Dynamic SQL to execute large number of rows from a table - sql-server

I have a table with a very large number of rows which I wish to execute via dynamic SQL. They are basically existence checks and insert statements and I want to migrate data from one production database to another - we are merging transactional data. I am trying to find the optimal way to execute the rows.
I've been finding the coalesce method for appending all the rows to one another to not be efficient for this particularly when the number of rows executed at a time is greater than ~100.
Assume the structure of the source table is something arbitrary like this:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MyTable]
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[DataField1] [int] NOT NULL,
[FK_ID1] [int] NOT NULL,
[LotsMoreFields] [NVARCHAR] (MAX),
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Name] [int] NOT NULL, -- Unique constrained value
The other requirement is I am tracking the source table PK vs the target PK and whether an insert occurred or whether I have already migrated that row to the target. To do this, I'm tracking migrated rows in another table like so:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ChangeTracking]
[ReferenceID] BIGINT IDENTITY(1,1),
[TableName] NVARCHAR(255),
My existing method is executing some dynamic sql generated by a stored procedure. The stored proc does PK lookups as the source system has different PK values for table [dbo].[FK1].
IF NOT EXISTS (<ignore this existence check for now>)
INSERT INTO [Dest].[dbo].[MyTable] ([DataField1],[FK_ID1],[LotsMoreFields]) VALUES (333,(SELECT [ID] FROM [Dest].[dbo].[FK1] WHERE [Name]=N'ValueFoundInSource'),N'LotsMoreValues');
INSERT INTO [Dest].[dbo].[ChangeTracking] ([Src_ID],[Dest_ID],[TableName]) VALUES (666,SCOPE_IDENTITY(),N'MyTable'); --666 is the PK in [Src].[dbo].[MyTable] for this inserted row
So when you have a million of these, it isn't quick.
Is there a recommended performant way of doing this?

As mentioned, the MERGE statement works well when you're looking at a complex JOIN condition (if any of these fields are different, update the record to match). You can also look into creating a HASHBYTES hash of the entire record to quickly find differences between source and target tables, though that can also be time-consuming on very large data sets.

It sounds like you're making these updates like a front-end developer, by checking each row for a match and then doing the insert. It will be far more efficient to do the inserts with a single query. Below is an example that looks for names that are in the tblNewClient table, but not in the tblClient table:
( [Name] ,
TypeID ,
SELECT nc.[Name] ,
nc.TypeID ,
FROM tblNewClient nc
LEFT JOIN tblClient cl
ON nc.[Name] = cl.[Name]
This is will way more efficient than doing it RBAR (row by agonizing row).

Taking the two answers from #RusselFox and putting them together, I reached this tentative solution (but looking a LOT more efficient):
MERGE INTO [Dest].[dbo].[MyTable] [MT_D]
USING (SELECT [MT_S].[ID] as [SrcID],[MT_S].[DataField1],[FK_1_D].[ID] as [FK_ID1],[MT_S].[LotsMoreFields]
FROM [Src].[dbo].[MyTable] [MT_S]
JOIN [Src].[dbo].[FK_1] ON [MT_S].[FK_ID1] = [FK_1].[ID]
JOIN [Dest].[dbo].[FK_1] [FK_1_D] ON [FK_1].[Name] = [FK_1_D].[Name]
) [SRC] ON 1 = 0
VALUES ([DataField1],[FL_ID1],[LotsMoreFields])
OUTPUT [SRC].[SrcID],INSERTED.[ID],0,N'MyTable' INTO [Dest].[dbo].[ChangeTracking]([Src_ID],[Dest_ID],[AlreadyExists],[TableName]);


Index and primary key in large table that doesn't have an Id column

I'm looking for guidance on the best practice for adding indexes / primary key for the following table in SQL Server.
My goal is to maximize performance mostly on selecting data, but also in inserts.
[IndicatorId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, -- this is a foreign key
[UnixTime] [bigint] NOT null,
[Value] [decimal](15,4) NOT NULL,
[Interval] [int] NOT NULL
The table will have over 10 million rows. Data is batch inserted between 5-10 thousand rows at a time.
I frequently query the data and retrieve the same 5-10 thousand rows at a time with SQL similar to
SELECT [UnixTime]
FROM [IndicatorValue]
WHERE [IndicatorId] = 'xxx GUID xxx'
AND [Interval] = 2
ORDER BY [UnixTime]
SELECT [UnixTime], [Value]
FROM [IndicatorValue]
WHERE [IndicatorId] = 'xxx GUID xxx'
AND [Interval] = 2
ORDER BY [UnixTime]
Based on my limited knowledge of SQL indexes, I think:
I should have a clustered index on IndicatorId and Interval. Because of the ORDER BY, should it also include UnixTime?
As I don't have an identity column (didn't create one because I wouldn't use it), I could have a non-clustered primary key on IndicatorId, UnixTime and Interval, because I read that it's always good to have PK on every table.
Also, the data is very rarely deleted, and there are not many updates, but when they happen it's only on 1 row.
Any insight on best practices would be much appreciated.

Recommended SQL Server table design for file import and processing

I have a scenario where files will be uploaded into a database table (dbo.FileImport) with each line of the file in a new row. Each row will contain the line data and the name of the file it came from. The file names are unique but may contain a few million lines. Multiple file's data may exist in the table at one time.
Each file is processed and the results are stored in a separate table. After processing the data related to the file, the data is deleted from the import table to keep the table from growing indefinitely.
The table structure is as follows:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FileImport] (
[FileName] VARCHAR (100) NOT NULL,
[LineData] NVARCHAR (300) NOT NULL
During the processing the data for the relevant file is loaded with the following query:
SELECT [LineData] FROM [dbo].[FileImport] WHERE [FileName] = #FileName
And then deleted with the following statement:
DELETE FROM [dbo].[FileImport] WHERE [FileName] = #FileName
My question is pertaining to the table design with regard to performance and longevity...
Is it necessary to have the [Id] column if I never use it (I am concerned about running out of numbers in the Identity eventually too)?
Should I add a PRIMARY KEY Constraint to the [Id] column?
Should I have a CLUSTERED or NONCLUSTERED index for the [FileName] column?
Should I be making use of NOLOCK whenever I query this table (it is updated very regularly)?
Would there be concern of fragmentation with the continual adding and deleting of data to/from this table? If so, how should I handle this?
Any advice or thoughts would be much appreciated. Opinionated designs are welcome ;-)
Update 2017-12-10
I failed to mention that the lines of a file may not be unique. So please take this into account if this affects the recommendation.
An example script in the answer would be an added bonus! ;-)
Is it necessary to have the [Id] column if I never use it (I am
concerned about running out of numbers in the Identity eventually
It is not necessary to have an unused column. This is not a relational table and will not be referenced by a foreign key so one could make the argument a primary key is unnecessary.
I would not be concerned about running out of 64-bit integer values. bigint can hold a positive value of up to 36,028,797,018,963,967. It would take centuries to run out of values if you load 1 billion rows a second.
Should I add a PRIMARY KEY Constraint to the [Id] column?
I would create a composite clustered primary key on FileName and ID. That would provide an incremental value to facilitate retrieving rows in the order of insertion and the FileName leftmost key column would benefit your queries greatly.
Should I have a CLUSTERED or NONCLUSTERED index for the [FileName]
See above.
Should I be making use of NOLOCK whenever I query this table (it is
updated very regularly)?
No. Assuming you query by FileName, only the rows requested will be touched with the suggested primary key.
Would there be concern of fragmentation with the continual adding and
deleting of data to/from this table? If so, how should I handle this?
Incremental keys avoid fragmentation.
Here's the suggested DDL for the table:
CREATE TABLE dbo.FileImport (
, LineData NVARCHAR (300) NOT NULL
Here is a rough sketch how I would do it
CREATE TABLE [FileImport].[FileName] (
[FileName] VARCHAR (100) NOT NULL
alter table [FileImport].[FileName]
add constraint pk_FileName primary key nonclustered (FileId)
create clustered index cix_FileName on [FileImport].[FileName]([FileName])
CREATE TABLE [FileImport].[LineData] (
[FileId] VARCHAR (100) NOT NULL,
[LineData] NVARCHAR (300) NOT NULLL.
constraint fk_LineData_FileName foreign key (FileId) references [FileImport].[FileName](FIleId)
alter table [FileImport].[LineData]
add constraint pk_FileName primary key clustered (FileId, LineDataId)
This is with some normalization so you don't have to reference your full file name every time - you probably don't have to do (in case you prefer not to and just move FileName to second table instead of the FileId and cluster your index on (FileName, LeneDataId)) it but since we are using relational database ...
No need for any additional indexes - tables are sorted by the right keys
Should I be making use of NOLOCK whenever I query this table (it is
updated very regularly)?
If your data means anything to you, don't use it, It's a matter in fact, if you have to use it - something really wrong with your DB architecture. The way it is indexed SQL Server will use Seek operation which is very fast.
Would there be concern of fragmentation with the continual adding and
deleting of data to/from this table? If so, how should I handle this?
You can set up a maintenance job that rebuilds your indexes and run it nightly with Agent (or what ever)

SQL Server - Order Identity Fields in Table

I have a table with this structure:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[cl](
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[NIF] [numeric](9, 0) NOT NULL,
[Name] [varchar](80) NOT NULL,
[Address] [varchar](100) NULL,
[City] [varchar](40) NULL,
[State] [varchar](30) NULL,
[Country] [varchar](25) NULL,
Primary Key([ID],[NIF])
Imagine that this table has 3 records. Record 1, 2, 3...
When ever I delete Record number 2 the IDENTITY Field generates a Gap. The table then has Record 1 and Record 3. Its not correct!
Even if I use:
It does not solve my problem becuase it will set the ID of the next inserted record to 1. And that's not correct either because the table will then have a multiple ID.
Does anyone has a clue about this?
No database is going to reseed or recalculate an auto-incremented field/identity to use values in between ids as in your example. This is impractical on many levels, but some examples may be:
Integrity - since a re-used id could mean records in other systems are referring to an old value when the new value is saved
Performance - trying to find the lowest gap for each value inserted
In MySQL, this is not really happening either (at least in InnoDB or MyISAM - are you using something different?). In InnoDB, the behavior is identical to SQL Server where the counter is managed outside of the table, so deleted values or rolled back transactions leave gaps between last value and next insert. In MyISAM, the value is calculated at time of insertion instead of managed through an external counter. This calculation is what is giving the perception of being recalcated - it's just never calculated until actually needed (MAX(Id) + 1). Even this won't insert inside gaps (like the id = 2 in your example).
Many people will argue if you need to use these gaps, then there is something that could be improved in your data model. You shouldn't ever need to worry about these gaps.
If you insist on using those gaps, your fastest method would be to log deletes in a separate table, then use an INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger to perform the inserts with your intended keys by first looking for records in these deletions table to re-use (then deleting them to prevent re-use) and then using the MAX(Id) + 1 for any additional rows to insert.
I guess what you want is something like this:
create table dbo.cl
SurrogateKey int identity(1, 1)
primary key
not null,
ID int not null,
NIF numeric(9, 0) not null,
Name varchar(80) not null,
Address varchar(100) null,
City varchar(40) null,
State varchar(30) null,
Country varchar(25) null,
unique (ID, NIF)
I added a surrogate key so you'll have the best of both worlds. Now you just need a trigger on the table to "adjust" the ID whenever some prior ID gets deleted:
create trigger tr_on_cl_for_auto_increment on dbo.cl
after delete, update
update dbo.cl
set ID = d.New_ID
from dbo.cl as c
inner join (
select c2.SurrogateKey,
row_number() over (order by c2.SurrogateKey asc) as New_ID
from dbo.cl as c2
) as d
on c.SurrogateKey = d.SurrogateKey
Of course this solution also implies that you'll have to ensure (whenever you insert a new record) that you check for yourself which ID to insert next.

Whats the difference between Primary key in table definitions vs. unique clustered index

What is the difference between defining the PK as part of the table definition vs. adding it as a unique clustered index. Using the example below, both tables show up as index_id 1 in sys.indexes, but only table1 has is_primary_key=1
I thought this was the same, but SSMS only shows the key-symbol on table1
USE [IndexVsHeap]
-- Clustered index table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table1](
[LogDate] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL,
[Database_Name] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
[Cached_Size_MB] [decimal](10, 2) NULL,
[Buffer_Pool_Percent] [decimal](5, 2) NULL
CONSTRAINT [PK_LogDate_DatabaseName] PRIMARY KEY(LogDate, Database_Name)
-- Table as heap, PK-CI added later, or did i?
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table2](
[LogDate] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL,
[Database_Name] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
[Cached_Size_MB] [decimal](10, 2) NULL,
[Buffer_Pool_Percent] [decimal](5, 2) NULL
-- Adding PK-CI to table2
CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [PK_LogDate_Database_Name] ON [dbo].[Table2]
[LogDate] ASC,
[Database_Name] ASC
SELECT object_name(object_id), * FROM sys.index_columns
WHERE object_id IN ( object_id('table1'), object_id('table2') )
SELECT * FROM sys.indexes
WHERE name LIKE '%PK_LogDate%'
To all intents and purposes there is no difference here.
A unique index would allow null but the columns are not null anyway.
Also a unique index (though not constraint) could be declared with included columns or as a filtered index but neither of those apply here as the index is clustered.
The primary key creates a named constraint object that is schema scoped so the name must be unique. An index must only be named uniquely within the table it is part of.
I would still opt for the PK though to get the visual indicator in the tooling. It allows other developers (and possibly code) to more easily detect what is the unique row identifier.
Also remember that while a table can have only one PK, it could have multiple unique indexes (although only one can be clustered).
I can see where you might want to cluster on information that is unique in some meaningful way but might want to have a separate autogenerated nonclustered PK to make joins faster than joining on the automobile VIN number, for instance. That is why both are available.
Primary key is a key that identifies each row in a unique way (it's a unique index too). It could be clustered or not but it's highly recommended to be clustered. If it is clustered, data is stored based on that key.
A unique clustered index is a unique value (or combination of values) and the data is stored based on that index.
What's the advantage of a clustered index? if you have to an index scan (scan the whole index), data is stored together so it's faster.

I can I make this query run faster

I have a table that can be simplified to the below:
Create Table Data (
DATAID bigint identity(1,1) NOT NULL,
VALUE1 varchar(200) NOT NULL,
VALUE2 varchar(200) NOT NULL,
Among others, this index exists:
The table has about 9 million rows with mostly sparse data in VALUE1 and VALUE2.
The query Select Count(*) from DATA takes about 30 seconds. And the following query takes 1 minute and 30 seconds:
Select Count(*) from DATA Where VALUE1<>VALUE2
Is there any way I can make this faster? I basically need to find (and update) all rows where VALUE1 is different from VALUE2. I considered adding a bit field called ISDIFF and update that via a Trigger whenever the value fields are updated is updated. But then I need to create an index on the bit field and select WHERE ISDIFF=1.
Any help will be appreciated.
PS: Using MS SQL Server 2008
