Function looping when zero is entered - c

I have a user_get_movement_index function that prompts user to enter a position 0 to 8 as part of a tic-tac-toe game.
This movement index is passed to is_position_empty where it determines if the movement index is invalid or the movement index is already taken, both shows an error message and returns false to trigger a recursion of user_get_movement_index.
Functions loop correctly when the same number is entered twice, and behave as expected when any other number is entered but 0.
The problem is when 0 is entered its causes a loop of the error message of invalid position.
I don't understand how it can be looping from within is_position_empty.
How is it not prompting user for input on each loop?
Why is 0 causing this loop?
Is it because we are comparing 0 < 0 in is_position_empty?
I'm new to C and stack overflow so please forgive my formatting, understanding and terrible code.
// 05. FUNCTION my_getchar (IMPLEMENTED)
char my_get_char() {
//1. We create the variable to be returned
char res = ' ';
//2. We create an extra variable to consume any other characters entered until a return is pressed
boolean line_consumed = False;
char dummy_char = ' ';
//3. We consume the first char entered, i.e., the one we are interested at
res = getchar();
//4. While still there are remaining characters
while (line_consumed == False) {
//4.1. We consume the next character
dummy_char = getchar();
//4.2. If the new character is the end of line one, we can ensure we have consumed the entire line.
if (dummy_char == '\n')
line_consumed = True;
//5. We return res
return res;
// 06. FUNCTION is_position_empty
boolean is_position_empty(game* g, int pos) {
//1. We create the variable to be returned
boolean res = False;
//2. We check if the index is a valid one and if the board is empty at that index.
//If it is valid and free, we return True.
//Otherwise, we return False and write a warning message.
int row= pos/3;
int column = pos%3;
if (pos<0 || pos>8){
printf("\t Invalid Position. Try again!\n\n");
return res;
else if (g->board[row][column]=='X' || g->board[row][column]=='O'){
printf("\t This postion is already busy. Try Again!\n\n");
return res;
return res;
// 07. FUNCTION user_get_movement_index
int user_get_movement_index(game* g) {
//2. We create a boolean variable to control that we have received a valid movement index.
boolean validMove=False;
//3. We create a char variable to control the index we are receiving by keyboard.
char indexChar;
int indexInt;
//We print a message asking for a new movement.
printf(" Enter a position 0 to 8: ");
//We call to my_get_char to get the index and we convert it to an integer.
//We call to is_position_empty to check that the index is a valid one.
validMove=is_position_empty(g, indexInt);
if (validMove==True)
return indexInt;
return user_get_movement_index(g);
Working Correctly
Working Correctly
I have boolean defined as the following:
enum Bool { False, True };
typedef enum Bool boolean;
When I initialise all elements of the matrix as 'a', the problem still persists.
When a valid movement is entered, process_movement function is called and it initialises the corresponding element of board to either an 'X' or 'O'.
char mark;
if (g->status==1)
int row = pos/3;
int column = pos%3;
By adding an extra printf within is_position empty, I can tell that the whole function is looping, but it seems to not be exiting is_position_empty as the printf from the function it returns to user_get_movement is not being printed. How is this possible? There is only a loop in user_get_movement and none in is_position_empty, and only loops for 0?

the following proposed code:
is missing the main() function
is missing the function to determine if there was a winner and whom won
is missing the definition of game
does not have any unexpected looping
avoids the problem caused by having a 'recursive' function
and now the proposed code:
#include <stdio.h> // getchar()
#include <stdbool.h> // bool, true, false
#include <ctype.h> // isdigit()
// prototypes
int my_get_char( void );
bool is_position_empty(game* g, int pos);
int user_get_movement_index(game* g);
// 05. FUNCTION my_getchar (IMPLEMENTED)
int my_get_char()
//1. We create the variable to be returned
//3. We consume the first char entered, i.e., the one we are interested at
int res = getchar();
//4. While still there are remaining characters
while ( '\n' != getchar() );
//5. We return res
return res;
// 06. FUNCTION is_position_empty
bool is_position_empty(game* g, int pos)
//2. We check if the index is a valid one and if the board is empty at that index.
//If it is valid and free, we return True.
//Otherwise, we return False and write a warning message.
int row= pos/3; = 0
int column = pos%3; = 0
if (pos<0 || pos>8)
printf("\t Invalid Position. Try again!\n\n");
return false;
else if (g->board[row][column]=='X' || g->board[row][column]=='O')
printf("\t This postion is already busy. Try Again!\n\n");
return false;
return true;
// 07. FUNCTION user_get_movement_index
int user_get_movement_index(game* g)
//3. We create a char variable to control the index we are receiving by keyboard.
int indexInt;
//We print a message asking for a new movement.
printf(" Enter a position 0 to 8: ");
//We call to my_get_char to get the index and we convert it to an integer.
indexInt = my_get_char();
if( isdigit( indexInt ) )
indexInt -= '0';
printf( "entry was not in the inclusive range: 0...8\n" );
//We call to is_position_empty to check that the index is a valid one.
} while( !is_position_empty(g, indexInt) );
return indexInt;


Function is returning 1 instead of a value?

I am writing a Queue data structure and I am not able to retain the value of the integer in the array once the value is returned in the stack. The pop function is doing exactly what it needs to do but why doesn't main get that information? What am I missing? malloc?
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
int QUE[20];
const int EMPTY = -1;
int position = -1;
int retrieve = 0;
//push, append to front of array
bool push(int num) {
if (position >= 20) return false;
position += 1;
QUE[position] = num;
return true;
//pop from top of array
bool pop() {
if(QUE[retrieve] == 0) return false;
int hold = QUE[retrieve];
retrieve ++;
return hold;
// First in first out
int main() {
int t;
//why does pop equal 1
while ((t = pop()) != 0) {
printf("t = %d\n",t);
You're trying to pass two different kinds of information – a boolean state 'the pop succeeded' and an integer value popped from the queue – within the same value. That's bad; and the mismatch led you to declaring the return type as bool, which causes the resulting value of t being either zero or one (as a conversion of false or true, respectively, to the int type).
Try to split the action into testing and fetching phase, like:
bool anyItemInQueue()
return _add_appropriate_condition_here_;
int main()
while( anyItemInQueue() )
int t = pop();
.... // use t here
or pass another variable to receive another value:
bool pop(int *result)
if( anyItemInQueue() )
*result = QUE[retrieve];
.... // some housekeeping here
return true; // success status
return false; // failure status
int main()
int t;
while( pop( & t ) ) // point at t to receive the popped value
.... // use t here
It is because any non zero value is being converted to bool true and then to integer. The integer value of the bool true is 1
Your code has undefined behavior.
Let's consider for example the function push
//push, append to front of array
bool push(int num) {
if (position >= 20) return false;
position += 1;
QUE[position] = num;
return true;
and let's also assume for simplicity that the array QUE has only one element that is it is declared like
int QUE[1];
In this case the queue can only contain one pushed value due to the capacity of the array.
So after a first call of push like
push( 0 );
you will have that position is equal to 0 and the queue contains the value 0.
If to call the function a second time like for example
push( 1 );
the condition within the function
if (position >= 1) return false;
will not evaluate to true because the current value of position is 0. As a result the function will try to write the value 1 into the invalid location of the array QUE[1].
The array contains only one element but the function allows to write one more element.
Now let's consider the function pop
bool pop() {
if(QUE[retrieve] == 0) return false;
int hold = QUE[retrieve];
retrieve ++;
return hold;
and the same queue that already contains only one element equal to 0 (See the previous call push( 0 )).
As the condition of the if statement
if(QUE[retrieve] == 0) return false;
evaluates to true (the queue indeed contains the value 0 pushed on the queue early) then the function will return false as if the queue is empty though it is not empty.
So and this function is invalid.
Moreover in the loop in main
while ((t = pop()) != 0) {
printf("t = %d\n",t);
it seems you are trying to output values stored in the queue. However the function does not return such values. Due to the return type bool that is a typedef for the C standard type _Bool any returned value is converted either to 0 or 1.
So the program is in whole wrong.

Count occurences of a subarray in a bigger array using recursion

I have to write a recursive function that counts how many times a short array s2 is present in a bigger array s1 without overlapping. I'm allowed to use more than one function that can help me but they have to be all recursive function. For example:
#define n 10
#define p 2
OUTPUT: 2 (we see s2 two times in s1)
I thought about writing a recursive function that tells me if there is at least one occurence then use this function in another recursive function that counts the number of occurences. So this is what I wrote:
//Initially pos1=0 and pos2=0
int find(int *s1,int *s2,int pos1,int pos2){
return 0;
return pos1;
return pos1;
return find(s1,s2,pos1+1,0);
Then I wrote the second recursive function that is supposed to count the number of occurences:
// Initially occ(s1,s2,0);
int occ(int *s1,int *s2,int memo){
if(memo==n){ //end of s1
return 0;
return 1+occ(s1+memo,s2,memo+p);
The idea behind it is to verify if there is at least one occurence if there is an occurence then count it and redo the verification for the remaining part of s1 until the end.
The problem is that the code of the second function doesn't work at all and I can't find a way to fix it.
So how can I write a second recursive function that COUNTS the number of occurences using the function find() written above?
From the OP's comment
It works if s1[n]={0,0,0,3,4,0,0,0,3,4,0,0,0,3,4,0,0,0,3,4}; and s2[p]={3,4}. Indeed the output is 4. But if s2[p]={0,0} the output is 0 which is not correct.
This is because, when s2={0,0} the find() function returns pos1 = 0 as the subset is present at the very beginning and thus in occ() function if(find(s1+memo,s2,memo,0)) evaluates to be false and terminates the function without returning any value and this invokes undefined behavior
This can be avoided by returning any number other than 0 but it must not be the any valid position value in the array s1.
Since position cannot be negative number, I've chosen -1
See the following code to know how to avoid it :
#include <stdio.h>
#define n 10
#define p 2
int s1[n]={0,2,3,23,54,1,8,23,54,1};
int s2[p]={23,54};
//find function
int find(int* s1,int* s2,int pos) //only used `pos` instead of `pos1`, removed `pos2`
if(pos > n-2)
return -1; //returns `-1` upon reaching the end of the code
if(*(s1+pos) == *(s2+0)) //check at `s1+pos`
if(*(s1+(pos+1)) == *(s2+1)) //check next element `s1+pos+1`
return pos; //if both true return `pos`
return find(s1,s2,pos+1); //else recursively find in the rest of the array
return find(s1,s2,pos+1); // recursively find in the rest of the array
//occurence function
int occ(int *s1, int *s2,int memo)
if(memo == -1) //if end of the array, end adding occurrences by returning 0
return 0;
memo = find(s1, s2, memo); //scan position into memo
if(memo != -1) //if not end of the array i.e, `-1` add to occurrence
return 1+occ(s1,s2,memo+2);
return 0; //else return 0 and recursion would end in next call as memo is -1
//main function
int main(void)
printf("%d",occ(s1,s2,0)); //just to see the output
output :
2 //true as {23,54} occur two times
when input is : (compile time)
#define n 20
#define p 2
output :
4 //true as {0,0} occurs at 0,5,10,16

Printing an array of structs in C

I'm trying to print an array of structs that contain two strings. However my print function does not print more than two indices of the array. I am not sure why because it seems to me that the logic is correct.
This is the main function
const int MAX_LENGTH = 1024;
typedef struct song
char songName[MAX_LENGTH];
char artist[MAX_LENGTH];
} Song;
void getStringFromUserInput(char s[], int maxStrLength);
void printMusicLibrary(Song library[], int librarySize);
void printMusicLibraryTitle(void);
void printMusicLibrary (Song library[], int librarySize);
void printMusicLibraryEmpty(void);
int main(void) {
// Announce the start of the program
printf("%s", "Personal Music Library.\n\n");
printf("%s", "Commands are I (insert), S (sort by artist),\n"
"P (print), Q (quit).\n");
char response;
char input[MAX_LENGTH + 1];
int index = 0;
do {
printf("\nCommand?: ");
getStringFromUserInput(input, MAX_LENGTH);
// Response is the first character entered by user.
// Convert to uppercase to simplify later comparisons.
response = toupper(input[0]);
const int MAX_LIBRARY_SIZE = 100;
if (response == 'I') {
printf("Song name: ");
getStringFromUserInput(Library[index].songName, MAX_LENGTH);
printf("Artist: ");
getStringFromUserInput(Library[index].artist, MAX_LENGTH);
else if (response == 'P') {
// Print the music library.
int firstIndex = 0;
if (Library[firstIndex].songName[firstIndex] == '\0') {
} else {
printMusicLibrary(Library, MAX_LIBRARY_SIZE);
This is my printing the library function
// This function will print the music library
void printMusicLibrary (Song library[], int librarySize) {
bool empty = true;
for (int i = 0; (i < librarySize) && (!empty); i ++) {
empty = false;
if (library[i].songName[i] != '\0') {
printf("%s\n", library[i].songName);
printf("%s\n", library[i].artist);
} else {
empty = true;
I think the problem is caused due to setting : empty = true outside the for loop and then checking (!empty) which will evaluate to false. What I am surprised by is how is it printing even two indices. You should set empty = false as you are already checking for the first index before the function call.
The logic has two ways to terminate the listing: 1) if the number of entries is reached, or 2) if any entry is empty.
I expect the second condition is stopping the listing before you expect. Probably the array wasn't built as expected (I didn't look at that part), or something is overwriting an early or middle entry.
you gave the definition as:
typedef struct song
char songName[MAX_LENGTH];
char artist[MAX_LENGTH];
the later, you write if (library[i].songName[i] != '\0') which really seems strange: why would you index the songname string with the same index that the lib?
so I would naturally expect your print function to be:
// This function will print the music library
void printMusicLibrary (Song library[], int librarySize) {
for (int i = 0; i < librarySize; i ++) {
printf("%s\n%s\n\n", library[i].songName,
note that you may skip empty song names by testing library[i].songName[0] != '\0' (pay attention to the 0), but I think it would be better not to add them in the list (does an empty song name make sens?)
(If you decide to fix that, note that you have an other fishy place: if (Library[firstIndex].songName[firstIndex] == '\0') with the same pattern)

C - scanf doesn't stop looping in string input

i'm making a small test to see if a word is inside another, and i want to return the index where that word begins.
Example: if i check "um" inside "amolum" the return value should be 4(position of the leter "u" where the word begins.
This is what my code looks like:
int cad_look_str (char s1[], char s2[]) {
int indS1 = 0, indS2 = 0;
while (s1[indS1]!='\0'|| s2[indS2]!='\0') {
if (s1[indS1]==s2[indS2]) {
else indS1=0;
if (s2[indS2]=='\0' && s1[indS1]!='\0') return -1;
else return indS2-strlen (s1);
void main () {
char s[100];
char s1[100];
scanf ("%s",s);
scanf ("%s",s1);
printf ("%d \n", cad_look_str(s1,s) );
The problem is that when i compile this, it doesn't stop looping on scanf... It just continues to ask for strings.
If i put cad_look_str(s1,s1) on the last line, it works fine... Why is this happening?
Your initial loop condition will never terminate if the first characters don't match your comparison test within your if statement.
The 'while' loop checks to ensure the current character positions (both 0 on first pass) are non-terminators. If they're not, and they're not equal, indS1 is reset to its starting position. indS2 never changes, thus the while condition is unchanged.
Might look at some other string functions to accomplish your task unless the scanning is a mandatory component for some reason.
Index of second string should be incremented in the else part also.
if (s1[indS1]==s2[indS2])
indS1++; indS2++;
else {
changed cad_look_str() for situations like s1 : gdgddadada, s2 : dadada
int cad_look_str (char s1[], char s2[]) {
int indS1 = 0, indS2 = 0;
int flag = 0;
while (s1[indS1]!='\0'&& s2[indS2]!='\0') {
if (s1[indS1]==s2[indS2]) {
flag = 1;
if(flag) indS2--; // to work with srtrings s1: gdgddadada s2: dadada
flag = 0;
if (s2[indS2]=='\0' && s1[indS1]!='\0') return -1;
else return indS2-strlen (s1);

Parsing code for GPS NMEA string

i am trying to parse the incoming GPGGA NMEA GPS string using Arduino uno and below code.
What i am trying to do is that i am using only GPGGA NMEA string to get the values of Latitude, longitude and altitude.In my below code, i had put certain checks to check if incoming string is GPGGA or not, and then store the further string in a array which can be further parsed suing strtok function and all the 3 GPS coordinates can be easily find out.
But i am unable to figure out how to store only GPGGA string and not the further string.I am using a for loop but it isn't working.
I am not trying to use any library.I had came across certain existing codes like this.
Here is the GPGGA string information link
i am trying to have following functionlity
i) Check if incoming string is GPGGA
ii) If yes, then store the following string upto EOL or upto * (followed by checksum for the array) in a array, array length is variable(i am unable to find out solution for this)
iii) Then parse the stored array(this is done, i tried this with a different array)
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(10,11); // 10 RX / 11 TX
void setup()
void loop()
uint8_t x;
char gpsdata[65];
char c =;
if(c == '$')
{char c1 =;
if(c1 == 'G')
{char c2 =;
if(c2 == 'P')
{char c3 =;
if(c3 == 'G')
{char c4 =;
if(c4 == 'G')
{char c5 =;
if(c5 == 'A')
while (gpsdata[x] == '\r' || gpsdata[x] == '\n')
Serial.println("Not a GPGGA string");
Edit 1:
Considering Joachim Pileborg, editing the for loop in the code.
I am adding a pic to show the undefined output of the code.
Input for the code:
After a quick check of the linked article on the NMEA 0183 protocol, this jumped out at me:
<CR><LF> ends the message.
This means, that instead of just read indiscriminately from the serial port, you should be looking for that sequence. If found, you should terminate the string, and break out of the loop.
Also, you might want to zero-initialize the data string to begin with, to easily see if there actually is any data in it to print (using e.g. strlen).
You could use some functions from the C library libnmea. Theres functions to split a sentence into values by comma and then parse them.
Offering this as a suggestion in support of what you are doing...
Would it not be useful to replace all of the nested if()s in your loop with something like:
EDIT added global string to copy myString into once captured
char globalString[100];//declare a global sufficiently large to hold you results
void loop()
int chars = mySerial.available();
int i;
char *myString;
if (chars>0)
myString = calloc(chars+1, sizeof(char));
myString[i] =;
//test for EOF
if((myString[i] == '\n') ||(myString[i] == '\r'))
//pick this...
myString[i]=0;//strip carriage - return line feed(or skip)
//OR pick this... (one or the other. i.e.,I do not know the requirements for your string)
myString[i+1] = //get remaining '\r' or '\n'
myString[i+2]=0;//add null term if necessary
if(strstr(myString, "GPGGA") == NULL)
Serial.println("Not a GPGGA string");
strcpy(globalString, "");//if failed, do not want globalString populated
{ //EDIT
strcpy(globalString, myString);
//free(myString) //somewhere when you are done with it
Now, the return value from mySerial.available() tells you exactly how many bytes to read, you can read the entire buffer, and test for validity all in one.
I have a project that will need to pull the same information out of the same sentence.
I got this out of a log file
import serial
import time
ser = serial.Serial(1)
read_val = ("nothing")
def buffThis(s):
global megabuffer
megabuffer +=s
def buffLines():
global megabuffer
return megalist
def readcom():
read_val =
for l in lines:
if l.startswith("$GPGGA"):
if l[:len(l)-3].endswith("*"):
while 1==1:
answer=raw_input('not looping , CTRL+C to abort')
The result is this:
Using "malloc" every single time you read a string is an enormous amount of computational overhead. (And didn't see the corresponding free() function call. Without that, you never get that memory back until program termination or system runs out of memory.) Just pick the size of the longest string you will ever need, add 10 to it, and declare that your string array size. Set once and done.
There are several C functions for getting substrings out of a string, strtok() using the coma is probably the least overhead.
You are on an embedded microcontroller. Keep it small, keep overhead down. :)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define bool int
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
//To trim a string contains \r\n
void str_trim(char *str){
if(*str == '\r' || *str == '\n'){
*str = '\0';
* To parse GNSS data by header and the index separated by comma
* $GPGSV,1,1,03,23,39,328,30,18,39,008,27,15,33,035,33,1*5A
* $GNRMC,170412.000,V,,,,,,,240322,,,N,V*2D
* $GNGGA,170412.000,,,,,0,0,,,M,,M,,*57
* #data_ptr the pointer points to gps data
* #header the header for parsing GPGSV
* #repeat_index the header may repeat for many lines
* so the header index is for identifying repeated header
* #token_index is the index of the parsing data separated by ","
* the start is 1
* #result to store the result of the parser input
* #result bool - parsed successfully
bool parse_gnss_token(char *data_ptr, char *header, int repeat_index, int token_index, char *result) {
bool gnss_parsed_result = FALSE; // To check GNSS data parsing is success
bool on_header = FALSE;
// For header
int header_repeat_counter = 0;
int header_char_index = 0; // each char in header index
// For counting comma
int counted_token_index = 0;
// To hold the result character index
bool data_found = FALSE;
char *result_start = result;
char header_found[10];
while (*data_ptr) {
// 1. Packet start
if (*data_ptr == GNSS_PACKET_START) {
on_header = TRUE;
header_char_index = 0; // to index each character in header
data_found = FALSE; // is data part found
// 2. For header parsing
if (on_header) {
if (*data_ptr == GNSS_TOKEN_SEPARATOR || header_char_index >= GNSS_HEADER_LENGTH) {
on_header = FALSE;
} else {
header_found[header_char_index] = *data_ptr;
if (header_char_index == GNSS_HEADER_LENGTH - 1) { // Now Header found
header_found[header_char_index + 1] = '\0';
on_header = FALSE;
if (!strcmp(header, header_found)) {
// Some headers may repeat - to identify it set the repeat index
if (header_repeat_counter == repeat_index) {
//printf("Header: %s\r\n", header_found );
data_found = TRUE;
// 3. data found
if (data_found) {
// To get the index data separated by comma
if (counted_token_index == token_index && *data_ptr != GNSS_TOKEN_SEPARATOR) {
// the data to parse
*result++ = *data_ptr;
gnss_parsed_result = TRUE;
if (*data_ptr == GNSS_TOKEN_SEPARATOR) { // if ,
counted_token_index++; // The comma counter for index
// Break if the counted_token_index(token_counter) greater than token_index(search_token)
if (counted_token_index > token_index) {
// Appending \0 to the end
*result = '\0';
// To trim the data if ends with \r or \n
// Input data
return gnss_parsed_result;
int main()
char res[100];
char *nem = "\
printf("Parsing GNRMC\r\n");
for(int i=1;i<=16;i++){
parse_gnss_token(nem, "GNRMC", 0, i, res);
printf("Index: %d, Result: %s\r\n", i, res);
printf("Parsing GNVTG (First Parameter)\r\n");
// GNVTG - Header, 0 - Repeat Index(if header is repeating), 1 - Value Index,
parse_gnss_token(nem, "GNVTG", 0, 1, res);
printf("\r\nGNVTG: %s\r\n", res);
return 0;
