Google-OAuth REST Api to react - reactjs

I have successfully created an API that uses passport-google-oauth to return a JWT. Currently when I go through the process using my API routes it returns a json object with a JWT Bearer token.
I am attempting to use Reactjs on the front end however am running into a couple issues.
In my signin button component I am just trying to retrieve the result with the bearer token to pass it into a reducer
When using Axios -> I am running into a CORS issue when using exios and cant return a result, when adding CORS into my build and a proxy to my react project I recieve the following error No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
When I use a anchor tag with href link the authentication successfully works however it redirects to the /api/auth/google/callback link itself instead of allowing me to catch the bearer token and then run it through my reducers to save it into local storage and update my state.
Am I missing a step? Ive looked for a few hours at various resources online and cant seem to find the solution im looking for
(for simplicity at the moment I am just trying to catch the response, which should be returned bearer token, however I am unable to do this)
googleAuth = (e) => {
.then(res => console.log(res))
.catch(err => console.log(err))
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.googleAuth}>Signin With Google</button>
router.get('/google', passport.authenticate('google', {
session: false,
scope: ['profile', 'email']
router.get('/google/callback', passport.authenticate('google', { session: false }), generateUserToken)
passport.use(new passportGoogle.OAuth2Strategy(googleConfig, async (request, accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) => {
// Check for existing user
const existingUser = await User.findOne({
providers: {
$elemMatch: {
provider: 'Google',
// If user exists return done
if (existingUser) return done(null, existingUser)
// If user does not exist create a new user
const newUser = await new User({
name: profile.displayName,
providers: [
provider: 'Google',
// Create profile with new user information
const newProfile = await new Profile({
return done(null, newUser)

I've looked a bit at your code and haven't seen any serializing/deserializing going on. Usually you'd have to go through this process to be able to connect with whatever authentication strategy you are using.
Here is a snippet of code that you could use in the file you keep your strategies:
passport.serializeUser((user, done) => {
passport.deserializeUser((id, done) => {
User.findById(id).then(user => {
done(null, user);
Maybe you could look it up in more detail in the documentation. Here is a link go to the sessions part. Plus, make sure to look at how the app.use is put together with the .session() func.


Logout from next-auth with keycloak provider not works

I have a nextjs application with next-auth to manage the authentication.
Here my configuration
export default NextAuth({
// Configure one or more authentication providers
providers: [
id: 'my-keycloack-2',
name: 'my-keycloack-2',
clientId: process.env.NEXTAUTH_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.NEXTAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET,
issuer: process.env.NEXTAUTH_CLIENT_ISSUER,
profile: (profile) => ({
id: profile.sub
Authentication works as expected, but when i try to logout using the next-auth signOut function it doesn't works. Next-auth session is destroyed but keycloak mantain his session.
After some research i found a reddit conversation that describe the same problem.
Here my solution.
I write a custom function to logout
const logout = async (): Promise<void> => {
const {
data: { path }
} = await axios.get('/api/auth/logout');
await signOut({ redirect: false });
window.location.href = path;
And i define an api path to obtain the path to destroy the session on keycloak /api/auth/logout
export default (req, res) => {
const path = `${process.env.NEXTAUTH_CLIENT_ISSUER}/protocol/openid-connect/logout?
res.status(200).json({ path });
In the latest versions of keycloak (at time of this post update is 19.*.* -> the redirect uri becomes a bit more complex
export default (req, res) => {
const session = await getSession({ req });
let path = `${process.env.NEXTAUTH_CLIENT_ISSUER}/protocol/openid-connect/logout?
if(session?.id_token) {
path = path + `&id_token_hint=${session.id_token}`
} else {
path = path + `&client_id=${process.env.NEXTAUTH_CLIENT_ID}`
res.status(200).json({ path });
Note that you need to include either the client_id or id_token_hint parameter in case that post_logout_redirect_uri is included.
So, I had a slightly different approach building upon this thread here.
I didn't really like all the redirects happening in my application, nor did I like adding a new endpoint to my application just for dealing with the "post-logout handshake"
Instead, I added the id_token directly into the initial JWT token generated, then attached a method called doFinalSignoutHandshake to the events.signOut which automatically performs a GET request to the keycloak service endpoint and terminates the session on behalf of the user.
This technique allows me to maintain all of the current flows in the application and still use the standard signOut method exposed by next-auth without any special customizations on the front-end.
This is written in typescript, so I extended the JWT definition to include the new values (shouldn't be necessary in vanilla JS
// exists under /types/next-auth.d.ts in your project
// Typescript will merge the definitions in most
// editors
declare module "next-auth/jwt" {
interface JWT {
provider: string;
id_token: string;
Following is my implementation of /pages/api/[...nextauth.ts]
import axios, { AxiosError } from "axios";
import NextAuth from "next-auth";
import { JWT } from "next-auth/jwt";
import KeycloakProvider from "next-auth/providers/keycloak";
// I defined this outside of the initial setup so
// that I wouldn't need to keep copying the
// process.env.KEYCLOAK_* values everywhere
const keycloak = KeycloakProvider({
clientId: process.env.KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET,
issuer: process.env.KEYCLOAK_ISSUER,
// this performs the final handshake for the keycloak
// provider, the way it's written could also potentially
// perform the action for other providers as well
async function doFinalSignoutHandshake(jwt: JWT) {
const { provider, id_token } = jwt;
if (provider == {
try {
// Add the id_token_hint to the query string
const params = new URLSearchParams();
params.append('id_token_hint', id_token);
const { status, statusText } = await axios.get(`${keycloak.options.issuer}/protocol/openid-connect/logout?${params.toString()}`);
// The response body should contain a confirmation that the user has been logged out
console.log("Completed post-logout handshake", status, statusText);
catch (e: any) {
console.error("Unable to perform post-logout handshake", (e as AxiosError)?.code || e)
export default NextAuth({
secret: process.env.NEXTAUTH_SECRET,
providers: [
callbacks: {
jwt: async ({ token, user, account, profile, isNewUser }) => {
if (account) {
// copy the expiry from the original keycloak token
// overrides the settings in NextAuth.session
token.exp = account.expires_at;
token.id_token = account.id_token;
return token;
events: {
signOut: ({ session, token }) => doFinalSignoutHandshake(token)
signOut only clears session cookies without destroying user's session on the provider.
Year 2023 Solution:
hit GET /logout endpoint of the provider to destroy user's session
do signOut() to clear session cookies, only if step 1 was successful
Assumption: you are storing user's idToken in the session object returned by useSession/getSession/getServerSession
create an idempotent endpoint (PUT) on server side to make this GET call to the provider
create file: pages/api/auth/signoutprovider.js
import { authOptions } from "./[...nextauth]";
import { getServerSession } from "next-auth";
export default async function signOutProvider(req, res) {
if (req.method === "PUT") {
const session = await getServerSession(req, res, authOptions);
if (session?.idToken) {
try {
// destroy user's session on the provider
await axios.get("<your-issuer>/protocol/openid-connect/logout", { params: id_token_hint: session.idToken });
catch (error) {
} else {
// if user is not signed in, give 200
wrap signOut by a function, use this function to sign a user out throughout your app
import { signOut } from "next-auth/react";
export async function theRealSignOut(args) {
try {
await axios.put("/api/auth/signoutprovider", null);
// signOut only if PUT was successful
return await signOut(args);
} catch (error) {
// <show some notification to user asking to retry signout>
throw error;
Note: theRealSignOut can be used on client side only as it is using signOut internally.
Keycloak docs logout

Firebase sendPasswordResetEmail in JS SDK, doesn't send confirmation code

I am trying to do the following:
User asks to reset his password
Email is sent with a CODE and an URL to visit to reset his password
User visits the URL inputs the code and the new password and I call the confirmPasswordReset
But this doesn't work, the docs, their examples and also their functionality differs. Here's what happens
Follow this link to reset the account password for the Example Dev app.
the URL
No Code, nothing, if I follow the URL it will take me to Firebase hosted app that will handle the reset with an ugly looking UI and THEN redirect me to the specified URL in the settings for sendResetEmail...
While the docs specify expected behavior, it differs from the actual one.
Sends a password reset email to the given email address.
To complete the password reset, call confirmPasswordReset with the code supplied in the email sent to the user, along with the new password specified by the user.
const actionCodeSettings = {
url: '',
iOS: {
bundleId: 'com.example.ios'
android: {
packageName: '',
installApp: true,
minimumVersion: '12'
handleCodeInApp: true
await sendPasswordResetEmail(auth, '', actionCodeSettings);
// Obtain code from user.
await confirmPasswordReset('', code);
The docs specify my intended behavior, but when used, it's totally different. What is happening here?
const onSubmit = (data: PasswordResetData) => {
sendPasswordResetEmail(getAuth(),, {
url: "http://localhost:3002/en/auth/reset/confirm?email=" +,
handleCodeInApp: true,
.then(() => {
.catch((err) => {
.finally(() => {

Django backend authentication with NextJS frontend form - best practices

I have an API hub that I've built in Django and a frontend end application I've built in NextJS. I'm currently working on authenticating to the Django API in Nextjs and I'm curious about best practices.
Currently, the NextJS app posts the users username/password to an endpoint. This endpoint either returns the users token or the error illustrating the issue.
const login = async () => {
let token = await'/api/accounts/', {
email: email,
password: password
}).then(r => (error) { console.log(error) })
if (token) {
pathname: '/home/',
query: { token: token },
nexjs server api/accounts
export default async (req, res) => {
if (req.method === 'POST') {
try {
// retrieve payment intent data
const {data} = await'https://website/api/api-token-auth/', req.body)
} catch (err) {
res.status(500).json({ statusCode: 500, message: err.message })
} else {
res.setHeader('Allow', 'POST')
res.status(405).end('Method Not Allowed')
Django API
def obtain_auth_token(request):
email ="email")
password ="password")
if email is None or password is None:
return Response({'error': 'Please provide both email and password'},
user = authenticate(email=email, password=password)
if not user:
return Response({'error': 'Invalid Credentials'},
token, _ = Token.objects.get_or_create(user=user)
return Response({'token': token.key},
Once I receive the token I push the user to the homepage.
My questions are:
Is how I'm authenticating users a good way to do this? Am I overlooking something? This is the first time I've attempted to authenticate to something I've built so I want to get this right.
How should I store this token? What is "best practice" when it comes to authentication creds? I've thought about passing the token around to every component that needs it. I've also peeked at using LocalStorage but again am unsure what most people do in these situations.
Any help you all can provide would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance!

How to create logout when expires token

could someone help me to resolve this problem?
I don't know how to implement expired session to my react app.
I have json data with expires_in: 86400 what I need to do to implement this to my app, when expired to logout user.
I using react.JS and redux.
export const signin = obj => {
return dispatch => {
let data = {
method: "post",
url: "/oauth/token",
data: {
grant_type: "password",
client_id: CLIENT_ID,
client_secret: CLIENT_SECRET,
password: obj.password
return API(data)
.then(res => {
console.log('uuuuuuuuuu', res)
payload: {
.catch(err => {
throw err;
You can simply achieve this using setTimeout function to trigger your logout functionality. The below code is on the assumption that expires_in is the relative time not the absolute time.
console.log('uuuuuuuuuu', res)
payload: {
and your logoutFunction will look something like this:
function logOutFunction() {
// your redux dispatch and probably a redirection logic to go to a proper UX page
I mistakenly said in comments to use setInterval. I assume this will be a one time execution, setTimeout is better to use.
From your code I found. you have used window.localStorage.setItem("access_token",;
But you actually need a cookie there and set the expire time from the response. Then you have to check is that the cookie existence in the parent component. if it, not exist (expired) you can redirect to the login page.
For force logout, you can simply make the cookie expire. ;)
You shouldn’t store the time left to expire, but the current time + the time left. Otherwise you can’t know when this happened.

How to implement login authentication using react-redux?

After a bit of research, JWT is commonly used for login authentication because of its compact nature and easiness to parse. I have settled on using JWT. However, my question is on how to embed this in my redux paradigm. Assuming we have a sign up form, when a user fills in his or her credentials and clicks a submit button, this will invoke an action to create an action to create a JWT. Now, this action goes to the back-end of my application and the back-end of my application calls the JWT API? So this action is an asynchronous/rpc call? Also, how does routing happen exactly? I have used react-router before, but using a boilerplate. I am building this web app from scratch and so I am a bit confused on where to deal with the routing and where do I pass this token exactly that I obtain from the server the first time? Is the token used every time a user does a request? How does the client know about this token every time it does the request so that it would keep a user authenticated?
When a user submits his credentials (email/password) your backend authenticates that for the first time and only this time does the backend use these credentials. On authentication your backend will create a JWT with some of the user information, usually just the user ID. There are plenty of JWT Libraries and even jwt-decode for javascript to do this. The backend will respond with this JWT where the front-end will save it (ie, localStorage.setItem('authToken', jwt)) for every subsequent request.
The user will send a request with the JWT in the request header under the Authorization key. Something like:
function buildHeaders() {
const token = localStorage.getItem('authToken')
return {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Authorization": `${token}`
Your backend will now decode and authenticate the JWT. If it's a valid JWT the request continues, if not it's rejected.
Now with React-Router you can protect authenticated routes with the onEnter function. The function you provide does any necessary checks (check localStorage for JWT and if a current user). Typically I've done this:
const _ensureAuthenticated = (nextState, replace) => {
const { dispatch } = store
const { session } = store.getState()
const { currentUser } = session
const token = localStorage.getItem("phoenixAuthToken")
if (!currentUser && token) { // if no user but token exist, still verify
} else if (!token) { // if no token at all redirect to sign-in
pathname: "/sign-in",
state: { nextPathname: nextState.location.pathname}
You can use this function in any route like so:
<Route path="/secret-path" onEnter={_ensureAuthenticated} />
Check out for more information on JWT's and the react-router auth-flow example for more information on authentication with react-router.
I personally use Redux saga for async API calls, and I'll show You the flow I've been using for JWT authorization:
Dispatch LOG_IN action with username and password
In your saga You dispatch LOGGING_IN_PROGRESS action to show e.x. spinner
Make API call
Retrieved token save e.x. in localstorage
Dispatch LOG_IN_SUCCESS or LOG_IN_FAILED to inform application what response did You get
Now, I always used a separate function to handle all my requests, which looks like this:
import request from 'axios';
import {get} from './persist'; // function to get something from localstorage
export const GET = 'GET';
export const POST = 'POST';
export const PUT = 'PUT';
export const DELETE = 'DELETE';
const service = (requestType, url, data = {}, config = {}) => {
request.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = get('token') ? `Token ${get('token')}` : '';
switch (requestType) {
case GET: {
return request.get(url, data, config);
case POST: {
return, data, config);
case PUT: {
return request.put(url, data, config);
case DELETE: {
return request.delete(url, data, config);
default: {
throw new TypeError('No valid request type provided');
export default service;
Thanks to this service, I can easily set request data for every API call from my app (can be setting locale also).
The most interesting part of it should be this line:
request.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = get('token') ? `Token ${get('token')}` : '';`
It sets JWT token on every request or leave the field blank.
If the Token is outdated or is invalid, Your backend API should return a response with 401 status code on any API call. Then, in the saga catch block, you can handle this error any way You want.
I recently had to implement registration and login with React & Redux as well.
Below are a few of the main snippets that implement the login functionality and setting of the http auth header.
This is my login async action creator function:
function login(username, password) {
return dispatch => {
dispatch(request({ username }));
userService.login(username, password)
user => {
error => {
function request(user) { return { type: userConstants.LOGIN_REQUEST, user } }
function success(user) { return { type: userConstants.LOGIN_SUCCESS, user } }
function failure(error) { return { type: userConstants.LOGIN_FAILURE, error } }
This is the login function of the user service that handles the api call:
function login(username, password) {
const requestOptions = {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify({ username, password })
return fetch('/users/authenticate', requestOptions)
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
return Promise.reject(response.statusText);
return response.json();
.then(user => {
// login successful if there's a jwt token in the response
if (user && user.token) {
// store user details and jwt token in local storage to keep user logged in between page refreshes
localStorage.setItem('user', JSON.stringify(user));
return user;
And this is a helper function used to set the Authorization header for http requests:
export function authHeader() {
// return authorization header with jwt token
let user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('user'));
if (user && user.token) {
return { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + user.token };
} else {
return {};
For the full example and working demo you can go to this blog post
