the format, an exception is thrown. You should review your production values to avoid fails.
// format:
// good examples:
// bad examples
Some code changes:
AuthorizationRequest.ClientId -> AuthorizationRequest.Client.ClientId.
ResourceValidationResult groups ApiResources and IdentityResources properties in a common property called Resources.
ValidatedTokenRequest changes his property Scopes to RequestedScopes.
GetAllUserConsentsAsync -> GetAllUserGrantsAsync.
In your UI some ModelViews will need to be updated to the new scheme. If you stared with the QuickStart.UI you can compare with the new version to add the new features.
If you have an admin you'll have to adapt it to the new scheme.
I created the migrations automatically and then I edited the migration to reorder and to add manual scripts to save the data (For example, create a table before deleting the old one and move the data).
These are the scripts I had to insert manually for the Up migration.
Reorder the code to create ApiResourceScopes table before deleting column ApiResourceId from ApiScopes table.
Insert Into [ApiResourceScopes] ([ApiResourceId], [Scope]) Select [ApiResourceId], [Name] From [ApiScopes]
As ApiScopes has a new field called Enabled and by default takes 0, you'll want to enable for all of them. Run this script just before create the Enabled column:
Update [ApiScopes] set [Enabled] = 1
ApiSecrets must be moved to the new table ApiResourceSecrets. So you should run this script before delete ApiSecrets:
Insert Into [ApiResourceSecrets] ([Description], [Value], [Expiration], [Type], [ApiResourceId], [Created]) Select [Description], [Value], [Expiration], [Type], [ApiResourceId], GetDate() From [ApiSecrets]
The table IdentityClaims is renamed to IdentityResourceClaims. So you'll need to run this script after crate IdentityResourceClaims and before delete IdentityClaims.
Insert Into [IdentityResourceClaims] ([Type], [IdentityResourceId]) Select [Type], [IdentityResourceId] From [IdentityClaims]
For the Down migration you need to do exactly the reverse:
Restore ApiScopes. Move the data from ApiResourceScopes.ApiResourceId by using in the join the Scope and the Name fields respectively.
Update [ApiScopes] Set [ApiScopes].[ApiResourceId] = apir.[ApiResourceId] from [ApiScopes] apis Inner Join [ApiResourceScopes] apir On apis.[Name] = apir.[Scope]
Restore ApiSecrets. Move the data after create ApiSecrets table and before delete ApiResourceSecrets:
Insert Into [ApiSecrets] ([Description], [Value], [Expiration], [Type], [ApiResourceId]) Select [Description], [Value], [Expiration], [Type], [ApiResourceId] From [ApiResourceSecrets]
Restore IdentityClaims. Move the data after create IdentityClaims and before delete IdentityResourceClaims:
Insert Into [IdentityClaims] ([Type], [IdentityResourceId]) Select [Type], [IdentityResourceId] From [IdentityResourceClaims]

How to insert username in VS2008(report edition)

I'm creating a new report (*.rdl), and there I want to add username who runs the script (insert).
I've tried on VS2008 through "built-in-fields" function which is "User ID", but it didn't work:
Plan_date date null,
Plan_customer int null,
creator_id nvarchar(55) null
[Plan_date] ,
#creator_id ="user id" --from built-in-fields
Expected result is: Column creator_id is filling with value of username from active directory who made insert through my report.
To reiterate my comment, as it's is incredibly important:
"You need to use a different account to access your data #whitefang. The sa account should never be used for something as mundane as a report. In truth it should never be used unless you really need sysadmin privileges, or you're doing something like recovering the server. You should have a service account that can do the respective tasks it needs to. If you can suffer injection through those reports, you're service is like an open book to whomever has access."
Now, onto your problem. I would add a further internal parameter on your report. Change the value of the parameter to have the default value of =User!UserID; this will be the ID of the user running the report (perhaps something like StackOverflow\Larnu).
Then map that report parameter to your dataset parameter #creator_id and change your INSERT statement to:
INSERT INTO Some_Table ([Plan_date],
VALUES (#p_plan_monthly, #p_plan_clients, #creator_id);
Q: "and there I want to add username who runs the script (insert)"
You can use these functions.
-- database user name
-- login identification name

Creating ASP.NET Identity user using SQL

In our ASP.NET MVC Core app we are using ASP.NET Idenity to implement user management.
Question: Instead of using ASP.NET user interface, how can we directly create a user into the SQL Database (using a SQL statement etc.)? Will creating a user directly in ASPNETUsers table cause any issue? Note: We need to populate built-in identity table ASPNETUsers from a list of users. Password can be anything and no specific role is required.
Here is the insert script for AspNetUsers
INSERT [dbo].[AspNetUsers] ([Id], [AccessFailedCount], [ConcurrencyStamp],
[Email], [EmailConfirmed], [LockoutEnabled], [LockoutEnd], [NormalizedEmail],
[NormalizedUserName], [PasswordHash], [PhoneNumber], [PhoneNumberConfirmed],
[SecurityStamp], [TwoFactorEnabled], [UserName]) VALUES
(N'0633e088-30a6-444f-9603-70d7c26748ef', 0,
N'd2feada1-c7db-4f5a-801c-4ae5c990a49d', N'user#domain.com', 1, 1, NULL,
N'+10001234567', 1, N'6123adf0-fc53-4abb-b6a4-52d164da4e4f', 0, N'user#domain.com')
Of course you will need to generate your own Guids and hash your own password.

Optionally including scripts in SQL Server Projects 2012

I am building a SQL Publish Script that will be used to generate a database to our internal servers, and then used externally by our client.
The problem I have is that our internal script will automate quite a few things for us, in which the actual production environment will require these completed manually.
For example, internally we would use the following script
-- Global variables
:setvar EnvironmentName 'Local'
-- Script.PostDeployment.sql
:r .\PopulateDefaultValues.sql
IF ($(EnvironmentName) = 'Test')
:r .\GivePermissionsToDevelopmentTeam.sql
:r .\PopulateTestData.sql
:r .\RunETL.sql
ELSE IF ($(EnvironmentName) = 'Client_Dev')
:r .\GivePermissionsToDevWebsite.sql
This would generate a script like this:
-- (Ignore syntax correctness, its just the process I'm after)
IF($(EnvironmentName) = 'Test')
CREATE LOGIN [Developer1] AS USER [MyDomain\Developer1] WITH DEFAULT SCHEMA=[dbo];
CREATE LOGIN [Developer2] AS USER [MyDomain\Developer2] WITH DEFAULT SCHEMA=[dbo];
CREATE LOGIN [Developer3] AS USER [MyDomain\Developer3] WITH DEFAULT SCHEMA=[dbo];
-- Populate entire database (10000's of rows over 100 tables)
INSERT INTO Products ( Name, Description, Price ) VALUES
( 'Cheese Balls', 'Cheesy Balls ... mm mm mmmm', 1.00),
( 'Cheese Balls +', 'Cheesy Balls with a caffeine kick', 2.00),
( 'Cheese Squares', 'Cheesy squares with a hint of ginger', 2.50);
ELSE IF($(EnvironmentName) = 'Client_Dev')
This works fine, for us. When this script is taken on site, the script fails because it cannot authenticate the users of our internal environment.
One item I thought about permissions was to just give our internal team sysadmin privileges, but the test data just fills the script up. When going on site, having all of this test data just bloats the published script and isn't used anyway.
Is there any way to exclude a section entirely from a published file, so that all of the test data and extraeous inserts are removed, without any manual intervention of the published file?
Unfortunately, there is currently no way to remove the contents of a referenced script from the generated file entirely.
The only way to achieve this is to post-process the generated script (Powershell/Ruby/scripting language of choice) to find and remove the parts you care about using some form of string and file manipulation.
Based on: My experience with doing this exact same thing to remove a development-environment-only script which was sizable and bloated the Production deployment script with a lot of 'noise', making it harder for DBA's to review the script sensibly.

Magento gives error page instead of product view

I have a problem with a Magento webshop (already live -> http://tinyurl.com/bu8vzay).
When you choose a product in a category you will always get an 404 error page.
Do you have any idea?
Things I tried:
updating attributes for all products live (no problems)
clear cache
clearing the indexes
I've been searching for too many hours now. All help is welcome :)
Take look at the Catalog -> Url Rewrtie Section in admin to see if a rewrite is added for that product.
You may also want to check report_event_types table to see if the values below exist, if not then insert them (Always backup your database before making changes):
INSERT INTO `report_event_types` (`event_type_id`, `event_name`, `customer_login`) VALUES
(1, 'catalog_product_view', 1),
(2, 'sendfriend_product', 1),
(3, 'catalog_product_compare_add_product', 1),
(4, 'checkout_cart_add_product', 1),
(5, 'wishlist_add_product', 1),
(6, 'wishlist_share', 1);
Credit to 404 Error on Magento Product Page
