Where to get ajaxmin.exe? - microsoft-ajax-minifier

I want to minify my js and css through command prompt using ajaxmin. Can someone provide the link for this. This https://archive.codeplex.com/?p=ajaxmin does not have the exe

In case anyone needs it, you can download the installer or portable from here.

The source code and binary releases are now available on Microsoft's GitHub repo.
Microsoft Ajax Minifier v5.14 is available to download from here: https://github.com/Microsoft/ajaxmin/releases/tag/v5.14
The zip archive release contains a "AjaxMinSetup.msi" file, which will install the "AjaxMin.exe" in your Program Files folder.

Ok. Here is what I did:
npm install uglify-es -g
uglifyjs File.js --mangle --compress --verbose --warn --timings --output minfiedFile.min.js
for more https://www.npmjs.com/package/uglify-es


How to install cjson properly in Ubuntu 14.0LTS?

I am new in json and I don't know how to use but I found compare to XML json is better so, I am learning json in C programming in Ubuntu 14.0LTS.
I followed https://linuxprograms.wordpress.com/2010/05/20/install-json-c-in-linux/.
In this link, I installed libjson0 with the help of first command but when I installed libjson – debug symbols package with the help of second command which is mentioned in link then showing "E: Unable to locate package libjson0-dbg".
Also I gone through https://github.com/json-c/json-c. After cloning moved to json-c directory, in json-c directory I did sh autogen.sh then showing "autogen.sh: 2: autogen.sh: autoreconf: not found".
Why autoreconf is not works ? When I installed CppUTest and other stuffs then it works.
I also install build-essential which found in google for above problems but it can't works for me.
How can I installed cjson in a proper manner and how to use with the C-programms.
Try below commands:
$ sudo apt-get install libjson-glib-1.0-0 libjson-glib-1.0-0-dev
If you want to debug your programs and see the various steps of serializing/deserializing you can also install the libjson-glib – debug symbols package
$ sudo apt-get install libjson-glib-1.0-0-dbg
For documentation related to json-glib, you must install the following package
$ sudo apt-get install libjson-glib-1.0-0-doc
This documentation will then be available in file:///usr/share/gtk-doc/html/json-glib/index.html
Maybe your problem is related with the path.
The library is installed correctlly but you have tot tell the system where. Here a post on how to do it in Ubuntu How to set the environmental variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH in linux

How to install yeoman in Ubuntu 14.04?

I want to create projects on angular, I used these instructionAll set, but when you call commandss: Install yo (yeoman) in Ubuntu 14.04
All set, but when you call command yo angular displayed error:
yo: command not found
How to fix it?
Quick fix is to put the following in your .bashrc file:
export PATH=/usr/local/share/npm/bin:$PATH
See more here
Are you sure you followed all those steps?
Did you install both yeoman and the angular-generator with the -g flag?
Does the npm command work?
I'd check your .profile file to see if the PATH to npm/bin is included there.

error while loading shared libraries libpng16

I am trying to compile and run this code under ubuntu 14.04. I downloaded and installed libpng version 1.6.12. I am able to compile the code using gcc test.c -lpng but when I try to run it, I get this error:
./a.out: error while loading shared libraries: libpng16.so.16: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
So I found libpng16.so.16, it was in /usr/local/lib and I copied it to /usr/local/include/libpng16/ and as well to /usr/local/include/ and recompiled the code, anyway the problem still persists.
Any suggestions ?
Ok so I found the solution here. The trick is to run sudo ldconfig after you install some shared library.
You can download the library from the link
It will download a file something like "libpng-1.6.32.tar.xz"
Simply extract the file go inside folder and run these commands to install
make check
make install
Then you need to run after installing any library
I had same problem before I had installed it form below link and problem fixed.
I hope yours would be fixed as well
PNG reference library: libpng

What is the right way to install header files from some package?

I want to build some package from source (e2fsprogs to be more concrete) and install its header files to my system. After that I will delete the build tree so it will not be accessible anymore. What is the right way to do this?
When I want to install program, I make simply:
$ ./configure
$ make
# make install
What are the equivalent actions when I want to install headers?
For e2fsprogs, quoting verbatim from the INSTALL file shipped with the sources:
7) Install the include files and libraries
You can run `make install-libs' to install the include files and
libraries. Please note that this installation is not needed for the
programs to work. It is only needed if you expect to develop other
programs using the libraries or if you want to compile other program
using these libraries (like the 4.4BSD dump and restore port).
More generally though, when I want to find out what is the 'proper' way to install something that has worked for others, I look at:
What the package looks like, in my favourite distro
How the package is built for my favourite distro

Any possible way to use Tokyo Cabinet in Eclipse?

Just spend 3 straight hours trying to solve the java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jtokyocabinet in java.library.path problem in Eclipse in Linux.
Downloaded TC and TC-Java sources,
Built them both using ./config --prefix=/usr (so everything "JNI" related should be in /usr/lib)
Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib and CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH:/usr/local/lib/tokyocabinet.jar" and exported both in .profile
Imported tokyocabinet.jar into the project.
Am I missing a setting other than the proper -Djava.library.path=. settings? I can't even find anything on the net about jtokyocabinet on the web or in the documentation. What's the secret sauce to getting this thing to work?
try to make a link to libjtokyocabinet.so...0 in your JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/i386.
it is because your code can not find tokyocabinet's *.so and *.a files, usually they are in /usr/local/lib, run the following command:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib
and then try your code again.
Have the same problem, in my case, using OpenSUSE 12.3 64 bits and Eclipse.
First, the kyotocabinet-java package can be downloaded from this repository:
This package provide /usr/lib64/libjkyotocabinet.so.1.1.0 that is the library used by the kyotocabinet jar you can get from maven or the official site.
Looking for this lib I found that there is created a slink:
xxxx#xxxx:/usr/lib64> ls -al /usr/lib64/libjkyoto*
/usr/lib64/libjkyotocabinet.so.1 -> libjkyotocabinet.so.1.1.0
I just created a new slink without the ".1" at the end...
sudo ln -s libjkyotocabinet.so.1.1.0 libjkyotocabinet.so
/usr/lib64/libjkyotocabinet.so -> /usr/lib64/libjkyotocabinet.so.1.1.0
And all worked alright, seems that
don't work if the library name is ended with something different to ".so"
Yes, you're missing something. Eclipse controls its own classpath, so whatever you set up in the environment outside Eclipse is likely not to have any effect.
You need to go into the properties for your project, find the "Build Path" settings and add the path to your tc.jar (or jars) to your build path there.
It may be easier to set up a /lib directory within your eclipse project, copy your tokyo jar there and add that to your build path. That way, it becomes part of your project (and can move from Eclipse installation to Eclipse installation) rather than being an external system dependency.
