I have an array of url's of images the user selected from the photo library. Is there a quick way to get those assets (they'll never be more than 5) from the photo library without iterating over all the users photos (which in my test is really slow).
Here is the code I am using now:
func loadCollectionView() {
let options = PHFetchOptions()
//options.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "favorite == YES")
options.sortDescriptors = [
NSSortDescriptor(key: "creationDate", ascending: true)
let results = PHAsset.fetchAssets(with: .image, options: options)
var assets: [PHAsset] = []
results.enumerateObjects { (object, _, _) in
if let asset = object as? PHAsset {
let manager = PHImageManager.default()
for thisAsset in assets {
thisAsset.getPHAssetURL(completionHandler: {(assetURL) in
if let strAssetURL = assetURL?.absoluteString {
if self.arrImagePaths.contains(strAssetURL) {
manager.requestImage(for: thisAsset, targetSize: CGSize(width: 80.0, height: 80.0), contentMode: .aspectFit, options: nil, resultHandler: {(thisImage, _) in
self.arrImageViews.append(UIImageView(image: thisImage))
getPHAssetURL is an extension that extracts the url from the asset.
So what I am looking for is a match between assetURL?.absoluteString and the strings in my array.
Having checked the docs, I think if you want to get info of only a single selected PHAsset, you can try this:
func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [String : Any]) {
guard let asset = info[UIImagePickerControllerPHAsset] as? PHAsset else { return }
let localId = asset.localIdentifier
//Save this variable in your model.
If you have implemented multi-photo selection in a collectionview, you'd have to check their docs to see how to fetch the PHAssets for the selected media. But it should be quite easy.
Then with your var localIds: [String] you can try this:
let options = PHFetchOptions()
options.sortDescriptors = [
NSSortDescriptor(key: "creationDate", ascending: true)
let results = PHAsset.fetchAssets(withLocalIdentifiers: localIds, options: options)
Note that you can perform further filtering with predicates in your fetch request based on the keys here.
I have API response with nested array . But I can't understand how can I remove whole Dict by filtering the value .
This is the response screenshot
here is the json Resonse :- https://del.dog/lofavofogo.json
I have tried this but I don't know how to get filter nested value and remove whole dict at specific index
How to remove pairs from dictionary at specific index - Swift?
I want to remove the dict where section name are "NA"
Here is the code :-
Model Class For API Response :-
class filterclass: NSObject {
var classesID : String?
var classname : String?
var section = [filterSections]()
init(json: [String: Any]) {
if let classname = json["class"] as? String {
self.classname = classname
if let classesID = json["classesID"] as? String {
self.classesID = classesID
if let evUserGoing = json["classsection"] as? [[String: Any]] {
if self.section.count > 0
for evUser in evUserGoing {
// print("evUser",evUser)
let userGoing = filterSections(json: evUser)
for sec in section {
let section = sec.secctionname
let setionID = sec.sectionID
class filterSections: NSObject {
var sectionID : String?
var secctionname : String?
var isSelctedSection : Bool = false
init(json: [String: Any]) {
if let sectionID = json["sectionID"] as? String {
self.sectionID = sectionID
if let secctionname = json["section"] as? String {
self.secctionname = secctionname
API POST Method TO hit API :-
func getClassSectionAPI() {
if ReusableClass.sharedInstance.isNetworkAvailable() == true
let UUid = LoginUserInfo.sharedInstance.uuid!
let dictionary = ["uuid":UUid,"device_id":devicetoken,"school_id":LoginUserInfo.sharedInstance.schoolId!, "user_type":LoginUserInfo.sharedInstance.usertype!]
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
if let jsonData = try? encoder.encode(dictionary) {
if let jsonString = String(data: jsonData, encoding: .utf8) {
// print(jsonString)
let cipher:String = CryptoHelper.encrypt(input:jsonString)!;
let NewEncryption = "data=\(cipher)"
let hmac_md5 = cipher.hmac(algorithm: .sha512, key: kHMACKey)
UserDefaults.standard.set(hmac_md5, forKey: Headerkey)
Singleton.sharedInstance.getWebservicesverify(params: NewEncryption, Methodname: KFilterClassSection, data: Stringnil)
{ (result) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if result != nil
do {
let jsonData = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: result)
if let json = String(data: jsonData, encoding: .utf8) {
let Dict = function.convertToDictionary(text: json)! as NSDictionary
guard let data = Dict[KData] as? String
self.baseDict = data
catch {
guard let output = CryptoHelper.decrypt(input:self.baseDict)
let mainDict = function.convertToDictionary(text: output)! as NSDictionary
let status = mainDict[KStatus] as! NSInteger
if(status == 1)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
print("Main dict",mainDict)
guard let messageArray = mainDict["data"] as? [[String: Any]] else{
if self.arrayClasSection.count > 0
print("Main dict",messageArray)
for arr in messageArray {
let obj = filterclass.init(json: arr)
if let index = self.arryFilterTemperary.index(where: { $0.classname == obj.classname }) {
// let filtered = self.arryFilterTemperary.filter { $0.classname == "NA" }
obj.section = self.arryFilterTemperary[index].section
for sec in self.arryFilterTemperary[index].section {
let section = sec.sectionID
let sectionName = sec.secctionname
self.NASection = sec.secctionname!
self.selectedNASectionID = sec.sectionID!
// let test = self.arryFilterTemperary[index].section.filter { !$0.value.contains("") }
// print(test)
I want to append the data to array but before appending I want to
filter that "NA" value dict from the array
Since this is your first question I go to some greater length in answering it than usual. Playgrounds are an exceptional way to demonstrate your problem, so you should always try to compose your questions in a form of one. I will post my answer directly from the Playground I have done.
With that out of the way lets get to the question. Your main problem seems to be that you tried an ill fated JSONSerialization "shortcutt" route. This looks cheap from the outside, but working with the unavoidable optionality of a [String:Any] comes at a high cost in a language like Swift. The way to go is the brilliant Codable protocol, at least in my opinion. Once you define your data structure properly Xcode has so much more possibilities to guide you through the APIs that writing your filter code becomes a piece of cake.
Enough of the ranting, let's get to the pizza.
import UIKit
let dataStr = """
"message":"Class and sections list",
"class":"Pre Nursery",
"class":"Fourth four",
"class":"sixth 6th",
struct Section: Codable {
let section, sectionId, classesId: String
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case sectionId = "sectionID"
case classesId = "classesID"
case section
struct Class1: Codable {
let classsection: [Section]
let clazz, classesId: String
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case classsection
case clazz = "class"
case classesId = "classesID"
struct Response: Codable {
let status: Int
let message: String
let data: [Class1]
func filterSections(notMatching filterVal: String) -> Response {
let filteredData = data.map { (clazz) -> Class1 in
let filteredSections = clazz.classsection.filter { (sect) -> Bool in
sect.section != filterVal
return Class1(classsection: filteredSections, clazz: clazz.clazz, classesId: clazz.classesId)
return Response(status: status, message: message, data: filteredData)
let jsonData = dataStr.data(using:.utf8)!
do {
let res = try JSONDecoder().decode(Response.self, from: jsonData)
let filteredResponse = res.filterSections(notMatching: "NA")
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.outputFormatting = .prettyPrinted
print(String(data:try encoder.encode(filteredResponse), encoding: .utf8)!)
} catch {
As you can see your data structure is easily defined and the filtering code is really easy to understand once you wrap your head around the lambdas (which you should). The playground will output nicely formatted JSON as an answer, this way it is easy to check that your code does the right thing without all the messy parts of asynchronous communication (which are still nicely done in Swift).
Here's my last tipp of the day: Always try to isolate your problem as much as possible if you post a question on StackOverflow. I think your question carried too much legacy, you should whittle it down for the next one. This will improve your chances for a quick answer.
I am trying to implement a comment section on each feed post in my app using swift and firebase, but am having trouble with the code that will get the comments. In my function it is returning a empty array of messageComments but I do not know what I am doing wrong. If I want my firebase database structure to look like that in the picture how can I implement the code that will download those comments in an array?
func getFeedMessages(handler: #escaping (_ feedMessages:[FeedMessages]) -> ()){
var feedMessagesArray = [FeedMessages]()
var commentArray = [messageComments]()
REF_FEEDMESSAGES.observeSingleEvent(of: .value) { (feedMessagesSnapshot) in
guard let feedMessagesSnapshot = feedMessagesSnapshot.children.allObjects as? [DataSnapshot] else {return}
for messages in feedMessagesSnapshot {
let content = messages.childSnapshot(forPath: "content").value as? String ?? "Joe Flacco is an elite QB"
let icon = messages.childSnapshot(forPath: "icon").value as? String ?? "none"
let color = messages.childSnapshot(forPath: "color").value as? String ?? "bop"
self.REF_FEEDCOMMENTS.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (feedCommentsSnapshot) in
guard let feedCommentsSnapshot = feedCommentsSnapshot.children.allObjects as? [DataSnapshot] else {return}
for comments in feedCommentsSnapshot {
commentArray.append((comments.childSnapshot(forPath: "comments").value as? messageComments!)!)
print(" comment: ")
let messages = FeedMessages(content: content, color: color, icon: icon, comments: commentArray)
If you also have the same data structure, there would be no need for another request for the comments since they are nested in the feed messages. This will only require some simple parsing, which can be made easier to read and understand with a few extensions.
extension DataSnapshot {
var string: String? {
return value as? String
var childSnapshots: [DataSnapshot] {
return children.allObjects as? [DataSnapshot] ?? []
func child(_ path: String) -> DataSnapshot {
return childSnapshot(forPath: path)
These two extensions take care of the snapshot operations needed to initialize the objects.
extension MessageComments {
convenience init(snapshot: DataSnapshot) {
self.comments = snapshot.childSnapshots.map { $0.string }
extension FeedMessages {
convenience init(snapshot: DataSnapshot) {
self.color = snapshot.child("color").string ?? "bop",
self.comments = MessageComments(snapshot: snapshot.child("comments"))
self.content = snapshot.child("content").string ?? "Joe Flacco is an elite QB",
self.icon = snapshot.child("icon").string ?? "none",
Just map the children snapshots to initialize each of them as a FeedMessages object.
func getFeedMessages(handler: #escaping (_ feedMessages: [FeedMessages]) -> ()) {
REF_FEEDMESSAGES.observeSingleEvent(of: .value) {
handler($0.childSnapshots.map { FeedMessages(snapshot: $0) })
I have parsed data from a JSON object that I received from an API call. As of now, I can print the JSON data in the debugger console, however I am trying to convert the parsed JSON back into data that can be displayed in the UI. I have two models, and an example of a JSON object looks as such:
"query": "milk",
"sort": "relevance",
"responseGroup": "base",
"totalResults": 693,
"start": 1,
"numItems": 10,
"items": [{
"itemId": 10291863,
"parentItemId": 10291863,
"name": "Carnation Vitamin D Added Evaporated Milk, 12 oz",
"msrp": 1.79,
"salePrice": 1.48
I only want to display information that details the name and salePrice keys. However since the JSON is nested I don't know how to reach to that layer in order to retrieve the values. Here is my data model code:
struct Item: Codable {
let query: String
let sort: String
let responseGroup: String
let totalResults: Int
let start: Int
let numItems = 25
let items: [Product]
struct Product: Codable {
let name: String
let salePrice: Double
Code to my ViewController:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var itemField: UITextField!
#IBAction func filterButton(_ sender: Any) {
var components = URLComponents()
components.scheme = "http"
components.host = "api.walmartlabs.com"
components.path = "/v1/search"
let queryItemKey = URLQueryItem(name: "apiKey", value: secretKey)
var queryItemQuery = URLQueryItem(name: "query", value: itemField.text)
components.queryItems = [queryItemKey, queryItemQuery]
let searchURL = components.url
//Task to make API Network Call
guard let url = components.url else { return }
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data, response, error) in
if error != nil {
guard let data = data else { return }
//Implement JSON decoding and parsing
do {
//Decode retrived data with JSONDecoder and assing type of Item object
let productData = try JSONDecoder().decode(Item.self, from: data)
} catch let jsonError {
override func viewDidLoad() {
The print log shows the following when I run my code (again, I only want to show the name and salePrice values. Is there a way I can place these values in an array or convert these values in a way I can populate my UI with? Thanks in advance.
Create a data source array
var products = [Product]()
After parsing the data assign the products array to the data source array and reload the table view
let productData = try JSONDecoder().decode(Item.self, from: data)
self.products = productData.items
DispatchQueue.main.async {
In numberOfRowsInSection return products.count
In cellForRow get the current product and assign the values to labels
let product = products[indexPath.row]
cell.textLabel!.text = product.name
cell.detailTextLabel!.text = "\(product.salePrice)"
You can try a simple loop:
for product in productData.items {
print("\(product.name) : \(product.salePrice)")
or in a closure way:
productData.items.forEach { print("\($0.name) : \($0.salePrice)") }
In fact your products are already in an array: productData.items
EDIT after comments
You can map your fields to get each values in separate arrays:
let names = productData.items.map { $0.name }
let salePrices = productData.items.map { $0.salePrice }
I currently have a custom UICollection which loads a users video library from their camera roll. Now I am currently able to add all the videos into an array; and it prints out the correct count of videos; however my UICollection is not displaying all of my videos in my library (which amounts to 119). Anyone have any clue why this would be occurring?
Here is my code:
struct Media {
var image:UIImage?
var videoURL:NSURL?
var mediaArray = [Media]()
func grabPhotos(){
let imgManager = PHImageManager.default()
let requestOptions = PHImageRequestOptions()
requestOptions.isSynchronous = true
requestOptions.deliveryMode = .highQualityFormat
let fetchOptions = PHFetchOptions()
fetchOptions.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(key: "creationDate", ascending: false)]
if let fetchResult : PHFetchResult = PHAsset.fetchAssets(with: .video, options: fetchOptions) {
if fetchResult.count > 0 {
for i in 0..<fetchResult.count{
var mediaItem = Media()
//Used for fetch Image//
imgManager.requestImage(for: fetchResult.object(at: i) as PHAsset , targetSize: CGSize(width: 400, height: 400), contentMode: .aspectFit, options: requestOptions, resultHandler: {
image, error in
let imageOfVideo = image! as UIImage
mediaItem.image = imageOfVideo;
//Used for fetch Video//
imgManager.requestAVAsset(forVideo: fetchResult.object(at: i) as PHAsset, options: PHVideoRequestOptions(), resultHandler: {(avAsset, audioMix, info) -> Void in
if let asset = avAsset as? AVURLAsset {
let videoData = NSURL(string: "\(asset.url)")
let duration : CMTime = asset.duration
let durationInSecond = CMTimeGetSeconds(duration)
mediaItem.videoURL = videoData!
//showAllertToImportImage()//A function to show alert
And my cellForItemAt
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell
let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: cellId, for: indexPath) as! VideoSelectionCVCell
cell.uploadedFile.image = mediaArray[indexPath.row].image
return cell
& Within my viewWillAppear I have the following creating the UICollection:
let flowLayout = UICollectionViewFlowLayout()
let collectionView = UICollectionView(frame: self.view.bounds, collectionViewLayout: flowLayout)
collectionView.register(VideoSelectionCVCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: cellId)
collectionView.delegate = self
collectionView.dataSource = self
collectionView.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
I think what is occurring is the screen is loading before the grabPhotos() occurs; and the grabPhotos() doesn't finish until the after the screen is loaded. I also have my UICollection being created in the viewWillAppear, so that would make it a private occurrence (if I'm correct). So I guess to fix this, I would need to make the UICollectionView public, but how would I do that if I am doing it programmatically + creating it in my View Will Appear?
There are a couple different ways you can solve this I think.
Move your remote image loading into cellforitemat
Add your collection view in Viewdidload, then at the end of the function call grabphotos.
In your grabphotos functions, call collectionView.reloadData() after you have the fetchResult.
Move imgManager.requestImage into cellforitem. This way you are only loading each image as the cells are rendered. The user isn't waiting for all the images to load before the collectionView is updated. You can add a prefetch if you are concerned about performance.
Use a DispatchGroup
If you really really want to load all the images before updating the collectionView, you can create a DispatchGroup to track the image downloads and then update the collectionView after it's all done.
struct Media {
var image:UIImage?
var videoURL:NSURL?
var mediaArray = [Media]()
let loadContentGroup = DispatchGroup()
func grabPhotos(){
loadContentGroup.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main) { [weak self] in
guard let `self` = self else { return }
let imgManager = PHImageManager.default()
let requestOptions = PHImageRequestOptions()
requestOptions.isSynchronous = true
requestOptions.deliveryMode = .highQualityFormat
let fetchOptions = PHFetchOptions()
fetchOptions.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(key: "creationDate", ascending: false)]
if let fetchResult : PHFetchResult = PHAsset.fetchAssets(with: .video, options: fetchOptions) {
if fetchResult.count > 0 {
for i in 0..<fetchResult.count{
var mediaItem = Media()
//Used for fetch Image//
imgManager.requestImage(for: fetchResult.object(at: i) as PHAsset , targetSize: CGSize(width: 400, height: 400), contentMode: .aspectFit, options: requestOptions, resultHandler: {
image, error in
let imageOfVideo = image! as UIImage
mediaItem.image = imageOfVideo;
//Used for fetch Video//
imgManager.requestAVAsset(forVideo: fetchResult.object(at: i) as PHAsset, options: PHVideoRequestOptions(), resultHandler: {(avAsset, audioMix, info) -> Void in
if let asset = avAsset as? AVURLAsset {
let videoData = NSURL(string: "\(asset.url)")
let duration : CMTime = asset.duration
let durationInSecond = CMTimeGetSeconds(duration)
mediaItem.videoURL = videoData!
//showAllertToImportImage()//A function to show alert
I am trying to load data in JSON format from my server into IOS application.
Here is my JSON:
"BankName": "bank1",
"CurrencyName": "cur1",
"SellRate": "0.65",
"BuyRate": "0.55",
"OfficialRate": "0.6"
"BankName": "bank1",
"CurrencyName": "cur2",
"SellRate": "1.65",
"BuyRate": "1.55",
"OfficialRate": "1.6"
There are 2 files in my project:
import Foundation
class Shot {
var bankName: String!
var currencyName: String!
var sellRate: String!
var buyRate: String!
var offRate: String!
init (data: NSDictionary) {
self.bankName = getStringFromJSON(data, key:"BankName")
self.currencyName = getStringFromJSON(data, key:"CurrencyName")
self.sellRate = getStringFromJSON(data, key:"SellRate")
self.buyRate = getStringFromJSON(data, key:"BuyRate")
self.offRate = getStringFromJSON(data, key: "OfficialRate")
func getStringFromJSON(data: NSDictionary, key: String) -> String {
if let info = data[key] as? String{
return info
return ""
import Foundation
class JsonTest {
func loadJson(completion: ((AnyObject) -> Void)!) {
var urlString = "http://a.com/g.php"
let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
let sourceUrl = NSURL(string: urlString)
var task = session.dataTaskWithURL(sourceUrl!){
(data, response, error) -> Void in
if error != nil {
} else {
var error: NSError?
var jsonData = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: .MutableContainers, error: &error) as NSArray
var shots = [Shot]()
for shot in jsonData{
let shot = Shot(data: shot as NSDictionary)
println(shots) //[jsontest.Shot, jsontest.Shot]
I am trying to populate array automatically when my app starts. To do it I have a code in my mainViewController class.
override func viewDidLoad() {
let api = JsonTest()
The problem occurs when I try to print shots variable in the second file.
it returns [jsontest.Shot, jsontest.Shot] when I was expecting the array of dictionaries.
println(jsonData) works fine and shows JSON data from URL.
Can anybody advise what is wrong in my program?
"shots" is an array of instances of Shot, not a dictionary:
class Shot {
var bankName: String!
var currencyName: String!
var sellRate: String!
var buyRate: String!
var offRate: String!
init (data: NSDictionary) {
self.bankName = getStringFromJSON(data, key:"BankName")
self.currencyName = getStringFromJSON(data, key:"CurrencyName")
self.sellRate = getStringFromJSON(data, key:"SellRate")
self.buyRate = getStringFromJSON(data, key:"BuyRate")
self.offRate = getStringFromJSON(data, key: "OfficialRate")
func getStringFromJSON(data: NSDictionary, key: String) -> String {
if let info = data[key] as? String{
return info
return ""
var shots = [Shot]()
let urlString = "http://almazini.lt/getrates.php"
let sourceUrl = NSURL(string: urlString)
// Using NSData instead of NSURLSession for experimenting in Playground
let data = NSData(contentsOfURL: sourceUrl!)
var error: NSError?
// As I'm using Swift 1.2 I had to change "as" with "as!"
let jsonData = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options: .MutableContainers, error: &error) as! NSArray
for shot in jsonData{
let shot = Shot(data: shot as! NSDictionary)
Update for Swift 2
var shots = [Shot]()
let urlString = "http://almazini.lt/getrates.php"
// Using NSData instead of NSURLSession for experimenting in Playground
if let sourceUrl = NSURL(string: urlString) {
NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithURL(sourceUrl, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) in
if error == nil {
if let data = data, jsonData = try? NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: []), jsonArray = jsonData as? [NSDictionary] {
for item in jsonArray {
let shot = Shot(data: item)
} else {
print("no JSON data")
} else {
Seems like there are two problems:
You're trying to use println to debug instead of setting a breakpoint and checking your objects values.
You have not created a description or debugDescription property for your object, so println on your object is just using some default implementation.
shots is an array of your custom object, so when you call println, it's using the description for Array, which prints out the objects in the array, comma separated, and within square brackets.
The default description property for classes in Swift just prints the class name.
Ideally, you should just use a break point to check the values of your object to be certain it initialized correctly, but if it's actually important to get them to print right, it's only a matter of implementing the description property:
override var description: String {
get {
// build and return some string that represents your Shot object