Can't figure XOR encryption - xor

I'm doing a CTF challenge and I got the text file with the flag but it's encrypted in XOR.
I've been looking everywhere trying to find how to decrypt it and I just can't figure it out.
and i belive this is a key = 5DAD
I tried to remove the 0x and decrypt it in python scripts I found but nothing works.
What am I missing?


How to read content of unknown file

I have a file that holds manufacturing orders for a machine.
I would like to read the content of this file and edit it, but when I open it in a text editor i.e. Notepad++, I get a bunch of wierd charecters:
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It looks like the file is encoded.
Any idea how to find the encoding and make the file readable and editable?
It's binary and probably encoded so without knowledge of data structure you can't do much - just reverse engineering based on trying and checking what changed, operating with hex editor.
It isn't impossible, tho. If you can change the data the way you know (eg. change number of orders from 1 to 2) and export to file, you can compare binary values and find which byte holds that number. Of course if it is encrypted and you don't know the key... It's easier to find another way.
For further read, check this out -
If you've got access to a Linux box why not use
hexdump -C <filename>
You will be able to get a much better insight into how the file is structured, than by using a text editor.
There are also many "hexdump" equivalent commands on Windows

Make file readonly in finder but writable in c program

I am making a c version of pacman and am keeping my highscores in a separate .txt file called highscores.txt. In the program, after the completion of a game, it checks to see if the highscores file should be updated and writes over it if it should. The high scores view within the program reads the scores and names from the file. The issue is that it is very easy for someone to simply edit the .txt file and say they got any score they wanted. Is there a way to make it so that the file can only be written on by the program? This is in a Linux Red Hat environment.
I'd say just encript the file, then rename it something obscure.
An easy way will be to gzip it, and name as a file called "data" or whatever, so people couldn't guess it's gzip.
This method is easy to break once you know gzip is used, so a more secure way is to encript it using an encription key internal in your code.
Your best option is probably encryption. A good, quick study on Encoding vs. Encrypting vs Hashing
You could also look at other ways of storing the data. For example, something like HSQLDB or SQLLite, where you can create databases that have usernames and passwords available.

Understanding compile errors due to copying code from a doc file and not a txt file

My instructor for my micro-controller class refuses to save sample code to a text file and instead saves it to a word document file instead. When I open up the doc file and copy/paste the code into my IDE "CodeWarrior" it causes errors upon compile time.
I am having to rewrite all the code into a text editor and then copy/paste it into my IDE.
I was told to always save code as a text file because when you save code as a word document file it will bring in unwanted characters when your copy/pasting the code into your IDE for compiling.
Can someone explain this dilemma to me so I can understand it better? I would like to present a better case next time when I receive errors and to also know more about what is happening.
Is it possible to write a script that will show me all the characters that are being copied and pasted into a file when the code is coming from a word document vs. a text file? In otherwords is there a program that will allow me to see what is going on between copying/pasting code from a word doc file versus a txt file?
Saving source code as a Word document is just silly. If your instructor is insisting on this, chances are no matter how well-reasoned and thorough your argument, they're not going to listen. They're beyond help.
However, to answer your questions: 1) It depends on what you're pasting the thing into. Programs that copy onto the clipboard usually make the data available in several different formats, ranging from their own internal format to plain ASCII text, to maximize compatibility so that the data can be pasted into pretty much any target program. Most text editors will only accept the plan-text version, in which case no extra characters should be transferred. However if your text editor supports RTF or HTML, this may not be true. I'm not sure what CodeWarrior supports but it is certainly possible.
A workaround if this is the case: First paste into a PURE text editor like Notepad. Then copy from Notepad into CodeWarrior. This should eliminate any hidden formatting. As shoover said above, make sure double-quotes " are really double-quotes and not the fancy left- and right-specific quotes that Word sometimes uses.
Use a hex editor like XVI32 to see the raw contents of the file, including nonprinting characters. Or use a text editor with support for showing nonprinting characters (vi/vim, etc.).
I'm studying C and I've just had the same problem. When coping a piece of code from a PDF file and trying to compiling it, gcc would return a serie of errors. Reading the answer above I had an idea: "What if I converted the utf8 into ascii?". Well, I found a website that does just that ( But instead of also converting the utf8 characters into ascii, it showed them as hexadecimals (Copying from the website to the text editor you can see it better). From there i realised that the problem were mostly the quote marks "".
I then copied the ascii "translation" into my code editor (I must add that it worked fine with Sublime, while VScode read the same utf8 code as it was in the original file, even after cp from the website) and replaced all the hex with the actual ascii characters that were needed to compile the code properly. I used the function find and replace from my editor to do it. I must say that it wasn't very fast doing it. But I believe that in some cases, if the code you're trying to copying is too long, doing it the way I've just described could be faster than rewriting the entire code.

Triple DES Decryption of plain text

I have some plain text encrypted with Triple XOR and then Triple DES. I also have the key. How do I manage to uncover the plain text?
Here is a handy tool: Online decrypt tool

MD5 implementation in C for a XML file

I need to implement the MD5 checksum to verify a MD5 checksum in a XML file including all XML tags and which has received from our client. The length of the received MD5 checksum is 32 byte hexadecimal digits.
We need set MD5 Checksum field should be 0 in received XML file prior to checksum calculation and we have to indepandantly calculate and verify the MD5 checksum value in a received XML file.
Our application is implemented in C. Please assist me on how to implement this.
This directly depends on the library used for XML parsing. This is tricky however, because you can't embed the MD5 in the XML file itself, for after embedding the checksum inside, unless you do the checksum only from the specific elements. As I understand you receive the MD5 independently? Is it calculated from the whole file, or only the tags/content?
MD5 Public Domain code link -
XML library for C -
Exact solutions depend on the code used.
Based on your comment you need to do the following steps:
load the xml file (possibly even as plain-text) read the MD5
substitute the MD5 in the file with zero, write the file down (or better to memory)
run MD5 on the pure file data and compare it with the value stored before
There are public-domain implementations of MD5 that you should use, instead of writing your own. I hear that Colin Plumb's version is widely used.
Don't reinvent the wheel, use a proven existing solution:
Incidentally that was the first link that came up when I googled "md5 c implementation".
This is rather nasty. The approach suggested seems to imply you need to parse the XML document into something like a DOM tree, find the MD5 checksum and store it for future reference. Then you would replace the checksum with 0 before re-serializing the document and calculating it's MD5 hash. This all sounds doable but potentially tricky. The major difficulty I see is that your new serialization of the document may not be the same as the original one and irrelevant (to XML) differences like the use of single or double quotes around attribute values, added line breaks or even a different encoding will cause the hashs to differ. If you go down this route you'll need to make sure your app and the procedure used to create the document in the first place make the same choices. For this sort of problem canonical XML is the standard solution (
However, I would do something different. With any luck it should be quite easy to write a regular expression to locate the MD5 hash in the file and replace it with 0. You can then use this to grab the hash and replace with 0 it in the XML file before recalculating the hash. This sidesteps all the possible issues with parsing, changing and re-serializing the XML document. To illustrate I'm going to assume the hash '33d4046bea07e89134aecfcaf7e73015' lives in the XML file like this:
<docRoot xmlns='some-irrelevant-uri>
<myData>Blar blar</myData>
<myExtraData number='1'/>
<docHash MD5='33d4046bea07e89134aecfcaf7e73015' />
<evenMoreOfMyData number='34'/>
(which I've called hash.xml), that the MD5 should be replaced by 32 zeros (so the hash is correct) and illustrate the procedure on a shell command line using perl, md5 and bash. (Hopefully translating this into C won't be too hard given the existence of regular expression and hashing libraries.)
Breaking down the problem, you first need to be able to find the hash that is in the file:
perl -p -e'if (m#<docHash.+MD5="([a-fA-F0-9]{32})#) {$_ = "$1\n"} else {$_ = ""}' hash.xml
(this works by looking for the start of the MD5 attribute of the docHash element, allowing for possible other attributes, and then grabbing the next 32 hex characters. If it finds them it bungs them in the magic $_ variable, if not it sets $_ to be empty, then the value of $_ gets printed for each line. This results in the string "33d4046bea07e89134aecfcaf7e73015" being printed.)
Then you need to calculate the hash of the the file with the has replaced with zeros:
perl -p -e's#(<docHash.+MD5=)"([a-fA-F0-9]{32})#$1"000000000000000000000000000000#' hash.xml | md5
(where the regular expression is almost the same, but this time the hex characters are replaced by zeros and the whole file is printed. Then the MD5 of this is calculated by piping the result through an md5 hashing program. Putting this together with a bit of bash gives:
if [ `perl -p -e'if (m#<docHash.+MD5="([a-fA-F0-9]{32})#) {$_ = "$1\n"} else {$_ = ""}' hash.xml` = `perl -p -e's#(<docHash.+MD5=)"([a-fA-F0-9]{32})#$1"000000000000000000000000000000#' hash.xml | md5` ] ; then echo OK; else echo ERROR; fi
which executes those two small commands, compares the output and prints "OK" if the outputs match or "ERROR" if they don't. Obviously this is just a simple prototype, and is in the wrong language, I think it illustrates the most straight forward solution.
Incidentally, why do you put the hash inside the XML document? As far as I can see it doesn't have any advantage compared to passing the hash along on a side channel (even something as simple as in a second file called documentname.md5) and makes the hash validation more difficult.
Check out these examples for how to use the XMLDSIG standard with .net
How to: Sign XML Documents with Digital Signatures
How to: Verify the Digital Signatures of XML Documents
You should maybe consider to change the setting for preserving whitespaces.
