react navigation sidebar close issue when quickly click menu - reactjs

I'm using react navigation (sidebar) in react native project, but when I click quickly on sidebar menu sidebar doesn't close but background scene is changing. In this way I'm navigating to scene. Even the same issue found on kitchen sink app as the I'm following same.


How can I implement carousel as in fb stories react js

Can anybody give me any source, How can I implement a react carousel like facebook stories? with the nav button effect that I have marked in the image.

React custom responsiveness and position of modal dialogue on page load

Currently working on a React project, with styled-components. I am trying to make my modal responsive. Like when the page loads, the modal should be fixed just below the "add event" button.
Sadly, it is but when I change screen size, it does NOT move with that button or the page, and remains at that fixed position for different screens, like a normal modal does
Click to view Image
I have tried changing the margins and position, still no difference. The Modal remains as a fixed overlay and is not responsive with the page components.

BottomSheet is not responds to background component once it is opened in react-native

I am new to React-native currently trying to use Gorhom Bottom Sheet
my initial snap point is
snapPoints={[scaleHeight(350), scaleHeight(600)]}
so it is always open but the component which is in the background of bottom is not pressable and also when I navigate to other pages the bottom sheet remains opened in react native. Please help to resolve this.

How to create Modal screen in react native

How to create Modal screen in react native something like the video
If you are using React Navigation for your app you can achieve it by following the link bellow.
React Navigation (Opening Full Screen Modal)

How can I display a popup on parent window from an iframe which contains a react app

I have a chatbot running on some port. I have integrated it inside an iframe in a website. Is there any way to display an popup or modal outside of that iframe when clicking some link inside that chatbot?
There is a very cool concept in react called React Portal which allow you to render your component on any specific element even outside of your Root App.js component.
