group by rows to get the distinct row using filter in admin-on-rest - reactjs

Thanks in advance, I wanted to know is it possible to get distinct rows from db using the filter in admin-on-rest.example, for example, I want to show a list of distinct offers running but in my database, I have the duplicate offer, is it possible using filter component in admin on rest.


Snowflake/Snowsight dashboard custom filters cannot select desired values

We have many dashboards that require a user to filter to on a specific ID in our database. We have billions of IDs to select from but Snowsight will only all us to display 10,000 fields in the drop down for selection.
Is there any way that we can just paste in the ID and run rather than having to find and select? We'll never be able to write a filter query that'll dynamically cover all bases.
select id from table
Snowsight gives a warning that only 10,000 rows can be shown so I tried hard-typing the ID in the filter option and nothing happens. It forces you to either select an ID shown (the one I want isn't in the list of 10,000) or the "All" option.

Is there a way to select all Objects in Salesforce that start with a value?

I can select all apex triggers by using
select id, name from ApexTrigger
and classes by using
select id, name from ApexClasses
but is there a way to select all objects ?
I have tried
select id, name from Objects but doesnt seem to work ?
SOQL queries run on exactly one object.
If you need to perform a full-text search across multiple objects, what you need is SOSL, the Salesforce Object Search Language. Note however that SOSL is quite different from SOQL. See the linked developer guide for more information.

Solr group by multiple fields

Does Solr allowing grouping by multiple field much like in SQL with GROUP BY?
If so how?
For example: If I wanted to group by name and email. I have tried adding multiple group fields...
But it only groups by one of the fields.
I have looked at other posts with similar questions, but none had a verified answer.
I fear you cannot have intersection between grouped results at query time based on group.field.
The remaining solution would be to create the combination of the two fields into a new one at index time and use that new field for grouping which would give you the results.
See :

Summary reports using solr

I need to build reports using solr (even though solr is search tool) is it possible to get an equivalent result from solr using
stats, group by and pivot. Or do I need to use nosql something like MongoDB?
select field1,field2,count(*) from TABLE1 group by field1,field2
select field1,max(field2),min(field2),count(field1),max(field3),sum(field4) from TABLE1 group by field1
I can achieve group wise stats when there is only one field in a group, not able to achieve the same when I want to group by for more than one field
Thanks in advance

How to select lots of counts of lots of different criterias

I'm trying to do a detailed Member Search page. It uses Ajax in every aspect like Linkedin did on search pages.
But I don't know how I can select counts of multiple criterias. You can see what I meant by the attachment. I mean, if I select every count with different queries it's gonna take forever.
Should I store the count values on another table? Then, further development will be hard and time consuming.
I need your advices.
In this web site, you enter just a keyword and it shows you the all available fields order by count DESC;
You can create an Indexed View that groups by your criteria and uses COUNT_BIG to get totals.
CREATE VIEW dbo.TagCount
FROM dbo.Docs
