Messenger ref parameter is not passed to dialogflow - facebook-messenger

I'm trying to connect messenger bot and dialogflow.
The idea is - when you click on the button, service is redirecting you to the me link
then dialoglflow receives initial_message_with_param as message and fullfilment can generate the response.
Sending messages works at all but unfortunately, ref param doesn't.
Do you have any ideas why ref param is ignored on Dialogflow side?

Been few months, but i just came across here.
Under the "Edit Page Subscription Fields" in Messaging > Webhook in Facebook developers, you need to enable messaging_referrals to receive referral payload calls.


Is it possible to send me a Discord private message when an user confirm a form sending in my website?

I would like to be able to get Discord private message when an user wants to send me a message through my personal website. There is a form inside my website, how can I do this on the onClick button "Send" ?
Look into WebSockets. SocketIO has the most support and documentation however for this simple task you can get away with implementing this using the ws package in nodejs.
Make sure the Discord Bot is the Server & the frontend is the Client.

How to enable/disable chatbot from Facebook Messenger

I have successfully built a chatbot rasa app to connect with Facebook Messenger. The bot is responsible for replying user's message instead of the admin page. I want something more flexible. Users can enable/disable chatbot. When users disabled chatbot they will chat with the admin page instead (The bot will not listen until it is turned on again)
Is there a way to do this?
To pause the conversation with the bot, if the user asks to be handed off to a human, you can write a rule that executes a custom action when that intent is triggered, which returns a ConversationPaused event. That way the bot stops listening to the user, and a person from your admin page can reply. There is a ConversationResumed event in that link which you can use to resume the conversation with the bot again.

Facebook Messenger Bot cannot send message to a given ID not working

I want to send message to a user any time using facebook messenger API.
I'm using developer version of messaging app and has not submitted for review yet.
We are two friends both as developer in the app. I want when my friend sends message to my page, Bot replies and a copy of message sent by friend comes to my inbox. But when I tried api throws following error.
{"error":{"message":"(#100) Parameter error: You cannot send messages to this id","type":"OAuthException","code":100,"fbtrace_id":"HRTLdvidA4u"}}
Is there any solution.

Messenger parameter not received on webhook

I'm trying to pass parameter via link but for some reason it doesn't work. The webhook I get from the server doesn't contains the "referral" field.
I tried to re-subscribe to the web hook but it didn't help.
A video with the full flow of sending the parameters and the webhook response -
It turned out that if the page is unpublished the referral field parameters are not passed in the webhook.
Publishing the page solved the problem

Receive slack bot messages via requests to external URL

Is it possible to receive direct messages on behalf of a slack bot via POST requests to a certain domain?
I want to have an endpoint in Google App Engine that receives incoming direct messages from Slack via POST requests, and posts messages back via the API. Is it possible?
You can use the new Events API. Create a bot, subscribe to events, and set your endpoint as the callback URL
You just need to set up an "outgoing webhook"in slack and point it to whatever endpoint you need on your GAE server. In order to respond just use an "incoming webhook" to receive the answer.
