Okta with React JS - reactjs

I had a react native app to which i need to integrate OKTA, i have installed following packages for it
npm install #okta/okta-signin-widget#2.3.0 --save
I added the app in okta development site as OPENID Connect,Application Type :Single Page App (SPA). The problem is after assigning the app in okta site (https://dev-845745-admin.oktapreview.com) to the people, the assigned members are unable to see the app in Dashboard page.

You can configure which applications appear on the End-User Dashboard page via your Okta OpenID Connect Application.
The Login Initiated By setting specifies whether the app is initiated only in the background or whether either the app or Okta can initiate the login. If you select App Only, the app is started in the background without an Okta chiclet. If you select Either Okta or App, you can utilize an Okta chiclet.
Update Login Initiated By to Either Okta or App
Select the Display application icon to users checkbox under Appliation visibility
Once you have that setup, you can look at Okta's React Native OpenID Connect quickstart to see how you can integrate your React Native application with Okta.


How do I implement Single Sign on. Applications are written in Blazor App and React JS

I need to implement the Single Sign on with Azure AD B2C. One of our application is developed in Blazor and other is developed in React JS.
Once user logged in Blazor app and then come to React JS app, he should be directly logged in without entering the credentials.
Multiple Blazor app are able to work with SSO, but not the React JS app.
If your requirement is only specific to Azure AD/ Microsoft SSO then you can use Microsoft Authentication Library for React (msal-react).The library will be useful for React or JS based client application to authenticate using Azure AD.
Refer this for more information-

How can I setup AWS cognito SSO with Strapi

I want to accomplish SSO for Strapi Admin Panel. I've the following Use Case
I've a React Admin Panel Running on AWS using Cognito Authentincation
I've a Strapi Application running on Some Server
I've a Redirect button on React Admin Panel, that redirects to strapi login page
I want to use Cognito SSO for Strapi Admin panel so that my admin have only central credentials on AWS cognito and can use to login in both React Admin panel as well as Strapi Admin panel.
I've some confusions about strapi SSO. First one is,
Is strapi SSO available on free plan of strapi?
Even if your answer is either, How can It be done for Admin Panel?
Thanks in advance
I've tried to use this Strapi-Plugin but couldn't get what I want to acheive as it don't have any affect on strapi app.

User Authentication and Authorization in React JS App & .NET Web API

Looking for guidance on how to authenticate & authorize users in React App.
We have existing .NET MVC & .NET core web apps from which user will try to navigate to a new app that's being developed using React JS & .NET Core Web API.
When we redirect between apps, we usually pass some user claims like session id/username from the parent app.
So, when an user tries to navigate from an existing MVC app using a button/link click, how to validate the user and redirect to REACT APP HOME PAGE in React App -> startup.cs ?
If user has view permissions to the requested page, system should redirect to the respective page else to display the access denied page.
This React JS app doesn't have any roles based authorization and its based on users permissions settings for each in backend (SQL SERVER).
Please provide your valuable suggestions.

Azure AD B2C Signup/Signin Page Implementations using Expo Auth Session

Signup/Signin functionality using Azure AD B2C user flows. We rendering the Signup/Signin page using "Expo Auth Session" Library. We build the app through expo,
After that publishing google play store. When download my app click to login button do not redirecting signin page. When development time running the app using expo go app its signup and signin works fine.
Please give me the solution of published app not working azure ad b2c userflows using expo auth session library

use oauth2 for authentication in react web application

I need your guidance/suggestion on the scenario I am into.
We have a legacy GWT application(version 2.7), this application has 2 controllers which implement EntryPoint class - LoginController and OTSController. These have their respective presenter and viewer.
N.B. - this GWT application runs as a spring-boot application.
This GWT application is a ui application(and there is another spring-boot application which would act as a server app). The GWT app uses default way of handling user authentication i.e. using /j_spring_security_check.
Now I am trying to re-write the Login functionality in React(and I am quite new with React). I am trying to use oauth2 for authentication, can you please point which oauth2 library I should use and is their any sample which I can look into.
I have searched for authentication for React web-app and seen examples for -
Okta Sign-In Widget
Auth0 - provides authentication-as-a-service
Stormpath React SDK
JWT(JSON Web Token)
But couldn't find any specific js library that gives oauth2 implementation(and which doesn't have much strict license obligations) that I can use in my react app, please give me pointers so I can use any existing/implement oauth2 authentication for my Login page(using react).
You can use these two libraries from Okta for integrating authentication into a React app with Okta - #okta/okta-auth-js and #okta/okta-react. You can also checkout the guide here - https://developer.okta.com/code/react/okta_react. Hope this helps.
