In Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach 3rd Edition, I came across an interesting quote stating:
"As yet there is no good understanding of how to combine the two kinds of algorithms [Goal directed reasoning / planning and heuristic search] into a robust and efficient system" (Russel pg 189)
Why is this so? Why is it hard to combine goal oriented planning with a heuristic search? Wouldn't reinforcement learning solve this?
The term “Goal directed reasoning” was used in the 1980s for a backtracking search technique. Sometimes it was called backward reasoning or top-down search, which means all the same. It describes the working of the algorithm in traversing the state space. Or to be more specific: it describes the order in which the states in the graph are visited. In newer literature this aspect of a planner is no longer explained in detail, because a graph search algorithm is no big thing. It means simply to put the nodes on a stack and traverse them.
In contrast, the term “heuristic search” means to replace a brute-force solver with a knowledge based approach. Heuristic search is equal to not traverse a graph, but find a domain-specific strategy which leaves out most part of the graph. And indeed, it is hard to combine backtracking with heuristics, this approach would be called grounding. If a grounded problem is available, it is possible to use a backtracking solver on a knowledge-based problem. This is the strategy utilized in modern PDDL planners which are first describe the domain in a symbolic PDDL notation (which is knowledge based) and using then a fast solver to search in the state space.
I am studying informed search algorithms, and for New Bidirectional A* Search, I know that the space complexity is O(b^d), where d is the depth of the shallowest goal node and b is the branch factor. I have tried to find out what its time complexity is, but I haven't been able to find any exact information about it on online resources. Is the exact time complexity of NBA* Search unknown and what is the difference between the original Bidirectional A*? Any insights are appreciated.
If you have specific models of your problem (eg uniformly growing graph in both directions with unit edge costs and the number of states growing exponentially) then most bidirectional search algorithms require O(b^(d/2)) node expansions and require O(b^(d/2)) time. But, this simple model doesn't actual model most real-world problems.
Given this, I would not recommend putting significant effort into studying New Bidirectional A*.
The state of the art in bidirectional search has changed massively in the last few years. The current algorithm with the best theoretical guarantees is NBS - Near-Optimal Bidirectional Search. The algorithm finds optimal paths and is near-optimal in node-expansions. That is, NBS is guaranteed to do no more than 2x more necessary expansions than the best possible algorithm (given reasonable theoretical assumptions such as using the same heuristic). All other algorithms (including A*) can do arbitrarily worse than NBS.
Other algorithm variants of NBS, such as DVCBS, have been proposed which follow the same basic structure, do not have the same guarantees, but perform well in practice.
In my Intro to AI class, we have been studying:
Uniformed Search (i.e. Depth-First Search)
Informed Search (i.e. A* Search)
Constraint Satisfaction pRoblems (i.e. Hill Climbing)
Adversarial Search (i.e. Minimax)
In general lines, why would we use, for example, Depth-First Search instead of using more complex algorithms such as A* Search? In other words, why choosing simple and limited algorithms when we can choose complex ones?
The main reason is efficiency. Some algorithms take much more time/memory than others.
Some algorithms won't work will in certain situations. For example, if there are local maxima, Hill Climbing won't work very well.
If you expect most paths to lead to destination, you can use Depth First, which could be much faster than A*.
I have a good basis on Evolutionary Algorithms, so now i started to read about Artificial Neural Networks. I come across this tutorial on,
showing how to use a ANN to evolve Tanks that collect mines. It uses a GA to evolve the input weights on each Neuron.
I know i could use GA (without the ANN) to solve the same problem. I already created a Tetris Bot using only GA to optimize the weights in the grid evaluation function (check my blog
My question is: what's the conceptual/practical difference between using a ANN + GA in a situation where i could use GA alone? I mean, is my Tetris Bot a ANN?(I don't think so).
There are several related questions about this, but i couldn't find a answer:
Are evolutionary algorithms and neural networks used in the same domains?
When to use Genetic Algorithms vs. when to use Neural Networks?
A genetic algorithm is an optimization algorithm.
An artificial neural network is a function approximator. In order to approximate a function you need an optimization algorithm to adjust the weights. An ANN can be used for supervised learning (classification, regression) or reinforcement learning and some can even be used for unsupervised learning.
In supervised learning a derivative-free optimization algorithm like a genetic algorithm is slower than most of the optimization algorithms that use gradient information. Thus, it only makes sense to evolve neural networks with genetic algorithms in reinforcement learning. This is known as "neuroevolution". The advantage of neural networks like multilayer perceptrons in this setup is that they can approximate any function with arbitrary precision when they have a suffficient number of hidden nodes.
When you create a tetris bot you do not necessarily have to use an ANN as a function approximator. But you need some kind of function approximator to represent your bot's policy. I guess it was just simpler than an ANN. But when you want to create a complex nonlinear policy you could do that e. g. with an ANN.
alfa's answer is perfect. Here is just an image to illustrate what he said:
Meta-Optimizer = None (but could be)
Optimizer = Genetic Algorithm
Problem = Tetris Bot (e.g. ANN)
You use evolutionary algorithm if you yet don't know the answer but you are able to somehow rate candidates and provide meaningful mutations.
Neural network is great if you already have answers (and inputs) and you want to "train the computer" so it can "guess" the answers for unknown inputs. Also, you don't have to think a lot about the problem, the network will figure it out by itself.
Check this "game AI" example:
(note how simple it is, all you have to do is to give them enough training, you don't have to know a thing about game AI - and once it is good enough all you have to do is to "download" memory and run it when needed)
I'm not an expert, but based on what I know from the field..
An artificial neural network has a basis on neuroscience ultimately. It attempts to simulate/model its behavior through building a neuron-like structures in the algorithm. There is a strong emphasis on the academic nature of the problem than the result. From what I understand, its for this reason that ANN's are not very popular from an engineering standpoint. Statistical basis of machine learning (HMM's and Bayesian networks) produce better results.
In short, so as long as it has a nod towards some underlying neurosciency subject, it can be a ANN, even if it uses some form of GA.
If you use a GA, it is not necessarily an ANN.
How do AI based agents infer a decision that are not necessary rational but logical correct based on previous experience.
In the field of AI how do experts system infer, what kind of maths and probabilities are involved here?
I plan on creating an intelligent, but don't no where to start. Pointers or links to any resources would be grateful. Preferably a resources that describes the mathematical concept for those whom are not mathematical minded.
I don't understand your question. In AI parlance, rationality is taken to mean, "Acting in a way, given a situation and a history, that is expected to maximize some performance measure." One does not sacrifice rationality, because that would be acting in a way not expected to maximize performance.
Maybe you are thinking that rationality and predicate- or first order logic are the same thing; they're not.
In any case, your question is too broad to really answer. But, I believe you'll want to start with basic probability, then specifically Bayesian probability and statistics, and then (having the correct tools) you can look into probabilistic AI techniques: Markov chains, Markov decision processes, etc. You can also look at machine learning techniques.
Be aware: These are not simple mathematics. There is no way around that.
Note that this answer speaks to my personal biases; it is not an exhaustive list of techniques.
One approach is to use Propositional Logic or First Order Logic. The latter is more flexible.
First you define the current knowledge and then you can perform inferences applying rules. Prolog is a very powerful programming language for this purpose. In prolog you define you current knowledge using facts and then you can create rules that denote relationships. Then you can perform queries based on your facts and rules you defined.
I've implemented Prim's algorithm in C ( but I was just wondering how to transform this into Kruskal's algorithm.
It seems they're quite similar, but I can't imagine how can I modify my old code into that new one. It'd be delicious if you give some advices or something. I know that's easy, but I'm still a n00b in C programming ...
Why not just write Kruskal's from scratch and see how they compare in your own solutions? Best way to learn.
To convert you need a forest (i.e. a set of trees where initially each node is a tree) as your temporary output structure rather than a single tree. Then on each step, rather than finding the cheapest vertex that adds a currently unconnected node to your tree, you find the cheapest edge in the graph and, if it creates a new tree (i.e. connects two previously unconnected nodes) add that tree to the forest and remove the source trees. Otherwise discard the edge.
A proper implementation of Kruskal is more memory intensive but less time intensive than a proper Prim implementation.
But the differences between the two are quite large. Probably all you can keep between are some helper functions and some data structures. Not a conversion, more a rewrite using more high level building blocks.
Why dont you consider switching to C++ and using the boost graph library
It contains very well implementations for both algorithms. Type-safe and highly performant.
See kruskal_minimum_spanning_tree and prim_minimum_spanning_tree