IncludeNativeBool Codename One - codenameone

I'm not sure if this is a bug but it only happens with the constant includeNativeBool true after switching themes, once I navigate through menus it shows up, I highlighted it with red as you can see in the picture below. I want to deactivate that pop up on the top. Is this a constant which is making this pops up at the top?
obs: Android Device


Background transparency turn to black on Android

I'm building a form as a menu, because the demand is a menu that come from the top. So I've build my form with a BoxLayout Y, set the backgroud transparency of to 0 with the theme and added a container with my menuItems inside. A Cover-Uncover transition to add some menu feeling and the form is complete.
On Ipad (cropped):
The result is pretty good, but I have a big problem on Android : the transparency work during the transitions, but when the in transition is over, all the transparency turn to black. I've tried on Android 4.4.2 (old archos tablet) and on Android 8.0 (brand new P20 lite smartphone).
On Android while transition is active :
On Android after transition
Is it a way to show the previous form on Android ? Or even a sidemenu swipable from the top ?
Forms can't have transparency. There is nothing behind them. If there was we'd need to keep in memory every form you ever showed because you could reference forms in code and set them to transparent on the fly. Form is a special case top level component when you show it, it's the end of the line.
You can accomplish this with a Dialog or an InteractionDialog both of which work similarly. In fact the side menu bar code is just an InteractionDialog.

Codename One - Crash due to TextFields

I had my app working just fine a few days ago and then I noticed the first problem. I had to tap twice in order to make a button go to the next screen. Also happened to the checkBoxes. Had to tap twice to make them change.
But now it got serious. Since yesterday when I tap on a TextField the app freezes and then crashes.
The only significant changes I remember I did were 2: I uploaded an image for the App Icon and I edited the TitleArea UIID. I removed the TOP and BOTTOM margins. It also affected some of my label and button UIID, because now they don't show on the device
When I run the simulator, the doble tap also occurs, but the TextFields work fine and the Button and Label UIID look the way they should.
Any ideas why this happens?
I am right now working with old versions to try to determine the reason, but no luck so far. Thanks
Use a solid color rather than a gradient with the same colors. Gradients are slow and problematic across platforms so you are paying a lot for something that you aren't even using.
We'll need a better test case to reproduce crashing, I think that what you initially saw when you submitted the issue was a regression in the text input that we since resolved in the build servers.

Textbox and Combo box not showing background color from theme

I have a project in the play store created with version 3.2 at end of October. Today I rebuilt the project to add new features. When I deployed it to Android I noticed the following 4 issues.
1. The push notification icon is a solid white square. It was my icon in the past.
2. The initial screen form is incorrect as it goes into the android soft buttons at the bottom of the page.
3. The theme for my combo box is not showing. Just see thru to background.
4. The text field background is also just using the background instead of the white.
I tried building in latest, 3.2 and 3.1 with no differences. I reverted all code to the release in October with no help.
I submitted the IOS build and everything is fine.
The simulator shows everything is fine.
I tried many times to figure out why this is happening and have not been able to.
I need 10 reputation points to post more than 2 links so, I'm only showing 2 screen shots. Let me know if you want the others.
Please see the following:
This image shows the edit and dropdown issue
This is the current play store version of the edit and dropdown
Any ideas on how can I fix these issues? For the text field I use my own style (it does get the boarder but not the background). The notification icon, I don't see how anything I can do would affect this.
Thank you
-- Edited --
I did manage to get these working again.
I was setting the background color using the theme background tab and setting a gradient with upper and lower the same color. I changed this to NONE, then in the color tab set the background color.
Notification needed a new icon as specified by Chen. In my case the app icon is basically a square and doesn't transfer well to a notification icon.
The last was the nexus 9 initial screen painting into the bottom navigation control. This is still happening and is easily reproduced by making a new hello world codename one app with no changes.
Are you using the android.asyncPaint=false build hint?
I understand some issues occurred with it although I doubt you would see them if you are using the versioned build.
Setting the background color using the theme background tab and setting a gradient with upper and lower the same color didn't work.
Change this to NONE, then in the color tab set the background color.

Focus indicator on a Microsoft droplist combo box not showing (sometimes)

I have a legacy application that uses Win32 (not MFC) to create graphical screens. One of the control types we use is a combo box with the droplist style (using the new Common Controls module). We have discovered a very strange thing about this control lately.
If I start the application with a mouse click, the focus indicator on the droplist does not show! This can be done using the Start->Run dialog (click OK after filling in the program to run). This can be done using a desktop shortcut (double-click). This can be done by clicking the Go button in Visual Studio 2010 to debug the program. Our user discovered this by using a small Delphi app that acts similar to Start->Run (fill in an entry field of a program to execute, and press a Launch button). If you click the Launch button, the focus indicator is missing.
If I start the application with a keypress, the focus indicator shows! Again, Start->Run dialog (but press Enter to activate the OK button). Desktop shortcut (single click to highlight the icon, then press Enter to activate it). F5 from within Visual Studio. Even the Delphi app - if you tab to the Launch button, and press Space or Enter, our application starts and shows the focus indicator on the drop list.
I have tried to create a small MFC application with just a drop list, and have started that application in all the ways described above. However, this small application always shows the focus indicator of the drop list, regardless of how I start it.
I have examined the styles of both drop lists (on my small application, as well as my actual application). They are slightly different, but changing the style of my small MFC app to match my desktop app doesn't change the behavior. Nor does changing my desktop app to match the style of the small MFC app change the behavior of my desktop app.
I modified my desktop application to require the user to press Enter after the main window is displayed, but before any graphical controls are shown. This causes the focus indicator to now show!
I have found that, when debugging my desktop app, if I set a breakpoint after the main window is shown, but before any controls are drawn, and then press F5 to continue, the focus indicator now shows. But if I click the Go button instead, the focus indicator does not show.
It seems like interacting with the keyboard somehow causes the focus indicator to show.
Note that a drop list combo box looks like a push button with a small down-arrow on the right hand side. The focus indicator is a dashed line near the inside border of the button.
I have struggled with this issue for two days now, with no indication that I am getting closer to an answer. So any insight into what may be causing this will be much appreciated.
The first comment to the question provided a partial answer. Changing the Control Panel setting for keyboard accelerators also causes the focus indicator to show, regardless of how the application is started. However, I believe this is only a partial answer.
When the CP setting is off, keyboard accelerators are supposed to show once you have pressed the Alt key. My understand, based on the blog post that Jonathon Potter linked to, is that focus indicators should show up once the keyboard is used. Entering text into an entry field probably doesn't count as "using the keyboard", but I would expect tabbing between controls to count as such.
Also, if the CP setting is off, the behavior of my application is different, depending on whether I start the application with a mouse click or a key press.
In summary, I find the behavior inconsistent. Perhaps it is correct. I find it hard to say.

WPF Window that only shows in TaskBar

I'm not sure if what I want to do is appropriate, so I'll explain a little.
We've got a large application that takes a while to load. So we have a splash screen.
The Splash screen causes excessive load time on Remote Desktop (terminal server).
So to alleviate this, we want to hide the splash screen when loading on RDP.
But we still need to at least show the user that the application is loading.
So, I was thinking perhaps just show something in the Taskbar (not the system tray), as it will disappear once the application is fully loaded (and be replaced by the main form's Task icon).
However any WPF solution I've looked at, requires a visible form/window to go with the Taskbar status.
Is there any way of showing something in the Taskbar without showing a WPF window?
Or is there another way of showing application load status without something on the screen?
We had same problem.
On remote desktop, we did following steps...
We configured the Splash window to not allow resizing and have only Minimize and Close button.
We removed WindowStyle=None setting so that title bar of the Splash window appeared
We made the Splash window's width and height zero. This way all you see on screen is a small blue rectangle of the title bar with Text "Loading... Please Wait ..." and minimize and Close button.
We used Window's kernel calls to disable title bar's Close button too. This way user was not able to cancel the Splash window.
So all a user could do is to minimize or restore from taskbar.
When restored, all he sees is a title bar's blue rectangle with "Loading..." text. This way the window also claimed its place on the task bar but hid its splash animation and user is also aware that the splash screen is loading. For this you can also update the Title bar's text by appending more fullstops ...
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I do think you need to look into the root cause of your issue. Possibly looking at threading and parallelism.
However, a simple solution to what you are asking would be to just create a hidden window. One that is transparent, no borders or anything. It could even bet set to a size of 0, 0. That way you would be able to get the taskbar item that you require.
