How to get "actions" data in MessageResponse Watson Assistant Java client - ibm-watson

I am using IBM Watson Assistant Java client to develop a client application:
Assistant service = new Assistant("2018-02-16");
I have read the recommended approach to process client side actions triggers from workspace:
But I can't find where to get the "actions" content I enter in the node as described in that page, in the MessageResponse object where response is returned (it has intents, response, contexts... but no "actions")
How should client know if the workspace node requests the execution of an action?

"Actions" is something you create by yourself by opening the JSON Editor. The idea is that if you cannot catch something through context, you can send additional "actions" flag to your backend. Here is an example of the JSON:
"context": {
"request_type": "#requesttype"
"output": {
"text": {
"values": [
"Your appointment is confirmed"
"selection_policy": "sequential"
"action": {
"period": "multi",
"user": "outsider"


How does Google Smart Home determine channelNumber for action.devices.commands.selectChannel?

Created Google Smart Home Action.
Implemented device with:
a. deviceType = action.devices.types.SETTOP
b. deviceTrait = action.devices.traits.Channel
Device is successfully discovered and added to Google Home App's Homegraph.
User sends command: "Ok Google, change to ESPN"
Receives the following json in fulfillment URL:
"requestId": "[RequestId GUID]",
"inputs": [{
"intent": "action.devices.EXECUTE",
"payload": {
"commands": [{
"devices": [{
"id": "[SettopBox device Id]"
"execution": [{
"command": "action.devices.commands.selectChannel",
"params": {
"channelCode": "espn",
"channelName": "ESPN",
"channelNumber": "206"
How does Google Smart Home determine the "channelNumber" value for "ESPN"? The user's command was "Ok Google, change to "ESPN". This does not contain any information about the channel number.
If a provider was set automatically, is there a setting in Google Home or Google Assistant to change this provider?
The number of a channel for the Channel trait is provided in the SYNC request along with any relevant labels.
"availableChannels": [
"key": "ktvu2",
"names": [
"number": "2"
"key": "abc1",
"names": [
"ABC East"
"number": "4-11"
As shown in the snippet, the channel number comes from the service. This may be up to the developer of the integration how these numbers may be determined, whether from a cable provider or over-the-air. The field is optional, so a service without channel numbers may still work by saying its name.

google smart home actions implement offline response issue

I implement google smart home actions for plug device,
I can control on/off plug with no problems, but about implement
response offline status for Execute and Query, it seems google assistant never get status, it always said "OK, turn on/off plug", My response JSON log from cloud function log as below:
"requestId": "847886417406301663",
"payload": {
"commands": {
"ids": [
"status": "ERROR",
"errorCode": "deviceOffline",
"online": false
"requestId": "11887439270473779795",
"payload": {
"devices": {
"T90197200015": {
"errorCode": "deviceOffline",
"status": "ERROR",
"online": false
Is the format correct, why google assistant didn't get offline status?
Yes that format is correct. The device generally may be offline, sending the status: "ERROR" and errorCode are more contextually applied to the specific request and response.

microsoft graph filter assigned role

In Azure Active Directory I created an app, in the manifest file I've update the appRoles with the following value:
"appRoles": [
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"displayName": "Client manager",
"id": "bf77e391-0bbf-4e33-854b-a384a5ac0630",
"isEnabled": true,
"description": "Client manager can manage all client actions.",
"value": "ClientManager"
I updated my user so that my assigned role is no longer Default Access but is Client manager
With Graph api I'm trying to retrieve this assigned role.
I tried this uri but for some reason it will not return my role(s).$filter=resourceId eq 04dcaab1-7219-4689-8510-4672e957ac11$select=appRoleId
But the response is:
"error": {
"code": "BadRequest",
"message": "Invalid filter clause",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "ce3cb456-956b-41c5-84a2-cdcdfe1ac3c5",
"date": "2018-11-05T20:54:08"
I could create a workaround requesting all my roles, for all my applications but this is something I would like to avoid. This would end up with the following uri:$select=resourceId,appRoleId
and results in this json, where I need to filter out my applicationid.
"#odata.context": "$metadata#appRoleAssignments(resourceId,appRoleId)",
"value": [
"appRoleId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"resourceId": "667cc3aa-00b9-4526-bde5-b81312ed5afb"
"appRoleId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"resourceId": "64b92ac1-4a56-478c-8774-5c584fb200e5"
"appRoleId": "bf77e391-0bbf-4e33-854b-a384a5ac0630",
"resourceId": "04dcaab1-7219-4689-8510-4672e957ac11"
I tried several solutions proposed on StackOverflow already but for some reason, all the eq filters don't work. I'm testing my query with the Graph explorer. My desired result should be something like this:
"#odata.context": "$metadata#appRoleAssignments(appRoleId)",
"value": [
"appRoleId": "bf77e391-0bbf-4e33-854b-a384a5ac0630"
It seems not support to filter resourceId with
As mentioned in the doc:
Not all parameters are supported across all Microsoft Graph APIs, and support might differ significantly between the v1.0 and beta endpoints.
Also, if we filter the id with GET$filter=id eq 'xxxxxxx', it will work fine. So I think the format of the query should be correct, the only possibility is it is not supported as mentioned in the doc.

Discord Webhooks and JSON construct limits for non-OAuth apps

I'm trying to clarify whether or not it's possible to POST JSON to a Discord channel webhook, without requiring a fully fledged OAuth authenticated app, and have it display more than a single line of text.
I can successfully send data to the webhook endpoint (using PowerShell), but it will ignore any fields other than 'content'. I was hoping to be able to post an Embed object, which comes from the Execute Webhook documentation, but it just seems to ignore it.
The JSON is like so:
"content": "Hi. I'm a robot.",
"embed": {
"title":"This is a title",
"description":"This is a description",
"fields": [
"value": "some value",
"inline": "true"
"value": "another value",
"inline": "true"
Thank you.

Alexa skill Rest API

Can we use Rest API instead of using Lambda. The reason im asking is because we got the request, we know what alexa accepts as a response, and we know that it is a POST. So connect all of these into REST API. The reason im asking is that the whole project is based in Jax-RS, so we want to have it all in one place, wihtout using lamda or anything. Not that lamda isn't that great.
So the request that alexa passes to Lambda is:
"session": {
"sessionId": "SessionId.a82f0b92-3650-4d45-8f12-e030ffc10894",
"application": {
"applicationId": ""
"attributes": {},
"user": {
"new": true
"request": {
"type": "IntentRequest",
"requestId": "EdwRequestId.bfdb3c27-028b-4224-977a-558129808e9a",
"timestamp": "2016-07-11T17:52:55Z",
"intent": {
"name": "HelloWorldIntent",
"slots": {}
"locale": "en-US"
"version": "1.0"
"version": "1.0",
"response": {
"outputSpeech": {
"type": "PlainText",
"text": "Hello World!"
"card": {
"content": "Hello World!",
"title": "Greeter",
"type": "Simple"
"shouldEndSession": true
"sessionAttributes": {}
Sure you can. In fact, when you are creating your skill in the Alexa Developer Portal, you have that option. The caveat is that you will need to manage your own TLS certificate and will have to make sure that the latency/responsiveness is decent based on the location of your users.
If you would like to explore this further, you can use Amazon's Java code examples. They can be found at:
You can definitely set up a RESTful service API for use with Alexa.
And, if you set it up in Azure, you don't even need to create your own certificate.
You can use a rest api as the endpoint for alexa skills. The apis will be invoked in the following manner
Where [Configured_URL] - is the url endpoint configured in amazon site for invoking
[intent] - is the name of the intent
You should host your service accordingly
